18,740 research outputs found

    Thermionic reactor power system: Effects of radiation on integration with Manned Space Station

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    The application of a thermionic reactor power system to the modular space station is described. The nominal net power is 40 kWe, with the power system designed to be applicable over the power range from 25 to 60 kWe. The power system is designed to be launched by the space shuttle. Radiation protection is provided by LiH neutron shielding and W gamma shielding in a shaped 4 pion configuration, i.e., the reactor is shielded on all sides but not to equal extent. Isodose contours are presented for the region around the modular space station. Levels and spectral distribution of radiation are given for later evaluation of effects on space station experiments. Parametric data on the effects of separation distance on power system mass are presented

    A Study of Linear Approximation Techniques for SAR Azimuth Processing

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    The application of the step transform subarray processing techniques to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) was studied. The subarray technique permits the application of efficient digital transform computational techniques such as the fast Fourier transform to be applied while offering an effective tool for range migration compensation. Range migration compensation is applied at the subarray level, and with the subarray size based on worst case range migration conditions, a minimum control system is achieved. A baseline processor was designed for a four-look SAR system covering approximately 4096 by 4096 SAR sample field every 2.5 seconds. Implementation of the baseline system was projected using advanced low power technologies. A 20 swath is implemented with approximately 1000 circuits having a power dissipation of from 70 to 195 watts. The baseline batch step transform processor is compared to a continuous strip processor, and variations of the baseline are developed for a wide range of SAR parameters

    Imputing historical statistics, soils information, and other land-use data to crop area

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    In foreign crop condition monitoring, satellite acquired imagery is routinely used. To facilitate interpretation of this imagery, it is advantageous to have estimates of the crop types and their extent for small area units, i.e., grid cells on a map represent, at 60 deg latitude, an area nominally 25 by 25 nautical miles in size. The feasibility of imputing historical crop statistics, soils information, and other ancillary data to crop area for a province in Argentina is studied

    Evaluation of Fluorapatite as a Waste-Form Material

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    Fluorapatite, fluorinated calcium phosphate, has been identified as a potential matrix for the entombment of the zirconium fluoride fission product waste stream from the proposed FLEX process. If the efficacy of fluorapatite based waste-storage can be demonstrated, then new and potentially more-efficient options for handling and separating high-level wastes, based on fluoride-salt extraction, will become feasible. This proposal will develop a dual-path research project to develop a process to fabricate a synthetic fluorapatite waste form for the ZrF4, FP waste stream, characterize the waste form, examine its performance under environmental conditions, and correlate the behavior of the waste form with natural analogs. Characterization of the material will be accomplished through probing the molecular-scale electronic and geometric structure of the materials in order to relate them to macroscopic properties, with the goal of developing techniques to evaluate and predict the performance of different waste-form materials. Time and funding permitting, other waste forms for the zirconium fluoride, fission product salt waste stream will be examined and benchmarked against the fluorapatite matrix baseline

    Evaluation of Fluorapatite as a Waste-Form Material: Third Quarter Report, March 1 - May 31 2003

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    Fluorapatite, fluorinated calcium phosphate, has been identified as a potential matrix for the entombment of the zirconium fluoride fission product waste stream from the proposed FLEX process. If the efficacy of fluorapatite-based waste-storage can be demonstrated, then new and potentially more-efficient options for handling and separating high-level wastes, based on fluoride-salt extraction, will become feasible. This proposal will develop a dual-path research project to develop a process to fabricate a synthetic fluorapatite waste form for the ZrF4, FP waste stream, characterize the waste form, examine its performance under environmental conditions, and correlate the behavior of the waste form with natural analogs. Characterization of the material will be accomplished through probing the molecular-scale electronic and geometric structure of the materials in order to relate them to macroscopic properties, with the goal of developing techniques to evaluate and predict the performance of different waste-form materials. Time and funding permitting, other waste forms for the zirconium fluoride, fission product salt waste stream will be examined and benchmarked against the fluorapatite matrix baseline. Highlights of Accomplishments: 1. Baseline spectroscopic measurements have been obtained for commercial hydroxyapatite and natural fluorapatite using a wide variety of techniques (e.g., Raman, XPS, FT-IR) useful for probing the chemical and physical properties of materials. 2. Detailed SEM images of natural fluorapatite crystals indicate the presence of naturally included minerals (e.g., Ni), offering the possibility of studying natural analogs to waste-loaded apatite materials

    Issues in the Design of a Pilot Concept-Based Query Interface for the Neuroinformatics Information Framework

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    This paper describes a pilot query interface that has been constructed to help us explore a "concept-based" approach for searching the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF). The query interface is concept-based in the sense that the search terms submitted through the interface are selected from a standardized vocabulary of terms (concepts) that are structured in the form of an ontology. The NIF contains three primary resources: the NIF Resource Registry, the NIF Document Archive, and the NIF Database Mediator. These NIF resources are very different in their nature and therefore pose challenges when designing a single interface from which searches can be automatically launched against all three resources simultaneously. The paper first discusses briefly several background issues involving the use of standardized biomedical vocabularies in biomedical information retrieval, and then presents a detailed example that illustrates how the pilot concept-based query interface operates. The paper concludes by discussing certain lessons learned in the development of the current version of the interface

    Predicting Return to Work Following Myocardial Infarction: A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study.

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    This study aimed to determine the proportion of patients who returned to work within three months post-myocardial infarction and the factors that predicted return to work. A total of 136 participants with myocardial infarction completed the study questionnaires at baseline and three months post-discharge between August 2015 and February 2016. At the three-month follow-up, 87.5% (n = 49) of the participants who were working pre-infarction had resumed work. Age, gender, education, smoking, readmission after discharge, number of comorbidities, diabetes, social support, anxiety, and depression were significantly associated with returning to work at three months post-discharge. Age, gender, smoking, anxiety, and depression significantly predicted those patients with myocardial infarction that returned to work, using binary logistic regression. The majority of patients in work who experience myocardial infarction have the capacity to achieve a work resumption by three months post-discharge. Interventions that facilitate returning to work should focus on modifiable risk factors, such as improving these patients' mental health, comorbid conditions, risk of readmission, smoking, and social support. Healthcare providers should work in partnership with patients' family members, friends, and employers in developing and implementing interventions to address these modifiable factors to facilitate patients' return to work

    Advanced digital SAR processing study

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    A highly programmable, land based, real time synthetic aperture radar (SAR) processor requiring a processed pixel rate of 2.75 MHz or more in a four look system was designed. Variations in range and azimuth compression, number of looks, range swath, range migration and SR mode were specified. Alternative range and azimuth processing algorithms were examined in conjunction with projected integrated circuit, digital architecture, and software technologies. The advaced digital SAR processor (ADSP) employs an FFT convolver algorithm for both range and azimuth processing in a parallel architecture configuration. Algorithm performace comparisons, design system design, implementation tradeoffs and the results of a supporting survey of integrated circuit and digital architecture technologies are reported. Cost tradeoffs and projections with alternate implementation plans are presented

    Embedding generic employability skills in an accounting degree: development and impediments

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    This paper explores and analyses the views of, and effects on, students of a project that integrated the development of employability skills within the small group classes of two compulsory courses in the first year of an accounting degree at a UK university. The project aimed to build, deliver and evaluate course materials designed to encourage the development of a broad range of employability skills: skills needed for life-long learning and a successful business career. By analysing students' opinions gathered from a series of focus groups spread throughout the year, three prominent skill areas of interest were identified: time management, modelling, and learning to learn. Further analysis highlighted the complex nature of skills development, and brought to light a range of impediments and barriers to both students' development of employability skills and their subject learning. The analysis suggests the need for accounting educators to see skills development as being an essential element of the path to providing a successful accounting education experience

    The Political Battle for the Constitution

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