48 research outputs found

    Microstructural characterisation of organic-rich shale before and after pyrolysis

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    Organic-rich shales, traditionally considered as source rocks, have recently become an ambitious goal for the oil and gas industry as important unconventional reservoirs. Understanding of the initiation and development of fractures in organic-rich shales is crucially important as fractures could drastically increase the permeability of these otherwise low-permeable rocks. Fracturing can be induced by rapid decomposition of organic matter caused by either natural heating, such as emplacement of magmatic bodies into sedimentary basins, or thermal methods used for enhanced oil recovery. In this work the authors study fracture initiation and development caused by dry pyrolysis of Kimmeridge shale, which is characterised with a high total organic carbon content of more than 20%. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis exhibits high carbonate (both calcite and dolomite) and low clay (illite) content. Field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) shows that kerogen is presented either as a load-bearing matrix or as a filling of the primary porosity with pores being of micron size. Cylindrical samples of the Kimmeridge shale are heated up to temperatures in the range of 330–430°C. High-resolution X-ray microtomographic (micro-CT) images are obtained. The microtomographic images are processed using AVIZO (Visualization Sciences Group) to identify and statistically characterise large kerogen-filled pores and pre-existing and initiated cracks. The relationship between the total area of fractures and the temperature experienced by the sample has been obtained. Total organic carbon content is determined for samples subjected to heating experiments. This approach enables a quantitative analysis of fracture initiation and development in organic-rich shales during heating

    Association of genotypes of cows of the Kholmogory breed by beta-casein with milk productivity

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    The aim of the study is to identify the frequency of occurrence of various allelic variants and genotypes of beta-casein in cows of the Kholmogory breed and their relationship with dairy productivity. The tasks of the research are genotyping of cattle of the Kholmogory breed by the beta-casein locus and establishing its connection with qualitative and quantitative indicators of dairy productivity. As the objects for the research there were taken 150 cows of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd lactation. An allele-specific variant of the PCR method (AS-PCR) was used to identify A1 and A2 beta-casein. As the result it had been established that in the studied part of the herd, 23 % of animals had the A2A2 genotype, 43 % of animals had the A1A1 genotype and 34 % of animals had the A1A2 genotype. For 100 days of the first lactation, animals with A1A2 genotype showed the highest value in milk yield. Animals with A2A2 genotype for 305 days of lactation had the highest milk yield and the amount of milk protein, however, the difference was not statistically significant compared to the animals with A1A2 genotype. Genotype A1A1 has lower indicators by all the parameters studied, with a significant difference relative to genotypes A1A2 and A2A2. Thus, the study of CSN2 is a promising area of scientific research, and the results of the study of beta-casein genotypes can be used as a marker selection in improving the herds of the Kholmogory breed

    Методика измерений массовой доли соевого ингибитора трипсина: особенности разработки и аттестации

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       Modern industrialization increases the requirements for the accuracy of identifying allergens, especially those that have a negative impact – soy trypsin inhibitor (STI). Correct determination of the presence of STI in food products containing soybeans is key for product safety control and labeling. The authors set a goal to develop and certify a method for measuring the mass fraction of STI using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay – a technique that may increase the specificity of the method and avoid false-negative results.   The object of research was a method for analyzing food allergens – an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay carried out with a set of reagents produced by XEMA LLC. In the process of developing the measurement method, the main methodological factors influencing the accuracy of the measurement results were optimized: sample weight, time of its extraction, time and speed of sample centrifugation, ratio of supernatant liquid to ELISA buffer, incubation temperature, interaction time of the allergen-antibody complex with the coloring agent, the wavelength for measuring absorbance, and the maximum time for measuring absorbance after introduction of the stop reagent.   The developed method was tested during an interlaboratory experiment with the participation of 5 laboratories. Metrological characteristics were established in accordance with RMG 61–2010. The proposed method was certified in accordance with the requirements of GOST R8.563-2009, No. 102–FZ. The method has a wide range of quantitative determination of the mass fraction of STI from 0.5 to 25.0 μg/kg (ppb) with a detection limit of 0.1 μg/kg (ppb) and a relative error of 40 %. Based on the results of the research, the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (FIF) registered a certified method for identifying and quantifying the content of non-infectious food allergens of plant protein origin in samples of all types of food products and objects related to the requirements for food products, swabs taken from working surfaces during production control using reagent kits for an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay produced by XEMA LLC No. FR.1.31.2022.43884. The method is intended for use in testing laboratories involved in monitoring the quality and safety of manufactured products; it can be used to confirm product compliance with the mandatory requirements established in the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU022/2012.   Современная индустриализация повышает требования к точности определения аллергенов, особенно в отношении оказывающих негативное воздействие, среди них – соевый ингибитор трипсина (СИТ). Корректное определение наличия СИТ в пищевых продуктах, содержащих соевые бобы, является ключевым для контроля безопасности и маркировки продукции. Сложилась общепринятая практика определять аллергены сои количественно с помощью аналитических методов анализа. Авторы данной статьи поставили цель разработать и аттестовать методику измерений массовой доли СИТ методом иммуноферментного анализа – методику, способную повысить специфичность метода и избежать ложноотрицательных результатов ее применения.   Объектом исследования стал метод анализа пищевых аллергенов – иммуноферментный анализ, реализованный набором реагентов производства ООО «ХЕМА».   В процессе разработки методики измерений оптимизированы основные методические факторы, влияющие на точность результатов измерений: масса пробы, время ее экстракции, время и скорость центрифугирования пробы, соотношение надосадочной жидкости и ИФА-буфера, температура инкубации, время взаимодействия комплекса антитело-аллерген с окрашивающим агентом, длина волны для измерения оптической плотности и максимальное время для измерения оптической плотности после введения стоп-реагента. Разработанная методика апробирована в ходе межлабораторного эксперимента с участием 5 лабораторий. Метрологические характеристики установлены в соответствии с РМГ 61–2010. Предлагаемый метод был аттестован в соответствии с требованиями ГОСТ Р 8.563-2009, № 102–ФЗ. Метод имеет широкий диапазон количественного определения массовой доли СИТ от 0,5 до 25,0 мкг/кг (ppb) с пределом обнаружения 0,1 мкг/кг (ppb) и относительной погрешностью 40 %. По результатам проведенного исследования в Федеральном информационном фонде по обеспечению единства измерений (ФИФ) зарегистрирована аттестованная методика идентификации и количественного определения содержания неинфекционных пищевых аллергенов белкового растительного происхождения в пробах всех видов пищевых продуктов и объектов, связанных с требованиями к пищевой продукции, смывов, отбираемых с рабочих поверхностей при проведении производственного контроля, с помощью наборов реагентов для иммуноферментного анализа производства ООО «ХЕМА» № ФР.1.31.2022.43884. Методика предназначена для применения в испытательных лабораториях, занимающихся контролем качества и безопасности выпускаемой продукции, может быть использована для подтверждения соответствия продукции обязательным требованиям, установленным в Техническом регламенте Таможенного союза ТР ТС 022/2012


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    The study has been carried out in line with the current problems of modern discourse and genre studies related to the study of the evolution of administrative discourse, which is understood as a hybrid of oral and written communication. The article presents the results of the analysis of the Internet influence on the long- established genres of administrative discourse. The concept of administrative Internet communication has been clarified. The study of administrative discourse in the Internet space clearly demonstrates that even the most conservative sphere of activity is influenced by modern technologies and extralinguistic factors have the most direct impact on the genres formation. The administrative Internet functions are singled out: informing, requesting information, initiating discussions, organization. The genres of administrative Internet communication are analyzed, in the modern administrative discourse we have identified the most indicative in terms of management hypergenres and genres: the hypergenre “corporate web portal” or “Intranet”, the genre “email”, the genre “online meeting” or “video conferencing”, the genre “electronic documents”. This article details two genres: “corporate web portal” and “online meeting”. The conducted survey made it possible to determine the pragmatic nature of the considered corporate web portal hyper-genre – keeping to corporate culture, interactivity, speed. It has been established that due to the mentioned Internet genres emergence, a partial decrease in distance and erasing of the status line in the “head-subordinate” pair occurs. It is concluded that cyberspace is transforming the power-subordinate nature of administrative communication into democratic partnership, as well as there is the transformation of traditional genres with the advent of electronic communication in the field of management. It is concluded that the theory of speech genres is applicable to study of the evolution of administrative communication, and new techniques are required to take into account linguistic changes caused by the development of information technologies

    Lowering Toxic Concentrations in the Diesel Exhaust Gases

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    Данная статья описывает одну из наиболее актуальных проблем, а именно растущее экономическое неравенство в странах Европейского Союза. Поскольку все страны Европейского Союза интегрированы в мировую экономику, все они находятся под непосредственным влиянием процессов глобализации, в связи с чем в статье будет рассмотрена гипотеза о том, является ли глобализация и ее различные проявления причиной роста неравенства между странами Европейского Союза.This article describes one of the most pressing issues, namely the growing economic inequalities in the countries of the European Union. As all countries of the European Union are integrated into the world economy, they are all directly influenced by globalisation processes, so the paper will examine the hypothesis of whether globalisation and its various manifestations are the cause of growing inequalities between the countries of the European Union

    Fracturing of organic-rich shale during heating

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    Organic-rich shales, traditionally considered as source rocks, have recently become an ambitious goal for oil and gas industry as important unconventional reservoirs. Understanding of initiation and development of fractures in organic-rich shales is crucially important as they drastically increase permeability of these low permeable shales. Fracturing can be induced by rapid decomposition of organic matter caused by either natural heating, such as emplacement of magmatic bodies into sedimentary basins or thermal methods used for enhanced oil recovery. In this study we integrate laboratory experiment and numerical modeling to study fracture development in organic-rich shale. At the first step, we heat a cylindrical sample up to the temperature of 330 degrees Celsius. At the second step, we obtain high resolution microtomographic images of the sample. Large kerogen-filled pores and cracks initiated by the heating can be identified from these images. We repeat these steps for several temperatures in the range 330-430 degrees. The microtomographic images are processed using AVIZO (Visualization Sciences Group) to estimate the dependency between the total area of fractures and the temperature experienced by the sample. Total organic carbon content is tested in the samples experienced the same temperatures. This approach enables a quantitative analysis of fracture initiation and development in organic-rich shales during heating


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    The article examines the concept of a search engine from the point of view of civil law, the scheme of contractual relations concluded in connection with the use of a search engine, as well as issues of civil liability of the owner of a search engine.В статье исследуется понятие поисковой системы с точки зрения гражданского права, схема договорных отношений, заключаемых в связи с использованием поисковой системы, а также вопросы гражданско-правовой ответственности владельца поисковой системы

    Analysis of The Use of Various Forms of Dispute Resolution Arising from International Franchising Agreements

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    В данной работе исследованы основные формы разрешения споров, вытекающих из договора международного франчайзинга, а именно медиация, арбитраж и разрешение спора в государственном суде. Проанализированы конкретные случаи использования этих форм при разрешении споров из договоров международного франчайзинга. Выявлены преимущества и недостатки каждой формы, сделан вывод по выбору оптимальной формы и оформлению условия о форме разрешения спора в договоре международного франчайзинга.This paper explores the main forms of dispute resolution arising from an international franchising agreement, namely mediation, arbitration, and dispute resolution in a state court. Specific cases of using these forms in resolving disputes from international franchising agreements are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of each form are identified, a conclusion is made on the choice of the optimal form and the execution of the conditions on the form of dispute resolution in the international franchising agreement

    The low thermal gradient Czochralski crystal growth and microstructural properties of a Pb2MoO5(20-1) cleaved surface

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    Optical quality Pb2MoO5 single crystals were grown by the Low Thermal Gradient Czochralski (LTG Cz) technique. The resulting Pb2MoO5 crystals had diameters of 40–50 mm and lengths of ~100 mm. The phase composition of the grown crystals was identified by X-ray single crystal structure analysis; the space group is C2/m and a = 14.2221(11), b = 5.7852(5), c = 7.3262(6) Å, β = 114.168(2)° and Z = 4 (R1 = 0.0336). Pb2MoO5(20−1) substrates were prepared by cleavage, and the surface properties were evaluated by RHEED and AFM. The superposition of wide Kikuchi lines and crystal reflexes was found by RHEED. The AFM measurements indicate a surface roughness as low as ~0.2 nm. Thus, atomically smooth surfaces of Pb2MoO5 were formed by cleavage