14 research outputs found

    Laboratory Rearing and Niche Resources of Pseudacteon spp. Coquillett (Diptera: Phoridae) Parasitoids of Solenopsis saevissima (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Solenopsis saevissima (Smith) is associated with a group of nine Pseudacteon Coquillett species in Brazil.Pseudacteon affinis Borgmeier, Pseudacteon dentiger Borgmeier and Pseudacteon disneyi Pesquero were created in a laboratory from parasitized workers of S. saevissima. The other phorid species grew only until the pupa phase due to low temperature and humidity when kept in a climatic chamber. Pseudacteon cultellatus Borgmeier was more efficient than the other species, taking 12 days to kill the host workers. Similar to the group of phorid species parasitizingSolenopsis invicta Buren, the daily period of activity and body size are important factors to be considered in the use of these natural enemies in future programs of biological control of S. saevissima


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    Abstract ∙ We quantified patterns of male and female parental care of the Rufous‐tailed Jacamar Galbula ruficauda during incubation and nestling feeding, over four breeding seasons in southern Goiás, Brazil. Reproduction in this species was seasonal, occurring during the transition between dry and wet seasons from September to November. Only females incubated overnight, but male and female shared incubation duties during the day, having similar length of incubation bouts (male = 45 ± 16 min vs. female = 47 ± 14 min; t = ‐0.56, P = 0.57). The nestling diet was composed exclusively of insects  ‐mainly flies, butterflies, and dragonflies‐  and males fed nestlings more often than females (male 59% vs. female 41%, χ2 = 1783, df = 1, P < 0.0001). The results confirm biparental care, with high levels of paternal care, especially during incubation, as predicted for tropical birds with a monogamous social mating system.Resumo ∙ Contribuições do macho e da fêmea no cuidado parental da Ariramba‐de‐cauda‐ruiva (Galbula ruficauda, Galbulidae) na região sul de Goiás, Brasil Nós quantificamos os padrões de cuidado parental do macho e da fêmea da Ariramba‐de‐cauda‐ruiva Galbula ruficauda durante a incubação dos ovos e a alimentação dos ninhegos ao longo de quatro períodos reprodutivos no sul de Goiás, Brasil. A reprodução nessa espécie foi sazonal, ocorrendo durante a transição entre as estações seca e úmida de setembro a novembro. Apenas as fêmeas incubaram os ovos durante a noite, mas macho e fêmea compartilharam as tarefas de incubação durante o dia, dedicando‐se de forma semelhante à incubação (macho = 45 ± 16 min vs. fêmea = 47 ± 14 min; t = ‐0.56, P = 0.57). A dieta dos ninhegos foi exclusivamente composta de insetos – principalmente moscas, borboletas e libélulas – e os machos alimentaram os ninhegos mais frequentemente do que as fêmeas (macho 59% vs. fêmea 41%, χ2 = 1783, df = 1, P < 0.0001). Os resultados confirmam o cuidado biparental, com altos níveis de cuidado paternal, principalmente durante a incubação, como previsto para aves tropicais com sistema de acasalamento monogâmico social

    Myrmecophily and Myrmecophagy of Attacobius lavape (Araneae: Corinnidae) on Solenopsis saevissima (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae)

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    Attacobius lavape, a small spider from the Corinnidae family, has been recently described living inside a fire ant colony of Solenopsis saevissima species in the municipality of Morrinhos, south region of the Goiás State, Brazil. Yet several aspects of this spider relationship with the host ant remain unknown. In this way, we performed an extension study to determine its local (Morrinhos) and regional (latitudinal transect) occurrence. We also investigated if the spider uses the host ant as a feeding source. For this, we established arenas with a known number of young and adult ant individuals plus one spider and observed the feeding rate for some determined time. Regarding local distribution, differently from most socially parasitic myrmecophiles, A. lavape showed high local infestation, being found in 47% of the colonies in the sites where the spider occurred, and high transmission, being found in 42% of the 12 collection sites. Regionally, among the 11 study sites, this species only occurred in the municipality of Morrinhos, but its distribution still needs to be verified in the north region. Attacobius lavape consumed eggs, larvae and pupae, confirming that the myrmecophily was explained by myrmecophagy. The spiders consumed eggs (not estimated), 4.45 ± 2.14 larvae and/or 3 ± 0.87 pupae per day. Considering that the mean abundance was approximately seven spiders per colony (extent 1-23), we foresee an impact of 35 larvae and/or 21 pupae consumed per day in each hosting colony. The possibility of consuming sexual eggs, larvae and pupae classifies A. lavape as a potential agent of biological control of S. saevissima

    Extreme weather events as agents of natural local extinction of bird populations in riparian forests

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    Natural history comprises important biological aspects in the establishment of public policies for biodiversity conservation. Climate change has expanded this challenge, making it necessary to evaluate and predict its negative impacts on biological systems. In this context, we evaluated the effect that floods have on the reproductive success of birds like the Amazonian motmot (Momotus momota), rufous-tailed jacamar (Galbula ruficauda), and swallow tanager (Tersina viridis) that nest on the banks of the Maria Lucinda stream in the municipality of Morrinhos, state of Goiás, Brazil. We identified, measured, and monitored 87 nests over five years. Predation represented the main cause of nest losses, with more significant rates for rufous-tailed jacamar (21%) and swallow tanager (21%). However, the record rain of October 2021 resulted in increased volume of the Maria Lucinda stream causing considerable losses of low-height nests, highlighting the vulnerability of this group of birds to climate change. The study emphasizes the need for stricter conservation policies of riparian forests — environments considered relevant in providing ecosystem services

    Litterfall Deposition and Decomposition in an Atlantic Forest in Southern Goiás

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    ABSTRACT Brazilian biomes have been severely threatened and their conservation depends on the knowledge of intrinsic ecological processes and correct phytophysiognomy identification of legal protection purposes. Litterfall deposition and decomposition patterns associated with taxonomic composition, climate, soil and relief can be considered important tools for vegetation typology. This study contributes to classifying the Natural Park of Morrinhos ( Parque Natural de Morrinhos - PNM), a forest fragment in the southern region of Goiás, using litterfall deposition and decomposition rates. The results show intense litterfall deposition at the end of the dry period and rapid decomposition in the rainy season (62%), requiring 494 days for total decomposition. The rapid litterfall decomposition rate (k = 1.42 year -1), cumulative annual deposition of 6.43 Mg ha-1 and the taxonomic composition of the vegetation contribute to the classification of PNM as a Semi-deciduous Seasonal Forest

    Caracterização e tratamento de águas cinza com fins não potáveis

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    O uso de águas cinza consiste no aproveitamento das águas de chuveiro, lavatórios, máquina de lavar roupas e louças mediante um sistema de tratamento. O reúso de água para qualquer fim depende de sua qualidade física, química e microbiológica. Com o objetivo de caracterizar as águas cinza quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos em uma residência no município de Morrinhos/GO, visando favorecer o seu reúso como alternativa de fonte hídrica e indicar processo de tratamento simplificado para melhoria da qualidade da água para reúso que não implique em manutenção sofisticada e onerosa. Foram avaliados os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Foram utilizados os Teste U de Mann-Whitney e de Wilcoxon do programa de estatística StatSoft, Inc. 1993 para a comparação dos dados. A água da máquina de lavar apresentou as melhores condições para ser reciclada. No tipo de tratamento adotado é importante a retrolavagem dos filtros para que seja alcançada uma melhor qualidade da água

    Laboratory Rearing and Niche Resources of Pseudacteon spp. Coquillett (Diptera: Phoridae) Parasitoids of Solenopsis saevissima (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Solenopsis saevissima (Smith) is associated with a group of nine Pseudacteon Coquillett species in Brazil.Pseudacteon affinis Borgmeier, Pseudacteon dentiger Borgmeier and Pseudacteon disneyi Pesquero were created in a laboratory from parasitized workers of S. saevissima. The other phorid species grew only until the pupa phase due to low temperature and humidity when kept in a climatic chamber. Pseudacteon cultellatus Borgmeier was more efficient than the other species, taking 12 days to kill the host workers. Similar to the group of phorid species parasitizingSolenopsis invicta Buren, the daily period of activity and body size are important factors to be considered in the use of these natural enemies in future programs of biological control of S. saevissima.</span