2,512 research outputs found

    Advances in the Construction and Design of Jet Grouting Methods in South America

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    This paper presents a brief historical development of the two most popular jet grouting methods used in South America, namely, the chemical churning pile method (CCP) and jumbo jet grouting. Advantages and limitations of each procedure are cited. A brief discussion follows covering the history of CCP jet grouting in South America. Field trials performed to improve the design methodology and construction of CCP and jumbo jet grouted columns are presented. Finally, three case histories are presented to illustrate the use of jumbo jet grouting where limited head room exists, jet grouting in close proximity to pile supported structures, formation of a diaphragm wall in gravelly soil with boulders. The paper closes with a short discussion of a recent tunnel project in which horizontal jet grouting is used as the temporary tunnel support

    Differential Requirement for TANK-binding Kinase-1 in Type I Interferon Responses to Toll-like Receptor Activation and Viral Infection

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    TANK-binding kinase-1 (TBK1) and the inducible IκB kinase (IKK-i) have been shown recently to activate interferon (IFN) regulatory factor-3 (IRF3), the primary transcription factor regulating induction of type I IFNs. Here, we have compared the role and specificity of TBK1 in the type I IFN response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), polyI:C, and viral challenge by examining IRF3 nuclear translocation, signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 phosphorylation, and induction of IFN-regulated genes. The LPS and polyI:C-induced IFN responses were abolished and delayed, respectively, in macrophages from mice with a targeted disruption of the TBK1 gene. When challenged with Sendai virus, the IFN response was normal in TBK1−/− macrophages, but defective in TBK1−/− embryonic fibroblasts. Although both TBK1 and IKK-i are expressed in macrophages, only TBK1 but not IKK-i was detected in embryonic fibroblasts by Northern blotting analysis. Furthermore, the IFN response in TBK1−/− embryonic fibroblasts can be restored by reconstitution with wild-type IKK-i but not a mutant IKK-i lacking kinase activity. Thus, our studies suggest that TBK1 plays an important role in the Toll-like receptor–mediated IFN response and is redundant with IKK-i in the response of certain cell types to viral infection

    High-throughput SNP discovery through deep resequencing of a reduced representation library to anchor and orient scaffolds in the soybean whole genome sequence

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    Background: The Soybean Consensus Map 4.0 facilitated the anchoring of 95.6% of the soybean whole genome sequence developed by the Joint Genome Institute, Department of Energy, but its marker density was only sufficient to properly orient 66% of the sequence scaffolds. The discovery and genetic mapping of more single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were needed to anchor and orient the remaining genome sequence. To that end, next generation sequencing and high-throughput genotyping were combined to obtain a much higher resolution genetic map that could be used to anchor and orient most of the remaining sequence and to help validate the integrity of the existing scaffold builds. Results: A total of 7,108 to 25,047 predicted SNPs were discovered using a reduced representation library that was subsequently sequenced by the Illumina sequence-by-synthesis method on the clonal single molecule array platform. Using multiple SNP prediction methods, the validation rate of these SNPs ranged from 79% to 92.5%. A high resolution genetic map using 444 recombinant inbred lines was created with 1,790 SNP markers. Of the 1,790 mapped SNP markers, 1,240 markers had been selectively chosen to target existing un-anchored or un-oriented sequence scaffolds, thereby increasing the amount of anchored sequence to 97%. Conclusion: We have demonstrated how next generation sequencing was combined with high-throughput SNP detection assays to quickly discover large numbers of SNPs. Those SNPs were then used to create a high resolution genetic map that assisted in the assembly of scaffolds from the 8× whole genome shotgun sequences into pseudomolecules corresponding to chromosomes of the organism

    Field Demonstration of a Real-time Non-intrusive Monitoring System for Condition-based Maintenance

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    The performance of important electrical loads on mission critical systems like warships or off-shore platforms is often tracked by dedicated monitoring equipment. Individual monitoring of each load is expensive and risky. Expense occurs because of the need for individual sensors and sensor wiring for every load of interest. Reliability is compromised because detected failures or fault conditions might legitimately be due to load failure, but might also be due to errors or failure in the sensor network or recording instruments. The power distribution network on a warship could be pressed into “dual-use” service, providing not only power distribution but also a diagnostic monitoring capability based on observations of the way in which loads draw power from the distribution service. This paper describes field tests of a prototype system that monitors multiple loads using existing electrical wiring. Initial results are presented from a device that monitors a small collection of motors and two other devices that monitor an entire engine room.Grainger Foundation; National Science Foundation (U.S.); United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration; United States. Coast Guard; United States. Office of Naval Research. Electric Ship Research and Development Consortium; NAVSEA; University of North Carolin

    High-throughput SNP discovery and assay development in common bean

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Next generation sequencing has significantly increased the speed at which single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can be discovered and subsequently used as molecular markers for research. Unfortunately, for species such as common bean (<it>Phaseolus vulgaris </it>L.) which do not have a whole genome sequence available, the use of next generation sequencing for SNP discovery is much more difficult and costly. To this end we developed a method which couples sequences obtained from the Roche 454-FLX system (454) with the Illumina Genome Analyzer (GA) for high-throughput SNP discovery.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using a multi-tier reduced representation library we discovered a total of 3,487 SNPs of which 2,795 contained sufficient flanking genomic sequence for SNP assay development. Using Sanger sequencing to determine the validation rate of these SNPs, we found that 86% are likely to be true SNPs. Furthermore, we designed a GoldenGate assay which contained 1,050 of the 3,487 predicted SNPs. A total of 827 of the 1,050 SNPs produced a working GoldenGate assay (79%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Through combining two next generation sequencing techniques we have developed a method that allows high-throughput SNP discovery in any diploid organism without the need of a whole genome sequence or the creation of normalized cDNA libraries. The need to only perform one 454 run and one GA sequencer run allows high-throughput SNP discovery with sufficient sequence for assay development to be performed in organisms, such as common bean, which have limited genomic resources.</p

    Establishment of a consensus protocol to explore the brain pathobiome in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer\u27s disease: Research outline and call for collaboration.

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    Microbial infections of the brain can lead to dementia, and for many decades microbial infections have been implicated in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) pathology. However, a causal role for infection in AD remains contentious, and the lack of standardized detection methodologies has led to inconsistent detection/identification of microbes in AD brains. There is a need for a consensus methodology; the Alzheimer\u27s Pathobiome Initiative aims to perform comparative molecular analyses of microbes in post mortem brains versus cerebrospinal fluid, blood, olfactory neuroepithelium, oral/nasopharyngeal tissue, bronchoalveolar, urinary, and gut/stool samples. Diverse extraction methodologies, polymerase chain reaction and sequencing techniques, and bioinformatic tools will be evaluated, in addition to direct microbial culture and metabolomic techniques. The goal is to provide a roadmap for detecting infectious agents in patients with mild cognitive impairment or AD. Positive findings would then prompt tailoring of antimicrobial treatments that might attenuate or remit mounting clinical deficits in a subset of patients

    Loss of Biological Diversity: A Global Crisis Requiring International Solutions: A Report to the National Science Board

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    Executive Summary Biological diversity refers to the variety and variability among living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they occur. Diversity can be defined as the number of different items and their relative frequency. For biological diversity, these items are organized at many levels, ranging from complete ecosystems to the chemical structures that are the molecular basis of heredity. Thus, the term encompasses different ecosystems, species, genes, and their relative abundance (OTA, 1987). There is an ongoing, unprecedented loss of the variety as well as absolute numbers of organisms-from the smallest microorganism to the largest and most spectacular of mammals. Loss of tropical moist forests, which contain over half the total species of organisms, has been well documented by scientists and is now widely reported in the media. Many other ecosystems are also threatened; as human populations and their support systems expand, natural ecosystems at all latitudes are altered or converted. At its meeting on October 15, 1987, the National Science Board concluded that the world\u27s decreasing biological diversity is a critical scientific issue requiring immediate attention. The National Science Board\u27s Committee on International Science was asked to study the scientific and international aspects of the decline of biological diversity and to recommend a course of action. This report describes what the National Science Foundation (NSF) can do to influence the U.S. science and education base, articulates where international scientific cooperation is needed, and suggests roles for other agencies and organizations (both national and international) which have scientific, educational, and management responsibilities. The current disappearance of biota has several causes: the destruction or degradation of entire ecosystems; the accelerating loss of individual species from communities or ecosystems as a result of human disturb;mce; and the loss of genetically distinct parts of populations due to human-induced selective pressures. Although not all parts of the planet are equally affected, the problem is global, and human activities are the primary cause. The loss of biological diversity is important because human existence depends on the biological resources of 1 the earth. Human prosperity is based very largely on the ability to utilize biological diversity: to take advantage of the properties of plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms for food, clothing, medicine, and shelter. Scientific knowledge about the earth\u27s biological diversity has huge gaps. This lack of information hampers society\u27s ability either to estimate the magnitude of the problem or to prevent further losses. It is impossible to identify all the biological resources at risk, since there is no complete inventory of all the life forms on earth. Approximately 1.4 million species have been given scientific names, but estimates of actual numbers range from 5 million to 80 million species. Although knowledge of some taxa is extensive, the vast majority of groups are largely unknown. The current wave of extinction is destroying both known biotic resources and those still undiscovered. As is proving to be the case with most environmental problems, neither the loss of biological diversity nor its solution is the exclusive province of any one nation. International cooperation is necessary to develop both scientific knowledge and successful mitigation and management strategies. The root causes of the problem include sociological and economic processes which operate on an global scale; a thorough understanding will require investigation and elucidation of both biological and non-biological components. There are several reasons for increasing National Science Foundation (NSF) involvement in biodiversity studies: the economic and social importance of biodiversity (and the risk of opportunity lost due to accelerating extinction); the contributions such leadership can make toward to conservation of biological diversity; the important role of such studies in the international growth of science, especially in tropical countries; the potential impact of such studies on the future course of biology as a whole; and enhancing public awareness of the issues. NSF should assume a scientific leadership position with respect to agencies in the U.S. and throughout the world. By insisting on the central importance of biodiversity, the NSF could encourage collaborative support for the actions recommended below. 1. The Committee believes that the role of the NSF is clear-NSF should, as a matter of National Science Board Policy, provide leadership to undertake the inventory of the world\u27s biodiversity. 2. The scientific basis for conservation biology, restoration ecology, and environmental management must be strengthened. 3. Educational and public awareness programs related to biodiversity need increased support. 4. The economic and social aspects of the biodiversity crisis need additional study. 5. Enhance support for developing country scientists and institutions for biodiversity research and conservation

    Aerosol meteorology of Maritime Continent for the 2012 7SEAS southwest monsoon intensive study - Part 2: Philippine receptor observations of fine-scale aerosol behavior

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    Abstract. The largest 7 Southeast Asian Studies (7SEAS) operations period within the Maritime Continent (MC) occurred in the August–September 2012 biomass burning season. Data included were observations aboard the M/Y Vasco, dispatched to the Palawan Archipelago and Sulu Sea of the Philippines for September 2012. At these locations, the Vasco observed MC smoke and pollution entering the southwest monsoon (SWM) monsoonal trough. Here we describe the research cruise findings and the finer-scale aerosol meteorology of this convectively active region. This 2012 cruise complemented a 2-week cruise in 2011 and was generally consistent with previous findings in terms of how smoke emission and transport related to monsoonal flows, tropical cyclones (TC), and the covariance between smoke transport events and the atmosphere's thermodynamic structure. Biomass burning plumes were usually mixed with significant amounts of anthropogenic pollution. Also key to aerosol behavior were squall lines and cold pools propagating across the South China Sea (SCS) and scavenging aerosol particles in their path. However, the 2012 cruise showed much higher modulation in aerosol frequency than its 2011 counterpart. Whereas in 2011 large synoptic-scale aerosol events transported high concentrations of smoke into the Philippines over days, in 2012 measured aerosol events exhibited a much shorter-term variation, sometimes only 3–12 h. Strong monsoonal flow reversals were also experienced in 2012. Nucleation events in cleaner and polluted conditions, as well as in urban plumes, were observed. Perhaps most interestingly, several cases of squall lines preceding major aerosol events were observed, as opposed to 2011 observations where these lines largely scavenged aerosol particles from the marine boundary layer. Combined, these observations indicate pockets of high and low particle counts that are not uncommon in the region. These perturbations are difficult to observe by satellite and very difficult to model. Indeed, the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) simulations captured longer period aerosol events quite well but largely failed to capture the timing of high-frequency phenomena. Ultimately, the research findings of these cruises demonstrate the real world challenges of satellite-based missions, significant aerosol life cycle questions such as those the future Aerosol/Clouds/Ecosystems (ACE) will investigate, and the importance of small-scale phenomena such as sea breezes, squall lines, and nucleation events embedded within SWM patterns in dominating aerosol life cycle and potential relationships to clouds

    The care of patients with Duchenne, Becker and other muscular dystrophies in the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in the reorganization of healthcare settings affecting clinical care delivery to patients with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DBMD) as well as other inherited muscular dystrophies. The magnitude of the impact of this public health emergency on the care of patients with DBMD is unclear as they are suspected of having an increased risk for severe manifestations of COVID-19. In this paper, the authors discuss their consensus recommendations pertaining to care of these patients during the pandemic. We address issues surrounding corticosteroid and exon skipping treatments, cardiac medications, hydroxychloroquine use, emergency/respiratory care, rehabilitation management, and the conduct of clinical trials. We highlight the importance of collaborative treatment decisions between the patient, family, and health care provider, considering any geographic or institution-specific policies and precautions for COVID-19. We advocate for continuing multidisciplinary care for these patients using telehealth

    Kepler-16: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet

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    We report the detection of a planet whose orbit surrounds a pair of low-mass stars. Data from the Kepler spacecraft reveal transits of the planet across both stars, in addition to the mutual eclipses of the stars, giving precise constraints on the absolute dimensions of all three bodies. The planet is comparable to Saturn in mass and size, and is on a nearly circular 229-day orbit around its two parent stars. The eclipsing stars are 20% and 69% as massive as the sun, and have an eccentric 41-day orbit. The motions of all three bodies are confined to within 0.5 degree of a single plane, suggesting that the planet formed within a circumbinary disk.Comment: Science, in press; for supplemental material see http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2011/09/14/333.6049.1602.DC1/1210923.Doyle.SOM.pd