18 research outputs found

    A comparison of the ECMWF forecast model with observations over the annual cycle at SHEBA

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    A central objective of the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) experiment was to provide a comprehensive observational test for single-column models of the atmosphere-sea ice-ocean system over the Arctic Ocean. For single-column modeling, one must specify the time-varying tendencies due to horizontal and vertical advection of air through the column. Due to the difficulty of directly measuring these tendencies, it was decided for SHEBA to obtain them from short-range forecasts of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) global forecast model, into which SHEBA rawinsonde and surface synoptic observations were routinely assimilated. The quality of these forecasts directly affects the reliability of the derived advective tendencies. In addition, the ECMWF-forecast thermodynamic and cloud fields, and radiative and turbulent fluxes present an illuminating comparison of the SHEBA observations with a state-of-the-art global numerical model. The authors compare SHEBA soundings, cloud and boundary layer observations with the ECMWF model output throughout the SHEBA year. They find that above the boundary layer, the model was faithful to the SHEBA rawinsonde observations and maintained a proper long-term balance between advective and nonadvective tendencies of heat and moisture. This lends credence to use of the ECMWF-predicted advective tendencies for single-column modeling studies. The model-derived cloud properties and precipitation (which were not assimilated from observations) are compared with cloud radar, lidar, microwave radiometer, surface turbulent and radiative measurements, and basic surface meteorology. The model s slab sea-ice model led to large surface temperature errors and insufficient synoptic variability of temperature. The overall height distribution of cloud was fairly well simulated (though somewhat overestimated) in all seasons, as was precipitation. However, the model clouds typically had a much higher ratio of cloud ice to cloud water than suggested by lidar depolarization measurements, and a smaller optical depth, leading to monthly biases of up to 50 W m^(-2) in the monthly surface downwelling longwave and shortwave radiation. Further biases in net radiation were due to the inaccurate model assumption of constant surface albedo. Observed turbulent sensible and latent heat fluxes tended to be small throughout SHEBA. During high-wind periods during the winter, the ECMWF model predicted sustained downward heat fluxes of up to 60 W m^(-2), much higher than observed. A detailed comparison suggests that this error was due to both inadequate resolution of the 31-level model and a deficient parameterization of sea-ice thermodynamics

    Measurement of wind profiles by motion-stabilised ship-borne Doppler lidar

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    Three months of Doppler lidar wind measurements were obtained during the Arctic Cloud Summer Experiment on the icebreaker Oden during the summer of 2014. Such ship-borne Doppler measurements require active stabilisation to remove the effects of ship motion. We demonstrate that the combination of a commercial Doppler lidar with a custom-made motion-stabilisation platform enables the retrieval of wind profiles in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer during both cruising and ice-breaking with statistical uncertainties comparable to land-based measurements. This held true particularly within the atmospheric boundary layer even though the overall aerosol load was very low. Motion stabilisation was successful for high wind speeds in open water and the resulting wave conditions. It allows for the retrieval of vertical winds with a random error below 0.2 m s?1. The comparison of lidar-measured wind and radio soundings gives a mean bias of 0.3 m s?1 (2°) and a mean standard deviation of 1.1 m s?1 (12°) for wind speed (wind direction). The agreement for wind direction degrades with height. The combination of a motion-stabilised platform with a low-maintenance autonomous Doppler lidar has the potential to enable continuous long-term high-resolution ship-based wind profile measurements over the oceans.<br/

    Kelvin Waves and Internal Bores in the Marine Boundary Layer Inversion and Their Relationship to Coastally Trapped Wind Reversals

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    Detailed observations of a coastally trapped disturbance, or wind reversal, on 10–11 June 1994 along the California coast provide comprehensive documentation of its structure, based on aircraft, wind profiler, radio acoustic sounding system, and buoy measurements. Unlike the expectations from earlier studies based on limited data, which concluded that the deepening of the marine boundary layer (MBL) was a key factor, the 1994 data show that the perturbation was better characterized as an upward thickening of the inversion capping the MBL. As the event propagated over a site, the reversal in the alongshore wind direction occurred first within the inversion and then 3–4 h later at the surface. A node in the vertical structure (defined here as the altitude of zero vertical displacement) is found just above the inversion base, with up to 200-m upward displacements of isentropic surfaces above the node, and 70-m downward displacements below. Although this is a single event, it is shown that the vertical structure observed is representative of most other coastally trapped wind reversals. This is determined by comparing a composite of the 10–11 June 1994 event, based on measurements at seven buoys, with surface pressure perturbations calculated from aircraft data. These results are compared to the composite of many events. In each case a weak pressure trough occurred between 2.4 and 4.0 h ahead of the surface wind reversal, and the pressure rose by 0.32–0.48 mb between the trough and the wind reversal. The pressure rise results from the cooling caused by the inversion’s upward expansion. The propagation and structure of the event are shown to be best characterized as a mixed Kelvin wave–bore propagating within the inversion above the MBL, with the MBL acting as a quasi-rigid lower boundary. If the MBL is instead assumed to respond in unison with the inversion, then the theoretically predicted intrinsic phase speeds significantly exceed the observed intrinsic phase speed. The hybrid nature of the event is indicated by two primary characteristics: 1) the disturbance had a much shallower slope than expected for an internal bore, while at the same time the upward perturbation within the inversion was quasi-permanent rather than sinusoidal, which more closely resembles a bore; and 2) the predicted phase speeds for the ‘‘solitary’’ form of nonlinear Kelvin wave and for an internal bore are both close to the observed intrinsic phase speed

    Kelvin waves and internal bores in the marine boundary layer inversion and their relationship to coastally trapped wind reversals

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    Detailed observations of a coastally trapped disturbance, or wind reversal, on 10-11 June 1994 along the California coast provide comprehensive documentation of its structure, based on aircraft, wind profiler, radio acoustic sounding system, and buoy measurements. Unlike the expectations from earlier studies based on limited data, which concluded that the deepening of the marine boundary layer (MBL) was a key factor, the 1994 data show that the perturbation was better characterized as an upward thickening of the inversion capping the MBL. As the event propagated over a site, the reversal in the alongshore wind direction occurred first within the inversion and then 3-4 h later at the surface. A node in the vertical structure (defined here as the altitude of zero vertical displacement) is found just above the inversion base, with up to 200-m upward displacements of isentropic surfaces above the node, and 70-m downward displacements below. Although this is a single event, it is shown that the vertical structure observed is representative of most other coastally trapped wind reversals. This is determined by comparing a composite of the 10-11 June 1994 event, based on measurements at seven buoys, with surface pressure perturbations calculated from aircraft data. These results are compared to the composite of many events. In each case a weak pressure trough occurred between 2.4 and 4.0 h ahead of the surface wind reversal, and the pressure rose by 0.32-0.48 mb between the trough and the wind reversal. The pressure rise results from the cooling caused by the inversion's upward expansion. The propagation and structure of the event are shown to be best characterized as a mixed Kelvin wave-bore propagating within the inversion above the MBL, with the MBL acting as a quasi-rigid lower boundary. If the MBL is instead assumed to respond in unison with the inversion, then the theoretically predicted intrinsic phase speeds significantly exceed the observed intrinsic phase speed. The hybrid nature of the event is indicated by two primary characteristics: 1) the disturbance had a much shallower slope than expected for an internal bore, while at the same time the upward perturbation within the inversion was quasi-permanent rather than sinusoidal, which more closely resembles a bore; and 2) the predicted phase speeds for the "solitary" form of nonlinear Kelvin wave and for an internal bore are both close to the observed intrinsic phase speed

    Observations and analysis of the 10-11 June 1994 coastally trapped disturbance

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    A coastally trapped disturbance (CTD), characterized by southerly flow at the surface on 10-11 June 1994, was observed from the California Bight to Bodega Bay during a field experiment along the California coast. (North-south approximates the coast-parallel direction.) Data from a special observational network of wind profilers, radio acoustic sounding systems, special surface data, balloon ascents, and a research aircraft were used with satellite and synoptic data to explore both the CTD structure and the regional-scale changes before the event. The disruption of the climatological northerly flow along the central California coast, which preconditioned the area for the development of a CTD, began with the eastward movement of a surface high into Washington and Oregon and the amplification of a thermal low in northern California. As with most CTDs in the region, this occurred over the 2-3 days preceding the CTD's initiation. These large-scale changes caused westward advection of warm continental air across much of the California coast, which increased temperatures by 10°-12°C in the layer from 0.4 to 2.0 km above mean sea level (MSL) during the 48 h before southerly flow appeared offshore at the surface. The warming reversed the alongshore sea level pressure gradients near the coast by creating a region of pressure falls extending along 600-1000 km of the coast. This also modified the cross-shore pressure gradient and thus the geostrophic alongshore flow. The warming along the coast also increased the strength of the temperature inversion capping the marine boundary layer (MBL) by a factor of 2-4 over 48 h. The synoptic-scale changes also moved the axis of the climatological near-surface, northerly jet much farther offshore from central California and strengthened this jet near the headlands of Capes Mendocino and Blanco, The development and decay of southerly flow at the surface along the coast coincided roughly with the evolution of a mesoscale low 200 km offshore, and of a coastal ridge roughly 100 km wide. However, the CTD initiation also followed a 500-m thickening of the MBL inversion in the California Bight region where a Catalina eddy was initially present. At surface sites, the CTD was marked by the passage of a pressure trough, followed by a gradual shift to southerly flow and the appearance of clouds. The area of low cloud was not coincident with the region of southerly flow. The transition to southerly flow propagated northward along shore at 1 1.9 ± 0.3 m s-1 on 10 June, stalled for 11-12 h during the part of the diurnal cycle normally characterized by enhanced northerly flow, and then continued propagating northward along shore at 11.6 m s-1. Both the geostrophic wind and the isallobaric component of the ageostrophic wind were consistent with southerly flow at the surface. Southerly flow was observed up to 5 km MSL in this event and in others, which indicates that the synopticscale environment of many CTDs in this region may include a deep tropospheric cyclonic circulation or trough offshore. Both cross-shore and alongshore flights performed by a research aircraft documented the CTD structure and showed that the southerly flow extended at least 100 km offshore and appeared first within the MBL inversion as the inversion thickened upward. While the top of the inversion rose, the height of the inversion's base remained almost unchanged. The thickening of the inversion decreased with distance offshore, and there was no significant change in the MBL depth (i.e., the inversion base height), until 12-14 h after the surface wind shift. Thus, it is suggested that two-layer, shallow water idealizations may be unable to represent this phenomenon adequately. Nonetheless, the gradual wind shift, the thickening inversion, and the correlation between southerly flow and a mesoscale coastal pressure ridge are consistent with a coastally trapped Kelvin wave, albeit one with a higher-order vertical structure that can exist in a two-layer model. However, the semipermanent nature of the changes in the MBL and its inversion is more characteristic of a shallowly sloped internal bore. The temperature increase and lack of southerly flow exceeding the northward phase speed are inconsistent with gravity current behavior

    Continuous observations of the surface energy budget and meteorology over the Arctic sea ice during MOSAiC

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    The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) was a yearlong expedition supported by the icebreaker R/V Polarstern, following the Transpolar Drift from October 2019 to October 2020. The campaign documented an annual cycle of physical, biological, and chemical processes impacting the atmosphere-ice-ocean system. Of central importance were measurements of the thermodynamic and dynamic evolution of the sea ice. A multi-agency international team led by the University of Colorado/CIRES and NOAA-PSL observed meteorology and surface-atmosphere energy exchanges, including radiation; turbulent momentum flux; turbulent latent and sensible heat flux; and snow conductive flux. There were four stations on the ice, a 10 m micrometeorological tower paired with a 23/30 m mast and radiation station and three autonomous Atmospheric Surface Flux Stations. Collectively, the four stations acquired ~928 days of data. This manuscript documents the acquisition and post-processing of those measurements and provides a guide for researchers to access and use the data products

    An annual cycle of Arctic surface cloud forcing at SHEBA

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2000JC000439We present an analysis of surface fluxes and cloud forcing from data obtained during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) experiment, conducted in the Beaufort and Chuchki Seas and the Arctic Ocean from November 1997 to October 1998. The measurements used as part of this study include fluxes from optical radiometer sets, turbulent fluxes from an instrumented tower, cloud fraction from a depolarization lidar and ceilometer, and atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles from radiosondes. Clear‐sky radiative fluxes were modeled in order to estimate the cloud radiative forcing since direct observation of fluxes in cloud‐free conditions created large statistical sampling errors. This was particularly true during summer when cloud fractions were typically very high. A yearlong data set of measurements, obtained on a multiyear ice floe at the SHEBA camp, was processed in 20‐day blocks to produce the annual evolution of the surface cloud forcing components: upward, downward, and net longwave and shortwave radiative fluxes and turbulent (sensible and latent heat) fluxes. We found that clouds act to warm the Arctic surface for most of the annual cycle with a brief period of cooling in the middle of summer. Our best estimates for the annual average surface cloud forcings are −10 W m−ÂČ for shortwave, 38 W m−ÂČ for longwave, and −6 W m−ÂČ for turbulent fluxes. Total cloud forcing (the sum of all components) is about 30 W m−ÂČ for the fall, winter, and spring, dipping to a minimum of −4 W m−ÂČ in early July. We compare the results of this study with satellite, model, and drifting station dataNASA FIRE- ACE programNSF SHEBANASA EOS Validation ProgramL64205DOPP-9701730S-97895-

    Observations and Analysis of the 10-11 June 1994 Coastally Trapped Disturbance

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    A coastally trapped disturbance (CTD), characterized by southerly flow at the surface on 10Ăą 11 June 1994, was observed from the California Bight to Bodega Bay during a field experiment along the California coast. (NorthĂą south approximates the coast-parallel direction.) Data from a special observational network of wind profilers, radio acoustic sounding systems, special surface data, balloon ascents, and a research aircraft were used with satellite and synoptic data to explore both the CTD structure and the regional-scale changes before the event.Both the experimental and analysis work on which this paper is based were partially supported by grants from the Office of Naval Research as part of the Coastal Meteorology Accelerated Research Initiative

    An Arctic CCN-limited cloud-aerosol regime

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    On average, airborne aerosol particles cool the Earth's surface directly by absorbing and scattering sunlight and indirectly by influencing cloud reflectivity, life time, thickness or extent. Here we show that over the central Arctic Ocean, where there is frequently a lack of aerosol particles upon which clouds may form, a small increase in aerosol loading may enhance cloudiness thereby likely causing a climatologically significant warming at the ice-covered Arctic surface. Under these low concentration conditions cloud droplets grow to drizzle sizes and fall, even in the absence of collisions and coalescence, thereby diminishing cloud water. Evidence from a case study suggests that interactions between aerosol, clouds and precipitation could be responsible for attaining the observed low aerosol concentrations.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736