14 research outputs found


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    We considered the history of breeding, morphological feature characteristics and producing performances of the only one herd of Slavonian-Srijem Podolic Cattle in Croatia. Futhermore, we also exposed the breeding plan and methods to preservation of Slavonian-Srijem Podolic Cattle genom, and reserch program of their morphological (osteological), producing and specilly fiziological feature characteristics. In future, we will explore the blood groups, polymorphism of protein\u27s system enzimatic activities and the others parametars which are in close relations with course and intensity of the metabolic processes

    Promjene lipidnih peroksida i nekih antioksidansa u krvi goveda tijekom tova.

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    Blood lipid peroxides (TBARS) and naturally present blood antioxidants glutathione (GSH), haemoglobin (Hb) and plasma albumin (ALB) were determined in nine Simmental young bulls. Blood samples were taken five times. The animals were intensively fattened. Mean TBARS content showed a biphasic pattern in the course of growth with the highest value at 11.7 months of age. GSH content increased until the age of 8 months when the highest concentration was determined. Albumin and Hb concentrations were highest at 15.2 months of age. The main contributor to the significant increase and decrease of TBARS values could be the development of skeletal muscle tissue. Correlations among the parameters investigated were not significant in the course of growth, with the exception of GSH vice Hb at 5.4 months of age and TBARS vice Hb and TBARS vice ALB at 15.2 months of age. It might be concluded that the indicators of oxidant stress in young bulls were within the physiological range and that, possibly, blood natural antioxidants complemented each other.U punoj krvi devet simentalskih bičića određivani su lipidni peroksidi (TBARS), prirodni antioksidansi glutation (GSH) i hemoglobin (Hb), te albumin u plazmi. Životinje su bile u intenzivnom tovu. Prosječna koncentracija TBARS pokazivala je tijekom tova bifazno kretanje s najvišom vrijednosti u dobi životinja od 11,7 mjeseci. Koncentracija GSH je rasla do dobi od 8 mjeseci kada je utvrđena najviša vrijednost. Koncentracije albumina i Hb bile su najviše u dobi od 15,2 mjeseca. Pretpostavlja se da je razvoj i rast skeletnih mišića znatno pridonio signifikantnom porastu i smanjenju TBARS vrijednosti. Korelacije među istraživanim pokazateljima nisu bile signifikantne s izuzetcima GSH i Hb u dobi od 5,4 mjeseca, te TBARS i Hb uz TBARS i albumin u dobi životinja od 15,2 mjeseca. Zaključuje se da su se određivane vrijednosti pokazatelja oksidativnog stresa u bičića kretale unutar fizioloških granica, te da se prirodni antioksidansi u krvi nadopunjuju u djelovanju tijekom tova

    Kemijski i masnokiselinski sastav najduljeg leđnog mišića mlade simentalske junadi.

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    The objective of this paper was to analyse the carcass characteristics (live weight at slaughter, hot and cold carcass weight, fat weight and fat ratio in cold carcass weight), chemical composition and fatty acid profile of the Simmental cattle longissimus dorsi muscle (MLD). The experiment was carried out on 20 young bulls (sons of sires in progeny testing for meat quality). The average live weight at slaughter (LWS) was 555 ± 12.47 kg, hot carcass weight (HCW) 332.6 ± 7.88 kg, cold carcass weight (CCW) 331.3 ± 8.43 kg, fat weight 15.9 ± 0.81 kg, fat ratio in CCW was 4.89 ± 0.23%. The average chemical composition of MLD was as follows: dry matter 24.84 ± 0.17%, water 75.16 ± 0.17%, protein 20.46 ± 0.26%, intramuscular fat 3.28 ± 0.06% and ash 1.11 ± 0.01%. Linear correlation was calculated for all parameters and high correlations were found between LWS, HCW and CCW, as expected, but there was no significant effect of LWS on the chemical composition of the longissimus dorsi muscle. Intramuscular fat (IMF) consisted on average of 48.04 ± 0.59%, 47.58 ± 0.71% and 4.16 ± 0.25% of total fatty acids (FA) as saturated fatty acids (SFA), mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), respectively. The PUFA/SFA ratio for beef was low, at around 0.1, similar to that reported by other authors. As expected, the level of MUFA correlated highly with the Δ9-desaturase (18) index (r = 0.84) and elongation index (r = 0.54). Statistically significant correlations between specific fatty acids, LWS, fat and IMF were generally weak. The percentages found of SFA and PUFA, as well as the PUFA/SFA ratio, were in accordance with results reported by other authors but still unfavourable for human health. To improve the unfavourable characteristics of beef, further study should include genetic parameters that affect the FA composition of beef beside the other factors mentioned above.Istraživanjem smo htjeli utvrditi osobine trupova te kemijski i masnokiselinski sastav najduljega leđnog mišića simentalske junadi. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 20 junadi. Utvrđena je prosječna masa živih životinja 555 ± 12,47 kg, masa toplih polovica 332,6 ± 7,88 kg, masa hladnih polovica 331,3 ± 8,43 kg, masa masti 15,9 ± 0,81 kg, omjer masti i mase hladnih polovica 4,89 ± 0,23%. Prosječan kemijski sastav MLD bio je: suha tvar 24,84 ± 0,17%, voda 75,16 ± 0,17%, protein 20,46 ± 0,26%, intramuskularna mast 3,28 ± 0,06% i pepeo 1,11 ± 0,01%. Izračunali smo linearne korelacije između promatranih obilježja te su pronađene visoke korelacije između mase živih životinja, mase toplih i hladnih polovica. No nije utvrđena značajna korelacija između mase živih životinja i kemijskog sastava MLD. U intramuskularnom masnom tkivu utvrđeno je 48,04 ± 0,59%, 47,58 ± 0,71% i 4,16 ± 0,25% zasićenih (SFA), mononezasićenih (MUFA) i polinezasićenih (PUFA) masnih kiselina. Omjer PUFA/SFA je nizak i iznosi oko 0,1 što je slično istraživanjima drugih autora. Očekivano je ukupna količina MUFA u visokoj korelaciji s indeksom Δ9-desaturaze (18) (r = 0,84) i indeksom elongacije (r = 0,54). Utvrđene su slabe, iako statistički značajne korelacije između pojedinih masnih kiselina, mase živih životinja, ukupne i intramuskularne masti. Utvrđeni rezultati za SFA i PUFA, kao i P/S omjer u skladu su s rezultatima drugih autora no i dalje nepovoljni za ljudsko zdravlje

    CATTLE BREEDING PROGRAMME IMPROVEMENT IN CROATIA 1. Morphological and phenotypical values of bulls of Simmental breeding programme

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    Na temelju podataka o stadu rasplodnih bikova (n 253) proizvedenih u Stanici za ispitivanje proizvodnih svojstava goveda u Varaždinu, upotrebljavanih u Središnjem zavodu za razmnožavanje i uzgoj domaćih životinja i Centru za reprodukciju u stočarstvu Hrvatske, d.o.o., a obuhvaćaju visinu grebena, dubinu i opseg prsa, težinu po godinama ulaska (1976.-1994. god.) i po dobi bikova (12 do 60 mjeseci), zatim i razloge za izlučivanje bikova iz upotrebe utvrdili smo: l. - Rast i razvoj bikova simentalske pasmine do navršene pete godine (60 mj.) života bio je razmjeran i svojstven pojedinim tjelesnim mjerama po grupama i sve bolji po godinama dovođenja odnosno godini ulaska u stado mladih bikova u Središnjem zavodu - Centru. 2. - Visina grebena prve grupe (1976.) bila je u dobi od 12 mj. 129,07 cm, a sa 60 mj. 148,40 cm, tj. bila je viša za 19,33 cm ili 14,9% (Tablica 1.). 3. - Visina grebena grupe iz 1991. god. bila je 131,00 cm u dobi od 12 mj. a 155,60 cm u dobi od 60 mj, odnosno bila je viša za 24 cm ili 18,8%. Razlike visine grebena jasno pokazuju da je slijedom generacija visina grebena rasla i bila sve viša (Tablica 1.). 4. - Dubina prsiju prve grupe (1976.) bila je u dobi od 12 mjeseci 65,77 cm, a sa 60 mjeseci 84,20 cm, odnosno bila je dublja za 18,43 cm ili 28,0%. 5. - Dubina prsiju grupe iz 1991. god. bila je 66,55 cm u dobi od 12 mj, a 90,20 cm u dobi od 60 mj, odnosno dublja za 23,65 cm ili 35,5% (Tablica 3.). 6. - Poboljšane mjere dubine prsiju pratio je i omjer visine greena i dubine prsiju, na što je ukazano i u "Programu" kao na jednu vrijednu mjeru. Godine 1976. Omjer dubine i visine iznosio je 50,9% u dobi od 12 mjeseci, a 56,7% u dobi od 60 mjeseci, tj. bio je viši za 5,8%, odnosno povećao se za 11,3%. 7. - Omjer istih mjera 1991. god. bio je 50,8% za bikove u dobi od 12 mjeseci, a 57,9% za bikove u dobi od 60 mjeseci, ili bio je poboljšan za 14,1%. Navedeni podaci o visini grebena i dubini prsiju kao i o njihovom omjeru pokazuju da su bikovi iz programiranog uzgoja postajali sve viši, ali i sve dublji u prsima (Tablica 3.). 8. - Opseg prsiju imao je sličan tijek povećanja u obje grupe, a zavisio je i o već prikazanoj dubini prsa (Tablica 5.). 9. - Težina i njezino povećavanje po grupama kao i po dobi pokazuje genetičke vrijednosti s obzirom na bujnost (intenzitet) i doseg (kapacitet) rasta i razvoja novih generacija bikova, a time i na "ranozrelost",jednu od ciljeva uzgoja simentalske pasmine goveda. Prva grupa iz performance testa 1976. god. imala je u dobi od 365 dana prosječnu težinu 591,00 kilograma. U dobi od 60 mj. postigli su 1077,20 kg odnosno bili su teži 486,20 kg ili za 82,3% od težine s 12 mjeseci (Tablica 7). 10. - Težina bikova iz 1991. god. starosti 12 mj. bila je 627,77 kg, odnosno 36,77 kg veća od grupe iz 1976. god. u istoj dobi. U dobi od 60 mj. težina je bila 1192,60 kg,veća za 564,93kg u odnosu na dob od 12 mj. ili 89,9% (tablica7.). 11. - Utvrđene tjelesne mjere grupa bikova (VG, DP, OP i Kg) ukazuju na pozitivno kretanje povećavanja svih mjera, a time i na ispunjavanje željenog i postavljenog plana i programa gojidbene izgradnje govedarstva u Hrvatskoj pasmine "hrvatskog simentalca", iz 1973. i 1991. godine. 12.-Najviše je izlučenih bikova brojem (n 85) i postotkom (33,6%) zbog oboljenja i mana lokomotornog sustava, od rane do kasne dobi. Zatim zbog nedovoljne rasplodne sposobnosti (n 31 ili 12,2%). Manji broj bikova izlučen je zbog nekih internih razloga (n 12 ili 4,7%) kao npr.: sporno očinstvo (1), produžen graviditet u kćeri (1), prodaja drugom centru (1), bez zabilježenog nalaza (9). 13. - Od 1976. do 1991. godine bila su ukupno 224 bika od koiih su 5 godina doživjela njih 84 ili 37,5%, a izlučeno ih je 140 ili 62,5%. Takav omjer izlučenih i dalje upotrebljavanih bikova (62,5 : 37,5%) postoji i u centrima drugih zemalja. Razlozi izlučivanja donekle se razlikuju od naših, ali su vrlo oštri u odnosu na morfološko fenotipske odlike.Based on the data such as the ridge height, depth and circumference of the thorax, the weight depending on the year of entry (1976-1994) and on the age of bulls (12 to 60 months), and based on the data explaining the reasons for exclusion, in the herd of bulls (n 253) produced in Varaždin Station for Quality Control of Produced Cattle and used both in the Central Institute for Breeding and Raising of Domestic Cattle and the Center for Reproduction in Cattle Industry in the Republic of Croatia, we have arrived at the following conclusions: 1. Growth and development of the Simmental bulls until the age of 5 years (60 months) was proportional and characteristic of physical measurements per groups, and growth and development was better when it was compared with the year of birth and the year of entry of young bulls in to the Central Institute and the Center. 2. The height of ridge in the first group (1976) was 129.07 cm for the bulls aged 12 months and 148,40 cm for those aged 60 months; the difference was 24 cm or 1 8.8% ( Table 1 ). The data on the differences in the height of ridges provide clear evidence that in each successive generation the height of the ridge became bigger (Table 1). 3. The depth of thorax in the first group (1976) was 65.77 cm in the bulls aged 12 months and 84.20 cm in those aged 60 months, this means that the depth of thorax was 18.43 cm or 28.0% bigger (Table 3). 4. The circumference of thorax improved in the same fashion in both groups and it was also dependent on the already shown thoracic depth (Table 5). In the performance testing in 1976 the average weight of the bulls aged 365 days in the first group was 591.00 kg. The average weight of the bulls aged 60 months was 1077.20 kg this means that in 12 months the bulls increased in weight by 486.20 kg or 82.3%. (Table 7). 5. The established physical measurements of the groups of bulls (RH, TD, TC and kg) clearly show a positive trend and increase in all the measurements and fulfilment of the plan and program in developing cattle industry in Croatia, and especially the "Croatian Simmental bull" from 1973 and 1991. 6. The majority of the bulls (n 5) or 33.6% of the bulls were excluded because of the disease and malformations of the locomotoric system, both in the early and later age. Due to inefficient reproductive capacity 12.2% or 31 bulls were excluded. A smaller number of bulls (n 18 or 7,1%) were excluded for internal, special or unknown reasons (n 12 or 4,7%) such as disputed paternity (n 1), prolonged daughter pregnancy (n 1 ), sale to another center (1 ), lack of recorded data. (Table 9). 7. Between 1976 and 1991 there were 224 bulls all together out of which 84 bulls or 37.5% lived to the age of 5 years and 140 bulls or 62.5% were excluded. Such ratio of exclusions and the bulls that were gurther used (62.5 to 37.5%) was found in the centers in other countries as well. The reasons for the exclusions in other countries slightly differ from our reasons and are much bigger when one considers morphological and phenotypic characteristics

    Metabolički profil rasplodnih bikova simentalske pasmine

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    The levels of biochemical parameters in the blood serum of Simmental service bulls were studied. The research was conducted on twelve bulls at the age of four to seven. The blood was taken on four occasions by needle biopsy from the vena jugularis externa. In the samples of blood serum, the activities were specified of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), creatine-kinase (CK) and concentrations of the total proteins, albumins, calcium and magnesium, triglycerides and cholesterol. Since there are no data concerning bulls, the results obtained were compared with data from literature on cows. The levels of total proteins, albumins, GGT and CK in the serum of the examined bulls are higher than in cows, while the levels of AST and magnesium are lower. The levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and calcium are almost equivalent. The differences observed indicate the necessity of establishing referential rates for biochemical parameters in bulls as opposed to cows. The results obtained will be useful in routine diagnostics as the metabolic profile of Simmental bulls.U radu su istražene razine biokemijskih pokazatelja u krvnom serumu rasplodnih bikova simentalske pasmine. Istraživanje je provedeno na 12 bikova u starosti od četiri do sedam godina. Krv je uzimana u četiri navrata punkcijom jugularne vene. U uzorcima krvnoga seruma određene su aktivnosti alanin-aminotransferaze (ALT), aspartat-aminotransferaze (AST), gama glutamil-transferaze (GGT), kreatinske-kinaze (CK) i koncentracije ukupnih proteina, albumina, kalcija, magnezija, triglicerida i kolesterola. Budući da ne postoje podatci koji se odnose na bikove, dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s podatcima iz literature koji se odnose na krave. Razine ukupnih proteina, albumina, GGT i CK u serumu istraživanih bikova više su nego u krava, dok su razine AST i magnezija niže. Razine triglicerida, kolesterola i kalcija su gotovo jednake. Uočene razlike upućuju na prijeku potrebu uspostavljanja referentnih vrijednosti biokemijskih pokazatelja za bikove, neovisno o onima za krave. Postignuti rezultati bit će korisni u rutinskoj dijagnostici kao metabolički profil bikova simentalske pasmine


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    U uzgojnom programu za simentalca u Hrvatskoi naglasak je na kakvoći mesa. U agregatnom iznosu uzgojne vrijednosti (UV) sadržane su tovne i klaoničke karakteristike, te njihove kemijske vrijednosti. Za sada senzorne karakteristike, te njihove kemijske vrijednosti. Za sada senzorne karakteristike se ne uvažavaju. Indeks je sastavljen od uzgojnih vrijednosti za dnevni prirast, hladni randman i sadržaj čistog mesa. Struktura tkiva u ovom istraživanju procijenjena je disekcijom uzoraka 7-9 rebra. Analizirano je 29 progenih grupa s ukupno 326 sinova- mladih bikova. Podaci su analizirani leastsquare metodom (Harvey, 1979.) uvažavajući utjecaj godine i sezone. Prosječna težina hladnih polovica iznosila je 304.15 kg. Postoci čistog mesa (mišićnog tkiva), masnog tkiva i kosti u i sječku iznosili su 63.91%, 13.96% i 18.93%. Odnos meso:kosti iznosio je 3.58, a meso kosti meso:loj 4.78. U suhoj tvari MLD sadržano je 21 .83% proteina i 1.42% masti. Heritabilitet za sadržaj mesa, kosti i loja u isječku iznosio je 0.702,0.421 i 0.489. Dobiveni rezultati podudaraju se sranijim rezultatima u nas (Karadjole, 1978; Car, 1981 ; Caput, 1985), ali se razlikuju od priopćenih rezultata istraživanja u nekim drugim simentalskim uzgojima (Averdunk i sur., 1992.; Petautschnig, 1992.). Razlike se mogu djelomično objasniti različitim metodama i tehničkim postupcima pri klanju, primarnoj obradi i disekciji. Relativno visok sadržaj kosti u trupu naših simentalaca mora biti predmet pažnje u budućim selekcijskim programima.In Croatian Simmental breeding program the great emphasis is on meat quality. So far in the aggregate breeding value (BV) there are fattening and carcass characteristics and chemical components, but no sensor characteristics. The index consists of breeding values of daily gain, carcass percentage and meat content. In this paper structure of tissue of slaughtered bulls were evaluated on the dissection samples of 7 -9 rib cut. There were 326 bulls, progenies of 29 test sires. Data were analysed by least squares (Harvey, 1979), and corrected on year and season. Average cold carcass weight was 304.15 kg. The meat, fat and bone content in the rib cut were 63.91%, 13.96% and 18.93 %, respectively. Meat:bone and meat:fat ratio were 3.58 and 4.78, respectively. In MLD (dry matter) there were 21.83% protein and 1.42% fat. Heritability (h2) and correlations (r) for 10 slaughter traits were estimated. The h2 for meat, bone and fat contents in the rib cut were .702, .421 and .489, respectively. The results in this paper were similar to those from Karadiole (1978), Car (1981) and Caput (1985), but different from results in other Simmental breeding areas in Europe (Averdunk et al. 1992; Petautschnig, 1992). The differences could partly be explained by different methods and technological procedures in slaughtering and dissection. There were unusual high bone content, and low muscle: bone ratio. This is the fact which must be improved in Croatian Simmental

    Fenotipske karakteristike kemijskog sastava m. longissimus dorsi u simentalskih bikova u Hrvatskoj

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    Simmental breed is known as a dual purpose breed widely spread in the Republic of Croatia. It represents more than two thirds of overall cattle population in Croatia. In this experiment we have focused on chemical components (dry matter, water, protein, fat and ash) in musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) and its phenotypic characteristics. The trial comprised 710 young bulls, the progeny of sires chosen for artificial insemination (AI), during the period of 13 years. Average chemical composition of MLD was as follows: dry matter 24,87±0,04%, water 75,13±0,04%, protein 20,66±0,05%, fat (ether extract) 3,12±0,06% and ash 1, 10±0,002%. We have calculated phenotypic correlations among chemical components and analyzed various influences for all components. All calculations were made in SAS 8.0 (Statistical Analysis System) and Statistica 7.1. Phenotypic correlations between dry matter and water, protein, fat and ash were -1,000, 0,159, 0,533 and -0,164 respectively. Correlations between water and protein, fat and ash were -0,159, -0,533 and 0,164 respectively. Correlation coefficient between protein and fat was -0,750; between protein and ash -0,026 and between fat and ash -0,113. All correlations were significant (p<0,01) except between protein and ash. Influence of year, season, month and sire on chemical composition of MLD was significant (p < 0,001). Phenotypic correlations estimates indicate that investigated traits could be used for selection of AI bulls.Simentalska pasmina je poznata kao dvonamjenska pasmina i veoma je raširena u Republici Hrvatskoj. Više od dvije trećine sveukupne populacije goveda u Hrvatskoj otpada na simentalsku pasminu. U ovom smo ispitivanju pozornost obratili na kemijske komponente (suhu tvar, vodu, bjelančevine, mast i pepeo) u musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) i njegove fenotipske karakteristike. U pokus je bilo uključeno 710 mladih bikova podrijetlom od rasplodnih bikova odabranih za umjetnu oplodnju (UO), tijekom razdoblja od 13 godina. Prosječan kemijski sastav MLD bio je sljedeći: suha tvar 24,87±0,04%, voda 75,13±0,04%, bjelančevine 20,66±0,05%, mast (ekstrakt etera) 3,12±0,06% i pepeo 1,10±0,002%. Izračunali smo fenotipske korelacije između kemijskih komponenti te analizirali razne utjecaje za sve komponente. Svi izračuni su rađeni u SAS 8.0 (Sustav statističke analize) i Statistika 7.1. Fenotipske korelacije između suhe tvari i vode, bjelančevina, masti i pepela iznosile su–1,000, 0,159, 0,533 odnosno –0,164. Korelacije između vode i bjelančevina, masti i pepela bile su –0,159, -0,533 odnosno 0,164. Koeficijent korelacije između bjelančevina i masti bio je –0,750, između bjelančevina i pepela –0,026 a između masti i pepela –0,113. Svaka je korelacija bila značajna (P<0,01), uz iznimku korelacije između bjelančevina i pepela. Utjecaj godine, godišnjeg doba, mjeseca i bika na kemijski sastav MLD bio je značajan (P < 0,001). Procjene fenotipske korelacije pokazuju da bi se ispitivane karakteristike mogle koristiti za selekciju bikova za UO

    Fenotipske značajke i heritabilitet kemijskoga sastava m. longissimus dorsi simentalske junadi u Hrvatskoj

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    The Simmental breed is a dual purpose breed widespread in the Republic of Croatia and represents more than two thirds of the total cattle population. In this research we focused on the heritability of chemical components (dry matter, water, protein, fat and ash) in musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) and its phenotypic characteristics. The trial comprised 698 young bulls, which were sons of 68 sires chosen for artificial insemination (AI), over a period of 13 years. Average chemical composition of MLD was as follows: dry matter 24.87 ± 0.04%, water 75.13 ± 0.04%, protein 20.63 ± 0.05%, fat (ether extract) 3.14 ± 0.06% and ash 1.10 ± 0.002%. We calculated heritability and phenotypic correlations among the chemical components and analyzed various influences for all components. All calculations were performed in SAS 8.0 (Statistical Analysis System) and Statistica 7.1 software. Phenotypic correlations between dry matter and water, protein, fat and ash were -1.00, 0.20, 0.50 and -0.20, respectively. Correlations between water and protein, fat and ash were -0.20, -0.50 and 0.20, respectively. Correlation coefficient between protein and fat was -0.75; between protein and ash -0.05 and between fat and ash -0.10. All correlations were significant (P<0.01) except between protein and ash. Heritability estimates for the investigated traits were: final mass 0.73; dry matter 0.60; water 0.60; protein 0.40; fat 0.30 and ash 0.36. The influence of year, season and month on chemical composition of MLD was significant (P<0.01). Phenotypic correlations and heritability estimates could be used for selection in order to improve the investigated traits.Simentalska pasmina goveda je poznata kao pasmina dvojnih proizvodnih svojstava. To je najrasprostranjenija pasmina goveda u Republici Hrvatskoj te čini preko dvije trećine ukupne populacije goveda. Istraživali smo vrijednosti heritabiliteta za pokazatelje kemijskoga sastava (suhu tvar, vodu, bjelančevine, mast i pepeo) najdužega leđnoga mišića (m. longissimus dorsi, MLD) i njegove fenotipske osobine. Istraživanje je provedeno na 698 junadi, sinova bikova za umjetno osjemenjivanje u razdoblju od 13 godina. Prosječan kemijski sastav MLD bio je sljedeći: suha tvar 24,87 ± 0,04%, voda 75,13 ± 0,04%, bjelančevine 20,63 ± 0,05%, mast (eterski ekstrakt) 3,14 ± 0,06% i pepeo 1,10 ± 0,002%. Statističke analize obavljene su u SAS 8.0 (Statistical Analysis System) i Statistica 7.1 programskim paketima. Fenotipske korelacije između suhe tvari i vode, bjelančevina, masti i pepela bile su -1,00, 0,20, 0,50 te -0,20. Korelacije između vode i bjelančevina, masti te pepela bile su -0,20, -0,50 i 0,20. Koeficijent korelacije između bjelančevina i masti bio je -0,75; bjelančevina i pepela -0,05 te između masti i pepela -0,10. Sve su korelacije bile statistički značajne (P<0,01), izuzev između bjelančevina i pepela. Vrijednosti heritabiliteta za istraživana svojstva bile su: završna težina u tovu 0,73; suha tvar 0,60; voda 0,60; bjelančevine 0,40; mast 0,30 i pepeo 0,36. Utvrdili smo statistički značajan (P<0,001) utjecaj godine, sezone i mjeseca na kemijski sastav MLD. Vrijednosti fenotipskih korelacija i heritabiliteta treba uzeti u obzir pri selekciji bikova za umjetno osjemenjivanje za osobine tovnosti

    Promjene lipidnih peroksida i nekih antioksidansa u krvi goveda tijekom tova.

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    Blood lipid peroxides (TBARS) and naturally present blood antioxidants glutathione (GSH), haemoglobin (Hb) and plasma albumin (ALB) were determined in nine Simmental young bulls. Blood samples were taken five times. The animals were intensively fattened. Mean TBARS content showed a biphasic pattern in the course of growth with the highest value at 11.7 months of age. GSH content increased until the age of 8 months when the highest concentration was determined. Albumin and Hb concentrations were highest at 15.2 months of age. The main contributor to the significant increase and decrease of TBARS values could be the development of skeletal muscle tissue. Correlations among the parameters investigated were not significant in the course of growth, with the exception of GSH vice Hb at 5.4 months of age and TBARS vice Hb and TBARS vice ALB at 15.2 months of age. It might be concluded that the indicators of oxidant stress in young bulls were within the physiological range and that, possibly, blood natural antioxidants complemented each other.U punoj krvi devet simentalskih bičića određivani su lipidni peroksidi (TBARS), prirodni antioksidansi glutation (GSH) i hemoglobin (Hb), te albumin u plazmi. Životinje su bile u intenzivnom tovu. Prosječna koncentracija TBARS pokazivala je tijekom tova bifazno kretanje s najvišom vrijednosti u dobi životinja od 11,7 mjeseci. Koncentracija GSH je rasla do dobi od 8 mjeseci kada je utvrđena najviša vrijednost. Koncentracije albumina i Hb bile su najviše u dobi od 15,2 mjeseca. Pretpostavlja se da je razvoj i rast skeletnih mišića znatno pridonio signifikantnom porastu i smanjenju TBARS vrijednosti. Korelacije među istraživanim pokazateljima nisu bile signifikantne s izuzetcima GSH i Hb u dobi od 5,4 mjeseca, te TBARS i Hb uz TBARS i albumin u dobi životinja od 15,2 mjeseca. Zaključuje se da su se određivane vrijednosti pokazatelja oksidativnog stresa u bičića kretale unutar fizioloških granica, te da se prirodni antioksidansi u krvi nadopunjuju u djelovanju tijekom tova

    The metabolic profile of Simmental service bulls

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    The levels of biochemical parameters in the blood serum of Simmental service bulls were studied. The research was conducted on twelve bulls at the age of four to seven. The blood was taken on four occasions by needle biopsy from the vena jugularis externa. In the samples of blood serum, the activities were specified of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), creatine-kinase (CK) and concentrations of the total proteins, albumins, calcium and magnesium, triglycerides and cholesterol. Since there are no data concerning bulls, the results obtained were compared with data from literature on cows. The levels of total proteins, albumins, GGT and CK in the serum of the examined bulls are higher than in cows, while the levels of AST and magnesium are lower. The levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and calcium are almost equivalent. The differences observed indicate the necessity of establishing referential rates for biochemical parameters in bulls as opposed to cows. The results obtained will be useful in routine diagnostics as the metabolic profile of Simmental bulls. Key words: metabolic profile, service bulls, blood seru