10 research outputs found

    nutritional composition and in vitro digestibility of indigofera sp at different interval and intensity of defoliations

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    One of the main constraints in increasing livestock productivity in the tropical region is the scarcity of good quality feed throught the year, particularly during the long-dry season. Being a leguminous tree, Indigofera sp known to be tolerant to dry climate and salinity, should be considered as alternative fodder for ruminant animals. This study is aimed to investigate the productivity and some nutritional quality of Indigofera sp under different interval and hight of defoliation. The experiment was designed in a randomized block of factorial treatments. The factors were interval of defoliation (30, 60 and 90 days) and hight of defoliation (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m above ground level). Indigofera sp was planted in 4 x 3 m plots of 36 plots (4 replications) and were harvested at 8 months old. The DM production, chemical composition and in vitro digestibility were measured according to the treatments. The highest DM productivity was (33.25 t ha-1 y-1) at defoliation interval of 90 days and defoliation hight of 1.5 m, and was not different (P 0.05) from the treatment combination of 60 days defoliation interval and 1,5 m defoliation hight (31.23 t ha-1 y-1). The highest leaf/stem ratio was 2.6 (P 0.05) in the 30 day defoliation interval across the defoliation hight. The OM content of Indigofera sp was not affected by defoliation treatments and ranging from 884.6 to 906.8 g/kg. The highest NDF and ADF contents were (P 0.05) in the 90-d defoliation interval and 1.0 m (387.9 and 272.6 g/kg, respectively) and were not different (P 0.05) for the 90-d defoliation interval and 1.5 m defoliation hight (385.6 and 267.0 g/kg, respectively). The crude protein content was lowest (P 0.05) in the 30-d defoliation interval across the defoliation hight ranging from 211.2 to 219.7 g/kg, and it was not different between the 60 and 90-d defoliation interval across the defoliation hight (255.0-258.1 g/kg and 230.3-236.0 g/kg, respectively). Defoliation hight did not affect (P 0.05) the DM and OM in vitro digestibility. They were at the 90-d defoliation interval ranging from 680.2 to 706.8 g/kg and from 668.6 to 686.8 g/kg, respectively across the defoliation hight different. The DM and OM digestibility were not different (P 0.05) between the 30 and 60-day defoliation intervals. It is concluded that when planted at low land of wet climate the combination of a 60-d defoliation interval and 1.5 m defoliation hight is an optimum cutting management in utilization of Indigofera sp as foliage for ruminant. Key Words: Defoliation, Nutritive Quality, Productivity, Indigofera s

    Performance of Garut breed rams fed diets containing various cation-anion difference with or without fish oil supplementation

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) and fish oil supplementations on dry matter intake (DMI), dry matter digestibility (DMD) and organic matter digestibility (OMD), weight gain, as well as the acidity of urine in Garut breed rams. The experiment was done based on randomized group design with 6 treatments  and 3 groups. The dietary treatments were as follows: R0= basal ration (DCAD +14) without fish oil, R1 = basal ration (DCAD +14) with 3% fish oil, R2 = base ration (DCAD +40) without fish oil, R3 = base ration (DCAD +40) with 3% fish oil, R4 = acid ration (DCAD -40) without fish oil, and R5 = acid ration (DCAD -40) with 3% fish oil. All rations contained 150 ppm of zinc and were offered to 18 of Garut breed rams. The results indicated that DCAD +40 and -40 decreased DMI significantly.  The ration with DCAD +40 had the lowest DMI. Fish oil supplementation decreased DMI. No differences were observed for DMD and OMD.  DCAD +40 and -40 decreased body weight of rams. However, the body weight of rams was very low. Variation of urine pH followed the DCAD pattern. It was concluded that DCAD +40 and -40, as well as fish oil supplementations decreased DMI, body weight and urine pH followed the DCAD pattern. Keys Words: Cation, Anion, Body Weight, Digestibility, Garut Breed Ram

    Effect of complete rumen modifier (CRM) and Calliandra calothyrus on productivity and enteric methane productions of PE dairy goat

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    Methanogenesis in the rumen is thought to represent 2-12% loss of energy intake. The energy loss as methane can decrease animal productivity and feed efficiency. In addition, methane is potentially involves in global warming that affects the atmosphere adversely. A research to improve PE dairy goat productivity and reduce enteric methane emission by supplementation of calliandra and complete rumen modifier (CRM) was conducted for 6 months. In this experiment 20 PE dairy goats were divided into five blocks according to body weight. The experimental design used was a randomized block design that consisted of four treatments, A). Elephant grass 50% + concentrate 50% (control), B). Elephant grass 40% + concentrate 40% + calliandra 20%, C). Elephant grass 50% + concentrate 48% + CRM 2% and D). Elephant grass 40% + concentrate 38% + calliandra 20% + CRM 2%. Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and Duncan test. The result showed that calliandra and CRM did not affect nutrient consumption, except that protein consumption increased (P 0.05) in calliandra treatments     (B and D). Nutrient digestibility increased in CRM (C) treatment, while other treatments did not differ from control. CRM also increased total bacteria (36.84%), milk production (67.21%), milk fat (25.0%), and reduced enteric methane production (65.71%). The improvement of milk production in CRM treatment (C) was followed by better feed efficiency than other treatments. In conclusion, CRM was more effective than calliandra in improving milk production of PE dairy goats and reduced enteric methane emission, but its effectivity was reduced in combination with calliandra. Key Words: Dairy Goat, Calliandra, Rumen Modifier, Methane, Productivit

    Effect of growing media and natural plant growth regulators on the growth of tea stem cutting

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    Cuttings may generate plants with the same characteristics as the parent. However, there are issues with root formation and shoot development. Coconut water may function as a natural growth regulator due to auxin, which stimulates root and shoot development. The condition of the growing media, in addition to growth regulators, influences the development of plant cuttings. This study aims to determine the immersion time of tea stem cuttings into coconut water and the composition of the growing media for the growth of tea stem cuttings. This research was conducted from February to June 2019 at Sarana Mandiri Mukti, Tangsi Baru Village, Kabawetan District, Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia, at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor was the immersion time of coconut water, namely 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 hours. The second factor was the growing media, which consisted of 1000 g soil (Control), 750 g soil + 250 g cow dung, 750 g soil + 250 g chicken manure, and 750 g soil + 250 g goat manure. The findings revealed that 5 hours 53 minutes of immersion in coconut water on a mixed medium of 750 g soil + 250 g cow dung resulted in the longest root being 13.73 cm. The duration of immersion in coconut water influenced the shoot and root length of tea stem cuttings, whereas the growing medium influenced the dry weight of the roots

    Teknik membuat biskuit pakan ternak dari limbah pertanian

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    Salah sau kendala dalam peningkatan produktivitas ternak aadalah ketersediaan pakan yang berkualitas rendah. Produktivitas ternak sangat ditentukan oleh ketersediaan pakan yang berkualitas tinggi, murah dan tersedia sepanjang tahun.Biskuit pakan ditujukan untuk penggemukan ternak, sedangkan biskuit suplemen ditujukan untuk ternak yang membutuhkan nutrisi lebih. Buku ini membahas mengenai potensi limbah pertanian untuk pakan ternak, bahan baku biskuit pakan, cara pembuatan biskuit pakan mulai persiapan sampai dengan pengemasaniv, 76 hal. : ilus.; 23 c

    Performance of Garut breed rams fed diets containing various cation-anion difference with or without fish oil supplementation

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) and fish oil supplementations on dry matter intake (DMI), dry matter digestibility (DMD) and organic matter digestibility (OMD), weight gain, as well as the acidity of urine in Garut breed rams. The experiment was done based on randomized group design with 6 treatments and 3 groups. The dietary treatments were as follows: R0= basal ration (DCAD +14) without fish oil, R1 = basal ration (DCAD +14) with 3% fish oil, R2 = base ration (DCAD +40) without fish oil, R3 = base ration (DCAD +40) with 3% fish oil, R4 = acid ration (DCAD -40) without fish oil, and R5 = acid ration (DCAD -40) with 3% fish oil. All rations contained 150 ppm of zinc and were offered to 18 of Garut breed rams. The results indicated that DCAD +40 and -40 decreased DMI significantly. The ration with DCAD +40 had the lowest DMI. Fish oil supplementation decreased DMI. No differences were observed for DMD and OMD. DCAD +40 and -40 decreased body weight of rams. However, the body weight of rams was very low. Variation of urine pH followed the DCAD pattern. It was concluded that DCAD +40 and -40, as well as fish oil supplementations decreased DMI, body weight and urine pH followed the DCAD pattern

    Altering physiological conditions and semen acidity by manipulating dietary cation-anion difference and fish oil supplemenation of Garut breed rams

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    Contribution of Garut breed sheep as protein resources is not optimal yet. Acceleration of population growth such as increasing of female offspring is neccesary. This study was carried out to obtain information regarding the effect of dietary cation-anion difference (PKAR: meq [(Na + K) – (Cl+S)/100 g of dry matter]) and fish oil supplementation on acidity of blood and semen, blood gas and plasma and semen mineral. The dietary treatmens were as follows: RN0= basal ration (PKAR +14) without fish oil, RNI= basal ration (PKAR +14) with 3% fish oil, RB0= base ration (PKAR +40) without fish oil, RBI= base ration (PKAR +40) with 3% fish oil, RA0= acid ration (PKAR -40) without fish oil, and RAI= acid ration (PKAR -40) with 3% fish oil. The rations contained 150 ppm of zinc and were offered to 18 of Garut rams. The result indicated that blood pH, pCO2, and pO2 were not affected by PKAR and fish oil supplementation, but cHCO3 and cBase were affected (P<0.05). PKAR and fish oil supplementation affected (P<0.01) plasma Mg and S, but did not affect K, Na, Zn and Cl. Semen pH after day 28 of experimental period were highly significant different and that followed PKAR pattern. In conclution, PKAR affected cBase, cHCO3, concentration of Mg and S plasma and semen pH of Garut rams. The result suggested that PKAR could be applied to manipulate physiological condition and semen pH

    Edible mushroom Pleurotus sajor-caju production on washed and supplemented sugarcane bagasse Produção do cogumelo comestível Pleurotus sajor-caju em bagaço de cana-de-açúcar lavado e suplementado

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    Traditionally, the cultivation of Pleurotus sajor-caju is performed on different composted and pasteurized agricultural residues. The objective of this study was to investigate whether traditional composting and pasteurization processes could be replaced by washed and supplemented (mineral or organic) sugarcane bagasse. In one experiment, fresh sugarcane bagasse was immersed in hot water at 80&deg;C for two hours (control) or washed in fresh water for one hour using an adapted machine for residue treatment. In another experiment, fresh sugarcane bagasse was washed in fresh water (control), and supplemented with corn grits (organic supplementation), or supplemented with nutrient solution (mineral supplementation). In the first experiment, the washed bagasse presented a average biological efficiency (ABE) of 19.16% with 44% contamination, and the pasteurized bagasse presented a ABE of 13.86% with 70% contamination. In the second experiment, corn grits presented the poorest performance, with a ABE of 15.66% and 60% contamination, while supplementation with the nutrient solution presented a ABE of 30.03%, whereas the control of 26.62%. Washing fresh sugarcane bagasse could suppress the pasteurized substrate in Pleurotus sajor-caju production, compensating a reduced ABE with a faster process.<br>Tradicionalmente, o cultivo do Pleurotus sajor-caju é realizado utilizando-se diversos resíduos agrícolas, precedido dos processos de compostagem e pasteurização. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo comparar o processo de pasteurização com a lavagem do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e avaliar formas de suplementação do bagaço, visando aumento na produtividade. No primeiro experimento, os colmos da cana-de-açúcar passaram por moenda para a extração do caldo, sendo em seguida desfibrados. No tratamento controle, o bagaço fresco foi pasteurizado em água a 80&deg;C durante 2 horas e o outro tratamento consistiu na lavagem do bagaço fresco em centrífuga com água corrente à temperatura ambiente, por uma hora. No segundo experimento, utilizou-se a lavagem simples (tratamento controle), a suplementação do bagaço lavado com quirera de milho (suplementação orgânica) e com solução mineral (suplementação mineral). A eficiência biológica média (EBM) do cogumelo no bagaço fresco lavado (19,16%) não diferiu significativamente da obtida no bagaço fresco pasteurizado (13,86%), sendo a sua contaminação (44%) menor do que no bagaço pasteurizado (70%). No segundo experimento, a suplementação orgânica obteve o menor desempenho, com EBM de 15,66% e contaminação de 60%, diferindo da suplementação mineral e controle, com EBM de 30,03% e 26,62%, respectivamente. A lavagem do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar fresco poderá suprimir a pasteurização do substrato na produção de Pleurotus sajor-caju, compensando a eficiência biológica reduzida com a agilidade do processo