19 research outputs found

    Diaspora Communities in Cyberspace: Virtual Identities of Croatian Ethnic Communities in Chile and Argentine

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    Hrvatska dijaspora putem novih komunikacijskih sredstava interneta kreira novi oblik druÅ”tvenosti ā€“ etničko okupljanje, komunikaciju i interakciju u virtualnom prostoru. Na taj se način generira novi oblik druÅ”tvenih zajednica i kolektivnih identiteta, tzv. virtualne dijasporske zajednice i virtualni dijasporski identiteti. U ovom radu za istraživanje identiteta hrvatskih virtualnih druÅ”tvenih zajednica (HVDZ) izabrali smo popularnu druÅ”tvenu mrežu Facebook te smo putem tražilice selektirali zajednice koje se svrstavaju u kategoriju Hrvati u Čileu ili Hrvati u Argentini. Proveli smo terensko online istraživanje sa sudjelovanjem radi prikupljanja podataka o HVDZ u Čileu i Argentini na viÅ”e lokacija unutar kiberprostora (druÅ”tvene mreže). Odabrana je etnografska metoda (proučavanje ponaÅ”anja online zajednica i kultura gdje smo istovremeno bili članovi zajednice, ali i istraživači) i kvalitativno-interpretativni pristup u obradi, odnosno analizi podataka. S pozicije istraživača i sudionika unutar zajednica opredijelili smo se za opis simboličkih dimenzija kulturnih praksi HVDZ. Prikazali smo povezanost offline i online prostora kao i vidljivost i dinamiku translokalnih i transnacionalnih veza HVDZ koje su postale dostupne i svakodnevne kroz računalno posredovanu komunikacijuThe Croatian diaspora have created a new form of sociability - ethnic gathering, communication and interaction in virtual space - using the new communication tools of the internet. In this way, they have produced new forms of social communities and collective identity - the so called virtual diaspora communities and virtual diaspora identities. In this paper a popular social network ā€“ Facebook - was chosen to explore the identity of HVSN, (Croatian virtual social network) via a search engine tool selecting the communities classified in the following categories: Croatians in Chile/Croatians in Argentina. We conducted online field research with participation as to to collect data on HVDZ in Chile and Argentina in multiple locations within cyberspace (social networks). The netographic method (the study of the behavior of online communities and cultures where we are both members of the community and researchers) was chosen, alongside a qualitative-interpretative approach in processing / data analysis. From the position of being both a researcher and participant within the community, we selected a description of the symbolic dimension of the cultural practices of the HVDZ. The connection between off-line and on-line space was outlined where the real life of the emigrant /diaspora community becomes public in virtual space. as well as the dynamics of translocal and transnational HVDZ practices that became available and, on a daily basis through the computer-based communication, also become visible

    Etnična identiteta Hrvatov v Švici: sistematizacija in analiza aktivnosti in delovanja hrvaŔkih etničnih druŔtev

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    The exploration of ethnic societies in destination countries is an important aspect in study of migrations. Ethnic societies not only shape the activities and identity of migrants, but also aff ect the integration of the immigrants into the receiving societies. The paper discusses the migration of Croats (Yugoslavs) to Switzerland, and the ethnic identity of Croatian migrants in Switzerland in terms of social organizing (through the activities and interactions of various Croatian ethnic societies) in the period when Croatia was part of Yugoslavia. The paper is an attempt to point to a specifi c social context and socio-cultural diff erences of Croatian migrants in relation to diff erent periods and causes of emigration, and thus to diff erent forms and intensity of ethnic organization and impacts of Croatian immigrant societies on the preservation of their ethnic identity as well as on the integration in Swiss society.Pomemben vidik v preučevanju migracij je tudi raziskovanje etničnih druŔtev v državah imigracije. Etnična druŔtva ne le oblikujejo dejavnosti in identiteto migrantov, temveč vplivajo tudi na integracijo migrantov v družbo gostiteljico. Prispevek govori o migracijah Hrvatov (Jugoslovanov) v Švico in etnični identiteti hrvaŔkih migrantov v Švici z vidika družbene organizacije (z aktivnostmi in delovanjem različnih hrvaŔkih etničnih druŔtev) v obdobjih, ko je bila HrvaŔka v sklopu SFRJ. PoskuŔali bomo poudariti specifi čni družbeni kontekst in socio-kulturne razlike pri hrvaŔkih migrantih glede na različna obdobja in vzroke izseljevanja, s tem pa tudi različne oblike in intenziteto etničnega organiziranja ter vplive hrvaŔkih etničnih druŔtev na ohranjanje etnične identitete in integracijo v imigrantsko Ŕvicarsko družbo

    How We Became Yugoslavs: On Ethnic/National Identities of Croats in Chile and Argentina During WWI (Abstract)

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    Prvi svjetski rat i događaji koji su uslijedili tijekom i nakon rata imali su snažan utjecaj na kolektivne identifikacije iseljenika. Nacionalno samoodređenje Hrvata unutar ili izvan Monarhije, na trijalističkoj osnovi s Austro-Ugarskom ili u zajednici s južnoslavenskim narodima, nametale su se kao dominantne nacionalne ideologije u domovini. Takva politička situacija preslikavala se i među iseljeničkim zajednicama u Čileu i Argentini. Događaj poput Prvoga svjetskog rata mijenja kolektivne identifikacije i strategije hrvatskih iseljenika u Čileu i Argentini, a putem iseljeničkog tiska i iseljeničkih druÅ”tava propagira se nova nacionalna definicija i južnoslavenska koncepcija buduće države te se osniva iseljenički pokret Jugoslavenska narodna obrana (JNO) u Južnoj Americi. Koristeći iseljenički tisak kao izvor u svrhu pronalaženja dominantnih diskursa u oblikovanju kolektivne svijesti iseljenika, u radu nastojimo odgovoriti na pitanja kako su događaji u domovini, prije svega Prvi svjetski rat, utjecali na kolektivne identifikacije iseljenika u Čileu i Argentini, te analiziramo faktore koji su doprinijeli snažnim odobravanjem i participacijom iseljenika u Čileu u iseljeničkom pokretu JNO-a (za razliku od iseljenika u Argentini) kao i njihovu ulogu u stvaranju buduće Kraljevine SHS / Jugoslavije.WWI and the events that ensued during and after the war had a strong impact on the immigrantsā€™ collective identity. National self-determination of Croats in or outside of the Monarchy, on the trilateral foundation with The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy or in the association with the South Slavic nations, imposed themselves as the dominant national ideology in the homeland. The same political situation was also evident among the immigrant communities in Chile and Argentina. Events such as WWI changed the collective identity and strategies of the Croatian emigrants in Chile and Argentina, whereby a new national definition and South Slavic concept of a future state was promoted by the immigration press and emigrant associations. Consequently, the immigrant movement Yugoslav Peopleā€™s Defence (JNO) in South America was established. Using the emigrant press as a source, in order to find the dominant discourse in shaping migrantsā€™ collective consciousness, in this paper we are trying to answer the questions of how the events in the homeland, WWI in particular, had affected the collective identity of immigrants in Chile and Argentina. The article analyzes the factors that contributed to the strong support and participation of immigrants in the Chile emigrant movement JNO (as opposed to immigrants in Argentina) as well as their role in creating the future state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia (SHS/Jugoslavija)

    Nacionalna identiteta hrvaŔkih izseljencev v prekooceanskih državah: primeri (primerjava) hrvaŔkih emigrantskih skupnosti v Argentini in Avstraliji (Novi južni Wales)

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    The article discuses national identity on the example of the Croatian diaspora in two overseas countries: Argentina and Australia. The time frame is set from the beginning of the Second World War until today. The topic of the research is the Croatian diaspora with different social and national activities, as well as the attitudes within the Croatian emigrant societies. The purpose of the article is to determine the manner in which the national identity of the Croatian Diaspora in the two overseas countries was formed and preserved and to identify possible similarities or differences between them.Delo analizira nacionalno identiteto na primeru hrvaŔke diaspore v dveh prekooceanskih državah: Argentini in Avstraliji, od začetka druge svetovne vojne do danes. Tema raziskave je hrvaŔka diaspora z različnimi družbenimi in nacionalnimi dejavnostmi, kot tudi odnosi znotraj hrvaŔkih izseljenskih družb. Namen članka je predstaviti način vzpostavljanja in ohranjanja nacionalne identitete v hrvaŔki diaspori v Argentini in Avstraliji in identificirati morebitne podobnosti ali razlike med njimi

    Strategije promoviranja ulaganja dijaspore u njihove zemlje porijekla

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    Investments from the diaspora and transnational entrepreneurship represent significant areas for potential contribution to national development. Due to the fact that diaspora members have the ability to connect with a wide range of potential partners and supporters in both their countries of origin and countries of residence, and thus create opportunities for investment, trade and outsourcing, developing countries which seek human and financial capital should put more focus on facilitation and promotion measures for collaboration with the diaspora. The main aim of this paper is to define and discuss most commonly used policy measures for promoting diaspora investments and transnational entrepreneurship in developing countries and giving recommendations for diaspora engagement. The analysis indicates that policy measures and the degree to which countries have begun to engage their diaspora vary, while most of them still miss an adequate institutional framework for promoting transnational networks which can be an important channel for fostering business development, job creation and innovation.Ulaganja dijaspore i transnacionalno poduzetniÅ”tvo predstavljaju značajna područja potencijalnog doprinosa nacionalnom razvoju. S obzirom na činjenicu da dijaspora ima viÅ”e mogućnosti povezivanja sa Å”irokim spektrom potencijalnih partnera, kako u svojim zemljama podrijetla, tako i u zemljama imigracije te time i stvaranja prilika za ulaganja, trgovinu i outsourcing, zemlje u razvoju kojima nedostaje ljudskog i financijskog kapitala trebale bi se viÅ”e usmjeriti na projekte i mjere poticanja suradnje s dijasporom. Glavni cilj ovog rada je definirati i raspraviti glavne i najčeŔće koriÅ”tene mjere politika za poticanje ulaganja dijaspore i transnacionalnog poduzetniÅ”tva u zemljama u razvoju sa svrhom davanja preporuka za uključivanje dijaspore. Provedena je analiza ukazala da su mjere poticanja i stupanj uključivanja dijaspore različiti među zemljama, a u većini njih i dalje nedostaje odgovarajući institucionalni okvir za promicanje transnacionalnih mreža koje mogu biti važan kanal razvoja poduzetniÅ”tva, radnih mjesta i inovacija

    Life on Two Locations: ā€ža Sense of Placeā€œ and How to Connect the Old and the New Homes

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    U radu se na osnovi dubinskih intervjua triju kazivača koji žive na dvije lokacije ā€“ u stanu i vikendici ili u stanu i staroj obiteljskoj kući, govori o kvalitativnom konceptu prostora (doma). Razrađuju se pitanja odnosa identiteta i mjesta življenja (doma) te mijenjanja uloga, načina i kvalitete života u odnosu na lokaciju (stari ili novi dom), kroz permanentnu prožetost i usporedivost starog i novog doma. ā€žOsjećaj mjestaā€œ (doma) shvaća se kao socijalni konstrukt, kao mjesto življenja, osjećanja, dijeljenja, obreda, oživljavanja tradicije i osobnih pamćenja.This paper is based on in-depth interviews with three informants who are living on two locations ā€“ in a fl at and in a summer cottage, or in a fl at and in an old family house respectively. It discusses the qualitative concept of the living space (home). It deals with questions about the relationship between oneā€™s identity and living space (home), as well as of the change in roles, quality and the way of life related to the specifi c location (the old or the new homes), through permanent interfusion and comparability between the old and the new homes. ā€žThe sense of placeā€œ (home) is seen as a social construction, as a place of living, feeling, sharing, performing oneā€™s rituals, reviving the tradition, as well as a place of oneā€™s personal remembrances

    Podravka in Markets with a Strong Economy of Minority Ethnic Communities

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    Ovaj rad prikazuje djelovanje Podravke na globalnim tržiÅ”tima, s posebnim naglaskom na ekonomiju manjinskih etničkih zajednica. Tvrtka broji značajne poslovne uspjehe u brojnim zemljama diljem svijeta, a razlog tome je pomno osmiÅ”ljeno poslovanje na domaćem i inozemnom tržiÅ”tu, ali i činjenica Å”to diljem svijeta žive i djeluju hrvatski iseljenici i njihovi potomci. Mnogi od njih dio su upravo manjinske etničke ekonomije. Uvidom u poslovne rezultate utvrđeno je da Podravka uspjeÅ”no izgrađuje svoj položaj na globalnom tržiÅ”tu, pa tako i u zemljama s izraženim ekonomijama manjinskih etničkih zajednica. Zahvaljujući uspjeÅ”nom poslovnom balansu radi kojeg opstaje i Å”iri se na globalnom svjetskom tržiÅ”tu, tvrtka je u pandemijskoj 2020. i 2021. godini zabilježila rast proizvodnje i prihoda, naročito na tržiÅ”tima s izraženim udjelom manjinskih etničkih ekonomija.This paper presents Podravka\u27s activities in global markets, with special emphasis on the ethnic economies. The company has significant successes in many countries around the world, and the reason for this is the carefully designed business in the domestic and foreign markets, but also the fact that Croatian emigrants and their descendants live and work around the world. Many of them are part of the minority ethnic economy. From the insight into the business results we established that Podravka is successfully developing its position on the global market, including in countries with strong economies of minority ethnic communities. Thanks to a successful business balance that survives and expands in the global market, the company recorded growth in production and revenue in the pandemic years of 2020 and 2021, especially in markets with a share of minority ethnic economies

    Migration Processes and Identities in the Literary Works of Amelia Batistich

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    Krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća doÅ”lo je do pojačanoga iseljavanja Hrvata na Novi Zeland zbog političkih i ekonomskih zbivanja u Domovini. U radu se prati integracijski proces na početcima novoga života na Novom Zelandu kroz književno stvaralaÅ”tvo novozelandske književnice hrvatskoga podrijetla Amelije Batistich. Njezina je književnost inspirirana povijeŔću Hrvata na Novom Zelandu i njihovom prilagodbom novim životnim uvjetima u multikulturalnom okruženju. Zbirka pripovijedaka An Olive Tree in Dalmatia, kao i roman Pjevaj vilo u planini po svojem su sadržaju uronjeni u obiteljsko, povijesno, religijsko, baÅ”tinsko i mitsko, kroz priče preneseno pamćenje, koje vlastiti identitet pronalazi u isprepletenosti dvaju prostora, bivÅ”ega i sadaÅ”njega.At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, there was an increase in the emigration of Croats to New Zealand due to political and economic events in their homeland. From the time of their immigration to the present day, Croatian New Zealanders have preserved an awareness of their ethnic origin and have gradually integrated into New Zealand society. Through the hard work and perseverance of the first generation, new generations of Croatian descendants have been able to attend specialized schools, colleges and universities and today are fully integrated into New Zealand society. In the process they preserved their Croatian identity and founded numerous societies through which they nurtured and built their religious, cultural and political identities. The paper chronicles this integration process through the literary work of Amelia Batistich, a New Zealand writer of Croatian origin. Inspired by the history of Croats in New Zealand and their adjustment to new living conditions in a multicultural environment, her work is immersed in the family, historical, religious and mythical memories passed down from her ancestors and which find their identity in the intertwining of two spaces, the former and the present. In her literary work, written mainly in English, she reflects on the legacy of her ancestors and their need to shape their identity in a multicultural environment defined by hybridity and the necessity to find oneā€™s place in a given space