158 research outputs found

    Geology of the Fontane talc mineralization (Germanasca valley, Italian Western Alps)

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    The 1:5000 scale Geological Map of the Fontane talc mineralization (FTM) aims to give new information about the origin and geological structure of an important talc mineralization occurring in the axial sector of the Italian Western Alps. The FTM is hosted within a pre-Carboniferous polymetamorphic complex which was deformed and metamorphosed during both Variscan and Alpine orogenesis, and is part of the Dora-Maira continental crust. Field mapping and underground investigations highlight that the talc bodies (i) never crop out but occur at depth along a well-defined lithostratigraphic association between micaschist, marble and gneiss and (ii) were deformed during different Alpine-related deformation phases (i.e. D1, D2 and D3 syn-metamorphic phases and post-metamorphic extensional faulting). The here defined lithostratigraphic and structural characterization of talc bodies, is an input for further research into the geodynamic context of where talc forms and for new mineral exploration outside the mapped area

    Seismotectonic investigations in the inner Cottian Alps (Italian Western Alps): An integrated approach

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    This work integrates the results of recent geological–structural studies with new seismological data for the inner Cottian Alps to investigate the connection between faults and seismicity. The major post-metamorphic tectonic feature of this sector is represented by a N–S structure, named Lis–Trana Deformation Zone (LTZ). Since the Late Oligocene, this structure accommodated right-lateral (Late Oligocene–Early Miocene) and subsequently normal (post-Early Miocene) displacements. In the Pleistocene, the activity of the LTZ seems to have caused the development of lacustrine basins inside the valleys that drain this sector of Western Alps. The present-day seismicity joins the northern part of the LTZ and, southwards, other minor sub-parallel structures. In transversal cross-section hypocentres highlight steep surfaces. Focal mechanisms calculated along this structure show both extensional and strike–slip solutions, mostly with one roughly N–S striking nodal plane. Both sub-horizontal (with NE–SW to ENE–WSW trend) and steeply dipping P axes with N–S to NW–SE sub-horizontal T axes are observed. Even if clear evidence of Quaternary tectonic activity in the area is missing, on the basis of the available seismological and geological data we propose that in the inner Northern Cottian Alps the present-day seismic activity may be connected to the LTZ, interpreted as minor sub-parallel fault strand of the Canavese Line. The kinematics of this structure is consistent with the focal mechanisms calculated in this area. Structural and seismological data indicate that LTZ is active under a bulk dextral–transtensive regime since the late Oligocene in the inner Cottian Alps, in agreement with the data published for the adjacent domain of the chain.Published1-163.3. Geodinamica e struttura dell'interno della TerraJCR Journalrestricte

    Late Onset Cobalamin Disorder and Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome: A Rare Cause of Nephrotic Syndrome

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    Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is an unrare and severe thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) caused by several pathogenetic mechanisms among which Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli infections and complement dysregulation are the most common. However, very rarely and particularly in neonates and infants, disorders of cobalamin metabolism (CblC) can present with or be complicated by TMA. Herein we describe a case of atypical HUS (aHUS) related to CblC disease which first presented in a previously healthy boy at age of 13.6 years. The clinical picture was initially dominated by nephrotic range proteinuria and severe hypertension followed by renal failure. The specific treatment with high dose of hydroxycobalamin rapidly obtained the remission of TMA and the complete recovery of renal function. We conclude that plasma homocysteine and methionine determinations together with urine organic acid analysis should be included in the diagnostic work-up of any patient with TMA and/or nephrotic syndrome regardless of age
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