13 research outputs found


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    The latest development, asset management increased its scope to be able to monitor the performance of operational assets and investment strategies for asset optimization. When the development of the set trying to be explored in the context of asset management by local governments in Indonesia, is not yet fully understood by the asset management area. The method used is Evidence base and quality management policy. Making evidence-based quality management policies, namely in asset management web-based hospital system will provide a valuable opportunity to manage assets hospital with a quality policy making because based on evidence. Asset Management application design Hospitals web base system as a tool that is helpful in the management of Asset Management in the Hospital so that these activities can be run with the economic, effective and efficient.  Keywords: asset management, hospital, evidence based, web syste


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    The latest development, asset management increased its scope to be able to monitor the performance of operational assets and investment strategies for asset optimization. When the development of the set trying to be explored in the context of asset management by local governments in Indonesia, is not yet fully understood by the asset management area. The method used is Evidence base and quality management policy. Making evidence-based quality management policies, namely in asset management web-based hospital system will provide a valuable opportunity to manage assets hospital with a quality policy making because based on evidence. Asset Management application design Hospitals web base system as a tool that is helpful in the management of Asset Management in the Hospital so that these activities can be run with the economic, effective and efficient.  Keywords: asset management, hospital, evidence based, web syste

    Rancangan Sistem Informasi Penggajian pada Perusahaan Jasa Bengkel

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    The aim of the research is to analyze existing problems on companies in the automotive service industry, namely, analyzing the current payroll system, identifying needs, and modify and design a better payroll system accordingly. Methods used are analysis methods and design methods. Analysis methods conducted are literature study, field observation, survey on current system, needs analysis survey, identifying information needs, interview, and design methods used is Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD). Obtained results are improved payroll system which has been done manually before. It can be concluded that a computerized payroll information system can solve existing problems and old procedures

    Pengaruh Fitur Desain dan Bahasa terhadap Kepuasan User dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar pada Universitas di Jakarta

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    This research was conducted at the research object that is engaged in educational services is one of the universities in Jakarta, where do research on features or design variables and the variable satisfaction language on the web that support the teaching and learning process at the college. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the learning process on the web, as reference material consideration for the leadership of the university in the policy -making to improve the quality quality teaching and learning process. The method used is literature and literature study, questionnaires to the users who use the web are faculty and students, interviews, data processing method with SPSS and Likert scale. The conclusions resulting from this research is the design and navigation of the questionnaire distributed to faculty and students in the first semesterof 2013/2014 with the hypothesis Ho: no effect, Ha: no effect, in which the basic decision making sig. > then Ho isα= accepted , sig . < then Ho is rejected, the decision sig. = 0.00 then 0.00α < 0.05 then there is the influence of language and design variable to variable satisfaction


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    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the problems that exist in a company engaged in the sales of paper cutting machine that is on sale systems that are running on the company, identifying the needs of enterprise information and designing information systems that are able to meet the company’s information needs. The used methodology is the method of analysis and design methods. The analysis method is library research, observation, survey of the old system, the identification of information needs and interviews. While the design method used is Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD).The achieved results are in the form of sales information system for paper cutting machine distributor in the form of application design to improve the sales system, which is still done manually. The conclusion is a computerized information system sales can solve problems that occur on the old systems and procedures in the company


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems on the sales system of a pharmacy, to identify the information needs and to design a sales information system that addresses the information needs. The methodologies used are analysis and design. Analysis are conducted to identify the needs of information through observation, interviews, and surveys of the old system. While the design method used is Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD). This study results in an application design of sales information system for the pharmacy to handle the manual sales system. A computerized sales information system is able to solve problems that occur in the old system and procedures at the pharmacy


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the problems that may occur in the cake stores, especially the selling system used in the store, identify information needs and designing suitable sales information systems for the store. The methodology used in this research are analysis and design methods. Analysis methods that used in this research are study literature, observation, survey of the old system, analysis of survey needs, identification of information needs and interview. While the design method that used in this research is Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD). The results achieved is sales information system for cake store in the form of application design to replace the manual system. Conclusion, a computerized sales information system can improve existing sales procedures and solve the problems that may occur in the old syste


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis masalah-masalah yang ada pada perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa bengkel, mengenai sistem informasi akuntansi penggajian yang sedang berjalan, mengidentifikasi kebutuhan informasi, memperbaiki dan merancang sistem informasi penggajian untuk perusahaan ini. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metode analisis dan metode perancangan. Metode analisis yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka, teknik observasi, survey terhadap sistem lama, survey analisis kebutuhan, identifikasi kebutuhan informasi, wawancara, sedangkan metode perancangan adalah menggunakan Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD). Hasil yang dicapai adalah berupa perbaikan sistem informasi penggajian yang selama ini dilakukan secara manual. Sistem informasi penggajian yang terkomputerisasi dapat memecahkan masalah – masalah yang terjadi pada sistem dan prosedur yang lama

    Evaluasi Kinerja Keuangan dan Saham pada Industri Rokok di Bursa Efek Jakarta

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    Evaluasi Kinerja Keuangan dan Saham pada Industri Rokok di Bursa Efek Jakart


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    Technology plays an important role in various enterprise business processes for improved customer service, decision making, and means of information exchange. Hospitality accommodation is an example of fields that use information systems technology. This research was conducted in the field of hospitality especially front office system. Using computerized front office system, data about guests will be stored more safely and the reports will be better resulted. The purpose of this study is to analyze the existing problems on a Front Office of a hotel including identifying information needs and designing information systems to improve hospitality services to guests. The method used is analysis and design. Analysis is performed towards library research and data collection needed for measuring through observation, interviews, and documents related to the information system. Menawhile, design uses object oriented analysis and design (OOAD) method and application program using MS Access 2010. The result achieved is an application design of information system of hospitality front office that consists of five modules, namely Reservation module, Services module, Housekeeping module, Restaurant module, and Billing module. As a conclusion, a computerized information system of hospitality front office can assist hotels in providing better service to guests, which in turn can increase guest satisfaction