11 research outputs found

    Tomographic computational tool for concrete discontinuities identification using ultrasonic testing with synthetic data / Ferramenta informática tomográfica para identificação de descontinuidades do betão utilizando testes ultra-sónicos com dados sintéticos

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    The presence of pathologies in concrete structures is a major problem for civil engineering, in particular when they are not located on the object surface. In this regard, digital tomographic reconstruction techniques have proved to be a great ally for the study of the internal structure of materials. Thus, this work aims to develop a computational tool combining tomographic techniques with the ultrasonic pulse velocity test to identify non-homogeneities within concrete structures. With this aim, the essential mathematical background for a better understanding of the tomographic problem, and the necessary steps for computational implementation are presented. The tomographic reconstruction algorithm was implemented in MatLab. To verify the effectiveness of the developed code, six simulated specimens were used representing internal sections of elements with discontinuities of different sizes and locations. Pulse propagation time vectors have been developed for horizontal, vertical, and composite reading configurations. To study the mesh dependency, meshes of 5cm x 5cm and 2.5cm x 2.5cm were used. The developed algorithm was able to create tomograms of the internal structure of the proposed elements. The results obtained both in terms of location and dimensioning of the discontinuities were best represented by the 2.5cm x 2.5cm mesh

    Análise da microssilica como suplemento cimentício / Analysis of the influence of partial replacement of cement by micro silica

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    Distintas adições químicas e minerais são utilizadas na mistura do concreto para aprimorar suas propriedades e reduzir o consumo de cimento, cuja produção apresenta alto impacto ambiental. Dentre estas, encontra-se a microssílica que é um resíduo industrial. A influência de quantidades variáveis desta adição à mistura do concreto como substituição parcial do cimento na resistência mecânica à compressão, trabalhabilidade e porosidade foi alvo deste estudo. Os resultados demonstraram que a sílica ativa promoveu redução da trabalhabilidade e que o teor ótimo de substituição em 9%, onde houve ganho de resistência mecânica à compressão, havendo redução devido ao efeito de afastamento para incrementos superiores a esse teor ótimo

    Modelos de regressão aplicados na caracterização de argamassas leves contendo agregados não convencionais de EVA e fibras de piaçava

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    A indústria da construção civil tem um grande potencial para a reciclagem de resíduos mediante a incorporaçãodesses materiais como agregados. O resíduo de EVA (Etileno-Acetato de Vinila) vem sendo utilizadocomo uma alterativa na produção de compósitos cimentícios leves em conjunto com fibras vegetais de Attaleafunifera Martius (piaçava), como reforço. Neste trabalho, procurou-se modelar as propriedades mecânicasde resistência à compressão, resistência à tração e módulo de deformação de argamassas contendo agregadosnão convencionais como EVA e fibras de piaçava. Foi utilizado um modelo de regressão polinomial com trêsvariáveis explicativas para modelar cada propriedade mecânica, utilizando como variáveis independentes asporcentagens de EVA e fibras presentes na mistura, e a relação água/cimento do material. A qualidade deajuste dos modelos foi avaliada por meio de testes hipótese, e por critérios estatísticos, dentre deles Shapiro-Wilk, Durbin-Watson, Breusch-Pagan, coeficientes de determinação R2 e critério PRESS (Prediction ErrorSum of Squares). Os resultados indicam que os modelos construídos reproduzem satisfatoriamente o comportamentodo material. Por meio de simulações realizadas com os modelos propostos, constatou-se que a fibrade piaçava pode ser utilizada como reforço para melhorar as propriedades de resistência à tração e módulo dedeformação para a argamassa, dessa forma, foi possível identificar uma proporção ótima entre os agregados.Palavras-chave: Modelos de Regressão, Análise Multivariada, Resistência Mecânica, Argamassa Leve

    Influência da razão água/cimento na capacidade de suporte de carga de pastas cimentícias projetadas para impressão 3D

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    O princípio da impressão 3D é a construção de estruturas camada por camada a partir de um modelo digital. Os fatores de influência relacionados a viabilidade desta são, basicamente: as propriedades reológicas da mistura no estado fresco e a resistência mecânica no estado endurecido. Este estudo foca na reologia e capacidade de sobreposição de camadas de pastas cimentícias com diferentes teores de água. Pastas com razões de água/cimento (a/c) entre 0,28 e 0,32 foram testadas sobrepondo filamentos em camadas com um molde, e por ensaio de espalhamento (flow table). Os resultados mostram que as misturas com razão a/c de 0,28 apresentaram as propriedades reológicas aprimoradas para impressão. A capacidade de suporte de carga pode ser associada a um espalhamento na flow table inferior a 115 mm

    X Ray microtomography and image processing to obtain the concrete porosity

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de JaneiroO objetivo principal desse trabalho foi utilizar métodos não destrutivos (END), como a microtomografia com Raio X e técnicas de obtenção e processamento de imagens, para obtenção da porosidade do concreto. Foram utilizados dois métodos. Em um método as imagens foram obtidas por meio de microtomografia por Raio X e no outro foi utilizado um escâner comercial para obtenção das imagens. Essas imagens foram processadas por meio de técnicas de processamento de pixel e morfologia matemática. Os resultados obtidos para a porosidade foram comparados com resultado obtido por meio do método proposto pela NBR 9778 (2005) (Absorção de água, índice de vazios e massa específica em argamassa e concreto endurecido). As imagens microtomográficas das amostras de concreto foram obtidas num sistema Skyscan 1172 com 256 tons de cinza, ajustadas em contraste, binarizadas e filtradas. No outro método foi utilizado um Escâner Comercial com resolução de 2400 dpi para adquirir as imagens, sendo também utilizadas técnicas de processamento de pixel e morfologia matemática para processá-las. Os resultados dos valores da porosidade mostraram compatibilidade entre os dois métodos apresentados e o método proposto pela NBR 9778 (2005). Observou-se que os resultados obtidos por microtomografia foram mais confiáveis, mas o método utilizando o escâner comercial se apresentou como um método aceitável por seus resultados e principalmente por seu baixo custo e facilidade de operação.The main goal of this research was to use non-destructive methods (ND), like the X Ray microtomography and techniques to acquire and process images, to obtain the concrete porosity. There were presented two methods. In one of the methods the images were acquired through X Ray microtomography and in the other method there were used the commercial scanner to acquire the images. Those images were processed using techniques of pixel processing and mathematical morphology. The results to the porosity were compared with the result obtained through the method proposed by NBR 9778 (2005) (Absorção de água, índice de vazios e massa específica em argamassa e concreto endurecido). The microtomographed images of the concrete samples were obtained using a Skyskan 1172 system with 256 gray levels, adjusted in contrast, binarized and filtered. In the other method there were used a commercial scanner with 2400 dpi of resolution to acquire the images, being also used techniques of pixel processing and mathematical morphology to process them. The results have shown compatibility between the two presented methods and the method presented by NBR 9778 (2005). It was observed that the results obtained by microtomography were more reliable, but the method using the scanner is presented as an acceptable method for their results and especially for its low cost and ease of operation

    Assessing the flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams with bamboo splints co-assembled to steel rebars under three- and four-point flexural strength testing

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    Due to the environmental impact associated with steel production and its status as a non-renewable resource, there is a growing interest in studying the potential replacement of steel with bamboo in reinforced concrete elements. The objective of this research is to investigate the impact of incorporating bamboo splints on the mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete beams under different loading conditions, specifically three-point and four-point flexural loadings. It is worth noting that the choice of loading conditions in flexural testing can result in different responses in bamboo splint-reinforced beams, which is often not considered in existing literature. Both individual bamboo splints and a combination of bamboo with steel (as minimum flexural reinforcement) were utilized for flexural strengthening purposes. In three-point bending tests, the beams reinforced with bamboo and steel demonstrated superior performance compared to those reinforced solely with the minimum flexural reinforcement. However, an opposite trend was observed during the four-point bending tests. Beams reinforced with three bamboo splints, replacing the steel bars, exhibited comparable results to those of beams reinforced solely with steel, showing a slight increase of 1.4% in the three-point bending test and a decrease of 7.5% in the four-point bending test. Beams utilizing two bamboo splints as a substitute for structural reinforcement also yielded results comparable to those reinforced solely with steel, with a difference of 9.2%. These findings indicate that beams reinforced with bamboo splints co-assembled with steel rebars offer greater resistance against flexural forces and perform better when subjected to a three-point bending test

    Assessment of the Chemical Reactivity of Brazilian Stone Cutting Plant Waste into Cementitious Matrices

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    The problems generated by the ornamental stone extraction and processing industry caused by the inadequate disposal of this waste can negatively affect rivers, lakes, streams, and even natural water reservoirs. This study discusses and evaluates the potentiality and challenges of dimension stone waste (DSW) recycling generated from a Brazilian dimension stone processing industry in Portland cement formulations. Cement pastes with different amounts of DSW (10–30 wt.%), quartz (10 wt.%), and calcium carbonate (10 wt.%) were prepared and characterized in the fresh and hardened states. The results showed that DSW can be used in cement formulations, and its reactivity is governed by the size of the particles. With up to 10% DSW in place of cement, the samples had greater workability and compressive strength at 28 days compared with the reference mix. However, the strength was lower at early ages (3 and 7 days). When DSW is milled, the strength of the samples containing the waste matched the reference values at all ages, and the recommended replacement limit rose to 20%. On the other hand, the particle size reduction significantly decreased the workability. The use of DSW in cement-based formulations is encouraged due to the strong presence of stone processing and cement companies in Brazil and worldwide

    Assessment of the Chemical Reactivity of Brazilian Stone Cutting Plant Waste into Cementitious Matrices

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    The problems generated by the ornamental stone extraction and processing industry caused by the inadequate disposal of this waste can negatively affect rivers, lakes, streams, and even natural water reservoirs. This study discusses and evaluates the potentiality and challenges of dimension stone waste (DSW) recycling generated from a Brazilian dimension stone processing industry in Portland cement formulations. Cement pastes with different amounts of DSW (10–30 wt.%), quartz (10 wt.%), and calcium carbonate (10 wt.%) were prepared and characterized in the fresh and hardened states. The results showed that DSW can be used in cement formulations, and its reactivity is governed by the size of the particles. With up to 10% DSW in place of cement, the samples had greater workability and compressive strength at 28 days compared with the reference mix. However, the strength was lower at early ages (3 and 7 days). When DSW is milled, the strength of the samples containing the waste matched the reference values at all ages, and the recommended replacement limit rose to 20%. On the other hand, the particle size reduction significantly decreased the workability. The use of DSW in cement-based formulations is encouraged due to the strong presence of stone processing and cement companies in Brazil and worldwide