4,357 research outputs found

    Transnationalizing Mexican Legal Education: But, What About Students’ Expectations?

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    This article focuses on exploring the diversity of ways future students are exposed to law, as well as the multiple reasons that make the profession and degree attractive for them. It is based on the question “what experience or specific situation led to your interest in studying law?” that we asked almost 22,000 Mexican law students around the country at the beginning of the 2004-2005 academic year. This analysis is important because current efforts to transform legal education tend to consider only international components to incorporate into the law programs. But these reforms should also consider the regional or local needs of the participants of legal education which until now have not been taken into account. For example, as we describe in this article, one of five Mexican law students chose to study law because they or their relatives had been victims of violations to their rights, or as a result of perceiving their environment as marked by injustice, corruption and impunity. Law for them was a way to do something about it or, at least, be able to protect themselves and their families. This is a reality shared not only by other Latin American countries, but probably by most developing countries. Any reform to legal education should explore ways to incorporate the students’ ideas, interests and experiences into their studies not only to improve the program, but also to stimulate the students and increase their motivation

    Transnationalizing Mexican Legal Education: But, What About Students’ Expectations?

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    This article focuses on exploring the diversity of ways future students are exposed to law, as well as the multiple reasons that make the profession and degree attractive for them. It is based on the question “what experience or specific situation led to your interest in studying law?” that we asked almost 22,000 Mexican law students around the country at the beginning of the 2004-2005 academic year. This analysis is important because current efforts to transform legal education tend to consider only international components to incorporate into the law programs. But these reforms should also consider the regional or local needs of the participants of legal education which until now have not been taken into account. For example, as we describe in this article, one of five Mexican law students chose to study law because they or their relatives had been victims of violations to their rights, or as a result of perceiving their environment as marked by injustice, corruption and impunity. Law for them was a way to do something about it or, at least, be able to protect themselves and their families. This is a reality shared not only by other Latin American countries, but probably by most developing countries. Any reform to legal education should explore ways to incorporate the students’ ideas, interests and experiences into their studies not only to improve the program, but also to stimulate the students and increase their motivation

    FT-ICR-MS approach to monitor asparagine deamidation and its isomers products in collagen from ancient bones

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    This project investigates the use of ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry along with fragmentation techniques such as electron capture dissociation (ECD) and collisionally activated dissociation (CAD) to study deamidation of ancient bone, by using potential deamidation markers present in bovine collagen standards. With the application of these techniques, several marker peptides present in the digested protein standard of bovine collagen were successfully assigned. The sequences of these peptides correlated well with the reported sequences for bovine collagen in the literature. FT-ICR-MS was used to monitor deamidation of collagen by following a shift of +0.948 Da in the spectrum, resulting in a mass difference of 19 mDa from the 13C of the non-deamidated form and the 12C of the deamidated form, which can be difficult to assign due to overlap with the 13C isotopic distribution in peptides. The rate constants for the deamidation reaction were calculated, and the extent of deamidation before sample handling was determined. The methodology developed was then applied to collagen extracted from real bone samples, both modern and ancient, proving to be a useful method for monitoring asparagine deamidation before sample preparation. Differentiation of the isomers products of deamidation (aspartic and isoaspartic acid) were successfully assigned (where possible) using the diagnostic ions originated from their ECD spectra

    Symmetries in Fluctuations Far from Equilibrium

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    Fluctuations arise universally in Nature as a reflection of the discrete microscopic world at the macroscopic level. Despite their apparent noisy origin, fluctuations encode fundamental aspects of the physics of the system at hand, crucial to understand irreversibility and nonequilibrium behavior. In order to sustain a given fluctuation, a system traverses a precise optimal path in phase space. Here we show that by demanding invariance of optimal paths under symmetry transformations, new and general fluctuation relations valid arbitrarily far from equilibrium are unveiled. This opens an unexplored route toward a deeper understanding of nonequilibrium physics by bringing symmetry principles to the realm of fluctuations. We illustrate this concept studying symmetries of the current distribution out of equilibrium. In particular we derive an isometric fluctuation relation which links in a strikingly simple manner the probabilities of any pair of isometric current fluctuations. This relation, which results from the time-reversibility of the dynamics, includes as a particular instance the Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation theorem in this context but adds a completely new perspective on the high level of symmetry imposed by time-reversibility on the statistics of nonequilibrium fluctuations. The new symmetry implies remarkable hierarchies of equations for the current cumulants and the nonlinear response coefficients, going far beyond Onsager's reciprocity relations and Green-Kubo formulae. We confirm the validity of the new symmetry relation in extensive numerical simulations, and suggest that the idea of symmetry in fluctuations as invariance of optimal paths has far-reaching consequences in diverse fields.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Néctar nutracéutico a base de Momórdica charantia L. (balsamina) y Mangífera índica L. (mango) para diabéticos tipo 2

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    En el presente estudio nos propusimos elaborar un néctar nutracéutico que tenga como ingredientes principales el zumo del fruto de Momórdica charantia L. (balsamina) y el extracto acuoso de corteza del árbol de Mangífera índica L. (mango), orientado a ser no solo un alimento, sino a ser un coadyuvante en el control de la hiperglicemia en personas con diabetes tipo 2. Metodológicamente, primero se determinaron los parámetros fisicoquímicos y organolépticos del zumo del fruto de Momórdica charantia L. (balsamina) y del extracto acuoso de corteza del árbol de Mangífera índica L. (mango). Luego se elaboraron 3 lotes de néctar cuya concentración estará entre 20%, 40 % y 60 % a partes iguales de zumo y extracto. La fórmula final del néctar incluye Stevia, Carboximetilcelulosa, Sorbato de potasio y aromatizante. A los lotes elaborados se les realizó el análisis organoléptico, la determinación de los parámetros fisicoquímicos y el estudio de estabilidad. En conclusión, La bebida nutracéutica obtenida a partir del zumo de balsamina (Momórdica charantia L.) tuvo un color verde claro, dulce, transparente y con olor a menta; y los parámetros fisicoquímicos de los 3 lotes de la bebida nutracéutica obtenida a partir del zumo de balsamina (Momórdica charantia L.) se encuentran dentro de las especificaciones técnicas para este tipo de productosTesi

    Diplomado de profundización cisco prueba de habilidades practicas CCNP

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    No aplicaCon la finalidad de desarrollar las habilidades adquiridas a lo largo del diplomado en cuanto a las tecnologías de redes de comunicaciones mas recientes , a continuación se detalla el desarrollo a nivel de configuración de un escenario propuesto el cual esta denotado como prueba de habilidades practicas CCNP, en donde se pretende realiza la configuración de diferentes protocolos de comunicación en capa dos y capa tres para dispositivos de red como switch y routers y de esta manera completar la configuración de la red para que haya una accesibilidad completa de un extremo a otro, para que los hosts tengan un soporte confiable de la puerta de enlace predeterminada y para que los protocolos configurados estén operativos de modo que se logre la convergencia en la red y cumplan con las especificaciones proporcionadas.In order to develop the skills acquired throughout the diploma in terms of the most recent communications network technologies, the development at the configuration level of a proposed scenario is detailed below, which is denoted as a test of practical CCNP skills, where it is intended to configure different communication protocols in layer two and layer three for network devices such as switches and routers and in this way complete the network configuration so that there is complete accessibility from one end to the other, so that the hosts are reliably supported by the default gateway and the configured protocols are operational so that convergence is achieved on the network and meets the specifications provided

    Syntaxin 3 Is Haplosufficient for Long-Term Photoreceptor Survival in the Mouse Retina

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    Biallelic loss-of-function mutations in the syntaxin 3 gene have been linked to a severe retinal dystrophy in humans that presents in early childhood. In mouse models, biallelic inactivation of the syntaxin 3 gene in photoreceptors rapidly leads to their death. What is not known is whether a monoallelic syntaxin 3 loss-of-function mutation might cause photoreceptor loss with advancing age. To address this question, we compared the outer nuclear layer of older adult mice (≈ 20 months of age) that were heterozygous for syntaxin 3 with those of similarly-aged control mice. We found that the photoreceptor layer maintains its thickness in mice that are heterozygous for syntaxin 3 relative to controls and that photoreceptor somatic counts are comparable. In addition, dendritic sprouting of the rod bipolar cell dendrites into the outer nuclear layer, which occurs following the loss of functional rod targets, was similar between genotypes. Thus, syntaxin 3 appears to be haplosufficient for photoreceptor survival, even with advancing age

    Estrategia de mejoramiento de la práctica de formación escolar en derechos Humanos a partir de un Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizaje

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    En este trabajo se planteó la formulación de un plan de mejoramiento de la enseñanza (a través de un Aula Virtual de Aprendizaje) para que los estudiantes de grado undécimo del Colegio La Estancia San Isidro Labrador (jornada tarde) optimizaran -por medio del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)- sus desempeños en competencias conceptuales, procedimentales y axiológicas en Derechos Humanos; al aplicarse el Aula Virtual se encontró que parte del cambio que requiere la localidad depende del compromiso de la escuela en la formación de estudiantes críticos de su entorno como elemento fundamental para generar la transformación política, económica y social que Ciudad Bolívar requiere