3,737 research outputs found

    A simple classical mapping of the spin-polarized quantum electron gas: distribution functions and local field corrections

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    We use the now well known spin-unpolarized exchange-correlation energy E_{xc} of the uniform electron gas as the basic ``many-body'' input to determine the temperature T_q of a classical Coulomb fluid having the same correlation energy as the quantum system. It is shown that the spin-polarized pair distribution functions (SPDFs) of the classical fluid at T_q, obtained using the hyper-netted chain (HNC) equation are in excellent agreement with those of the T=0 quantum fluid obtained by quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations. These methods are computationally simple and easily applied to problems which are currently outside the scope of QMC. Results are presented for the SPDFs and the local-field corrections to the response functions of the electron fluid at zero and finite temperatures.Comment: 4 pags (Revtex), 3 posscript figure

    Spin and Valley dependent analysis of the two-dimensional low-density electron system in Si-MOSFETS

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    The 2-D electron system (2DES) in Si metal-oxide field-effect transistors (MOSFETS) consists of two distinct electron fluids interacting with each other. We calculate the total energy as a function of the density nn, and the spin polarization ζ\zeta in the strongly-correlated low-density regime, using a classical mapping to a hypernetted-chain (CHNC) equation inclusive of bridge terms. Here the ten distribution functions, arising from spin and valley indices, are self-consistently calculated to obtain the total free energy, the chemical potential, the compressibility and the spin susceptibility. The T=0 results are compared with the 2-valley Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) data of Conti et al. (at T=0, ζ=0\zeta=0) and found to be in excellent agreement. However, unlike in the one-valley 2DES, it is shown that {\it the unpolarized phase is always the stable phase in the 2-valley system}, right up to Wigner Crystallization at rs=42r_s=42. This leads to the insensitivity of g∗g^* to the spin polarization and to the density. The compressibility and the spin-susceptibility enhancement calculated from the free energy confirm the validity of a simple approach to the two-valley response based on coupled-mode formation. The three methods, QMC, CHNC, and Coupled-mode theory agree closely. Our results contain no {\it ad hoc} fit parameters. They agree with experiments and do not invoke impurity effects or metal-insulator transition phenomenology.Comment: 10 pages 4 figure

    Conservation: Hearings, Reports (1966-1973): Correspondence 01

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    Idealized Slab Plasma approach for the study of Warm Dense Matter

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    Recently, warm dense matter (WDM) has emerged as an interdisciplinary field that draws increasing interest in plasma physics, condensed matter physics, high pressure science, astrophysics, inertial confinement fusion, as well as materials science under extreme conditions. To allow the study of well-defined WDM states, we have introduced the concept of idealized-slab plasmas that can be realized in the laboratory via (i) the isochoric heating of a solid and (ii) the propagation of a shock wave in a solid. The application of this concept provides new means for probing the dynamic conductivity, equation of state, ionization and opacity. These approaches are presented here using results derived from first-principles (density-functional type) theory, Thomas-Fermi type theory, and numerical simulations.Comment: 37 pages, 21 figures, available, pdf file only. To appear in: Laser and Particle beams. To appear more or less in this form in Laser and Particle beam

    The Equation of State and the Hugoniot of Laser Shock-Compressed Deuterium

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    The equation of state and the shock Hugoniot of deuterium are calculated using a first-principles approach, for the conditions of the recent shock experiments. We use density functional theory within a classical mapping of the quantum fluids [ Phys. Rev. Letters, {\bf 84}, 959 (2000) ]. The calculated Hugoniot is close to the Path-Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) result. We also consider the {\it quasi-equilibrium} two-temperature case where the Deuterons are hotter than the electrons; the resulting quasi-equilibrium Hugoniot mimics the laser-shock data. The increased compressibility arises from hot D+−eD^+-e pairs occuring close to the zero of the electron chemical potential.Comment: Four pages; One Revtex manuscript, two postscipt figures; submitted to PR

    Structure of the Local-field factor of the 2-D electron fluid. Possible evidence for correlated scattering of electron pairs

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    The static local-field factor (LFF) of the 2-D electron fluid is calculated {\it nonperturbatively} using a mapping to a classical Coulomb fluid [\lbrackPhys. Rev. Lett., {\bf 87}, 206]\rbrack. The LFF for the paramagnetic fluid {\it differs markedly} from perturbation theory where a maximum near 2kFk_F is expected. Our LFF has a quasi-linear small-k region leading to a maximum close to 3kFk_F, in agreent with currently available quantum Monte Carlo data. The structure in the LFF and its dependence on the density and temperature are interpretted as a signature of correlated scattering of electron pairs of opposite spin.The lack of structure at 2kF2k_F implies weakened Friedel oscillations, Kohn anomalies etc.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, version 2 of condmat/0304034, see http://nrcphy1.phy.nrc.ca/ims/qp/chandre/chnc/ Changs in the text, figure 2 and updated reference

    Spin-polarized stable phases of the 2-D electron fluid at finite temperatures

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    The Helmholtz free energy F of the interacting 2-D electron fluid is calculated nonperturbatively using a mapping of the quantum fluid to a classical Coulomb fluid [Phys. Rev. Letters, vol. 87, 206404 (2001)]. For density parameters rs such that rs<~25, the fluid is unpolarized at all temperatures t=T/EF where EF is the Fermi energy. For lower densities, the system becomes fully spin polarized for t<~0.35, and partially polarized for 0.35<t< 2, depending on the density. At rs ~25-30, and t ~0.35, an ''ambispin'' phase where F is almost independent of the spin polarization is found. These results support recent claims, based on quantum Monte Carlo results, for a stable, fully spin-polarized fluid phase at T = 0 for rs larger than about 25-26.Comment: Latex manuscript (4-5 pages) and two postscript figures; see also http://nrcphy1.phy.nrc.ca/ims/qp/chandre/chnc
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