28 research outputs found

    Prevalence, Risk Factors and Genotypes of Giardia duodenalis in Sheltered Dogs in Tuscany (Central Italy)

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    : In sheltered dogs, the prevalence of Giardia duodenalis is frequently high and may include potential zoonotic genotypes. The prevalence, genotypes and potential risk factors of G. duodenalis were assessed in 168 dogs from four kennels (Pistoia, Prato, Florence, Valdarno) in Tuscany, central Italy and compared with data from previous Italian studies. The prevalence of other intestinal parasites was also investigated. Individual dog faecal samples collected from each kennel were examined by parasitological techniques and a rapid immunoassay for the detection of G. duodenalis and Cryptosporidium faecal antigens. On Giardia-positive samples, molecular analysis was performed for genotype identification. Overall, 69 dogs scored positive for G. duodenalis (41%), but significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found among the four kennels and sampling seasons. The potentially zoonotic assemblages A and B and the canine-specific assemblage C (Pistoia: A-AII, B, C; Prato: A-AII, B; Florence: A-AII; Valdarno: A and C) were identified. Toxocara canis (8.9%), Trichuris vulpis (3.6%), hookworms (1.19%) and Cryptosporidium sp. (0.6%) were also identified. The high prevalence of G. duodenalis and the identification of potentially zoonotic genotypes in all examined kennels underline the need to improve routine parasite monitoring and control measures and to provide insights into the zoonotic potential of G. duodenalis

    Intrinsic Shapes of Empathy: Functional Brain Network Topology Encodes Intersubjective Experience and Awareness Traits

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    Trait empathy is an essential personality feature in the intricacy of typical social inclinations of individuals. Empathy is likely supported by multilevel neuronal network functioning, whereas local topological properties determine network integrity. In the present functional MRI study (N = 116), we aimed to trace empathic traits to the intrinsic brain network architecture. Empathy was conceived as composed of two dimensions within the concept of pre-reflective, intersubjective understanding. Vicarious experience consists of the tendency to resonate with the feelings of other individuals, whereas intuitive understanding refers to a natural awareness of others’ emotional states. Analyses of graph theoretical measures of centrality showed a relationship between the fronto-parietal network and psychometric measures of vicarious experience, whereas intuitive understanding was associated with sensorimotor and subcortical networks. Salience network regions could constitute hubs for information processing underlying both dimensions. The network properties related to empathy dimensions mainly concern inter-network information flow. Moreover, interaction effects implied several sex differences in the relationship between functional network organization and trait empathy. These results reveal that distinct intrinsic topological network features explain individual differences in separate dimensions of intersubjective understanding. The findings could help understand the impact of brain damage or stimulation through alterations of empathy-related network integrity

    Isolamento di Eimeria bakuensis e di Eimeria parva in un allevamento di pecora Zerasca

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    RIASSUNTO Nel presente studio sono stati esaminati campioni fecali di pecora di razza Zerasca provenienti da un allevamento della provincia di Massa (Zeri), al fine di isolare ed identificare, mediante valutazione morfometrica delle oocisti sporulate, le specie appartenenti al genere Eimeria presenti nell’allevamento. Campioni fecali individuali, raccolti sia da agnelli che da animali adulti, sono stati analizzati quali-quantitativamente mediante flottazione e con una tecnica di McMaster modificata utilizzando la soluzione satura di cloruro di sodio. Per ottenere la sporulazione delle oocisti, i campioni positivi sono stati stemperati in bicromato di potassio (K2Cr2O7) al 2%, posti in piastre Petri ed incubati per 3-5 giorni, al buio ed alla temperatura di 22±1° C. Le oocisti sporulate sono state quindi osservate al microscopio ottico per l’identificazione a livello di specie. Dal punto di vista quantitativo, gli agnelli hanno presentato valori di OPG più elevati rispetto agli adulti ed indicativi di rischio sanitario e zootecnico. Sono state identificate due specie, già riportate in precedenza sul territorio italiano: Eimeria bakuensis (E. ovina) ed E. parva. E. bakuensis è ritenuta una delle specie coccidiche più patogene per gli ovini; pertanto è plausibile che nell’allevamento considerato questa specie possa essere responsabile di forme cliniche e diminuzione dei tassi di accrescimento negli agnelli. L’identificazione delle specie coccidiche presenti in un allevamento, o in un’area geografica, oltre a fornire informazioni circa la patogenicità delle specie isolate, rappresenta anche un importante dato epidemiologico utile per il monitoraggio e la mappatura delle diverse specie presenti sul territorio toscano e italiano. SUMMARY The identification of the coccidian species isolated from a sheep flock of Zerasca breed located in the province of Massa (Zeri-Tuscany-Italy) represented the aim of the present study. Individual faecal samples were collected from both young and adult animals and analysed qualiquantitatively by flotation test and with a modified McMaster method, by using a low specific gravity solution (s.g.: 1200), and microscopically examined for the search of coccidian oocysts. Faecal samples resulted positive were dissolved in a 2% K2Cr2O7 solution and maintained in the dark and at the temperature of 22±1° C to allow sporulation of the oocysts. Oocysts were daily checked for sporulation for 3-5 days. Quantitatively, young animals showed a larger number of OPG than adults. Two different species were found in the flock: Eimeria bakuensis (E.ovina) and E. parva. Both species were previously reported on the Italian territory. Among sheep coccidian species, E. bakuensis is considered one of the more pathogenic; for this reason it is possible that, in the flock examined in this study, it is responsible for symptomatic infections and reduction of growth-rate in lambs. In addition to supply useful information on the pathogenicity of isolated species, the identification of coccidian species present in a flock or in a specific geographic area could represent an important epidemiological tool for monitoring and mapping the species present in Tuscany and in the Italian territory

    Endoparasite Infections of the European Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in Central Italy

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    The European hedgehog is a synanthropic mammal, widely distributed in Europe. This species usually inhabits the edges of deciduous or mixed woods, but it is also very common in private gardens and public parks. Despite its popularity and frequency of contacts both with humans and with wild and domestic animals, few studies have examined the endoparasitic fauna of the hedgehog in Italy. In the present study, endoparasites of naturally deceased hedgehogs (n = 40) from central Italy (Latium and Tuscany regions) were investigated, along with concurrent gross and histopathological lesions. The most prevalent identified endoparasites were Crenosoma striatum (45%), Capillaria erinacei (42.5%) and Brachylaemus erinacei (22.5%), in accordance with previous reports from hedgehogs in southern Italy. In few subjects, Physaloptera clausa, Acanthocephalans and Cystoisospora rastegaeivae coccidia were also identified. The infection by the lungworm C. striatum was found to be significantly associated (p < 0.01) with bronchial hyperplasia and peribronchiolitis upon histopathological examination. Awareness of the most common parasitic infections in the hedgehog and of their effects on the health of these animals is extremely important, especially in wildlife rescue centers, where European hedgehog represents the most frequently hospitalized mammal species