5,254 research outputs found

    Motivic Milnor fiber of a quasi-ordinary hypersurface

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    Let ff be a germ of complex analytic function at (Cd+1,0)({\mathbf{C}}^{d+1}, 0) such that its zero level defines an irreducible germ of quasi-ordinary hypersurface (S,0)(S,0). We describe the motivic Igusa zeta function, the motivic Milnor fibre and the Hodge-Steenbrink spectrum of ff at 0 in terms of topological invariants of the quasi-ordinary hypersurface (S,0)(S,0)

    Logística inversa en la distribución de productos agroalimentarios

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    Actualmente existe una conciencia generalizada tanto de la sobreexplotación de los recursos naturales, como de la capacidad limitada de los diferentes ecosistemas para digerir de una manera sostenible todos los residuos, lo que ha servido para que los distintos agentes y la sociedad en general busquen, de forma unánime, un desarrollo sostenible que tenga en cuenta la preservación del medio ambiente (Pérez, A. et al 2004). Esta concienciación de la sociedad ha impulsado a los distintos Gobiernos a promulgar normativas y leyes medioambientales con el propósito de recuperar las materias primas y minimizar los impactos ambientales de los materiales y productos al final de su vida útil. En este sentido, las Directivas promulgadas por la Unión Europea establecen la necesidad de organizar la recogida selectiva de los distintos residuos generados y definen los objetivos de valorización y reciclado; así mismo, establecen las obligaciones de los distintos agentes económicos. Entre estas se encuentra la relativa a Envases y Residuos de Envases, cuyos objetivos principales son, en primer lugar, la prevención y reducción de residuos y, en segundo lugar, la adopción de las medidas necesarias para evitar el abandono y la eliminación incontrolada de estos residuos

    Translocation of NS3 from Hepatitis C Virus on RNA: Insights from Atomistic Molecular Simulations

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    Helicases are motor proteins that unwind double stranded nucleic acids and are important parts of the genetic apparatus. A notable member of this family of enzymes is the nun-structural protein NS3 from Hepatitis C Virus. NS3 helicase unwinds nucleic acids by translocating along a single strand. Single molecule experiments and X-ray crystallography suggest that NS3 follows an inchworm-like motion during the translocation mechanism, consuming one ATP molecule per cycle. In spite of the available experimental data, the mechanistic and chemical details of the translocation process are still unclear. The aim of this study is to model at atomistic detail the NS3h-RNA complex at the different stages of the translocation. For this purpose, atomistic molecular dynamics simulations were performed in explicit solvent in the presence and in the absence of ATP and ADP. Simulations were initialized based on existing crystallographic structures. All the stages of translocation were considered, and their relative stabilities were analyzed by computing electrostatic interactions, relative enthalpies, and hydrogen-bond patterns. Additionally, well-tempered metadynamics and Hamiltonian replica exchange simulations were performed to characterize the free-energy landscape associated to translocation and to describe the conformational transitions

    Identification of N-terminal protein acetylation and arginine methylation of the voltage-gated sodium channel in end-stage heart failure human heart

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    The α subunit of the cardiac voltage-gated sodium channel, Naᵥ1.5, provides the rapid sodium inward current that initiates cardiomyocyte action potentials. Here, we analyzed for the first time the post-translational modifications of Naᵥ1.5 purified from end-stage heart failure human cardiac tissue. We identified R526 methylation as the major post-translational modification of any Naᵥ1.5 arginine or lysine residue. Unexpectedly, we found that the N terminus of Naᵥ1.5 was: 1) devoid of the initiation methionine, and 2) acetylated at the resulting initial alanine residue. This is the first evidence for N-terminal acetylation in any member of the voltage-gated ion channel superfamily. Our results open the door to explore Naᵥ1.5 N-terminal acetylation and arginine methylation levels as drivers or markers of end-stage heart failure

    Spatial effects on rural commerce

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    Commerce in rural territories should not be considered as a needed service, but as a basic infrastructure, that impact not only existent population, but also tourism, and rural industrialization. So, the rural areas need not only agriculture but industry and services, to have a global and balanced development, including for the countryside and the population. In the work presented in this paper, we are considering the formulation of the direct relation between population and the endowment of commerce sites within a geographical territory, the ?area of commercial interactions?. These are the closer set of towns that can gravitate to each other to cover the required needs for the populations within the area. The products retailed, range from basic products for the daily lives, to all other products for industry, agriculture, and services. The econometric spatial model developed to evaluate the interactions and estimate the parameters, is based on the Spatial Error Model, which allows for other spatial hidden effects to be considered without direct interference to the commercial disposition. The data and territory used to test the model correspond to a rural area in the Spanish Palencia territory (NUTS-3 level). The parameters have dependence from population levels, local rent per head, local and regional government budgets, and particular spatial restrictions. Interesting results are emerging form the model. The more significant is that the spatial effects can replace some number of commerce sites in towns, given the right spatial distribution of the sites and the towns. This is equivalent to consider the area of commercial interactions as the unit of measurement for the basic infrastructure and not only the towns

    Modelización del desarrollo económico rural, modelos de crecimiento espaciales

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    Este trabajo pretende investigar como se comporta un modelo de crecimiento del empleo en un territorio geográficamente cerrado considerando tanto su vertiente espacial, y el efecto de rebosamiento espacial de la variable endógena de empleo, como su vertiente temporal considerando el comportamiento de las variables empleo y recursos en diferentes ejercicios económicos sucesivos. Esto último permite incorporar el efecto de relación temporal entre las variables permitiendo derivar otros indicadores temporales que según el modelo faciliten una explicación del comportamiento del empleo en el tiempo. Para evaluar el modelo se ha tomado como piloto una subcomarca de acentuado carácter rural de Palencia, y se ha utilizado la modelación SUR Espacial

    Disorderly Love: Illicit Friendships, Violence, and Law in a Slave Society at War, Popayan-Colombia, 1809-1830

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    This dissertation studies the Province of Popayán –a major slave-trading center in the northern Andes– as colonial Colombia became an independent state between 1809 and 1830. During this period, Popayán became a crucial war site in which political and military factions competed over power, legitimacy, and wealth. By shifting the focus from the battlefields to the private and judicial spheres, Disorderly Love demonstrates that political power and legal practice in Popayán were disputed and reconfigured locally on the terrains of family, sexuality, and gender. An analysis of fragmented stories about family dynamics and conflicts contained in Popayán’s rich judicial records about honor-based violence against women and what colonial authorities called “illicit friendships” (concubinage, adultery, and incestuous relations) suggests that the moral policing of poor and mixed-race men and women across the province was central to the strategies of political elite factions to establish legitimacy and legal authorities to enforce the law. Along these lines, Disorderly Love shows how political transformations brought about by independence modified authorities’ understandings of the public and private realms as well as the role of the Catholic Church in legal matters. Although these changes deepened ideological differences among political elites, it was poor people, particularly women, who were severely impacted by legal decisions that reinforced colonial patriarchal values and unequal power relations. Beyond centering poor people’s life experiences in the narratives about Independence, this dissertation also contributes to the field of legal history by showing how Colombia’s legal system was built from case law. Paying attention to the ways that authorities at different hierarchical levels carried out legal procedures in criminal cases helps to shed light on the confusion and tensions surrounding the adequate use of the law in matters involving family, sexuality, and violence during a revolutionary period. Common men and women were at the center of these tensions as they interacted with legal officials as witnesses and litigants. In spite of uneven social relations, these men and women fought within the legal system to defend their interests, their family members, and/or their own personal honor. By analyzing this gamesmanship of the judicial space, Disorderly Love reveals how the intersection of identities and the contrasting elite and popular visions about morality and truth shaped Colombia’s lawmaking process, a process that was simultaneously developed from the ground up and altered by large-scale decisions and events.PHDHistory & Women's StudiesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138721/1/pangela_1.pd

    Françoise Boch, Catherine Frier et Fanny Rinck (dir.), Littéracie et démarches pédagogiques engageantes, revue Le français aujourd’hui, no 212

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    S’inscrivant dans une approche « ethnolittéracique » (Rispail, 2020), le dernier numéro du Français aujourd’hui, dirigé par F. Boch, C. Frier et F. Rinck, rappelle les enjeux sociaux forts de la littéracie et sa fonction émancipatrice en pédagogie. Les auteures soulèvent en introduction des questions vives telles que l’accès inégal à l’écrit, les difficultés d’apprentissage de la lecture présentes encore en fin de scolarité obligatoire, la montée en puissance du recours à l’écrit dans la vie ..