124 research outputs found

    A Cold Nearby Cloud Inside the Local Bubble

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    The high-latitude Galactic H I cloud toward the extragalactic radio source 3C 225 is characterized by very narrow 21 cm emission and absorption indicative of a very low H I spin temperature of about 20 K. Through high-resolution optical spectroscopy, we report the detection of strong, very narrow Na I absorption corresponding to this cloud toward a number of nearby stars. Assuming that the turbulent H I and Na I motions are similar, we derive a cloud temperature of 20 (+6, -8) K (in complete agreement with the 21 cm results) and a line-of-sight turbulent velocity of 0.37+/-0.08 km/s from a comparison of the H I and Na I absorption linewidths. We also place a firm upper limit of 45 pc on the distance of the cloud, which situates it well inside the Local Bubble in this direction and makes it the nearest-known cold diffuse cloud discovered to date.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Lithium in Blanco1: Implications for Stellar Mixing

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    We obtain lithium abundances for G and K stars in Blanco 1, an open cluster with an age similar to, or slightly younger than, the Pleiades. We critically examine previous spectroscopic abundance analyses of Blanco 1 and conclude that while there were flaws in earlier work, it is likely that Blanco 1 is close in overall metallicity to the older Hyades cluster and more metal-rich than the Pleiades. However, we find Blanco 1 has Li abundances and rotation rates similar to the Pleiades, contradicting predictions from standard stellar evolution models, in which convective pre-main sequence (PMS) Li depletion should increase rapidly with metallicity. If the high metallicity of Blanco 1 is subsequently confirmed, our observations imply (1) that a currently unknown mechanism severely inhibits PMS Li depletion, (2) that additional non-standard mixing modes, such as those driven by rotation and angular momentum loss, are then responsible for main sequence Li depletion between the ages of Blanco 1 and the Hyades, and (3) that in clusters younger than the Hyades, metallicity plays only a minor role in determining the amount of Li depletion among G and K stars. These conclusions suggest that Li abundance remains a useful age indicator among young (less than 700 Myr) stars even when metallicities are unknown. If non-standard mixing is effective in Population I stars, the primordial Li abundance could be significantly larger than present day Population II Li abundances, due to prior Li depletion.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figs. To appear in ApJ Vol. 511 (Jan 20 1999

    Discovery of an 86 AU Radius Debris Ring Around HD 181327

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    HST/NICMOS PSF-subtracted coronagraphic observations of HD 181327 have revealed the presence of a ring-like disk of circumstellar debris seen in 1.1 micron light scattered by the disk grains, surrounded by a di use outer region of lower surface brightness. The annular disk appears to be inclined by 31.7 +/- 1.6 deg from face on with the disk major axis PA at 107 +/-2 deg . The total 1.1 micron flux density of the light scattered by the disk (at 1.2" < r < 5.0") of 9.6 mJy +/- 0.8 mJy is 0.17% +/- 0.015% of the starlight. Seventy percent of the light from the scattering grains appears to be confined in a 36 AU wide annulus centered on the peak of the radial surface brightness (SB) profile 86.3 +/- 3.9 AU from the star, well beyond the characteristic radius of thermal emission estimated from IRAS and Spitzer flux densities assuming blackbody grains (~ 22 AU). The light scattered by the ring appears bilaterally symmetric, exhibits directionally preferential scattering well represented by a Henyey-Greenstein scattering phase function with g = 0.30 +/- 0.03, and has an azimuthally medianed SB at the 86.3 AU radius of peak SB of 1.00 +/- 0.07 mJy arcsec^-2. No photocentric offset is seen in the ring relative to the position of the central star. A low surface brightness diffuse halo is seen in the NICMOS image to a distance of ~ 4" Deeper 0.6 micron HST/ACS PSF-subtracted coronagraphic observations reveal a faint outer nebulosity, asymmetrically brighter to the North of the star. We discuss models of the disk and properties of its grains, from which we infer a maximum vertical scale height of 4 - 8 AU at the 87.6 AU radius of maximum surface density, and a total maximum dust mass of collisionally replenished grains with minimum grain sizes of ~ 1 micron of ~ 4 M(moon).Comment: 45 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Southern Proper Motion Program IV. The SPM4 Catalog

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    We present the fourth installment of the Yale/San Juan Southern Proper Motion Catalog, SPM4. The SPM4 contains absolute proper motions, celestial coordinates, and (B,V) photometry for over 103 million stars and galaxies between the south celestial pole and -20 deg declination. The catalog is roughly complete to V=17.5 and is based on photographic and CCD observations taken with the Yale Southern Observatory's double-astrograph at Cesco Observatory in El Leoncito, Argentina. The proper-motion precision, for well-measured stars, is estimated to be 2 to 3 mas/yr, depending on the type of second-epoch material. At the bright end, proper motions are on the International Celestial Reference System by way of Hipparcos Catalog stars, while the faint end is anchored to the inertial system using external galaxies. Systematic uncertainties in the absolute proper motions are on the order of 1 mas/yr.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables; accepted for publication in AJ; note - modified author list and acknowledgements sectio

    An Ultra-High-Resolution Survey of the Interstellar ^7Li-to-^6Li Isotope Ratio in the Solar Neighborhood

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    In an effort to probe the extent of variations in the interstellar ^7Li/^6Li ratio seen previously, ultra-high-resolution (R ~ 360,000), high signal-to-noise spectra of stars in the Perseus OB2 and Scorpius OB2 Associations were obtained. These measurements confirm our earlier findings of an interstellar ^7Li/^6Li ratio of about 2 toward o Per, the value predicted from models of Galactic cosmic ray spallation reactions. Observations of other nearby stars yield limits consistent with the isotopic ratio ~ 12 seen in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. If this ratio originally represented the gas toward o Per, then to decrease the original isotope ratio to its current value an order of magnitude increase in the Li abundance is expected, but is not seen. The elemental K/Li ratio is not unusual, although Li and K are formed via different nucleosynthetic pathways. Several proposals to account for the low ^7Li/^6Li ratio were considered, but none seems satisfactory. Analysis of the Li and K abundances from our survey highlighted two sight lines where depletion effects are prevalent. There is evidence for enhanced depletion toward X Per, since both abundances are lower by a factor of 4 when compared to other sight lines. Moreover, a smaller Li/H abundance is observed toward 20 Aql, but the K/H abundance is normal, suggesting enhanced Li depletion (relative to K) in this direction. Our results suggest that the ^7Li/^6Li ratio has not changed significantly during the last 4.5 billion years and that a ratio ~ 12 represents most gas in the solar neighborhood. In addition, there appears to be a constant stellar contribution of ^7Li, indicating that one or two processes dominate its production in the Galaxy.Comment: 54 pages, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Discovery of a Brown Dwarf Companion to Gliese 570ABC: A 2MASS T Dwarf Significantly Cooler than Gliese 229B

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    We report the discovery of a widely separated (258\farcs3\pm0\farcs4) T dwarf companion to the Gl 570ABC system. This new component, Gl 570D, was initially identified from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). Its near-infrared spectrum shows the 1.6 and 2.2 \micron CH4_4 absorption bands characteristic of T dwarfs, while its common proper motion with the Gl 570ABC system confirms companionship. Gl 570D (MJ_J = 16.47±\pm0.07) is nearly a full magnitude dimmer than the only other known T dwarf companion, Gl 229B, and estimates of L = (2.8±\pm0.3)x10−6^{-6} L_{\sun} and Teff_{eff} = 750±\pm50 K make it significantly cooler and less luminous than any other known brown dwarf companion. Using evolutionary models by Burrows et al. and an adopted age of 2-10 Gyr, we derive a mass estimate of 50±\pm20 MJup_{Jup} for this object.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, accepted by ApJ

    The Coronae of AR Lac

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    We observed the coronally active eclipsing binary, AR Lac, with the High Energy Transmission Grating on Chandra for a total of 97 ks, spaced over five orbits, at quadratures and conjunctions. Contemporaneous and simultaneous EUV spectra and photometry were also obtained with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer. Significant variability in both X-ray and EUV fluxes were observed, dominated by at least one X-ray flare and one EUV flare. We saw no evidence of primary or secondary eclipses. X-ray flux modulation was largest at high temperature, indicative of flare heating of coronal plasma. Line widths interpreted in terms of Doppler broadening suggest that both binary stellar components are active. From line fluxes obtained from total integrated spectra, we have modeled the emission measure and abundance distributions. A strong maximum was found in the differential emission measure, characterized by peaks at log T = 6.9 and 7.4, together with a weak but significant cooler maximum near log T=6.2, and a moderately strong hot tail from log T= 7.6-8.2. Coronal abundances have a broad distribution and show no simple correlation with first ionization potential. While the resulting model spectrum generally agrees very well with the observed spectrum, there are some significant discrepancies, especially among the many Fe L-lines. Both the emission measure and abundance distributions are qualitatively similar to prior determinations from other X-ray and ultraviolet spectra, indicating some long-term stability in the overall coronal structure.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables; Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (tentatively October 1, 2003

    A Consistency Test of Spectroscopic Gravities for Late-Type Stars

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    Chemical analyses of late-type stars are usually carried out following the classical recipe: LTE line formation and homogeneous, plane-parallel, flux-constant, and LTE model atmospheres. We review different results in the literature that have suggested significant inconsistencies in the spectroscopic analyses, pointing out the difficulties in deriving independent estimates of the stellar fundamental parameters and hence,detecting systematic errors. The trigonometric parallaxes measured by the HIPPARCOS mission provide accurate appraisals of the stellar surface gravity for nearby stars, which are used here to check the gravities obtained from the photospheric iron ionization balance. We find an approximate agreement for stars in the metallicity range -1 <= [Fe/H] <= 0, but the comparison shows that the differences between the spectroscopic and trigonometric gravities decrease towards lower metallicities for more metal-deficient dwarfs (-2.5 <= [Fe/H] <= -1.0), which casts a shadow upon the abundance analyses for extreme metal-poor stars that make use of the ionization equilibrium to constrain the gravity. The comparison with the strong-line gravities derived by Edvardsson (1988) and Fuhrmann (1998a) confirms that this method provides systematically larger gravities than the ionization balance. The strong-line gravities get closer to the physical ones for the stars analyzed by Fuhrmann, but they are even further away than the iron ionization gravities for the stars of lower gravities in Edvardsson's sample. The confrontation of the deviations of the iron ionization gravities in metal-poor stars reported here with departures from the excitation balance found in the literature, show that they are likely to be induced by the same physical mechanism(s).Comment: AAS LaTeX v4.0, 35 pages, 10 PostScript files; to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    A new upper limit on the reflected starlight from Tau Bootis b

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    Using improved doppler tomographic signal-analysis techniques we have carried out a deep search for starlight reflected from the giant planet orbiting the star Tau Bootis. We combined echelle spectra secured at the 4.2 m William Herschel telescope in 1998 and 1999 (which yielded a tentative detection of a reflected starlight component from the orbiting companion) with new data obtained in 2000 (which failed to confirm the detection). The combined dataset comprises 893 high resolution spectra with a total integration time of 75 hr 32 min spanning 17 nights. We establish an upper limit on the planet's geometric albedo p<0.39 (at the 99.9 % significance level) at the most probable orbital inclination i=36 degrees, assuming a grey albedo, a Venus-like phase function and a planetary radius R_p=1.2 R_Jup. We are able to rule out some combinations of the predicted planetary radius and atmospheric albedo models with high, reflective cloud decks. Although a weak candidate signal appears near to the most probable radial velocity amplitude, its statistical significance is insufficient for us to claim a detection with any confidence.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures, MNRAS accepted 12 June 200
