5 research outputs found

    Measuring regional eco-efficiency – case Kymenlaakso. Key results of the ECOREG project

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    Eco-efficiency is one of the means by which sustainable development is sought to be implemented. In the last few years the focus has been, in many ways, placed on the European “regions”, and hence the promotion of their competitiveness – and, by this means, their eco-efficiency – has become a central issue in the regions concerned. The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), the Southeast Finland Regional Environment Centre, the Regional Council of Kymenlaakso and the Thule Institute at the University of Oulu conducted (1 September 2002 – 31 December 2004) a LIFE project named “The Ecoefficiency of Regions – Case Kymenlaakso (ECOREG)”. The project was financed by the European Community’s LIFE programme (support obtained from LIFE-Environment) and the Finnish Ministry of the Environment. The goal of this project was to demonstrate the concept of ecoefficiency and eco-efficiency evaluation on a regional scale, taking the Kymenlaakso region located in Southeast Finland as an example. This current report presents the key results of the ECOREG project particularly focusing on the indicators and measuring of regional eco-efficiency (monitoring and evaluation mechanism), the processes and methods utilised in the project as well as reproducibility and transferability of the ECOREG results in other parts of Finland and Europe. The ECOREG project has a website in Finnish and English at http://www.ymparisto.fi/syke/ecoreg, http://www.environment.fi/ syke/ecoreg

    Att mĂ€ta regional ekoeffektivitet – erfarenheter frĂ„n Kymmenedalen. ECOREG-projektets viktigaste slutsatser

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    Ekoeffektivitet Ă€r ett verktyg som anvĂ€nds i strĂ€vandena att nĂ„ en hĂ„llbar utveckling. NĂ€r de europeiska ”regionerna” under de senaste Ă„ren pĂ„ mĂ„nga sĂ€tt har blivit föremĂ„l för uppmĂ€rksamhet, har ocksĂ„ frĂ„gan om deras konkurrensförmĂ„ga – och dĂ€rmed ocksĂ„ deras ekoeffektivitet – blivit viktig i regionerna. Finlands miljöcentral (SYKE), Sydöstra Finlands miljöcentral, Kymmenedalens förbund och Thule-Institutet vid UleĂ„borgs universitet genomförde under tiden 1.9.2002-31.12.2004 Lifeprojektet ”Regional ekoeffektivitet – fallet Kymmenedalen (ECOREG)” MĂ„let för projektet ECOREG var att ge en demonstration av begreppet ekoeffektivitet och mĂ€tning av ekoeffektivitet i regional skala. Till fallstudieregion valdes landskapet Kymmenedalen i sydöstra Finland. Den hĂ€r rapporten presenterar projektets viktigaste resultat med sĂ€rskild betoning pĂ„ indikatorer för och mĂ€tning av regional ekoeffektivitet (uppföljnings- och bedömningssystemet), pĂ„ de processer och metoder som anvĂ€ndes i projektet samt pĂ„ möjligheterna att tillĂ€mpa dessa förfaranden i andra delar av Finland och Europa. Projektet har www-sidor pĂ„ finska och engelska: http:/ /www.ymparisto.fi/syke/ecoreg, http://www.environment.fi/syke/ecoreg

    Environmental strategy in forest industry from the administrative point of view : The forest industry development scenarios for 2020

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    Suomen metsĂ€teollisuus elÀÀ voimakasta uusiutumis- ja murrosvaihetta, joka ilmenee muutoksina yksittĂ€isten tehtaiden ja tehdasintegraattien toiminnassa. Monia yksikköjĂ€ on poistunut tuotannosta ja tuotannon painotusta on muutettu. Toisaalta metsĂ€teollisuus on suuntaamassa uusille aloille, jolloin tuotteina voivat olla esimerkiksi erilaiset biopolttoaineet, kemianteollisuuden raaka-aineet ja uuden sukupolven paperi- ja kartonkituotteet. MetsĂ€teollisuuden muuttuminen ja laitosten monimutkaistuminen sekĂ€ jatkuvasti lisÀÀntyvĂ€ tiedontarve asettavat yhĂ€ suurempia vaatimuksia sekĂ€ toiminnanharjoittajien ympĂ€ristövastaaville ettĂ€ viranomaisille. Hallinnon jatkuva muutos ja niukkenevat voimavarat voivat johtaa siihen, ettĂ€ kĂ€ytĂ€nnön lupa- ja valvontatyöhön jÀÀ yhĂ€ vĂ€hemmĂ€n aikaa. Kaakkois-Suomen ELY-keskuksen koordinoima hanke ”MetsĂ€teollisuuden ympĂ€ristöstrategia vuoteen 2020 – hallinnon nĂ€kökulma” pyrkii vastaamaan edellĂ€ mainittuihin haasteisiin strategiatyön avulla. Hankkeen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella metsĂ€teollisuuden ympĂ€ristönĂ€kökohtia niistĂ€ lĂ€htökohdista, joihin yritys voi vaikuttaa raaka-aineen tulosta tehtaalle ja tuotteen lĂ€hdöstĂ€ tehtaalta sekĂ€ tehtaan perustamisesta sulkemiseen ja jĂ€lkihoitoon asti. Tavoitteena oli mÀÀritellĂ€ toiminnoille toimiva ympĂ€ristöstrategia. Strategiassa pyrittiin löytĂ€mÀÀn yhteisymmĂ€rrys toiminnanharjoittajan ja viranomaisen kanssa mm. siitĂ€, miten otetaan kĂ€yttöön parhaat kĂ€ytĂ€nnöt niin teollisuudessa kuin hallinnossakin, toimitaan uusien BAT-, IED- ja vesienhoitoperiaatteiden mukaisesti sekĂ€ edistetÀÀn kestĂ€vĂ€n kehityksen mukaisten tuotteiden markkinoille tuloa ja otetaan ennakointi tavaksi -lĂ€htökohta kĂ€yttöön kaikessa toiminnassa. HanketyössĂ€ esille nousseet haasteet ryhmiteltiin aihealueittain kolmeksi pÀÀkohdaksi tĂ€rkeysjĂ€rjestyksessĂ€: viranomaisen ja teollisuuden tiedonkulun ja tietĂ€myksen parantaminen, lupa-, valvonta- ja hallintoprosessien parantaminen sekĂ€ uusien haasteiden kartoittaminen ja niihin reagointi. Haasteiden ratkaisukeinoiksi etsittiin kĂ€ytĂ€nnön toimenpiteitĂ€ sekĂ€ mÀÀriteltiin niille vastuutahot. Toimenpiteiksi esitettiin mm. viranomaisen ja teollisuuden yhteisiĂ€ koulutuspĂ€iviĂ€, asiantuntijapaneelin perustamista sekĂ€ lupamÀÀrĂ€ysten antamista myös tehtaan tai tuotantoyksikön sulkemisen tai muuttamisen varalle. RiittĂ€vien resurssien ja tietotaidon turvaaminen niin hallinnossa kuin teollisuudessa on ehdoton edellytys toimenpiteiden onnistumiselle.The Finnish forest industry is going through remarkable change which manifests itself as new operation strategies of individual plants and integrated mills. Many units have been closed and the direction of production has changed. On the other hand, forest industry is moving into new areas. The product palettes are now expanding to various biofuels, chemical feedstocks and to the new generation paper and board products. The forest industry’s renewal, increasing complexity and ever-growing need for information create increasingly higher demands for both the operators and the environmental authorities. Management of continuous change and resources in the environmental administration can mean that less and less time and resources can be allocated for the licensing and controlling work in the future. The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Southeast Finland, under the project “Environment Strategy for Forest Industry by the year 2020”, aims at meeting the future challenges by creating a strategy for the next ten years. The purpose of the strategy is to study the environmental viewpoints taking into account factors which the enterprise can affect on, starting from the delivery of raw materials to the mill and the transportation of the final product from the mill as well as the establishment and closure of the mill. The aim was to define a workable environment strategy for the operations. In the strategy, common understanding between the operation trainer and the authorities was sought regarding e.g. the adoption of the best available practices both in the industry and administration, acting according to the new BAT, IED and water management principles as well as enhancing the market entry of sustainable products and practicing proactivity in all operations. The challenges found were classified into three main groups by theme: improving the communication and knowhow of authorities and industry, improving the permit, monitoring and administration processes, and mapping new challenges and reacting in them. Practical solutions were sought and responsible actors were defined, e.g. the following suggestion were given: organising common trainings for authorities and industry, establishing a panel of specialists and giving permit orders for the case of closing or changing the operation of a production unit. Ensuring sufficient resources both in industry and administration is an absolute requirement for meeting these goals