8 research outputs found

    Marxism Lost and Found: Alasdair MacIntyre and the Contemporary Debate

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    This paper examines the changing nature of debates that focus on the philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre. Whilst outlining the history of MacIntyre’s engagement with Marxism and some of his key ideas, it argues that it is only recently that such debates have begun to rightfully recognise the continued relevance of Marxism to such discussions. I note that crucial aspects of MacIntyre’s politics and philosophy, particularly his opposition to capitalism, are now integral to the contemporary debate which helps in generating a shared vision of radical politics. Nevertheless, I point out that key disagreements still remain as to the role of Marxism within such debates, the validity of MacIntyre’s critique of Marxism, as well as the potentially problematic post-Marxist practice that MacIntyre advocates in After Virtue and beyond

    From State-Centricism to Where?: The Formation of (Customary) International Law and Non-State Actors

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    International law-making is no longer a process dominated by states alone. Especially in the formation of customary international law (CIL) the practice of non-state entities - especially of international organizations - has become influential and calls for reconceptualization on the nature of CIL