107 research outputs found

    Overview over the neutral gas pressures in Wendelstein 7-X during divertor operation under boronized wall conditions

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    During the first test divertor campaign of the stellarator experiment Wendelstein 7-X (Pedersen et al 2022 Nucl. Fusion 62 042022), OP1.2b, 13 neutral gas pressure gauges collected data in different locations in the plasma vessel, enabling a detailed analysis of the neutral gas pressures, the compression ratios and the particle exhaust rates via the turbomolecular pumps in the different magnetic field configurations. In Wendelstein 7-X, the edge magnetic islands are intersected by the divertor target plates and used to create a plasma-wall interface. As the number and position of the magnetic islands varies in different magnetic field configurations, the position of the strike line on the target plates and thus the neutral gas pressure in the subdivertor differs between the configurations. Neutral gas pressures on the order of few 10−4 mbar were measured in the subdivertor region. The highest neutral gas pressure of 1.75×10−31.75\times 10^{-3} mbar was obtained in the so-called high iota configuration featuring four edge magnetic islands per cross section. The neutral particle flux through the pumping gaps into the subdivertor volume was provided by EMC3-EIRENE simulations and allowed to analyze the relation between the particle flux entering the subdivertor and the pressure distribution in the subdivertor. Finite element simulations in ANSYS provide a detailed picture of the pressure distribution in the subdivertor volume and agree with the neutral gas pressure measurements in the subdivertor in the standard configuration featuring an island chain of 5 edge magnetic islands. Surprisingly high neutral gas pressures that were not predicted by the simulation were measured in the subdivertor region away from the main strike line for discharges in the most used magnetic configuration, the standard configuration. While the pressure ratio between the two sections of the subdivertor volume, the low and high iota section is 0.06 in high iota configuration, a ratio of 2–5 was obtained in the other configurations, indicating significant particle loads and exhaust rates on the high iota section of the subdivertor in magnetic configurations with the main strike line on the low iota divertor targets

    Impurity temperatures measured via line shape analysis in the island scrape-off-layer of Wendelstein 7-X

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    Impurity temperatures have been determined by a spectroscopic line shape analysis for several species in the divertor scrape-off-layer of the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X). Examples include spectral lines from intrinsic elements (C II and C III, He I) as well as from seeded impurities (Ar II, N II) through the divertor gas inlet system. Both Doppler broadening and Zeeman splitting are found to contribute significantly to the impurity line shapes. Zeeman splitting arises due to the confining magnetic field in W7-X and complicates the line shape appearance. By attributing Doppler widths to each of the various Zeeman components, however, we demonstrate that reliable ion temperature values can be derived provided that the presence of the magnetic field is properly accounted for. The spectrally highly resolved lines are analyzed by means of a multi-parameter, least-squares fit routine, which accounts for Doppler broadening, Zeeman splitting, as well as the instrumental broadening of the spectrometer used to measure the spectral line shapes. By spectral fitting of the Zeeman features, it is also found that the line shape analysis can yield values for the local magnetic field, which can be used to localize the impurity radiation approximately provided that the line emission is dominant in a small area intersected by the lines of sight of the spectrometer
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