20,107 research outputs found

    Maternal haemodynamic function differs in pre‐eclampsia when it is associated with a small‐for‐gestational‐age newborn: a prospective cohort study

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    Objective To describe maternal haemodynamic differences in gestational hypertension with small‐for‐gestational‐age babies (HDP + SGA), gestational hypertension with appropriate‐for‐gestational‐age babies (HDP‐only) and control pregnancies. Design Prospective cohort study. Setting Tertiary Hospital, UK. Population Women with gestational hypertension and healthy pregnant women. Methods Maternal haemodynamic indices were measured using a non‐invasive Ultrasound Cardiac Output Monitor (USCOM‐1A®) and corrected for gestational age and maternal characteristics using device‐specific reference ranges. Main outcome measures Maternal cardiac output, stroke volume, systemic vascular resistance. Results We included 114 HDP + SGA, 202 HDP‐only and 401 control pregnancies at 26–41 weeks of gestation. There was no significant difference in the mean arterial blood pressure (110 versus 107 mmHg, P = 0.445) between the two HDP groups at presentation. Pregnancies complicated by HDP + SGA had significantly lower median heart rate (76 versus 85 bpm versus 83 bpm), lower cardiac output (0.85 versus 0.98 versus 0.97 MoM) and higher systemic vascular resistance (1.4 versus 1.0 versus 1.2 MoM) compared with control and HDP‐only pregnancies, respectively (all P < 0.05). Conclusion Women with HDP + SGA present with more severe haemodynamic dysfunction than HDP‐only. Even HDP‐only pregnancies exhibit impaired haemodynamic indices compared with normal pregnancies, supporting a role of the maternal cardiovascular system in gestational hypertension irrespective of fetal size. Central haemodynamic changes may play a role in the pathogenesis of pre‐eclampsia and should be considered alongside placental aetiology

    Far Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Contains a report on a research project

    SHG microscopic observations of polar state in Li-doped KTaO3 under electric field

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    Incipient ferroelectric KTaO3 with off-center Li impurity of the critical concentration of 2.8 mol% was investigated in order to clarify the dipole glass state under electric field. Using optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) microscope, we observed a marked history dependence of SHG intensity through zero-field cooling (ZFC), zero-field heating (ZFH), field heating after ZFC (FH/ZFC) and FH after field cooling (FH/FC). These show different paths with respect to temperature: In the ZFC/ZFH process, weak SHG was observed at low temperature, while in the FH/ZFC process, relatively high SHG appears in a limited temperature range below TF depending on the field strength, and in the FC and FH/FC processes, the SHG exhibits ferroelectric-like temperature dependence: it appears at the freezing temperature of 50K, increases with decreasing temperature and has a tendency of saturation. These experimental results strongly suggest that dipole glass state or polar nano-clusters which gradually freezes with decreasing temperature is transformed into semi-macroscopic polar state under the electric field. However at sufficiently low temperature, the freezing is so strong that the electric field cannot enlarge the polar clusters. These experimental results show that the polar nano-cluster model similar to relaxors would be more relevant in KTaO3 doped with the critical concentration of Li. Further experiments on the anisotropy of SHG determine that the average symmetry of the field-induced polar phase is tetragonal 4mm or 4, which is also confirmed by the X-ray diffraction measurement.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Levels of Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus patients with Nephropathy and Cardiovascular disease complication

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus (DM) Type1 by the measurement of Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PD), an enzyme expressed in human RBCs, is important in the generation of reduced glutathione which is the key product in oxidative stress controls. The Study was carried on 80 samples of blood and serum of National Diabetes Center (NDC). The study groups under fasting conditions and they divided as:20 samples of diabetes mellitus patients without complications and 20 samples of diabetes mellitus with cardiovascular (CV) complications and 20 samples of diabetes mellitus with Nephropathy (Neph) complications compared with 20 control group with average age (13-67) years.. The results showed an elevation in the lipid profile and urea levels in patients groups compared with control group and a decrease in glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase, HDL levels in all patients groups compared with control group

    Volume of Mixing Effect on Fluid Counter-Diffusion

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    The counter-current diffusion-driven mixing process of two miscible fluids is studied in the absence of gravity, assuming that the mixture is non regular, that is its volume is smaller than the sum of the initial volumes of the two components. Two competing effects are present in the mixing region: on one hand, the mass flow rate of each species increases, due to the larger density of the fluid; on the other hand, though, the volumetric flux is retarded by the inward convection due to volume disappearance, which opposes the outward velocity field due to diffusion. This intuition is confirmed by the analytical result of a 1D non-ideal mixing process, showing that, in the presence of the convection induced by a volume decrease, a) the process is self-similar; b) the mass flux of each species at the interface increases by approximately 0.8 e, where e is the maximum relative volume decrease; c) the volume flux of each species decreases by approximately a 0.2 e amount. This result is further confirmed by a perturbation analysis for small e

    Isotopic studies in the natural sources of radium in groundwater in Illinois

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    Stable and radioactive isotopes in groundwater were studied in an investigation of the natural geologic sources of high concentrations of ²²⁶Ra and ²²⁸Ra in confined aquifers in the Cambrian and Ordovician bedrock of northern Illinois. The covariation of ¹⁸0 and D determined that the groundwater has a meteoric isotopic composition. Groundwater in unconfined aquifers has ¹⁸0 values (-6.6 to -7.9⁰/₀₀) that are similar to contemporary meteoric water. However, a source of recharge related to glaciation is required for groundwater in confined aquifers of the Cambrian and Ordovician that is significantly depleted in ¹⁸0 (¹⁸0 values range to -12.7⁰/₀₀ and are less than -9⁰/₀₀ over large regions) . The covariation of ³⁴S and ¹⁸0 in dissolved sulfates determined a mixing line between two sources; oxidation of sulfide minerals and dissolution of marine evaporites. Dissolved sulfates from evaporite sources are present in large concentrations in confined aquifers but are of a different isotopic composition than evaporites of Cambrian or Ordovician age. Glaciation may be important with regard to recharge of the sulfates. The ²³⁴U/²³⁸U activity ratio in groundwater from the Cambrian and Ordovician are unexpectedly high; values range from 2.1 to 40.7. The lowest ratios occur in primary recharge zones. In confined aquifers values are greater than 20 over large regions. Alpha recoil damage is a mechanism that contributes to the disequilibrium. However, the regional variation in activity ratios and in ²³⁴U concentrations supports the concept that glacial recharge has contributed to the high ratios. Radiological and geochemical mechanisms that partition ²³⁸U, ²³⁴U and ²³⁰Th on the sandstone matrix are important to the dissolved ²²⁶Ra concentration.U.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological Surve

    Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Contains reports on four research projects

    Gestation and Lactation Rations for Ewes

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    The purpose of this study is to determine wether these two forms of haylage are satisfactory both nutritionally and economically in the lactation as well as the gestation period

    Glueballs in a Hamiltonian Light-Front Approach to Pure-Glue QCD

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    We calculate a renormalized Hamiltonian for pure-glue QCD and diagonalize it. The renormalization procedure is designed to produce a Hamiltonian that will yield physical states that rapidly converge in an expansion in free-particle Fock-space sectors. To make this possible, we use light-front field theory to isolate vacuum effects, and we place a smooth cutoff on the Hamiltonian to force its free-state matrix elements to quickly decrease as the difference of the free masses of the states increases. The cutoff violates a number of physical principles of light-front pure-glue QCD, including Lorentz covariance and gauge covariance. This means that the operators in the Hamiltonian are not required to respect these physical principles. However, by requiring the Hamiltonian to produce cutoff-independent physical quantities and by requiring it to respect the unviolated physical principles of pure-glue QCD, we are able to derive recursion relations that define the Hamiltonian to all orders in perturbation theory in terms of the running coupling. We approximate all physical states as two-gluon states, and use our recursion relations to calculate to second order the part of the Hamiltonian that is required to compute the spectrum. We diagonalize the Hamiltonian using basis-function expansions for the gluons' color, spin, and momentum degrees of freedom. We examine the sensitivity of our results to the cutoff and use them to analyze the nonperturbative scale dependence of the coupling. We investigate the effect of the dynamical rotational symmetry of light-front field theory on the rotational degeneracies of the spectrum and compare the spectrum to recent lattice results. Finally, we examine our wave functions and analyze the various sources of error in our calculation.Comment: 75 pages, 17 figures, 1 tabl
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