315 research outputs found

    Contactless Fault Indicator for MV Lines

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    V disertační práci jsou rozpracovány teoretické poznatky o metodách indikace zemních spojení do tvaru použitelného pro návrh nekontaktního indikátoru poruchových stavů na VN vedení. Tento návrh se skládá ze snímačů elektrického a magnetického pole, vyhodnocovací jednotky a softwarové podpory. Využitím indikátorů, které budou rozmístěny ve VN síti, se předpokládá dosažení větší efektivity při odstranění poruchy a lepší ochrany osob a majetku.The theoretical findings about methods of earth faults indication are elaborated in this thesis into form, which is applicable to design contactless indicator of failure states on MV lines. This design contains electromagnetic field sensors, evaluation device and software support. The higher effectiveness of clearing of fault and better health and asset protection is supposed by using of these indicators.

    Application of magnesium alloys castings

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    Slitiny hořčíku mají pro své vlastnosti stále nevyužitý potenciál v technických aplikacích. Historie kovu není dlouhá, první aplikace jeho slitin začaly na začátku 20. století. Hořčík má tu vlastnost, že je velmi lehký. Váží o třetinu méně než hliník a je třetím nejužívanějším konstrukčním kovem. Problematická je však jeho příprava a zpracování, jelikož má hořčík vysokou afinitu ke kyslíku. To se projevuje intenzívním hořením. Během století vývoje se zdokonalila jak výroba, tak slitiny. Využití slitin hořčíku nabylo většího významu a nejvíce se uplatňuje zatím v automobilovém průmyslu. V poslední době expanduje poptávka nejvíce v elektrotechnice. Další využití lze najít v letectví, energetice, armádě a mnoho dalších odvětví.Magnesium alloys are still idle in technical applications because of their properties. The history of metal is not very old, the first application of its alloy started on the beginning of the 20th century. Magnesium is very light. Its weight is about one third less than the weight of aluminum and it is the third most frequented structural metal. However its preparation and processing can be problematical because magnesium has high affinity to oxygen. It causes intensive burning. During the century of stature have been improved both production and alloys. The usage of magnesium alloys took more importance and it is the most used alloy in automotive field sofar. Recently its demand expands mainly in electrotechnics. Next usage we can find in aeronautics, energetics, military and many other branches.

    The Influence of Customers’ Purchasing Behaviour on Property Valuation

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    The property evaluation in Czech compulsorily done accountancy is based on the principle of historical cost which does not allow to convey the current property value. The article describes the research carried out in order to bring the methodology of future updating of property valuation by real value up to date. The aim of research was to gain information from the corporations regarding their long-term corporeal depreciable goods and chattels – corporation car fleet and assesment of the criteria importance which influence upon their decisionmaking about purchasing these goods and chattels. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part contained information on respondents. The other part was oriented towards the criteria – fuel consumption, performance, torque, attainable speed, acceleration, ecological loading, active and passive security, operational reliability, length of guarantee and brand. The respondents evaluated the criteria within the evaluation scale. The results of two criteria, active security and operational reliability, were increasing, i.e. frequencies of answers created increasing function. These two criteria sets were beside and thus excluded. The authors took into account the other nine criteria sets. The calculated value of statistics is less than a critical value of a test on the level of significance of 1 per cent, and thus it is possible to allege that all distributional functions equal or if you like the sets can be considered as the choice of the same basic set. If the same test is applied on particular sets, it is obvious that there is not a substantial difference between respondents’ answers, i.e. the size of private corporation and the fact if it is a private or public organization do not play any role. The research showed that the problems of customers’ purchasing behaviour and perception of utility value and subsequently property valuation by real value is up-to-date and both private and public organisations are aware of it. Purpose of the article: The article describes the research carried out in order to update the methodology of long-term depreciable goods and chattels valuation in future, thereinafter “DHMMO”, by real value. Methodology/methods: Contribution use general scientific methods, especially analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction and deduction. The research was done by means of questionnaires. To evaluate the results specific statistical methods were used, especially mean value, dispersion, frequencies and Kruskal-Wallis test. Scientific aim: Scientific aim is to do research and which gives information from the corporations regarding their long-term corporeal depreciable goods and chattels – corporation car fleet and assesment of the criteria importance which influence upon their decision-making about purchasing these goods and chattels. Findings: Statistical evaluation of the research results into the finding that distributional functions of particular criteria equal or if you like the sets can be considered as the choice of the same basic set. If the same test is applied on particular sets, it is obvious that there is not a substantial difference between respondents’ answers, i.e. the size of private corporation and the fact if it is a private or public organization do not play any role. All subjects answer given questions by analogy. Conclusions: The research showed that the problems of customers’ purchasing behaviour and perception of utility value and subsequently property valuation by real value is up-to-date and both private and public organisations are aware of it

    More Security Issues are Needed on the European Union Agenda: Beyond an Academic Concept of In/Security in the Era of Global Terrorism

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    Security as an objectively existing quality which can be discussed in innumerable ways, but it may hardly be ignored and its significance (let alone its existence) may hardly be doubted. Security is a fundamental human need which is a subject of our efforts for its satisfaction and its chronic deficiency leads to frustration. Considering the differing views on how the term "security" itself should be defined and what specific aspects or issues it should include (and which ones it should not), there can be no doubt that virtually no area of human activity can manage without holding an opinion on security issues. Security is not a mere construct inferred from academic debates. Nothing can change this despite the fact that this phenomenon has become an overused topic of societal debates, election campaigns and media (virtual) reality. Presence or absence of danger (in/security, un/certainty) can be described in so many forms, that are not easy to be transparently arranged or even mathematized. It is in fact necessary to give up the quest for the objective truth, because of the fact, that the security disciplines are very subjective per se. Security is an omnipresent phenomenon and it is difficult to choose the best concept for a security research for this reason, although many authors are insisting on their concept being the best one. This paper deals with these matters presenting an academic concept of in/security in the context of a revise of the security agenda of the European Union (e.g. with regard to the Directive of the Council on the identification and designation of European Critical Infrastructure and the assessment of the need to improve their protection.security, safety, concept, risk, threat, security policy, terrorisms, European Union

    Concept of data collection in cars production

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    katedra: KIN; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 79 s.This thesis deals with the collection, processing and visualization of process data through the information systems. The first part focuses on the theoretical possibility of using data collection systems in various business areas, particularly emphasizes the importance of process data for management quality. In the second part is an analysis of the current status of specific technological devices located on the assembly line cars in the company SKODA AUTO a.s. Based on the analysis is a standard data format defined in the framework of the central collection of process data in the cars production. The third part focuses on the concept of a data flow from the stage of obtaining the measured data from technological devices, process, followed by a final visualization and archiving. In the last chapter is an application implemented standard data format and the involvement of a specific technological devices in the design of the data collection.Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou sběru, zpracování a vizualizací procesních dat prostřednictvím informačních systémů. První část práce se teoreticky zaměřuje na možnosti využití systémů pro sběr dat v různých podnikových oblastech, především klade důraz na význam procesních dat pro řízení kvality. Ve druhé části práce je provedena analýza současného stavu konkrétních technologických zařízení umístěných na montážní lince vozů ve společnosti ŠKODA AUTO a.s. Na základě analýzy je definován standardní datový formát v rámci projektu na vytvoření centrálního sběru procesních dat ve výrobě vozů. Třetí část práce se zaměřuje na vytvoření koncepce datového toku počínaje fází získání naměřených dat z technologických zařízení, přes jejich následnou vizualizaci až po konečnou archivaci. V poslední kapitole je realizována aplikace vytvořeného datového standardu a zapojení konkrétního technologického zařízení do koncepce sběru dat