2,103 research outputs found

    Continuity of Local Time: An applied perspective

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    Continuity of local time for Brownian motion ranks among the most notable mathematical results in the theory of stochastic processes. This article addresses its implications from the point of view of applications. In particular an extension of previous results on an explicit role of continuity of (natural) local time is obtained for applications to recent classes of problems in physics, biology and finance involving discontinuities in a dispersion coefficient. The main theorem and its corollary provide physical principles that relate macro scale continuity of deterministic quantities to micro scale continuity of the (stochastic) local time.Comment: To appear in: "The fascination of Probability, Statistics and Their Applications. In honour of Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen on his 80th birthday

    Church-Rosser Systems, Codes with Bounded Synchronization Delay and Local Rees Extensions

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    What is the common link, if there is any, between Church-Rosser systems, prefix codes with bounded synchronization delay, and local Rees extensions? The first obvious answer is that each of these notions relates to topics of interest for WORDS: Church-Rosser systems are certain rewriting systems over words, codes are given by sets of words which form a basis of a free submonoid in the free monoid of all words (over a given alphabet) and local Rees extensions provide structural insight into regular languages over words. So, it seems to be a legitimate title for an extended abstract presented at the conference WORDS 2017. However, this work is more ambitious, it outlines some less obvious but much more interesting link between these topics. This link is based on a structure theory of finite monoids with varieties of groups and the concept of local divisors playing a prominent role. Parts of this work appeared in a similar form in conference proceedings where proofs and further material can be found.Comment: Extended abstract of an invited talk given at WORDS 201

    Анализ механических состояний силовых систем. Сообщение 1. Предельное состояние

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    Изложены основы теории предельных состояний силовых систем, которые работают в условиях сложного нагружения (механическая усталость, трение и изнашивание, температура, электрохимическая коррозия). Получен энергетический критерий предельного состояния и описаны методы определения его параметров. Записаны условия прочности с учетом как циклической, так и контактной нагрузок.Викладено основи теорії граничних станів силових систем, що працюють в умовах складного навантаження (механічна утома, тертя та спрацьовування, температура, електрохімічна корозія). Отримано енергетичний критерій граничного стану та описано методи визначення його параметрів. Записано рівняння міцності з урахуванням як циклічного, так і контактного навантажень.Fundamentals of the theory of ultimate states in force systems operating under complex loading (mechanical fatigue, friction and wear, temperature, and electrochemical corrosion) have been described. Energy criterion of an ultimate state has been obtained and methods for calculating its parameters are given. Strength conditions taking into account both cyclic and contact loads are described

    Psychological interventions in asthma

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    Asthma is a multifactorial chronic respiratory disease characterised by recurrent episodes of airway obstruction. The current management of asthma focuses principally on pharmacological treatments, which have a strong evidence base underlying their use. However, in clinical practice, poor symptom control remains a common problem for patients with asthma. Living with asthma has been linked with psychological co-morbidity including anxiety, depression, panic attacks and behavioural factors such as poor adherence and suboptimal self-management. Psychological disorders have a higher-than-expected prevalence in patients with difficult-to-control asthma. As psychological considerations play an important role in the management of people with asthma, it is not surprising that many psychological therapies have been applied in the management of asthma. There are case reports which support their use as an adjunct to pharmacological therapy in selected individuals, and in some clinical trials, benefit is demonstrated, but the evidence is not consistent. When findings are quantitatively synthesised in meta-analyses, no firm conclusions are able to be drawn and no guidelines recommend psychological interventions. These inconsistencies in findings may in part be due to poor study design, the combining of results of studies using different interventions and the diversity of ways patient benefit is assessed. Despite this weak evidence base, the rationale for psychological therapies is plausible, and this therapeutic modality is appealing to both patients and their clinicians as an adjunct to conventional pharmacological treatments. What are urgently required are rigorous evaluations of psychological therapies in asthma, on a par to the quality of pharmaceutical trials. From this evidence base, we can then determine which interventions are beneficial for our patients with asthma management and more specifically which psychological therapy is best suited for each patient

    Camparison of the Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect for bosons and fermions

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    Fifty years ago, Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) discovered photon bunching in light emitted by a chaotic source, highlighting the importance of two-photon correlations and stimulating the development of modern quantum optics . The quantum interpretation of bunching relies upon the constructive interference between amplitudes involving two indistinguishable photons, and its additive character is intimately linked to the Bose nature of photons. Advances in atom cooling and detection have led to the observation and full characterisation of the atomic analogue of the HBT effect with bosonic atoms. By contrast, fermions should reveal an antibunching effect, i.e., a tendency to avoid each other. Antibunching of fermions is associated with destructive two-particle interference and is related to the Pauli principle forbidding more than one identical fermion to occupy the same quantum state. Here we report an experimental comparison of the fermion and the boson HBT effects realised in the same apparatus with two different isotopes of helium, 3He (a fermion) and 4He (a boson). Ordinary attractive or repulsive interactions between atoms are negligible, and the contrasting bunching and antibunching behaviours can be fully attributed to the different quantum statistics. Our result shows how atom-atom correlation measurements can be used not only for revealing details in the spatial density, or momentum correlations in an atomic ensemble, but also to directly observe phase effects linked to the quantum statistics in a many body system. It may thus find applications to study more exotic situations >.Comment: Nature 445, 402 (2007). V2 includes the supplementary informatio

    Extensive degeneracy, Coulomb phase and magnetic monopoles in an artificial realization of the square ice model

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    Artificial spin ice systems have been introduced as a possible mean to investigate frustration effects in a well-controlled manner by fabricating lithographically-patterned two-dimensional arrangements of interacting magnetic nanostructures. This approach offers the opportunity to visualize unconventional states of matter, directly in real space, and triggered a wealth of studies at the frontier between nanomagnetism, statistical thermodynamics and condensed matter physics. Despite the strong efforts made these last ten years to provide an artificial realization of the celebrated square ice model, no simple geometry based on arrays of nanomagnets succeeded to capture the macroscopically degenerate ground state manifold of the corresponding model. Instead, in all works reported so far, square lattices of nanomagnets are characterized by a magnetically ordered ground state consisting of local flux-closure configurations with alternating chirality. Here, we show experimentally and theoretically, that all the characteristics of the square ice model can be observed if the artificial square lattice is properly designed. The spin configurations we image after demagnetizing our arrays reveal unambiguous signatures of an algebraic spin liquid state characterized by the presence of pinch points in the associated magnetic structure factor. Local excitations, i.e. classical analogues of magnetic monopoles, are found to be free to evolve in a massively degenerated, divergence-free vacuum. We thus provide the first lab-on-chip platform allowing the investigation of collective phenomena, including Coulomb phases and ice-like physics.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Brain metastases as primary manifestation of a melanocytic malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor in a 60-year-old man

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    BACKGROUND: Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are rare tumor entities that originate from peripheral nerve sheaths and have an unfavorable prognosis. Metastatic spread to the cerebral parenchyma is absolutely rare. This case report describes the clinical course in a 60-year-old man whose tumor came to medical attention because of a seizure. CASE PRESENTATION: Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated two intracerebral lesions. The symptomatic lesion was removed microneurosurgically and histology demonstrated a metastasis from a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Postoperatively, whole-brain irradiation was performed. The primary tumor was identified in the area of the sciatic nerve on the right. Follow-up 14 months after resection showed that there was no progression of the intracerebral lesions but an increase in size and number of distant metastases. CONCLUSION: There are no generally accepted guidelines for the treatment of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors with cerebral metastases. This case report presents and discusses one possible therapeutic approach. Due to the poor overall prognosis, the least invasive therapy should be chosen

    Differential spatial repositioning of activated genes in Biomphalaria glabrata snails infected with Schistosoma mansoni

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    Copyright @ 2014 Arican-Goktas et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Schistosomiasis is an infectious disease infecting mammals as the definitive host and fresh water snails as the intermediate host. Understanding the molecular and biochemical relationship between the causative schistosome parasite and its hosts will be key to understanding and ultimately treating and/or eradicating the disease. There is increasing evidence that pathogens that have co-evolved with their hosts can manipulate their hosts' behaviour at various levels to augment an infection. Bacteria, for example, can induce beneficial chromatin remodelling of the host genome. We have previously shown in vitro that Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic cells co-cultured with schistosome miracidia display genes changing their nuclear location and becoming up-regulated. This also happens in vivo in live intact snails, where early exposure to miracidia also elicits non-random repositioning of genes. We reveal differences in the nuclear repositioning between the response of parasite susceptible snails as compared to resistant snails and with normal or live, attenuated parasites. Interestingly, the stress response gene heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 is only repositioned and then up-regulated in susceptible snails with the normal parasite. This movement and change in gene expression seems to be controlled by the parasite. Other differences in the behaviour of genes support the view that some genes are responding to tissue damage, for example the ferritin genes move and are up-regulated whether the snails are either susceptible or resistant and upon exposure to either normal or attenuated parasite. This is the first time host genome reorganisation has been seen in a parasitic host and only the second time for any pathogen. We believe that the parasite elicits a spatio-epigenetic reorganisation of the host genome to induce favourable gene expression for itself and this might represent a fundamental mechanism present in the human host infected with schistosome cercariae as well as in other host-pathogen relationships.NIH and Sandler Borroughs Wellcome Travel Fellowshi

    Computational Micromodel for Epigenetic Mechanisms

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    Characterization of the epigenetic profile of humans since the initial breakthrough on the human genome project has strongly established the key role of histone modifications and DNA methylation. These dynamic elements interact to determine the normal level of expression or methylation status of the constituent genes in the genome. Recently, considerable evidence has been put forward to demonstrate that environmental stress implicitly alters epigenetic patterns causing imbalance that can lead to cancer initiation. This chain of consequences has motivated attempts to computationally model the influence of histone modification and DNA methylation in gene expression and investigate their intrinsic interdependency. In this paper, we explore the relation between DNA methylation and transcription and characterize in detail the histone modifications for specific DNA methylation levels using a stochastic approach