21 research outputs found

    A brief review of the literature on the malignant ureteral obstruction

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    Malignant ureteral obstruction (MUO) caused by a primarily urological tumor or secondary to a late-stage malignancy can be difficult for the urologist to manage. Due to a lack of clinical data on the management of MUO, every case is particular and should be aborted individually. Lack of specific treatment, either palliative or definitive, can severely damage renal function and lifetime expectancy in patients, causing even more damage that could otherwise be avoided. Prompt management directed at the recovery of renal function is the main goal in such cases. Even after urinary flow is restored, life threatening post-obstructive diuresis needs to be managed

    Factors involved in burn wound healing – short review

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    Burns represent one of the worldwide leading causes of injury. Burn wounds are associated with increased mortality and morbidity, especially the impaired quality of life due to hypertrophic scarring, scar pain and itching, paresthesia, and contractures. To properly influence the burn wound healing, it is important to establish a correct classification of the acute injury and to understand the main phase of burn wound healing process. There are various local and systemic factors that can be influenced to obtain proper healing. The most important factors include local necrosis and infection, increased local pressure and edema, anemia, hypoxia, hypotension, the presence of important chronic disease and medication, immunosuppression, nutritional status, age, and body constitution. After adequate fluid resuscitation and patient stabilization, the main step is represented by the detachment of the devitalized tissues and rapid coverage of the lesion. There are various methods to be used, like autologous or allogenic skin grafting, the use of skin substitutes, or tissue bioengineering. Knowing all these aspects, allows clinicians to properly define a therapeutic management for patients presenting severe burns

    Bromelain-based enzymatic debridement in hand burns – an easier way to manage a difficult patient: case report

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    Introduction. Bromelain-based enzymatic debridement may be considered the standard in patients with upper extremity burns management, regarding the low risk of bleeding, wound infections, reduction of surgical timing, and the decreased risk of compartment syndrome development. Case presentation. We present the case of hand and face burns in a patient presenting deep venous thrombosis of the lower limb extended to the level of the vena cava, and bilateral pulmonary embolism. The enzymatic debridement reduced periprocedural bleeding and allowed a faster recovery and therefore the resumption of oral anticoagulation and antiplatelet medication in a patient with important cardiac, arterial, and renal comorbidities. Conclusion. Bromelain-based enzymatic debridement use is recommended in patients presenting upper limb deep burns, especially in anatomically challenging areas, like hand fingers, and especially in those with a previous medical history that predisposes them to periprocedural bleeding and increased risk of poor healing

    Hydrotherapy in burn care: Pros, cons and suggestions

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    Hydrotherapy represents the use of water for medical purpose, being involved in burn wound care since the 17th century. Burn wound cleansing, performed daily, twice a day, or as needed, as part of standard care, should be scheduled by a burn surgeon and supervised by proper specialists. It can be performed by various methods, like shower, immersion, bedside irrigation or wiping. Due to the high risk of cross-contamination, immersion is no longer recommended. Tap water seems to be superior to saline solution in burn wound care, and adjuvants can be added, especially chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine, or special detergents. Disposable plastic sheets use during showering and the following of cleaning protocols for washing areas have decreased the risk of infection. Apart from the wound-cleansing role, hydrotherapy reduces itching and pain, improves wound healing, favours early mobilization and increases patients’ comfort. Controversy persists around the optimal method and appropriate solutions for cleaning burn injuries and clinical studies are further required to solve this matter. In the absence of standardized recommendations, most burn centers are guided by experience

    A brief review of the literature on the malignant ureteral obstruction

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    Malignant ureteral obstruction (MUO) caused by a primarily urological tumor or secondary to a late-stage malignancy can be difficult for the urologist to manage. Due to a lack of clinical data on the management of MUO, every case is particular and should be aborted individually. Lack of specific treatment, either palliative or definitive, can severely damage renal function and lifetime expectancy in patients, causing even more damage that could otherwise be avoided. Prompt management directed at the recovery of renal function is the main goal in such cases. Even after urinary flow is restored, life threatening post-obstructive diuresis needs to be managed

    Immunosupression in IgA Nephropathy

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    IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) is one of the most frequent types of glomerulonephritis encountered in adults from Western countries and Asia. IgAN is responsible for approximately 40% of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) mediated by glomerular impairment. The majority of adult IgAN patients present a slowly progressive pattern towards ESRD. Current types of treatment are based mainly on supportive care: i.e., life style risk factors, measures that lower blood pressure and reduce proteinuria, weight loss, smoking cessation or glycaemia control. Because IgAN is an immune complex-mediated disease, immunosuppression therapy gains more and more attention as a modality of treatment. Despite the beneficial effects, the value of immunosuppression remains controversial due to high rates of adverse reactions. The aim of this review is to highlight the benefits and limitations of promoting immunosuppression in IgAN with mild to moderate proteinuria despite supportive antiproteinuric therapy up titrated to maximum tolerated doses

    The etiology and pathophysiology of COVID-19 associated acute kidney injury

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    Hospitalized COVID-19 patients often develop acute kidney injury (AKI), leading to increased mortality. In order to improve patients’ survival rate, it is important to understand the pathophysiology mechanism of AKI. In this brief review, we highlight the most important elements of the etiology and pathophysiology of COVID-19 associated AKI. Acute tubular injury seems to be more frequent than prerenal azotemia in COVID-19 patients and collapsing glomerulopathy is the most encountered form of glomerular disease. Another important role in acute kidney injury seems to play immune cell infiltration, inflammation, endothelial injury and microvascular thrombi. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is also important in the pathophysiology of COVID-19 associated AKI

    A brief review of the literature on the malignant ureteral obstruction

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    Malignant ureteral obstruction (MUO) caused by a primarily urological tumor or secondary to a late-stage malignancy can be difficult for the urologist to manage. Due to a lack of clinical data on the management of MUO, every case is particular and should be aborted individually. Lack of specific treatment, either palliative or definitive, can severely damage renal function and lifetime expectancy in patients, causing even more damage that could otherwise be avoided. Prompt management directed at the recovery of renal function is the main goal in such cases. Even after urinary flow is restored, life threatening post-obstructive diuresis needs to be managed