8 research outputs found

    Supplementary Diagnostic Landmarks of Left Ventricular Non-Compaction on Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    PURPOSE: Diagnostic criteria for left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) are still a matter of dispute. The aim of our present study was to test the diagnostic value of two novel diagnostic cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) parameters: proof of non-compact (NC) myocardium blood flow using T2 sequences and changes in geometry of the left ventricle. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included cases with LVNC and controls, from a data base formed in a period of 3.5 years (n=1890 exams), in which CMR protocol included T2 sequences. Measurement of perpendicular maximal and minimal end diastolic dimensions in the region with NC myocardium from short axis plane was recorded, and calculated as a ratio (MaxMinEDDR), while flow through trabecula was proven by intracavital T2-weighted hyperintensity (ICT2HI). LVNC diagnosis met the following three criteria: thickening of compact (C) layer, NC:C>2.3:1 and NC>20%LV. RESULTS: The study included 200 patients ; 71 with LVNC (35.5% ; i.e., 3.76% of CMRs) and 129 (64.5%) controls. MaxMinEDDR in patients with LVNC was significantly different from that in controls (1.17±0.08 vs. 1.06±0.04, respectively ; p1.10 had sensitivity of 91.6% [95% confidence intervals (CI) 82.5-96.8], specificity of 85.3% (95% CI 78.0-90.0), and area under curve (AUC) 0.919 (95% CI 0.872-0.953 ; p<0.001) for LVNC. Existence of ICT2HI had sensitivity of 100.0% (95% CI 94.9-100.0), specificity of 91.5% (95% CI 85.3-95.7), and AUC 0.957 (95% CI 0.919-0.981 ; p<0.001) for LVNC. CONCLUSION: Two additional diagnostic parameters for LVNC were identified in this study. ICT2HI and geometric eccentricity of the ventricle both had relatively high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing LVNC

    Auxiliary diagnostic potential of ventricle geometry and late gadolinium enhancement in left ventricular non-compaction; non-randomized case control study

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    Background There are still ambiguities existing in regard to left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) diagnostic imaging. The aim of our study was to analyze diagnostic potential of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) and ventricle geometry in patients with LVNC and controls. Methods Data on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) studies for LVNC were reassessed from the hospital’s database (3.75 years; n=1975 exams). Matching sample of controls included cases with no structural heart disease, hypertrophic or dilative cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia or subacute myocarditis. Eccentricity of the left ventricle was measured at end diastole in the region with pronounced NC and maximal to minimal ratio (MaxMinEDDR) was calculated. Results Study included 255 patients referred for CMR, 100 (39.2%) with LVNC (prevalence in the studied period 5.01%) and 155 (60.8%) controls. Existing LGE had sensitivity of 52.5% (95%-CI:42.3–62.5), specificity of 80.4% (95%-CI:73.2–86.5) for LVNC, area under curve (AUC) 0.664 (95%-CI:0.603–0.722);p1.10 had sensitivity of 95.0% (95%-CI:88.7–98.4), specificity of 82.6% (95%-CI: 75.7–88.2) for LVNC, AUC 0.917 (95%-CI:0.876–0.948); p<0.001. LGE correlated with Max-Min-EDD-R (Rho=0.130; p=0.038) and there was significant difference in ROC analysis ΔAUC0.244 (95%-CI:0.175–0.314); p<0.001. LGE also correlated negatively with stroke volume and systolic function (both p<0.05, respectively). Conclusions LGE was found to be frequently expressed in patients with LVNC, but without sufficient power to be used as a discriminative diagnostic parameter. Both LGE and eccentricity of the left ventricle were found to be relatively solid diagnostic landmarks of complex infrastructural and functional changes within the failing heart. Keyword

    Low productivity of stress cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for screening of coronary artery disease

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    When used for CAD screening, adenosine stress CMR is less likely to result in diagnostic/therapeutic gains, less economically efficient, and has potential for unwanted side effects from the contrasts. With the scarcity of resources and the life timeline, it seems suboptimal to waste such a valuable diagnostic technique with less than clear long-term focus

    Ratio of End-Systolic Volume to Left Atrial Area Is a Solid Benchmark of Systolic Dysfunction in Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathies

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    Background: Impairment of systolic function and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) are well-known negative prognostic markers in non-ischemic cardiomyopathies (NICMPs). There is limited knowledge of the geometrical rearrangements of the ventricle volumes over size of the left atrium and their connections with systolic dysfunction and existence of LGE. Material/Methods: Consecutive cases of NICMPs with impaired systolic function and controls were included from a computerized database of cardiac magnetic resonance exams for a 2.5-year period. Ratios made from volumetric parameters over left atrial area (LAA) area were calculated. Results: Our study included 205 cases referred to cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR); age was 48.7±17.0 years (range 15.2–80.4), male-to-female ratio 137 (66.8%): 68 (33.2%), (both p>0.05). LGE was significantly correlated with impairment of systolic function (Rho CC=0.395; p<0.001). For detection of systolic impairment, a critical value of end-systolic-volume (ESV)/LAA of ³2.7 had an area under curve (AUC) of 0.902 (0.853–0.939), p<0.001; strokevolume (SV)/LAA £3.0 had AUC=0.782(0.719-0.837), p<0.001, and end-diastolic volume (EDV)/LAA <7.4 had an AUC of 0.671 (0.602–0.735); p<0.001. In analyses of LGE, a value of SV/LAA of ≤3.0 had an AUC of 0.681 (0.612– 0.744), p<0.001; while ESV/LAA and EDV/LAA were not significant (both p<0.05). ESV/LAA was correlated with systolic dysfunction (Rho-correlation-coefficient: 0.688; p<0.001) and existence of linear midventricular LGE stripe (Rho-CC=0.446; p<0.001). Conclusions: ESV/LAA was the most effective for detection of systolic impairment and was associated with the existence of LGE. Prospective validation for clinical applicability and prognostic relations are warranted in future studies

    Ventricular diastolic dimension over maximal myocardial thickness is robust landmark of systolic impairment in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    BACKGROUND The effects of focal hypertrophy on geometry of the left ventricle and systolic function have not been studied in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), despite the fact that the former is the most prominent disease characteristic. The aim of our study was to analyze systolic function over ventricle geometry, generating a functional index made from left ventricle end diastolic dimension (LVEDD) divided by end diastolic thickness of the region with maximal extent of hypertrophy and interventricular septum. MATERIAL AND METHODS Our hospital database of cardiac magnetic resonance was screened for HCM. Geometric functional index (GFI) was calculated for LVEDD over maximal end diastolic thickness (MaxEDT) giving GFI-M, while LVEDD over interventricular septum was expressed as GFI-I. There were 55 consecutive patients with HCM. RESULTS There were 43 males (78.2%) and 12 females (21.8%). The mean age was 52.3±16.7 years (range: 15.5-76.4 years). A significant difference of GFI was found for preserved versus impaired systolic function of the left ventricle (preserved systolic function); GFI-M 2.28±0.60 versus 3.66±0.50 (p<0.001), and GFI-I 2.75±0.88 versus 3.81±0.87 (p<0.001), respectively. Diagnostic value was tested using receiver operating curve (ROC) analyzes, with GFI-M area under curve (AUC)=0.959 (95% CI: 0.868-0.994); (p<0.001) and GFI-I-AUC=0.847 (0.724-0.930); (p<0.001). GFI-M was superior to GFI-I for appraisal of left ventricle systolic dysfunction in HCM; ΔAUC=0.112 (0.018-0.207); (p=0.020). CONCLUSIONS GFI is a simple tool, with high sensitivity and specificity for detecting impairment of systolic function in patients with HCM. Further studies would be necessary to investigate its clinical and prognostic impacts, as well as reproducibility with prospective validation


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    Purpose: Discordance with the guidelines and underutilization of pharmacotherapy for secondary prevention frequently exists in clinical practice. Aim of our study was to assess the prescription routine and drug utilization patterns for antiplatelets and peroral anticoagulants in tertiary medical center specialized for cardiovascular rehabilitation. Methods: study included 96 consecutive patients scheduled for cardiovascular rehabilitation in period 1-6 months after the acute treatment for ischemic 87(80.2%) and valvular heart disease 18(19.8%). Patients were divided according to etiology of heart disease and type of acute cardiovascular treatments (conservative, percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and surgery). Results: Dual antiplatelet therapy was the most commonly applied regimen in 84(87.5%) of conservatively treated myocardial infarctions, 47(61.9%) of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and 13(58.9%) of surgically treated group (p>0.05). Among studied group of patients significant differences in utilization were found for warfarin, or combinations of antiplatelets with warfarin(p<0.001), as well as studied etiologies of heart disease(p<0.001), whilst there were no differences for those groups for studied antiplatelets drugs(p>0.05). All four of patients that received triple therapy (4.17%) were from surgical group. Underutilization of antiplatelets in ischemic heart disease was at 11(14.3%) what was congruent with the developed industrial nations. Conclusions: Acute cardiovascular treatment type, but not heart disease etiology, had significant influence on subsequent prescription routine. Decreased use of pharmacological agents for secondary prevention in surgical patients was revealed. Drug utilization analyzes can offer improvement in optimizing medical treatments, quality of care and decrease unnecessary polypragmasia, as well as improve economical efficiency of medical management