157 research outputs found

    Effect of strain rate on the formation of the microstructure of a 1950/10% SiC metal matrix composite under high temperature

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    The paper studies the effect of strain rate on the formation of grains and low-angle boundaries in an aluminum matrix composite based on the 1950 alloy (analogous to the AA7075 alloy) with 10 vol% SiC. The deformation of the metal matrix composite, produced by a powder technique, is investigated at a temperature of 500 °C. The specimens are investigated by electron backscatter diffraction before and after deformation at strain rates ranging from 0.1 to 5.5 s-1. It has been established that continuous dynamic recrystallization occurs in the composite at 500 °C in the whole strain rate range considered. The recrystallization is followed by a decrease in the average grain diameter and an increase in the density of the low-angle boundaries with increasing strain rate. © 2017 Author(s).The work was partially financially supported rheological behavior of a metal matrix composite

    “Russian trail” in Taiwan and beginning of Taiwan ethnology. Rev. of: Golovachev V. Ts. (2019). “Ekskursiia na Formozu”. Etnograficheskoe puteshestvie P. I. Ibisa. [“Excursion to Formosa”. The ethnographic trip by Paul Ibis] Moscow: “Ves’ Mir” Publishing House. 276 p.

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    The article was submitted on 30.09.2020.Рецензия посвящена рассмотрению монографии В. Ц. Головачёва, в которой автор исследует жизнь и научные труды российского морского офицера Пауля (Павла Ивановича) Ибиса (1852–1877), совершившего в начале 1875 г. путешествие по Тайваню, по итогам которого он опубликовал ценные научные сведения об острове. В книге собран и проанализирован большой объем архивных документов и исследований, которые напрямую или косвенно имеют отношение к судьбе П. И. Ибиса и его этнографической экспедиции на Тайвань.The review deals with book by Valentin Ts. Golovachev, where the author represents life-story and ethnographic studies of Russian naval officer Paul Ibis (1852–1877). P. Ibis was a participant in circumnavigation on the corvette “Askold” in 1872–1876 and at the beginning of 1875 made a journey in Taiwan, after his journey P. Ibis published valuable information about Taiwan and its inhabitants. The book analyzes all available archive documents and published materials that are relevant to biography of Paul Ibis and his ethnographic expedition in Taiwan

    Relations between Japan and Taiwan and its role in Foreign Policy of Republic of China under the President Tsai Ing-wen

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    The article was submitted on 3.05.2022.Уверенная победа на президентских выборах в 2016 г. представительницы Демократической прогрессивной партии (ДПП) Цай Инвэнь означала возвращение к власти на Тайване (в Китайской Республике) сторонников укрепления связей КР с ее стратегическими союзниками – США и Японией, которые активно поддерживают Тайбэй на международной арене и играют важную роль в сохранения статус-кво в Тайваньском проливе. В условиях нарастания напряженности в китайско-тайваньских отношениях связям с Японией в КР придают особое значение. В статье проанализирована динамика развития японо-тайваньских отношений в период президентства Цай Инвэнь. Основные задачи исследования – выявить новые подходы тайваньского руководства к решению внешнеполитических задач и определить роль японо-тайваньских связей во внешнеполитической деятельности КР; исследовать основные проблемы двусторонних отношений Японии и Тайваня; рассмотреть влияние КНР и США на взаимодействие между Токио и Тайбэем. Отдельно рассмотрены проблемы исторического прошлого и их влияние на современные японо-тайванские отношения. В результате исследования автор приходит к следующим выводам: во-первых, Япония и Тайвань продолжают двигаться по пути укрепления сотрудничества, причем их контакты все меньше обременяются ограничениями, вытекающими из неофициального статуса отношений. Вместе с тем японские власти пока еще не готовы напрямую контактировать с КР по вопросам безопасности. Во-вторых, значительному сближению Токио и Тайбэя в 2016–2020 гг. способствовало осложнение американо-китайских и китайско-тайваньских отношений, стремление КР к более тесному взаимодействию с США и Японией и попытка заручиться их поддержкой на международной арене. В-третьих, учитывая, что за последние несколько лет именно Тайвань проявляет заинтересованность в более тесном сотрудничестве с Японией, власти КР, вероятно, смогут пойти на еще большие уступки по проблемным вопросам двусторонних отношений. В-четвертых, очевидное смещение в приоритетах внешней политики КР в сторону США и Японии, а также политика «декитаизации» и культивирование среди жителей «тайваньской идентичности» способствовали тому, что проблемы исторического прошлого в отношениях между Токио и Тайбэем отошли на второй план, перейдя на уровень общественных дискуссий внутри КР.Landslide victory of representative of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Tsai Ing-wen in presidential elections in 2016 meant that supporters of strengthening ties between Taiwan and its strategic partners (USA and Japan) came back to rule in Republic of China (Taiwan). USA and Japan strongly support Taipei on a global stage and play an important role in maintaining status quo in Taiwan Strait. The article analyzes the dynamics of development of relations between Japan and Taiwan under the presidency of Tsai Ing-wen. The main objectives of the research – to discover new approaches of Taiwanese authorities to solving foreign policy challenges and define the role of Japan-Taiwan ties in foreign-policy activity of Republic of China; to research the main problems of bilateral relations; to consider the influence of mainland China and USA on cooperation between Tokyo and Taipei; to research the influence of problems of historical past on bilateral relations. The author concludes that, firstly, Japan and Taiwan advance on the path of strengthening the cooperation, however, Japanese authorities are not ready to contact directly with Taipei on issues relating to regional security. Secondly, close ties between Tokyo and Taipei were favoured by several factors i. e. deterioration of Sino-American and Sino-Taiwanese relations, as well as tendency of Taiwan to strengthen ties with USA and Japan and seeking for their support on the international stage. Thirdly, taking into account that over the past number of years it is Taiwan which takes a keen interest in close cooperation with Japan, Taiwanese authorities are likely to effect a compromise on the problem issues of bilateral relations. Fourthly, obvious shift of priorities in foreign policy of Republic of China to USA and Japan, as well as “de-sinicization” policy and cultivating of “Taiwanese identity” among islanders lead to a situation where problems of historical past in relations between Tokyo and Taipei receded into the background

    Turn to Conservatism: Traditions and Innovations in Contemporary Japan

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    The article was submitted on 10.10.2018.Рецензия на: Молодякова Э.В. Япония: тотальная победа консерваторов. Избранные работы 2000–2016 гг. / ред.-сост. В. Э. Молодяков; отв. ред. Рецензия посвящена рассмотрению книги выдающегося российского ученого, доктора исторических наук, профессора Молодяковой Э.В. (1937–2016). Сборник избранных работ включает статьи о наиболее актуальных проблемах внутренней и внешней политики современной Японии, о постоянных факторах и новых тенденциях развития японского общества, об исторических корнях современных явлений – все эти разделы более или менее подробно представлены в рецензии. Статьи первой части сборника посвящены политическим реалиям современной Японии – прослеживается история становления и развития двух основных политических сил, Либерально-демократической партии (ЛДП) и Демократической партии Японии (ДПЯ). Автором верно подмечены все специфические черты японской модели функционирования законодательной ветви власти, особенности социального устройства и исторические факторы, которые способствовали укоренению консервативной идеологии в Японии на протяжении нескольких десятилетий. Особое внимание уделено внешней политике. Сохраняя приверженность японо-американскому союзу, власти Японии понимают необходимость выстраивания взаимовыгодных и доверительных отношений со своими соседями – Китаем и Кореей. Сложность нормализации отношений с ними обусловлены не только конкретными действиями руководства этих стран, но и разностью подходов в трактовке событий Второй мировой войны и японской агрессии (что особенно проявляется в проблеме синтоистского святилища Ясукуни). Вторая часть «Избранных трудов» Э.В. Молодяковой состоит из статей, раскрывающих специфику японской цивилизации, особенности исторического развития и модернизации общества (часть материалов опубликована впервые). Заимствование культурных и научно-технических достижений других стран и их постепенное («эволюционное») усвоение – вот ключ к успешной модернизации, происходившей в Японии на протяжении многих столетий и продолжающейся до сих пор. Сохранение базовых ценностей и ориентиров, без которых потерялась бы уникальность японской нации, в этой связи становится еще одним важным условием для поддержания баланса между традициями и нововведениями. Рецензируемая книга адресована широкому кругу специалистов по политическим и социальным проблемам современности и всем интересующимся Японией.Review of: Molodiakova E. V. (2017). Iaponiia: total’naia pobeda konservatorov. Izbrannye raboty 2000–2016 gg. / red.-sost. V. E. Molodiakov; otv. red. E. L. Katasonova. – Institut vostokovedeniia RAN. – M.: IV RAN, 2017. – 448 p. [Japan: Conservators’ Total Victory. Selected Writings 2000–2016. / Ed. by V. E. Molodiakov, E. L. Katasonova. – Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences. 448 p.]. The review deals with book of outstanding Russian Japanologist, PhD, LL.D. (History) Professor Elguena V. Molodiakova (1937–2016). “Selected Writings” contain papers dedicated to discussion of current domestic and foreign policy in contemporary Japan, constant factors and tendencies in Japanese society, historical roots of present-day events – all these problems are more or less presented in the review. Papers contained in the first part of the book deal with political realities in contemporary Japan – history and development of the main two political parties (Liberal Democratic Party of Japan and Democratic Party) is traced. The author aptly noted special aspects of Japanese legislative power, some characteristics of social order and historical factors that led to popularization of conservative ideology in Japan over the decades. The author and the reviewer both place special emphasis on foreign policy. Japan still remains committed to Japanese-American Alliance, but understands that structuring mutual beneficial and trust-based relations with its neighbors – China and Korea is also necessary. Normalization of this kind of relations seems to be complex because of difference in treatment of events that took place in the first part of the 20th century, especially Japanese aggression in The Second World War (this question is reflected in the problem of Imperial Shrine of Yasukuni). The second part of “Selected Writings” by E.V. Molodiakova consists of papers providing specific aspects of Japanese civilization, its historical development and modernization of Japanese society (some of the articles are published for the first time). Gradual (“evolutionary”) adoption of cultural, scientific and technological solutions from other countries – that is the key to successful modernization in Japan over the centuries. Keeping up the landmarks in the culture and basic values in this case becomes one of important conditions for the balance between traditions and innovations (otherwise Japanese nation would lose its uniqueness). The book reviewed is addressed to the wide array of specialists in Japanese politics and social problems and to non-specialist audience interested in Japanese studies

    Creativity Formation in the Context of Social and Psychological Adaptation of Preschoolers Aged 5-6 Years

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    The aim of the research is to analyze the creativity manifestation in the early stages of ontogenesis; to verify the relationship between creative abilities and social adaptation of preschoolers. The importance of the topic under consideration is determined by the fact that preschoolers’ childhood is the main sensitive period for the formation of creativity as the person’s adaptive re-source. The deficiency of development during this period cannot be compensated later. The examination of the creative abilities of 115 children aged 5-6 years has been conducted. Based on the total result of seven subtests Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, three groups of children have been distinguished. They include children with high (N=20), medium (N=79), and low (N=16) creative potential. Data on behavior have been collected from 142 parents and 24 teachers who supervised children during communication situations. The adaptation of preschoolers have been analyzed on three sides: as a set of individual be-havioral reactions conditioning cooperation with the environment (A questionnaire of children’s temperament Thomas and Chess); as a social competency – skills in communication with children and adults (expert assessments of teachers based on the open structured supervision), and as an emotional adaptation to life situations (the projective technique of anxiety diagnostics “Choose a face”). In all cases, children with high creative potential demonstrated particular differences. The positive reaction of “approaching” in response to new stimuli, a low sensory threshold, and high speed of adaptation to the change of external terms are a typological profile of a “creative” temperament. Related problems of emotional reaction and the increased anxiety of pre-schoolers have been detected. The development of skills for social competence lags significantly in the group with a low level of creativity. The factorial structure of creative abilities, which presents three types of creativity (subject, verbal, and figurative), and three leading abilities (productivity, originality, and fluency) have been suggested. The particular parameters of creativity corre-late in different ways with the adaptability of preschoolers: the readiness is more successful, and originality is associated with disturbances of emotional regulation. In conclusion, creativity is presented as a natural condition for a child’s adaptation

    Analysis and assessment of the organisation’s internal control risks

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    Risk management is an important part of an organisation’s internal controls and needs to be adjusted in response to changes in the external environment. In this article the problem of risk prevention and loss reduction in the organisation’s internal control system has been solved in the current environment. The existing risks were analysed and described, classification of external and internal risks was developed and methodology of risk tolerance and possibility of diversification was proposed. It was proved that the proposed risk matrix gives a clear picture of risky operations and helps organisations to implement response measures, optimising the risks. The proposed methodology is tested in a specific organisation. The study uses the methods of systematic approach, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalisation

    Energy drinks: harm or benefit

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of the composition of energy drinks, highlighting the drink with the highest content of taurine and caffeine and low energy value. The analysis of the survey of adolescents is presented. Most of the respondents consume energy drinks (81%) and do it in order to stay awake. The influence of energy drinks on plant objects has been studied. A violation of vegetative development and the death of plant seeds under the influence of energy agents were revealed. It has been experimentally determined that tonic drinks increase the pulse and blood pressure, which can negatively affect human health.В статье представлен сравнительный анализ состава энергетических напитков, выделен напиток с самым высоким содержанием таурина и кофеина и низкой энергетической ценностью. Представлен анализ анкетирования подростков. Большая часть опрошенных употребляют энергетические напитки (81%) и делают это, для того чтобы не спать. Изучено влияние энергетических напитков на растительные объекты. Выявлено нарушение вегетативного развития и гибель семян растений под действием энергетиков. Экспериментально определено, что тонизирующие напитки повышают пульс и артериальное давление, что может негативно влиять на здоровье человека

    Splenic morphometric characteristics in infectious mononucleosis (ultrasonic study)

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    The spleen is a secondary immune and the largest organ of the reticuloendothelial system, actively involved during infectious mononucleosis. Clinically, assessing a degree of organ involvement in the pathological process seems unlikely. As a rule, only palpation and percussion are used to determine the size of the spleen, which represents a late and subjective sign of potential splenomegaly. Ultrasound examination provides ample opportunities to estimate the spleen size during infectious mononucleosis. Our study was aimed at identifying morphometric and Doppler ultrasound changes in the spleen in patients with infectious mononucleosis. Materials and methods. There were enrolled 24 patients with infectious mononucleosis to be compared with 30 healthy medical institute students in control group. All participants underwent splenic ultrasound examination. Spleen echotexture and contour clarity together with measuring linear dimensions: length, width, and thickness were analyzed. Splenic artery and vein velocity parameters were measured at the gates of the spleen. Elastographic window for fibroelastometry was positioned within the window for standard grayscale examination. Measurements were performed at 5 or more points of the spleen parenchyma at least 4—5 mm away from the capsular zone and the zone of large vessels. Based on the morphometric measurements obtained, the mass, spleen mass coefficient (SMC), as well as the spleen mass/body height ratio and spleen mass/body surface area ratio were calculated. Results. We found that patients with infectious mononucleosis had the length, thickness and weight of the spleen significantly greater than those observed in control group. However, the mass of the spleen varies widely and justified to calculate the CMS as an objective criterion to assess the size of the spleen. It was revealed that infectious mononucleosis may proceed in one of the three variants of the splenic response: decreased size, CMR < 1.5; normal size, CMR ranged from 1.5 to 4; splenomegaly, CMR > 4. Splenomegaly is associated with increased organ stiffness, peak blood flow velocity and pressure in v. lienalis, as well as periportal lymphadenopathy. Identified changes are characteristics of young patients. Conclusion. Ultrasound examination of the spleen is of high diagnostic value for patients with infectious mononucleosis allowing highly accurate assessment state of the immune organs in the acute disease period. At the preclinical stage, gradation of splenomegaly is possible depending on its intensity, assessed hemodynamics and organ stiffness

    Congenital hyperinsulinism in newborns and young children: the state of the problem and the results of surgical treatment

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    Congenital hyperinsulinism causes irreversible damage to the cerebral cortex with subsequent disability in children. The article presents the features of etiopathogenesis, clinical picture of the disease. The histological variants of pancreatic lesions are analyzed in detail. The principles of correct diagnosis are formulated. A new in Russia method for the preoperative determination of the histological form of the disease, which is carried out at the y, Almazov National Medical Research Centre since 2017, – PET/ CT with 18F-DOPA, explained the biochemical basis of its clinical application and the examination technique. The principles of the selection of drug therapy with possible complications, the need for an adequate assessment of its effectiveness are described. If it is impossible to achieve a stable target euglycemia without the need for intravenous glucose infusion, surgical correction of the disease is indicated. In schematic drawings and intraoperative photographs, approaches to surgical treatment are described, the stages of operations and possible complications are clearly disassembled. The results of surgical interventions at the N.N. V.A. Almazov for 01.2017–02.2021, where 39 children with congenital hyperinsulinism were operated on. According to PET/CT with 18F-DOPA, 15 diffuse and 24 focal forms were diagnosed. After surgery, in 12 (31%) patients, a diffuse lesion of the gland was confirmed, in 23 (59%) – a focal nature of the lesion, in 4 (10%) – an atypical form was diagnosed intraoperatively. Of 39 children, 36 (92%) have complete relief of hyperinsulinism, a significant improvement in psychomotor development, of which 9 (23%) need insulin replacement therapy with minimal dosages, these are 8 children with a diffuse form of the disease and 1 child with an atypical one. Intraand postoperative complications were not observed. Thus, partial pancreatectomy for focal forms, subtotal for atypical and near total for diffuse forms, can cope with hypoglycemia due to congenital hyperinsulinism and prevent damage to the central nervous system of newborns and infants