3 research outputs found

    Integration of Social Identities in Interreligious-Group Relations

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    In the context of interreligious group relations, grassroots society tends to demonstrate adaptation strategies to promote harmonious social living. Based on the social identity perspective, such conditions encompass the dynamic process in which diverse religious group identities are endorsed within a coherent superordinate identity. This study explores the dynamics of integration as a strategy to maintain religious harmony. A qualitative case study was conducted in a rural community with diverse religious groups in Central Java. Data were gathered through participative observations, semi-structured interviews, casual conversations, and document analysis. We employed an abductive strategy to analyze the rich empirical materials gathered. The findings reveal the integrative construction of a common ingroup identity, that embraces the essence of unity in diversity. As a strong common ingroup identity indicates, it requires the development of a transcendent identity at the subgroup level. This process encourages a positive orientation towards others to preserve equality among groups. Of utmost importance, this integration most likely plays a pivotal role in addressing both social harmony and social tension. This study highlights that the strategy of integration is explained through the formation of an inclusive common ingroup identity, that illustrates the node of bonding and bridging for existing religious groups to live together

    Financial Toxicity Experiences of Patients With Cancer in Indonesia

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    Objectives: Financial toxicity (FT) is an important adverse effect of cancer. Recent systematic reviews have shown that FT may lead to treatment nonadherence and impaired health-related quality of life, both of which may adversely influence the survival rates of patients. However, less is known about how patients endure FT, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The purpose of this study was to explore how patients with cancer experience and cope with FT in Indonesia. Methods: Semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted to explore the experiences of Indonesian patients with cancer. Qualitative data were analyzed using interpretive phenomenological analysis approach. We purposefully recruited 8 patients undergoing active treatment (aged 27-69 years) who had been diagnosed of cancer over 5 years before and possessed health insurance at the time of diagnosis. Results: We identified 2 main themes: (1) the experienced financial burden, with subthemes underinsurance, out-of-pocket nonhealthcare cancer-related costs, and negative income effect from employment disruption, and (2) the financial coping strategies, with subthemes reallocating household budget, seeking family support, rationalizing treatment decisions, and topping up insurance for family members. Conclusions: This is the first interpretive phenomenological study on FT in the literature and the first qualitative FT study in Indonesia. Our findings provide insight into the occurrence of FT and coping strategies used by Indonesian patients with cancer. The subjective experiences of patients may be considered to further improve oncology care, support the need for measurement of FT, and provide mitigation programs for patients


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    Keraton merupakan salah satu warisan budaya Indonesia yang menjadi pusat pelestarian budaya. Masih terpeliharanya keberadaan keraton di era modern ini menimbulkan suatu pertanyaan dalam benak penulis. Penulis ingin mengetahui apa yang menyebabkan masyarakat zaman sekarang masih menerima keberadaan keraton, khusunya Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat, di samping alasan pelestarian budaya. Penulis memerkirakan masyarakat Solo Raya menerima keberadaan keraton karena konformitas dan merasa menjadi bagian dari keraton itu sendiri, sesuai dengan social identity theory. Penulis melihat adanya indikasi masyarakat zaman sekarang menerima keraton hanya karena mengikuti “arus lingkungan” yang tidak memermasalahkan keberadaan keraton. Selain itu penulis berasumsi, sikap masyarakat yang menerima keberadaan keraton juga karena mereka merasa menjadi bagian dari keraton itu sendiri, atau dengan kata lain in-group. Seseorang akan mengidentifikasikan dirinya ke dalam kelompok sosial tertentu, sehingga dapat memerkuat konsep dirinya pada perasaan “ke-kita-an” (Turner et.all dalam Stets & Burke, 2000). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan angket kepada 100 orang usia produktif (18-60 tahun) yang berdomisili di Surakarta. 100 orang dipilih secara acak yang mewakili lapisan masyarakat, seperti mahasiswa, dosen, pekerja swasta, pekerja wiraswasta, dan pedagang. Sebelum mengisi kuisioner, ke-100 orang tersebut akan diajak mengenal keraton secara lebih dekat, dengan tour keliling keraton yang dipandu oleh tour guide. Kata kunci: konformitas, social identity theory, penerimaan masyarakat, kerato