15,068 research outputs found

    Dental problems and Familismo: social network discussion of oral health issues among adults of Mexican origin living in the Midwest United States

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    Objective: To examine the influence of collectivist orientation (often called familismo when applied to the Latino sub-group in the United States) in oral health discussion networks. Basic Research Design: Through respondent-driven sampling and face-to-face interviews, we identified respondents' (egos) personal social network members (alters). Egos stated whom they talked with about oral health, and how often they discussed dental problems in the preceding 12 months. Participants: An urban community of adult Mexican-American immigrants in the Midwest United States. We interviewed 332 egos (90% born in Mexico); egos named an average of 3.9 alters in their networks, 1,299 in total. Method: We applied egocentric network methods to examine the ego, alter, and network variables that characterize health discussion networks. Results: Kin were most often leveraged when dental problems arose; egos relied on individuals whom they perceive to have better knowledge about dental matters. However, reliance on knowledgeable alters decreased among egos with greater behavioral acculturation. Conclusions: This paper developed a network-based conceptualization of familismo. We describe the structure of oral health networks, including kin, fictive kin, peers, and health professionals, and examine how networks and acculturation help shape oral health among these Mexican-Americans

    Embedding generic employability skills in an accounting degree: development and impediments

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    This paper explores and analyses the views of, and effects on, students of a project that integrated the development of employability skills within the small group classes of two compulsory courses in the first year of an accounting degree at a UK university. The project aimed to build, deliver and evaluate course materials designed to encourage the development of a broad range of employability skills: skills needed for life-long learning and a successful business career. By analysing students' opinions gathered from a series of focus groups spread throughout the year, three prominent skill areas of interest were identified: time management, modelling, and learning to learn. Further analysis highlighted the complex nature of skills development, and brought to light a range of impediments and barriers to both students' development of employability skills and their subject learning. The analysis suggests the need for accounting educators to see skills development as being an essential element of the path to providing a successful accounting education experience

    Understanding the truth about subjectivity

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    Results of two experiments show children’s understanding of diversity in personal preference is incomplete. Despite acknowledging diversity, in Experiment 1(N=108), 6- and 8-year-old children were less likely than adults to see preference as a legitimate basis for personal tastes and more likely to say a single truth could be found about a matter of taste. In Experiment 2 (N=96), 7- and 9-year-olds were less likely than 11- and 13-yearolds to say a dispute about a matter of preference might not be resolved. These data suggest that acceptance of the possibility of diversity does not indicate an adult-like understanding of subjectivity. An understanding of the relative emphasis placed on objective and subjective factors in different contexts continues to develop into adolescence

    Nucleating Black Holes via Non-Orientable Instantons

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    We extend the analysis of black hole pair creation to include non- orientable instantons. We classify these instantons in terms of their fundamental symmetries and orientations. Many of these instantons admit the pin structure which corresponds to the fermions actually observed in nature, and so the natural objection that these manifolds do not admit spin structure may not be relevant. Furthermore, we analyse the thermodynamical properties of non-orientable black holes and find that in the non-extreme case, there are interesting modifications of the usual formulae for temperature and entropy.Comment: 27 pages LaTeX, minor typos are correcte

    Spin orbit alignment for KELT-7b and HAT-P-56b via Doppler tomography with TRES

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    We present Doppler tomographic analyses for the spectroscopic transits of KELT-7b and HAT-P-56b, two hot-Jupiters orbiting rapidly rotating F-dwarf host stars. These include analyses of archival TRES observations for KELT-7b, and a new TRES transit observation of HAT-P-56b. We report spin-orbit aligned geometries for KELT-7b (2.7 +/- 0.6 deg) and HAT-P-56b (8 +/- 2 deg). The host stars KELT-7 and HAT-P-56 are among some of the most rapidly rotating planet-hosting stars known. We examine the tidal re-alignment model for the evolution of the spin-orbit angle in the context of the spin rates of these stars. We find no evidence that the rotation rates of KELT-7 and HAT-P-56 have been modified by star-planet tidal interactions, suggesting that the spin-orbit angle of systems around these hot stars may represent their primordial configuration. In fact, KELT-7 and HAT-P-56 are two of three systems in super-synchronous, spin-orbit aligned states, where the rotation periods of the host stars are faster than the orbital periods of the planets.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Analytic Treatment of Positronium Spin Splittings in Light-Front QED

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    We study the QED bound-state problem in a light-front hamiltonian approach. Starting with a bare cutoff QED Hamiltonian, HBH_{_{B}}, with matrix elements between free states of drastically different energies removed, we perform a similarity transformation that removes the matrix elements between free states with energy differences between the bare cutoff, Λ\Lambda, and effective cutoff, \lam (\lam < \Lam). This generates effective interactions in the renormalized Hamiltonian, HRH_{_{R}}. These effective interactions are derived to order α\alpha in this work, with αâ‰Ș1\alpha \ll 1. HRH_{_{R}} is renormalized by requiring it to satisfy coupling coherence. A nonrelativistic limit of the theory is taken, and the resulting Hamiltonian is studied using bound-state perturbation theory (BSPT). The effective cutoff, \lam^2, is fixed, and the limit, 0 \longleftarrow m^2 \alpha^2\ll \lam^2 \ll m^2 \alpha \longrightarrow \infty, is taken. This upper bound on \lam^2 places the effects of low-energy (energy transfer below \lam) emission in the effective interactions in the ∣ee‟>| e {\overline e} > sector. This lower bound on \lam^2 insures that the nonperturbative scale of interest is not removed by the similarity transformation. As an explicit example of the general formalism introduced, we show that the Hamiltonian renormalized to O(α)O(\alpha) reproduces the exact spectrum of spin splittings, with degeneracies dictated by rotational symmetry, for the ground state through O(α4)O(\alpha^4). The entire calculation is performed analytically, and gives the well known singlet-triplet ground state spin splitting of positronium, 7/6α2Ryd7/6 \alpha^2 Ryd. We discuss remaining corrections other than the spin splittings and how they can be treated in calculating the spectrum with higher precision.Comment: 46 pages, latex, 3 Postscript figures included, section on remaining corrections added, title changed, error in older version corrected, cutoff placed in a windo

    Misalignment of Career and Educational Aspirations in Middle School: Differences Across Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status

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    Misalignment of educational and career goals (i.e., educational aspirations expressed are inadequate for attaining one’s desired occupation) is associated with lower educational attainment and a lack of college readiness, and may contribute to persistent educational and employment disparities. Drawing on data from 249 sixth graders in low-income schools, this research examines misalignment between educational and career aspirations across racial and ethnic and socioeconomic groups. Findings indicate that students in low-income schools aspire to middle and upper middle class careers, but sometimes lack an understanding of the educational degrees required to achieve their goals. Latinos are significantly more likely than other groups to report misaligned aspirations, as are students in the free and reduced lunch program and those without a college-educated parent. Consequently, early gaps in misaligned career and educational goals for disadvantaged students may set them on a trajectory that perpetuates educational and occupational inequalities in this population. We discuss the programmatic implications of these findings in light of the elevated college and career planning needs of students traditionally underrepresented in higher education

    Agricultural Safety Education: Formative Assessment of a Curriculum Integration Strategy

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    The purpose of this study was to assess an agricultural tractor and machinery safety curriculum for teacher training that focused on hands-on integration activities to assist with training youth in machinery safety skills. Teachers attended a single ten-hour summer training seminar hosted in Montana, South Dakota, or Utah during 2017. Teachers completed the National Tractor and Machinery Safe Operation (NSTMOP) exam to measure their existing knowledge prior to beginning the training. Upon seminar completion, teachers took an NSTMOP post-test to measure their knowledge gain of agricultural safety practices and hazard recognition associated with machinery and tractors. A total of 116 teachers completed the training. Fifty-three participants (45.7%) identified as female, and 63 (54.3%) identified as male. The average participant was 35 years old (SD = 11.3) and had 9.5 years of teaching experience (SD = 9.2). The average NSTMOP pre-test score was 35.2 out of 48 (SD = 3.3), and the average NSTMOP post-test score was 40.3 out of 48 (SD = 4.1). Participants‘ scores increased by ten percentage points. A paired-samples t-test was used to determine statistical significance. The difference between pre-test and post-test was significant (t(109) = 11.9, p \u3c 0.001). Open responses indicated continuation of hands-on activities that focused on “how to teach” skills training that is relevant to the students. Teachers suggested developing new activities each year with a rotation of topics for upcoming seminars. Research is needed to determine the training‘s influence on the behaviors of young workers in agriculture

    Flow equations for QED in the light front dynamics

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    The method of flow equations is applied to QED on the light front. Requiring that the partical number conserving terms in the Hamiltonian are considered to be diagonal and the other terms off-diagonal an effective Hamiltonian is obtained which reduces the positronium problem to a two-particle problem, since the particle number violating contributions are eliminated. No infrared divergencies appear. The ultraviolet renormalization can be performed simultaneously.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 3 pictures, Submitted to Phys.Rev.
