22 research outputs found

    Kronične nezarazne bolesti kod hrvatskih branitelja u odnosu na opću populaciju: 25 godina nakon rata

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    Many published reports have documented an increased prevalence of chronic medical conditions among veterans, but there were only a few studies that compared these increases with the general population. The aim of this study was to determine differences in chronic medical conditions between Croatian war veterans and the general population. This study included two groups of subjects, i.e. 1453 participants who are Croatian war veterans and 1429 participants from the general population. Medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests and specific diagnostic procedures were taken during systematic physical examination in both groups. The prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary heart disease, malignancy, psychiatric diseases, cholelithiasis, nephrolithiasis, smoking and alcohol consumption was analyzed. Croatian war veterans were found to be more likely to develop hypertension than individuals in the general population (29.5% vs. 24.3%), as well as diabetes (7.3% vs. 3.8%), hyperlipidemia (56.4% vs. 27.3%), hyperthyroidism (3.1% vs. 0.8%), coronary heart disease (4.3% vs. 1 %), malignancy (4.1% vs. 2.2%), psychiatric diseases (15.4% vs. 1.1%), and alcohol consumption (53% vs. 29%). Significant difference was found in favor of the general population for hypothyroidism (14.3% vs. 8%). There were no differences in the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cholelithiasis, nephrolithiasis, and smoking. Our findings confirmed the hypothesis of a higher prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, malignancy and psychiatric diseases among Croatian war veterans and emphasized the need of better control of their medical conditions.Povećana učestalost kroničnih bolesti među veteranima dokumentirana je kroz brojna istraživanja, no samo ih je nekoliko studija uspoređivalo s općom populacijom. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u pojavnosti kroničnih bolesti između hrvatskih branitelja i opće populacije. Ovo istraživanje obuhvatilo je dvije skupine ispitanika, 1453 hrvatskih branitelja i 1429 sudionika iz opće populacije. Anamneza, fizikalni pregled, laboratorijske pretrage i specifični dijagnostički postupci provedeni su tijekom sistematskog fizikalnog pregleda u obje skupine. Analizirana je učestalost hipertenzije, Å”ećerne bolesti, hiperlipidemije, hipotireoze i hipertireoze, kronične opstruktivne plućne bolesti, koronarne bolesti, malignih bolesti, psihijatrijskih bolesti, kolelitijaze, nefrolitijaze, puÅ”enja i konzumacije alkohola. Utvrđeno je da hrvatski branitelji imaju veću vjerojatnost za razvoj hipertenzije (29,5% prema 24,3%), dijabetesa (17,3% prema 3,8%), hiperlipidemije (56,4% prema 27,3%), hipertireoze (3,1% prema 0,8%), koronarne bolesti srca (4,3% naspram 1%), zloćudne bolesti (4,1% naspram 2,2%), psihijatrijske bolesti (15,4% naspram 1,1%) i čeŔću konzumaciju alkohola (53% naspram 29%) nego pojedinci u općoj populaciji. Uočena je značajna razlika u korist opće populacije za hipotireozu (14,3% naspram 8%). Nije bilo razlika u učestalosti kronične opstruktivne plućne bolesti, kolelitijaze, nefrolitijaze i puÅ”enja. NaÅ”i nalazi potvrdili su hipotezu o viÅ”oj učestalosti kardiovaskularnih bolesti, malignih i psihijatrijskih bolesti među hrvatskim braniteljima te naglasili potrebu bolje kontrole njihovog zdravstvenog stanja

    Use of bendamustin instead of carmustin in autologous stem cell transplantation conditioning ā€“ toxicity and infectious complications comparison

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    Unatrag nekoliko godina u hematologiji i onkologiji globalno sve čeŔći problem postaje prikladna opskrba ā€žstarijim i manje zanimljivimā€œ kemoterapeuticima. Zbog povremene nestaÅ”ice karmustina, jednog od osnovnih kemoterapeutika pri kondicioniranju prije autologne transplantacije krvotvornih matičnih stanica (ATK S) u oboljelih od limfoma, u naÅ”em se centru od 2016. godine on zamjenjuje bendamustinom. U ovom radu retrospektivno analiziramo tijek ATK S-a u 41 bolesnika koji su primili bendamustin u sklopu protokola BeEA M te ga uspoređujemo s tijekom ATK S-a u 40 bolesnika koji su primili karmustin u sklopu protokola BEA M. Medijan oporavka vrijednosti neutrofila (> 0,5 Ɨ 109/l) u skupini koja je primila bendamustin iznosio je 11 dana, dok je u skupini kondicioniranoj karmustinom iznosio 10 dana. Medijan oporavka vrijednosti trombocita (> 20 Ɨ 109/l) bio je duži kod skupine koja je primala bendamustin (16 prema 13 dana) te su ti bolesnici bili duže ovisni o transfuzijama eritrocita (7 prema 5 dana). Infektivne komplikacije nisu bile čeŔće nakon primjene bendamustina, ali smo nakon primjene karmustina imali veću pojavu mukozitisa II. ā€“ III. stupnja (35% prema 12%). Nakon primjene bendamustina zabilježen je jedan slučaj nefrotoksičnosti i kardiotoksičnosti terapije, dok kod primjene karmustina te komplikacije nisu zabilježene. Pri upotrebi bendamustina kod kondicioniranja u naÅ”ih bolesnika u ovom trenutku nije utvrđena znatnija hematoloÅ”ka toksičnost u odnosu prema karmustinu, ali su prisutni dulji period oporavka vrijednosti trombocita te niža incidencija mukozitisa.Inadequate supply of ā€žold and less interestingā€œ chemotherapeutic agents is becoming a global issue in hemato-oncology today. In 2016 we were faced with occasional carmustin shortage, one of the most commonly used in autologous transplant conditioning regimens for lymphoma in our centre, so we decided to use bendamustin instead. We performed a retrospective analysis of 41 patients treated at our centre who had received bendamustin within BeEA M protocol and compared them with 40 patients who had received carmustin within BEA M protocol. Both protocols were used as conditioning protocols before autologous stem cell transplantation. Neutrophil recovery median following transplantation (AN C>0,5x109/l) was 11 days in the bendamustin group in comparison to 10 days in the carmustin group.Platelets recovery median following transplantation (PLT>20x109/l) was longer in the bendamustin group (16 vs.13 days) as was blood transfusion dependency (7 vs. 5 days). Infectious complications were not more frequent after bendamustin, but grade IIā€“III mucositis was more frequent in patients who received carmustin (35% vs.12%). Following bendamustin we had one reported case of nephrotoxicity and cardiac toxicity, not reported with carmustin. Bendamustin has shown similar hematologic toxicity compared to carmustin but a longer platelet recovery period and a lower mucositis incidence

    Reduced renal function strongly affects survival and thrombosis in patients with myelofibrosis

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    We retrospectively investigated a cohort of 176 myelofibrosis patients (128 primary-PMF; 48 secondary-SMF) from five hematology centers. The presence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) was determined in addition to other clinical characteristics. CKD was present in 26.1% of MF patients and was significantly associated with older age (P 0.05 for all analyses). The presence of CKD was significantly associated with shorter time to arterial (HR = 3.49; P = 0.041) and venous thrombosis (HR = 7.08; P = 0.030) as well as with shorter overall survival (HR 2.08; P = 0.009). In multivariate analyses, CKD (HR = 1.8; P = 0.014) was associated with shorter survival independently of the DIPSS (HR = 2.7; P < 0.001); its effect being more pronounced in lower (HR = 3.56; P = 0.036) than higher DIPSS categories (HR = 2.07; P = 0.023). MF patients with CKD should be candidates for active management aimed at the improvement of renal function. Prospective studies defining the optimal therapeutic approach are highly needed