1,610 research outputs found


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    The paper outlines the first steps of a research project focused on the digitalization of underground tunnels for the mining industry. The aim is to solve the problem of rapidly, semi-automatically, efficiently, and reliably digitizing complex and meandering tunnels. A handheld multi-camera photogrammetric tool is used for the survey phase, which allows for the rapid acquisition of the image dataset needed to produce the 3D data. Moreover, since often, automatic, and fast acquisitions are not supported by easy-to-use tools to access and use the data at an operational level, a second aim of the research is to define a method able to arrange and organise the gathered data so that it would be easily accessible. The proposed approach is to compute the 3D skeleton of the surveyed environment by employing tools developed for the analysis of vascular networks in medical imagery. From the computed skeletonization of the underground tunnels, a method is proposed to automatically extrapolate valuable information such as cross-sections, decomposed portions of the tunnel, and the referenced images from the photogrammetric survey. The long-term research goal is to create an effective workflow, both at the hardware and software level, that can reduce computation times, process large amounts of data, and reduce dependency on high levels of experience

    Monitoraggio della diga “Castello” di Bivona (AG) con tecniche GNSS

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    Le dighe di grandi dimensioni, di terra o di cemento, sono infrastrutture che rivestono un ruolo critico nella fornitura idrica e nella produzione energetica. Come è noto in letteratura, il carico e lo scarico delle forze sottopone la diga a elevate sollecitazioni strutturali che devono essere monitorate. Queste possono essere dovute alle fluttuazioni del livello dell'acqua, all'assestamento della struttura, all'attività di frane situate nelle vicinanze o all'attività sismica. Rilevare preventivamente i potenziali problemi consente di adottare le misure necessarie per evitare che si verifichi una catastrofe, o mitigarne gli effetti. Il lavoro proposto è in corso di svolgimento presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale Aerospaziale, dei Materiali (DICAM) dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo e ha come scopo il monitoraggio della Diga “Castello”, sbarramento di materiali sciolti situato tra i comuni di Bivona e Alessandria della Rocca in provincia di Agrigento, mediante il posizionamento sul coronamento di tre ricevitori GNSS. Le antenne sono state monumentate su appositi pilastrini in acciaio fissati al suolo mediante piccola fondazione in cls; il rate impostato ai ricevitori è stato di 30 sec., l'angolo di cut-off di 10°. La campagna di rilevamento è in corso e ad oggi sono stati archiviati 12 mesi di dati con cadenza settimanale. Verificata la buona qualità dei dati a disposizione si è proceduto con l'elaborazione degli stessi mediante i software NDA Professional e Bernese GPS 5.0


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    The advent of mobile mapping systems (MMSs) and computer vision algorithms has enriched a wide range of navigation and mapping tasks such as localisation, 3D motion estimation and 3D mapping. This study focuses on Visual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (V-SLAM) in the context of two in-houses MMSs: Ant3D, a patented five-fisheye multi-camera rig and GeoRizon, a high-resolution stereo fisheye rig. The aim is to leverage V-SLAM to enhance the systems performance in near-real-time and non-real-time 3D reconstruction applications. The research investigates both Monocular and Stereo V-SLAM applied to both MMSs and tackles the challenge of combining the V-SLAM estimated trajectory of one or a pair of cameras with known multi-camera relative orientation. We propose a state-of-the-art code that serves as a flexible and extensible platform for MMSs image acquisition and processing, along with an adapted version of the well-established ORB-SLAM3.0. Evaluation is performed in a cultural heritage challenging setup: the Minguzzi spiral staircase in the Duomo di Milano Cathedral. Performed tests highlight that introducing V-SLAM trajectories as well as pre-calibrated interior orientation and multi-camera constraints improve speed, applicability and accuracy of 3D surveys


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    This paper presents an investigation into the characterization of historical gardens by comparing two 3D survey methodologies. In this context, approaches employing terrestrial laser scanning are considered the most accurate, while Mobile Mapping Systems (MMSs) are considered promising due to their extreme productivity. Less common is the use of close-range photogrammetry. This paper compares two approaches based on the use of a wearable MMS and the use of an in-house built photogrammetric multi-camera prototype. The comparison aims to assess the applicability of the two techniques in this field, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages in surveying a historical garden and extracting information for tree inventory, such as the DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) and canopy footprint. We compared the practicality of surveying and processing operations; and the quality and characteristics of the point clouds obtained. Both systems produced a dense representation of the terrain. The multi-camera survey resulted to be more defined due to the lower noise of the point cloud but incomplete in the definition of tree canopies. DBH of tree trunks can be extracted with both systems, except for thinner and finer diameter trunks detected by the MMS approach but not always by the multi-camera. The MMS approach proved more effective thanks to a shorter survey time required to cover an equal area and the fact that the MMS survey alone is sufficient for the geometric description of trees. In contrast, the multi-camera approach cannot avoid integration with an aerial survey for canopy reconstructio


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    Photogrammetric applications nowadays envisage the use of more and more low-cost cameras such as those equipped on commercial UAV platforms. Typically, these low-grade cameras suffer from extreme radial distortion and strong vignetting among other defects. This, initiated a trend among the low-cost cameras’ manufacturers to try to hide the camera defects by applying software pre-corrections to the images. These Built-In Correction Profiles gets applied to both the JPG files, directly in-camera, and usually to the raw files as well, through the opcode functions of the DNG standard. In this paper we rise this issue that is still under-reported in the literature and further assess the accuracy implication of applying or discarding the Built-In Correction Profile in the scenario of UAV mapping. We tested the commercial UAV DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2 in a calibration environment and a field test to compare the performance of pre-corrected versus uncorrected images. In our tests, processing the original uncorrected images led to improved IO calibration and reduced bowing effect in the field test


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    Multi-camera devices are increasingly popular in various metrological applications, including cultural heritage digitalisation, where these devices are adopted as low-cost alternatives to more traditional methods or mobile mapping systems. They can be of two types: panoramic and non-panoramic configurations, with the former usually more compact and ready-made off-The-shelves and the latter usually custom-developed for metrological applications. In the paper, we compare the accuracy and reliability performance of two types of multi-camera: The spherical camera INSTA 360 Pro2 and the custom multi-camera rig Ant3D. The case study is a challenging spiral staircase environment, typical in many cultural heritage survey projects. The processed image datasets were evaluated in the most common constrain scenario (GCPs at both ends of the staircase) and the worst-case scenario (open-ended path, GCPs at the start). The datasets were processed with precalibrated IO and various degrees of multi-camera constraints up to precalibrated relative orientations. The results highlight that the nominal scale 1:50 can be achieved, e.g. an accuracy of <2 cm plus complete and precise point clouds and mesh results

    Preliminary survey of historic buildings with wearable mobile mapping systems and uav photogrammetry

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    In cultural heritage, three-dimensional documentation of historic buildings is fundamental for conservation and valorisation projects. In recent years, the consolidated tools and methods: Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and close-range photogrammetry, have been joined by portable Mobile Mapping Systems (MMSs), which can offer significant advantages in terms of speed of survey operations at the price of reduced accuracy. The reduction of survey times and, therefore, costs makes the application of MMS techniques ideal for the preliminary stages of analysis of historical artifacts, when a rapid survey is indispensable for estimating the costs of conservation interventions. In this paper, we present a methodology for the expeditious survey of historic buildings and the surrounding urban fabric that is based on the use of an MMS and an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The MMS is the Gexcel Heron MS Twin color. It was used to survey two architecture of interest and the urban context surrounding them from the ground level. The UAV is the DJI Mini 2, used to integrate the terrestrial survey by acquiring the buildings' roofs. The case study presented in the paper is the survey of San Clemente and San Zeno al Foro churches, two historic churches in the city centre of Brescia (Italy). The result are a complete point cloud of the two buildings and a metric virtual tour of all spaces. These results were made available to the architects through the Cintoo web platform to plan future activities
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