148 research outputs found

    Novi podaci o vrsti Aegilops uniaristata Vis. u Italiji

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    New data on Aegilops uniaristata Vis. (syn.: Triticum uniaristatum (Vis.) K. Richt.) in Apulia are given. A new locality of A. uniaristata in Apulia on the Adriatic coast of the Italian Peninsula is discovered. The taxon was already known from the Mediterranean East and Croatian coasts. A. uniaristata is deemed relevant and is included into the Regional Red List of plants (Apulia) as endangered (EN) and into the Red Book of Croatian vascular flora as near threatened (NT).U radu se donose novi podaci o Aegilops uniaristata Vis. (syn.: Triticum uniaristatum (Vis.) K. Richt.) u regiji Apuliji. Zabilježeno je novo nalazište A. uniaristata u Apuliji na obali Jadranskoga mora. Svojta je već poznata s obala istočnog Sredozemlja i Hrvatske. A. uniaristata je procijenjena važnom i kao takva je uključena u Regionalni crveni popis biljaka (Apulija) kao ugrožena te u Crvenu knjigu vaskularne flore Hrvatske kao niskorizična vrsta (NT)

    Vaskularna flora vinograda u području zaštićenog geografskog porijekla “Gioia del Colle” (Apulija, južna Italija): preliminarni podaci

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    A first checklist of the vascular flora of vineyards belonging to the DOC area “Gioia del Colle” is presented. The area is located in centre of the Apulia Region in Southern Italy. In all, 186 species are reported. So far, literature has lacked any systematic data on the flora of vineyards.U radu se predstavlja prvi popis vaskularne flore vinograda u području zaštićenog geografskog porijekla “Gioia del Colle”. Područje se nalazi u centru regije Apulija na jugu Italije. Navodimo ukupno 186 vrsta. Dosad u literaturi nije bilo sustavnih podataka o flori vinograda

    Vaskularna flora starih maslinika Apulije (južna Italija)

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    A floristic study of the vascular flora of ancient olive groves of Apulia (Italy) was carried out from 2009 to 2012. Research was mainly focussed on the fields and the ecological infrastructures of four olive groves. In total, 408 taxa were identified, of those, 332 species, 73 subspecies and 3 cultivated varieties were classified into 275 genera and 74 families. Only 18 taxa out of the 408 were considered important from a conservation point of view. These 18 taxa were analysed more thoroughly, the topography of the collecting site, plant community, population density and relationships with the habitats being recorded, according to Directive 92/43/EEC. The work was planned and carried out with the aim of providing tools for improving the conservation and management of the olive groves of Apulia.U razdoblju od 2009. do 2012. istraživana je vaskularna flora starih maslinika Apulije (Italija). Istraživanje se usredotočilo na polja i ekološku infrastrukturu četiri maslinika. Sveukupno je zabilježeno 408 svojti, od toga 332 vrste, 73 podvrste i 3 kultivirana varijeteta, smještenih u 275 rodova i 74 porodice. Samo 18 svojti od njih 408 se smatra važnima u smislu zaštite. Tih 18 svojti su podrobnije analizirane, i u skladu s Direktivom 92/43/EEC za njih je zabilježena topografija nalazišta, biljna zajednica, gustoća populacije i suodnos sa staništem. Istraživanje je planirano i izvedeno u cilju pronalaženja načina za poboljšanje zaštite i upravljanja maslinicima u Apuliji

    Crop Wild Relatives (CWRs) Threatened and Endemic to Italy: Urgent Actions for Protection and Use

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    An updated overview of the 29 threatened crop wild relatives (CWRs) endemic to Italy is presented, namely: Arrhenatherum elatius subsp. nebrodense, Barbarea rupicola, Brassica baldensis, Brassica glabrescens, Brassica macrocarpa, Brassica rupestris subsp. hispida, Brassica rupestris subsp. rupestris, Brassica tardarae, Brassica trichocarpa, Brassica tyrrhena, Brassica villosa subsp. bivonana, Brassica villosa subsp. brevisiliqua, Brassica villosa subsp. drepanensis, Brassica villosa subsp. tineoi, Brassica villosa subsp. villosa, Daucus broteroi, Daucus carota subsp. rupestris, Daucus nebrodensis, Diplotaxis scaposa, Festuca centroapenninica, Lathyrus apenninus, Lathyrus odoratus, Malus crescimannoi, Phalaris arundinacea subsp. rotgesii, Vicia brulloi, Vicia consentina, Vicia giacominiana, Vicia ochroleuca subsp. ochroleuca, Vicia tenuifolia subsp. elegans. Data concerning geographical distribution, ecology (including plant communities and habitats of the Directive 92/43/EEC), genetics (chromosome number, breeding system, and/or the existence of gene pools), threat status at the national and international level (Red Lists), key plant properties, and in situ and ex situ conservation were analyzed and shown. At present, most of the listed endemic CWRs, 23 out of 29, have no gene pool at all, so they are CWRs only according to the taxon group and not according to the gene pool concept. In addition, there is a serious lack of data on the ex situ conservation in gene banks, with 16 species identified as high priority (HP) while 22 taxa have high priority (A) for in situ conservation. With the aim of their protection, conservation, and valorization, specific and urgent actions are recommended

    Prvi popis vaskularne flore obale područja Polignano a Mare (Apulija, južna Italija)

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    For the first time a checklist of the vascular flora of the coast of Polignano a Mare, a town located by the Adriatic Sea, about 30 km south of Bari (the capital of Apulia) is presented. At the end of the floristic work, in total, 457 species were listed. Some of them are more important than others since they are endemic, amphiadriatic, of phytogeographic interest or included under the International Conventions of Berne and CITES, Regional and Italian Red List or the Directive 92/43/EEC. In a review of the literature it was found that three species were not correctly reported, five were not found at all, twelve are considered alien and four are believed to be new entries at the regional level.Po prvi puta se predstavlja popis vaskularne flore obale Polignano a Mare, grada smještenog na obali Jadrana, oko 30 km južno od Barija (glavnog grada Apulije). Ukupno je zabilježeno 457 vrsta. Neke od njih su značajnije zbog toga što su endemske, okojadranske, od fitogeografskog značenja ili su uključene u međunarodnu Bernsku konvenciju i CITES, Regionalni i talijanski Crveni popis, ili Direktivu 92/43/EEC. Pri pregledu literature utvrđeno je da tri vrste nisu ispravno zabilježene, pet ih nije uopće zabilježeno, 12 se smatraju stranim vrstama, a četiri novim nalazom na regionalnoj razini

    Floristička opažanja o posebnoj zajednici Acer opalus Mill. ssp. obtusatum (Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd.) na području Gargana (Apulija, Italija).

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    The results of floristic investigation into the most representative plant community of Acer opalus subsp. obtusatum growing on Gargano Promontory (Apulia, Italy) are presented. The taxon is in the Regional Red List of plants of Apulia, with lower risk (LR). In all, 126 taxa were recorded, exsiccata of which were stored in the Herbarium Horti Botanici Barensis (BI), while 15 of them are considered important from a conservation point of view. For these species a detailed account is provided.U radu se prezentiraju rezultati florističkih istraživanja najzastupljenije biljne zajednice koju na na poluotoku Gargano (Apulija, Italija) čini Acer opalus subsp. obtusatum. Svojta se nalazi na regionalnom Crvenoj popisu biljaka Apulije kao nisko rizična vrsta (LR). Zabilježeno je ukupno 126 svojti, exsiccata su pohranjeni u Herbarium Horti Botanici Barensis (BI), a od toga ih se 15 svojti smatra važnim s gledišta zaštite i za njih se daju detaljni podaci

    The Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services of Biodiversity Components in Protected Areas: A Review for a Framework of Analysis for the Gargano National Park

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    Protected areas play an important role in the conservation and protection of biodiversity of particular territories, especially of ecosystems that provide resources for living organisms, including human beings. Different studies highlight the importance of biodiversity and its associated benefits in terms of ecosystem services of protected areas. The economic assessment of ecosystem services and biodiversity becomes a viable solution to help the policy maker to make decisions on the environmental preservation of these areas according to the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Nonetheless, very few studies provide an economic evaluation of the benefits of protected areas. To advance the current debate on the economic evaluation of the benefits provided by protected areas, the present paper purposes an integrated approach. It presents an overview of main ecosystem services’ mapping techniques currently available to researchers and policy makers and offers a systematic review carried out for the period 2015–2020 at an international level. The main findings are particularly attractive for the Gargano National Park (GNP) in the south of Italy, which is recognised as being a biodiversity hot spot at global level. The current study provides useful guidance for the assessment of trade-offs, the support to policy makers, and the provision of efficient allocation of public resources for protected area