505 research outputs found

    Relationship between haptoglobin and serum amyloid A in milk and milk quality

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate relationships between the presence in milk of the major bovine acute phase proteins, haptoglobin (Hp) and serum amyloid A (SAA), and milk quality parameters. Composite milk samples were collected from 89 clinically healthy dairy cows and analysed for Hp and SAA, total protein, casein, and whey protein levels, casein number, proteolysis, total fat and lactose levels, and somatic cell count (SCC). Milk samples with detectable levels of Hp showed lower total protein and casein levels, whereas milk samples with detectable levels of SAA had lower casein number and lactose level. Samples with detectable levels of acute phase proteins also showed an elevated SCC. The results suggest that the presence of Hp and SAA in milk might indicate unfavourable changes in milk composition, especially in relation to protein quality

    Analysis of midwifery students' written reflections to evaluate progression in learning during clinical practice at birthing units.

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    Written daily reflections during clinical practice on birthing units have been used during several years in midwifery education at Lund University, Sweden. However, the usefulness of these reflections for evaluation of progression in learning and professional development of students has to date not been evaluated. In order to analyse written reflections, two taxonomies developed by Bloom and Pettersen have been applied to the texts. Progression in the professional development of midwifery students can be seen through levels of complexity in cognitive and psycho-motor learning areas and also in the description of learning situations. Progression can be seen from a basic description of facts in simple situations at the beginning of the students' practice to a complex description of complicated situations towards the end of the practice. Written daily reflections appear to be a suitable method to help students to reflect in a structured way, thereby helping their professional development. Reflections can help clinical supervisors to understand the needs of the individual student and to support their knowledge accruement. Daily written reflections on clinical practice can be of use in other health education programs

    Smart textiles as raw materials for design

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    Materials fabricate the designed artefact, but they can also play an important role in the design process; as a medium or method used to develop the design. Textiles can, with their soft and flexible properties, be easily transformed and altered in numerous ways; for example, by cutting, folding or printing on the material. This transformative character makes textiles interesting sketching media for surface explorations when designing artefacts. The development of transformable materials; for example, fusible yarns and colour changing pigments, have expanded these inherent transformative qualities of textiles and have opened up the design field of smart textiles. Accordingly, this new material context has created a new area for textile designers to explore, where it is possible to enhance and play with the alterable character of their textiles, and control their transformation through physical manipulation and programming. However, these expanded transformative properties also open up a new task for textile designers; to design "smart textiles as raw materials for design". By this term we mean, textiles that are not finished in their design but that can be developed and enhanced when they take part in a product or space design process. In this article, we explore and start to define what smart textiles as raw materials for design can be, and look at how these materials can come into and add something to another design process. The foundation for this exploration is a number of textile examples from the “Smart Textiles sample collection” and our experiences when developing and designing with them. (The Smart Textiles sample collection is a range of textiles that is designed and produced by the Smart Textile Design Lab, to give students, designers and researchers direct access to different types of smart textiles). The possibilities and limitations of smart textiles as raw materials for design are explored by looking at the textile examples from two perspectives: firstly, by looking at the considerations that come with designing this type of textile design, and secondly by looking at what these transformative textiles can bring to another design process. Each example is analyzed and classified according to what transformable design variables for structure and surface change can be embedded in the textile design, and what design variables this subsequently creates for a design process that uses these materials i.e., describing what type of transformation different examples of smart textiles introduce to the design process/design space; whether the change is reversible or irreversible, and whether the change occurs through physical or through digital manipulation of the material. This article ends with a discussion of how smart textiles in the form of raw materials for design could influence how we design textiles and how we design with textiles. Can transformative materials enrich material explorations in a design process? Can further development and alteration of the material design be introduced or defined by the textile designer? Could smart textiles as raw materials for design open up a stronger connection between the design of textiles and the design of the product or spaces where they will be used

    Red clover root-associated microbiota is shaped by geographic location and choice of farming system

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    Aims: This study evaluated the red clover (Trifolium pratense) root-associated microbiota to clarify the presence of pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms in 89 Swedish field sites.Methods and results: 16S rRNA and ITS amplicon sequencing analysis were performed on DNA extracted from the red clover root samples collected to determine the composition of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic root-associated microbe communities. Alpha and beta diversities were calculated and relative abundance of various microbial taxa and their co-occurrence were analyzed. Rhizobium was the most prevalent bacterial genus, followed by Sphingomonas, Mucilaginibacter, Flavobacterium, and the unclassified Chloroflexi group KD4-96. The Leptodontidium, Cladosporium, Clonostachys, and Tetracladium fungal genera known for endophytic, saprotrophic, and mycoparasitic lifestyles were also frequently observed in all samples. Sixty-two potential pathogenic fungi were identified with a bias toward grass pathogens and a higher abundance in samples from conventional farms.Conclusions: We showed that the microbial community was mainly shaped by geographic location and management procedures. Co-occurrence networks revealed that the Rhizobiumleguminosarum bv. trifolii was negatively associated with all fungal pathogenic taxa recognized in this study

    Ledarskap - Ett enkelt begrepp? - En kvalitativ studie om framstÀllningen av ledarskap, medarbetare och kontexter i managementlitteratur

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    Sammanfattning Titel: “Ledarskap- Ett enkelt begrepp?” - En kvalitativ studie om framstĂ€llningen av ledarskap, medarbetare och kontexter i managementlitteratur. Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management. Kurs: KSKK01 Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15 hp, VĂ„rterminen 2013. Författare: Hanna Persson & Linda Sandberg Handledare: Malin Espersson Nyckelord: Ledarskap, medarbetare, kontexter, managementlitteratur. Syfte: Genom att studera och analysera kĂ€nd och populĂ€r managementlitteratur vill vi undersöka hur och i vilken utstrĂ€ckning denna litteratur speglar aktuell managementforskning och om dessa hĂ€nger samman eller ej. Vi vill Ă€ven se pĂ„ hur ledarskap framstĂ€lls samt hur synen pĂ„ ledarskap ser ut. En undersökning kommer göras om hĂ€nsyn tas till medarbetare och hur dessa i sĂ„dana fall framstĂ€lls i managementlitteratur, likvĂ€l vill vi se i vilken utstrĂ€ckning hĂ€nsyn tas till olika kontexter i litteraturen. Studiens syfte Ă€r att undersöka hur ledarskap, medarbetare och kontexter framstĂ€lls i vald managementlitteratur. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningar: - Hur framstĂ€lls ledare och ledarskap i managementlitteratur? - PĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt framstĂ€lls medarbetare? - I vilken utstrĂ€ckning tas hĂ€nsyn till olika kontexter? Metod: En kvalitativ textanalys med delar frĂ„n innehĂ„llsanalys och argumentationsanalys, tvĂ„ utvalda managementböcker utgör empiriskt material. Teoretisk referensram och tidigare forskning: Forskning och teori kring Ledarskap, medarbetarskap, kontexter, chefskap kontra ledarskap, path-goal teorin, leader-member exchange theory (LMX) samt kontingensteorin, Slutsatser: Vald managementlitteratur ger en förenklad bild av ledarskap, beskrivningar inom omrĂ„det Ă€r förenklade och förklaringar pĂ„ tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt saknas i de flesta diskussioner. Medarbetare framstĂ€lls pĂ„ ett generellt sĂ€tt och de framstĂ€lls ofta som motstĂ„ndslösa och enkla att styra. Studien visar att det finns en avsaknad av hĂ€nsyn till kontexter och dess pĂ„verkan

    JÀmförelse mellan subkutan administration av medetomidin pÄ hjÀssan och i nackskinnet hos hund

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    Subkutan (s.c.) administration av medetomidin pĂ„ hjĂ€ssan hos hund anvĂ€nds frekvent pĂ„ kliniker. Det ger en varierande effekt men vĂ€ljs oftast för att det Ă€r enklare Ă€n intravenös (i.v.) administration och mindre smĂ€rtsamt Ă€n intramuskulĂ€r (i.m.) administration. För att underlĂ€tta hanteringen av hundar vid undersökningar, behandlingssituationer och smĂ„ ingrepp, sederas de oftast med α2- adrenoreceptoragonister (α2-agonister). DĂ„ dessa Ă€r reversibla med en α2- adrenoreceptorantagonist undviks de flesta negativa effekterna av sjĂ€lva sederingen. Detta kandidatarbete inom djuromvĂ„rdnad presenterar resultat frĂ„n en experimentell pilotstudie som utfördes i februari 2020 pĂ„ Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU). Sex friska beaglar sederades med medetomidin pĂ„ tvĂ„ olika s.c. administrationsplatser vid tvĂ„ olika tillfĂ€llen med en veckas mellanrum. Vid ena tillfĂ€llet administrerades medetomidin s.c. pĂ„ hjĂ€ssan och vid det andra i nacken. Syftet med denna pilotstudie var att undersöka skillnaden i total sederingseffekt, hjĂ€rtfrekvens (HF), sederingsgrad och lĂ€ggningstid (tid förfluten frĂ„n administration tills hunden lagt sig med hela bröstkorgen i marken) mellan administrationsplatserna. Alla hundar fick samma dos medetomidin berĂ€knat per kilo (kg) kroppsvikt. HF och syremĂ€ttnad i blodet (saturation) mĂ€ttes via en givare fĂ€st runt hundarnas svans. Andningsfrekvens (AF) och beteendeparametrar (sederingsgrad, lĂ€ggningstid, munrörelse, ataxi, krĂ€kning och stressnivĂ„ enligt Fear Anxiety and Stress scale) bedömdes via övervakningsfilmer. Statistisk signifikant skillnad sĂ„gs i sederingsgrad mellan de bĂ„da administrationssĂ€tten. Administration av medetomidin pĂ„ hjĂ€ssan inducerade snabbare lĂ€ggningstid hos fem av sex hundar jĂ€mfört med i nacken. Ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad fanns för HF, AF och saturation mellan de bĂ„da administrationssĂ€tten men dĂ€remot sĂ„gs en signifikant minskning av dessa parametrar över tid vid bĂ€gge tillfĂ€llen. För att avgöra om statistisk signifikans finns gĂ€llande total sederingseffekt behövs utökade studier. JĂ€mförande studier gĂ€llande smĂ€rta vid de bĂ„da administrationssĂ€tten kan ocksĂ„ vara av vĂ€rde.Subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of medetomidine on the head of dogs is often used in clinics. It results in varying effect but is often chosen because it is easier to give than intravenous (i.v.) administration and intramuscular (i.m.) administration. To facilitate the handling of dogs in treatment situations, examinations and minor medical interventions they are often sedated with α2-agonists. As these are reversible with an α2-adrenoreceptor antagonist most of the negative effects of the sedation can be avoided. This Bachelor’s thesis on the animal care subject presents the results of an experimental pilot study conducted in February 2020 at the Swedish University of Agriculture Science (SLU). Six healthy beagles were sedated with medetomidine s.c. on two different occasions with one week interval. On one occasion medetomidine was administered s.c. on the head and on the other s.c. in the neck. The pilot study investigates whether there is a difference in the total effect of the sedation (heart rate (HR), degree of sedation and time from administration to sternal recumbency) between the two different places. All dogs were given the same dose of medetomidine per kilogram body weight (kg). The heart rate and oxygen saturation in the blood were measured with pulse oximetry via a sensor that was attached around the dog’s tail during the trials. Respiratory rate (RR) and behavioral parameters (degree of sedation, time from administration to sternal recumbency, mouth movement, ataxia, vomiting and stress level measured via Fear Anxiety and Stress scale) were assessed via surveillance footage. A significant difference was observed in the degree of sedation between the two s.c. administration places. Administration on the head induced shorter time from administration to sternal recumbency in five of six dogs compared to the neck. There was no significant difference for HR, RR and saturation between the two administration places, but a significant reduction of these parameters was seen over time on both occasions. To determine whether there is a statistical significance of the total sedation effect, extended studies are needed. Comparative studies regarding pain in the two administration sites may also be of value

    Fathers' sense of security during the first postnatal week-A qualitative interview study in Sweden.

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    BACKGROUND: father's sense of security in the early postnatal period is important for the whole family. An instrument, which measures Parents' Postnatal Sense of Security (the PPSS instrument), is under development. OBJECTIVE: to explore and describe factors, which influence fathers' sense of security during the first postnatal week. METHODS: an explorative design with a qualitative approach was used. Thirteen fathers from three hospital uptake areas in Southern Sweden were interviewed using focus group discussions and individual interviews. Analysis was carried out using qualitative content analysis. FINDINGS: participation in the processes of pregnancy birth and early parenthood emerged as the main category for fathers' postnatal sense of security. The emergent categories were; 'willingness to participate and take responsibility', 'being given the opportunity to take responsibility', 'being assured about mother's and baby's well-being', 'having someone to turn to-knowing who to ask', 'being met as an individual' and 'being met by competent and supporting staff'. KEY CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: new and specific items of importance when investigating fathers' sense of security during the early postnatal period have been pinpointed. Fathers' sense of early postnatal security may be enhanced by giving them a genuine opportunity to participate in the whole process and by giving them the opportunity to stay overnight at the hospital after the birth. Midwives and care organisations need to give clear information about where competent help and advice can be obtained at all hours. Midwives should strengthen the fathering role by acknowledging and listening to the father as an individual person

    Common dental problems in the brachycephalic dog : A survey of dog owners' knowledge

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    Tandproblem Àr vanligt förekommande bland hundar och brakycefala hundraser har en högre risk att drabbas av parodontala sjukdomar, persisterande mjölktÀnder, icke-erupterade tÀnder och tandcystor pÄ grund av sin korta och breda skallform. TÀnderna hos brakycefala hundar Àr tÀtt placerade och tvingas ofta rotera för att fÄ plats, vilket föranleder att foderrester lÀtt fastnar mellan tÀnderna. TÀnderna kan Àven fÄ svÄrt att eruptera i munhÄlan pÄ ett korrekt vis. Parodontala sjukdomar som gingivit och parodontit anses vara de tandproblem som brakycefala hundar Àr mest predisponerad för. Syftet med detta kandidatarbete Àr att med en enkÀt undersöka vilken kÀnnedom Àgare till brakycefala hundar har om vanliga tandproblem samt om de vidtar nÄgra profylaktiska ÄtgÀrder för sin hunds tandhÀlsa. Arbetet vill utröna om djurhÀlsopersonalen behöver ge mer information om vanliga tandproblem och profylaktisk tandvÄrd till hundÀgare till brakycefala hundar, dÄ de hundarna i högre grad riskerar att drabbas av tandproblem som parodontala sjukdomar. Litteraturöversikten ger en fördjupad bakgrund om brakycefala hundars vanligaste tandproblem samt hur profylaktisk tandvÄrd kan anvÀndas för att undvika parodontala sjukdomar. Resultatet baseras pÄ 263 slutförda enkÀter. Drygt hÀlften av respondenterna kÀnner inte till om nÄgra av de presenterade tandproblemen i enkÀten Àr vanligare bland brakycefala hundar. En hög andel av respondenterna vidtar nÄgon form av profylaktisk tandÄtgÀrd för sin hund, de flesta av dessa utför en passiv tandÄtgÀrd. FÄ hundÀgare i enkÀten borstar sin hunds tÀnder tillrÀckligt ofta för att det ska motverka uppbyggnaden av plack och tandsten. Av de respondenter som mottagit information om vanliga tandproblem och profylaktisk tandvÄrd har de flesta fÄtt den frÄn djurhÀlsopersonal. Resultatet tyder pÄ att djurhÀlsopersonalen kan bli bÀttre pÄ att informera hundÀgare om vanliga tandproblem hos brakycefala hundar och framförallt hur de bör utföra den profylaktiska hemtandvÄrden för att förhindra uppbyggnad av plack och tandsten och pÄ sÄ vis förebygga uppkomst av parodontala sjukdomar.Dental problems are common among dogs and brachycephalic dogs have an additional increased risk of suffering from periodontal diseases, persistent deciduous teeth, non-erupted teeth and dental cysts due to their short and broad skull shape. The teeth of brachycephalic dogs are overcrowded and often rotated. This causes feed residues to stick more easily between the teeth. Teeth can also find it difficult to erupt normally. Periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis are considered to be the most common dental problems in brachycephalic dogs. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate, with a questionnaire, what knowledge dog owners of brachycephalic dogs have about the dog's most common dental problems and whether they take any prophylactic measures for their dog's dental health. The thesis aim to determine whether the animal health personnel need to provide more information about common dental problems and prophylactic dental care to the owners of brachycephalic dogs, as they are more likely to be affected by dental problems such as periodontal diseases. The literature review provide an in-depth background to the most common dental problems of brachycephalic dogs and how prophylactic dental care can be used to avoid periodontal diseases. The result is based on 263 completed questionnaires. Just over half of the respondents do not know if any of the presented dental problems in the questionnaire are more common among brachycephalic dogs. A high proportion of the respondents perform some form of oral hygiene regimens on their dog, most of them performing a passive oral home-care routine such as giving a dental chew. Few dog owners brush their dog's teeth often enough for it to have an adequate effect on the build-up of plaque and tartar. Most of the respondents who received information on common dental problems and prophylactic dental care received it from animal health personnel. The result suggests that the animal health staff can be better at informing dog owners about common dental problems in brachycephal dogs and, above all, how they should perform the prophylactic dental home-care to prevent the build-up of plaque and tartar and thus prevent the occurrence of periodontal diseases
