77 research outputs found

    The environmental assessment of bioenergy crop miscanthus giganteus as a renewable energy resource by using life cycle assessment methodology

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    Predmet naučnog istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je ekološka analiza opravdanosti korišćenja brzorastuće biljke miskantus (Miscanthus x giganteus Greef et Deu.) za dobijanje energije korišćenjem metode Ocene životnog ciklusa...The subject matter of the research in this dissertation is the environmental assessment of fast-growing bioenergy plant miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus Greef et Deu.) for the sustainable energy use by applying the Life Cycle Assessment methodology..

    Possible approaches to LCA methodology for nanomaterials in sustainable energy production

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    Nanomaterijali imaju sve veću ulogu u brzo rastućoj oblasti održive proizvodnje energije. Pored dokazanih prednosti korišćenja nanomaterijala za inovacije u ovom domenu, njihov uticaj na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi je još uvek nedovoljno ispitan. S tim u vezi, nalaženje odgovarajućih metoda za analizu, procjenu i tretman potencijalnih efekata primjene nanotehnologije na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi je više nego neophodno. U ovom radu pokušaćemo da predstavimo kratak pregled moguće primjene procjene životnog ciklusa (LCA) na nanometerijale korišćene u određenim aplikcijama za održivu proizvodnju energije. Korišćenje ove metode bi takođe trebalo da pruži mogućnost za poređenje novih tehnologija sa već postojećim konvencionalnim tehnologijama u smislu njihovih uticaja na životnu sredinu, zdravlje i bezbjednost.Nano-engineered materials are playing an ever growing role in the rapidly developing field of sustainable energy production. Besides providing numerous opportunities for innovations in this domain, utilisation of nanostructured materials raises numerous doubts regarding their impact on the environment and possible adverse effects on human health. Providing reliable methods for analysis, evaluation and dealing with the environmental and health effects of nanotechnology is therefore crucial. In this article we will try to give an outline of possible approaches to deployment of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools to nanomaterials used in certain applications for sustainable energy production. Use of such methods should also provide the possibility of comparing these new, emerging, technologies with that of already existing conventional ones in terms of their environmental, health and safety impacts

    Foreign Direct Investments and Labour Force Indicators in Transition Economies: Linear Mixed-Effects Models Impact Analysis

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    Main objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of foreign direct investments (FDI) on labour force in transition economies, through monitoring and quantification of selected labour force market indicators. This research analyses and discusses the effects of FDI inward flow on labour force indicators in transition economies from the economic and social point of view (i.e. quality of life of labour force). The paper argues that FDI inward flow should have a positive effect on labour force, through the increase of employment growth rate, wages, and reduction of income inequality. Data processing was done by applying Linear Mixed-Effects Models on 17 transition countries during the period 2000 – 2017. The findings show a positive and significant impact of FDI inward flow on employment rate and on wages and salaries, while the impact of FDI inward flow on income inequality is uncertain. Finally, there are policy and future research recommendations

    Possible approaches to LCA methodology for nanomaterials in sustainable energy production

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    Nanomaterijali imaju sve veću ulogu u brzo rastućoj oblasti održive proizvodnje energije. Pored dokazanih prednosti korišćenja nanomaterijala za inovacije u ovom domenu, njihov uticaj na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi je još uvek nedovoljno ispitan. S tim u vezi, nalaženje odgovarajućih metoda za analizu, procjenu i tretman potencijalnih efekata primjene nanotehnologije na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi je više nego neophodno. U ovom radu pokušaćemo da predstavimo kratak pregled moguće primjene procjene životnog ciklusa (LCA) na nanometerijale korišćene u određenim aplikcijama za održivu proizvodnju energije. Korišćenje ove metode bi takođe trebalo da pruži mogućnost za poređenje novih tehnologija sa već postojećim konvencionalnim tehnologijama u smislu njihovih uticaja na životnu sredinu, zdravlje i bezbjednost.Nano-engineered materials are playing an ever growing role in the rapidly developing field of sustainable energy production. Besides providing numerous opportunities for innovations in this domain, utilisation of nanostructured materials raises numerous doubts regarding their impact on the environment and possible adverse effects on human health. Providing reliable methods for analysis, evaluation and dealing with the environmental and health effects of nanotechnology is therefore crucial. In this article we will try to give an outline of possible approaches to deployment of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools to nanomaterials used in certain applications for sustainable energy production. Use of such methods should also provide the possibility of comparing these new, emerging, technologies with that of already existing conventional ones in terms of their environmental, health and safety impacts

    Impact of export determinants on the export sector in Republic of Serbia

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    In order to show the effect of export determinants on the export in the Republic of Serbia, this research comes to examine the correlation between export determinants and the degree of impact of export determinants on export in Republic of Serbia in the period of 2005-2016. This study applies the SPSS 23 software by Correlation matrix using Pearson coefficient in order to show the connection between export determinants and export, as well as the Linear Regression Models, in order to show the degree of impact of the export determinants on export. The analysis revealed the existence of the significant correlation between export and several hypothetical export determinants - import, GDP, GDP per capita, savings, population, employment, productivity of work, exchange rate, and consumption prices - as well as the impact of those on export. It stresses as well that there is no relationship between export and FDI, investments, and industrial production

    Impact of export determinants on the export sector in Republic of Serbia

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    In order to show the effect of export determinants on the export in the Republic of Serbia, this research comes to examine the correlation between export determinants and the degree of impact of export determinants on export in Republic of Serbia in the period of 2005-2016. This study applies the SPSS 23 software by Correlation matrix using Pearson coefficient in order to show the connection between export determinants and export, as well as the Linear Regression Models, in order to show the degree of impact of the export determinants on export. The analysis revealed the existence of the significant correlation between export and several hypothetical export determinants - import, GDP, GDP per capita, savings, population, employment, productivity of work, exchange rate, and consumption prices - as well as the impact of those on export. It stresses as well that there is no relationship between export and FDI, investments, and industrial production

    Diesel production by fast pyrolysis of miscanthus giganteus, well-to-pump analysis using the greet model

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    In this paper "well-to-pump" environmental analysis of pyrolytic diesel from Miscanthus gigantheus is performed. The average annual yield of Miscanthus from III-V year of cultivation on 1 ha of chernozem soil in Serbia (23.5 t) is considered as an input for the process. Two pyrolytic diesel pathways are considered: distributed pyrolytic pathway with external hydrogen production (from natural gas) and integrated pyrolytic pathway with internal hydrogen production (from pyrolytic oil). and are compared to a conventionally produced diesel pathway. The results of the analysis reveal that integrated-internal pyrolytic diesel pathway has lowest resources consumption and lowest pollutant emissions. Compared to conventionally produced diesel, integrated-internal pyrolysis pathway consumes 80% less of fossil fuels, and 92% more of renewables, has 90% lower global warming potential, 30% lower terrestrial acidification potential but 38% higher particulate matter formation potential. Compared to the distributed-external pathway, 88% less fossil fuels, and 36% less renewables are consumed in the integrated-internal pathway, global warming potential is 97% lower, terrestrial acidification is 20% lower, and particulate matter formation is 49% lower. Nevertheless, this pathway has high coal and hydroelectrical power consumption due to electricity production and high emissions of particulate matter, CO2, SOx, and N2O. Another drawback of this production pathway is the low yield of diesel obtained (38% lower than in distributed-external pathway). With this regard, it is still hard to designate production of diesel from fast pyrolysis of Miscanthus as a more environmentally friendly replacement of the conventional production diesel pathway

    Carbon footprint of miscanthus biomass

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    Abstract: In this paper an overview of CO2emissions from the useof biomass of fast-growing plant miscanthus are given. The aim was to analyze and calculate a carbon footprint of all operations in the life cycle of miscathus like: preparation for rhizomes planting (application ofherbicides, plowing and harrowing on unused agricultural land), planting, fertilization of young plants, irrigation, mowing of plants, baling, transport to the nearest briquetting machine where briquettes are produced or to the nearest pyrolytic plant where pyrolytic diesel is produced. Emissions of CO2are taken from previously performed analysis and re-calculated for 1t of miscanthus biomass. The results showed the dominant impact of the briquetting operation due to high electricity consumption (70 kWh) which is in Serbia produced mostly from non-renewable energy sources (about 72%, from coal and natural gas). In accordance with the complete abandonment of coal for energy production which became one of the main goals in the fight against climate change, a future scenario has been created. This scenario involved the production of electricity using only renewable energy sources (hydropower plants with the share of 22%, wind turbines with the share of 28%, solar panels with the share of 25% and heat pumps with the share of 25%). The results show drastic reductions of CO2 emissions, up to4,000 times in a case when renewable energy sources are used for electricity production compared to the current electricity mix used in Serbia. Nevertheless, despite high emissions of CO2from using electricity fromnon-renewable sources, it is concluded that miscantus is a more environmentally friendly solution for energy production than lignite briquettes and firewood that are normally used for the heating of households and that all measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gases emissions should be implemented to avoid catastrophic consequences on the climate and human health in Serbia. Apstrakt: U ovom radu dat je pregled emisija CO2 usled korišćenja biomase brzorastuće biljke miskantus. Prikazana je analiza ugljeničnog otiska svih operacija u životnom ciklusu miskantusa kao što su: pripreme za sadnju rizoma (primena herbicida, zaoravanje i tanjiranje zaparloženog zemljišta), sadnja rizoma, đubrenje mladih jedinki, navodnjavanje, košenje, baliranje, transport do najbliže briketirke gde se vrši briketiranje ili postrojenja za pirolizu gde se vrši proizvodnja pirolitičkog dizela. Za emisije CO2prilikom ovih operacija korišćeni su podaci iz prethodnih istraživanja. Emisije CO2su izračunate u odnosu na 1 t proizvedene biomase miskantusa. Rezultati su pokazali dominantan uticaj operacije briketiranje usled velike potrošnje električne energije (70 kWh) koja se u Srbiji proizvodi najvećim delom iz neobnovljivih izvora energije (oko 72%, ugalj i prirodni gas). U skladu sa potpunim izbacivanjem uglja kao energenta za proizvodnju električne energije koje predstavlja jedan od glavnih ciljeva u borbi protiv klimatskih promena kreiran je budući scenario koji podrazumeva proizvodnju električne energije korišćenjem isključivo obnovljivih izvora energije (hidroelektrane 22%, vetroturbine 28%, solarni paneli 25% i oplotne pumpe 25%). Pokazano je da su uštede u emisijama CO2 nastale ovakvom zamenom energenata i do 4000 puta veće nego u slučaju korišćenja električne energije proizvedene klasičnim putem. I pored ovih visokih emisija CO2 usled dobijanja struje iz neobnovljivih izvora energije,miskantus je dokazano ekološki manje štetno gorivo u odnosu na brikete lignita i ogrevno drvo koji se inače koriste za grejanje domaćinstava i zaključuje se da svakako treba primeniti sve mere koje imaju cilj smanjenje gasova sa efektom staklene bašte kako bi se izbegle katastrofalne posledice po klimu i zdravlje ljudi u Srbiji

    Zadovoljstvo vezom kod homoseksualnih i heteroseksualnih parova: dijadski model

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    Rooted in Huston\u27s (2000) model of adjustment in romantic relationships, the present study examined differences in individual and relationship characteristics and the predictive value of those characteristics for relationship satisfaction, regarding four groups of participants, based on gender and sexual orientation. The sample included a total of 100 heterosexual couples and 50 male and female homosexual couples each. Of the individual characteristics, need for affect achieves significant both actor and partner effects on relationship satisfaction in all subsamples, except for heterosexual women. A personal expression of love achieves both actor and partner effects on relationship satisfaction for heterosexual and homosexual men. The partner\u27s expression of love (actor effect) on relationship satisfaction was registered in all groups, except for homosexual men. The present study offers the possibility of integrating knowledge of the differences between heterosexual and homosexual couples in the context of the model of adjustment in romantic relationships.Ukorijenjena u Hustonovom (2000) modelu prilagodbe u romantičnim vezama, svrha je ove studije bila provjeriti postoje li razlike u individualnim značajkama i značajkama veza između četiriju skupina sudionika koje su formirane na temelju spola i seksualne orijentacije te utvrditi prediktivnu vrijednost jednih i drugih značajki za zadovoljstvo vezom. Uzorak je obuhvatio ukupno 100 heteroseksualnih parova i 50 muških i 50 ženskih homoseksualnih parova. Od pojedinačnih karakteristika potreba za emocijama je važni prediktor zadovoljstva romantičnom vezom i postiže značajne aktorske i partnerske učinke na zadovoljstvo vezom u svim podskupinama, osim kod heteroseksualnih žena. Osobni izraz ljubavi također postiže aktorski i partnerski učinak na zadovoljstvo vezom heteroseksualnih i homoseksualnih muškaraca. Učinak partnerovog izraza ljubavi (aktorski učinak) na zadovoljstvo odnosa zabilježen je u svim skupinama, osim kod homoseksualnih muškaraca. Ova studija nudi mogućnost integriranja znanja o razlikama između heteroseksualnih i homoseksualnih parova u kontekstu modela prilagodbe u romantičnim vezama