166 research outputs found

    Tracing lineages to uncover neuronal identity

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    Many previous studies have focused on understanding how midbrain dopamine neurons, which are implicated in many neurological conditions, are generated during embryogenesis. One of the remaining questions concerns how different dopamine neuron subtypes are specified. A recent paper in Neural Development has revealed features of a spatial and temporal lineage map that, together with other studies, begins to elucidate the developmental origin of distinct neuronal subtypes within the developing midbrain

    Nuclear Receptors in Sicily: All in the Famiglia

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    Zertifikat B1 Deutschprüfung für Jugendliche und Erwachsene: Standard Setting. Ein Arbeitsbericht

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    Neue Sprachprüfungen haben in der Regel den Anspruch, sich auf ein externes Referenzsystem zu beziehen. In Europa ist dieses Referenzsystem seit mehr als einer Dekade der Gemeinsame europäische Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER). Um diesem Anspruch gerecht zu werden, sind Testanbieter bemüht, ihre Bezüge auf den GER mithilfe von Standards zum Sprachentesten generell und Standards der Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) im Besonderen nachzuweisen. Der Europarat empfiehlt Sprachtestanbietern einen methodologischen Leitfaden, das sogenannte Manual for Relating Language Examinations to the Common Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), der sie bei der „Eichung“ ihrer Sprachprüfung unterstützt. Kapitel 5 und 6 des Leitfadens beschreiben Methoden zum Benchmarking und Standard Setting. Das Ziel dieses Berichts ist es zu zeigen, mit welchen Methoden die neu entwickelte Prüfung für Deutsch als Fremdsprache Zertifikat B1 auf die Stufe B1 des Referenzrahmens bezogen wurde und welche Ergebnisse dabei erreicht wurden

    Lmx1a-Dependent Activation of miR-204/211 Controls the Timing of Nurr1-Mediated Dopaminergic Differentiation

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    The development of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) neurons requires a fine temporal and spatial regulation of a very specific gene expression program. Here, we report that during mouse brain development, the microRNA (miR-) 204/211 is present at a high level in a subset of DA precursors expressing the transcription factor Lmx1a, an early determinant for DA-commitment, but not in more mature neurons expressing Th or Pitx3. By combining different in vitro model systems of DA differentiation, we show that the levels of Lmx1a influence the expression of miR-204/211. Using published transcriptomic data, we found a significant enrichment of miR-204/211 target genes in midbrain dopaminergic neurons where Lmx1a was selectively deleted at embryonic stages. We further demonstrated that miR-204/211 controls the timing of the DA differentiation by directly downregulating the expression of Nurr1, a late DA differentiation master gene. Thus, our data indicate the Lmx1a-miR-204/211-Nurr1 axis as a key component in the cascade of events that ultimately lead to mature midbrain dopaminergic neurons differentiation and point to miR-204/211 as the molecular switch regulating the timing of Nurr1 expression

    Mitochondrial dysfunction in adult midbrain dopamine neurons triggers an early immune response

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    Dopamine (DA) neurons of the midbrain are at risk to become affected by mitochondrial damage over time and mitochondrial defects have been frequently reported in Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) patients. However, the causal contribution of adult-onset mitochondrial dysfunction to PD remains uncertain. Here, we developed a mouse model lacking Mitofusin 2 (MFN2), a key regulator of mitochondrial network homeostasis, in adult midbrain DA neurons. The knockout mice develop severe and progressive DA neuron-specific mitochondrial dysfunction resulting in neurodegeneration and parkinsonism. To gain further insights into pathophysiological events, we performed transcriptomic analyses of isolated DA neurons and found that mitochondrial dysfunction triggers an early onset immune response, which precedes mitochondrial swelling, mtDNA depletion, respiratory chain deficiency and cell death. Our experiments show that the immune response is an early pathological event when mitochondrial dysfunction is induced in adult midbrain DA neurons and that neuronal death may be promoted non-cell autonomously by the cross-talk and activation of surrounding glial cells

    Lmx1a-Dependent Activation of miR-204/211 Controls the Timing of Nurr1-Mediated Dopaminergic Differentiation

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    The development of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) neurons requires a fine temporal and spatial regulation of a very specific gene expression program. Here, we report that during mouse brain development, the microRNA (miR-) 204/211 is present at a high level in a subset of DA precursors expressing the transcription factor Lmx1a, an early determinant for DA-commitment, but not in more mature neurons expressing Th or Pitx3. By combining different in vitro model systems of DA differentiation, we show that the levels of Lmx1a influence the expression of miR-204/211. Using published transcriptomic data, we found a significant enrichment of miR-204/211 target genes in midbrain dopaminergic neurons where Lmx1a was selectively deleted at embryonic stages. We further demonstrated that miR-204/211 controls the timing of the DA differentiation by directly downregulating the expression of Nurr1, a late DA differentiation master gene. Thus, our data indicate the Lmx1a-miR-204/211-Nurr1 axis as a key component in the cascade of events that ultimately lead to mature midbrain dopaminergic neurons differentiation and point to miR-204/211 as the molecular switch regulating the timing of Nurr1 expression

    Immunological assays for chemokine detection in in-vitro culture of CNS cells

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    Herein we review the various methods currently in use for determining the expression of chemokines by CNS cells in vitro. Chemokine detection assays are used in conjuction with one another to provide a comprehensive, biologically relevant assessment of the chemokines which is necessary for correct data interpretation of a specific observed biological effect. The methods described include bioassays for soluble chemokine receptors, RNA extraction, RT-PCR, Real - time quantitative PCR, gene array analysis, northern blot analysis, Ribonuclease Protection assay, Flow cytometry, ELISPOT, western blot analysis, and ELISA. No single method of analysis meets the criteria for a comprehensive, biologically relevant assessment of the chemokines, therefore more than one assay might be necessary for correct data interpretation, a choice that is based on development of a scientific rationale for the method with emphasis on the reliability and relevance of the method
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