3,639 research outputs found

    Disparities in entrepreneurship indicators across EU countries

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    The levels and characteristics of entrepreneurship differ widely across EU member countries due to diverse cultural, educational, economic-financial and institutional reasons. Taking as reference data provided by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), this paper analyzes the disparities in entrepreneurship indicators among the EU member countries in 2007 and 2013, highlighting the most significant changes occurred during the Great Recession. For this purpose, some of the major indices of inequality have been calculated, namely the Gini, Theil and Atkinson indices. In addition, the change in the Gini coefficient between these two years is additively decomposed into mobility and progressivity components, and growth incidence curves of some key indicators of entrepreneurial activity are estimated. Overall, we find that inequality among countries in most entrepreneurial attitude and aspiration indicators tends to diminish over the period 2007-2013. For all indicators the reduction is more generalized across the efficiency-driven economies than across the innovation-driven economies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Entrepreneurship and Economic Liberalization in the OECD Countries

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    Entrepreneurship displays remarkable differences across countries because of diverse factors. In this sense, it is frequently argued that economic liberalization encourages entrepreneurship. In this paper we address the extent to which economic freedom, understood as market economy oriented institutions and policies, matters for entrepreneurial activity through a panel data analysis for 78 countries during the period 2001-2012. We examine the relationship between the Fraser Institute’s economic freedom index and its five areas, and three entrepreneurial activity indicators from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, namely total entrepreneurial activity, necessity entrepreneurship and opportunity entrepreneurship. Economic freedom seems to increase opportunity entrepreneurship and decrease necessity entrepreneurship. Focusing on the OECD countries, we highlight that economic freedom is positively associated with entrepreneurship. In terms of entrepreneurship motivation, we find that a more flexible regulation of credit, labor and business, as well as entrepreneurial attitudes, may contribute to enhance opportunity entrepreneurshipUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Examinig the roloe of economic liberalization in entrepeneurship: a cross-country study

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    In the last few decades some authors have underlined the role of institutions and policies for entrepreneurship. North (1990) underlines that entrepreneurs are the main agents of change and that organizations, such as firms set up by entrepreneurs, adapt their activities and strategies to fit the opportunities and limitations provided through formal and informal institutional frameworks. Baumol (1990) hypothesizes that entrepreneurial individuals channel their efforts in different directions depending on the quality of prevailing economic, political, and legal institutions. Sobel (2008) asserts that better institutions have both more productive entrepreneurship and also less unproductive entrepreneurship. He stresses that the best path to foster entrepreneurship is through institutional reforms that constrain or minimize the role of government. In this context, economic freedom may be seen as a significant aspect for entrepreneurial activity and it is frequently argued that economic liberalization encourages entrepreneurship. In this paper we address the extent to which economic freedom, understood as market economy oriented institutions and policies, matters for entrepreneurial activityUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Does economic freedom increase income inequality? Evidence from the EU countries

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    Over the past decades there have been considerable changes in policies and institutions in favor of economic freedom in the EU countries. This trend coincides with widespread increases in income inequality in numerous member states. To what extent does economic freedom encourage inequality? This paper examines the relationship between economic freedom and income inequality in the EU countries using panel data for the 2000s. The empirical evidence suggests that economic freedom seems to entail greater income inequality. However, not all areas of economic freedom affect income distribution similarly. While government size and regulation appear to be robustly associated with income inequality, legal system and property rights, sound money, and freedom to trade internationally seem not to be significantly related with income distribution in the European context.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Intrinsic noise profoundly alters the dynamics and steady state of morphogen-controlled bistable genetic switches

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    During tissue development, patterns of gene expression determine the spatial arrangement of cell types. In many cases, gradients of secreted signaling molecules - morphogens - guide this process. The continuous positional information provided by the gradient is converted into discrete cell types by the downstream transcriptional network that responds to the morphogen. A mechanism commonly used to implement a sharp transition between two adjacent cell fates is the genetic toggle switch, composed of cross-repressing transcriptional determinants. Previous analyses emphasize the steady state output of these mechanisms. Here, we explore the dynamics of the toggle switch and use exact numerical simulations of the kinetic reactions, the Chemical Langevin Equation, and Minimum Action Path theory to establish a framework for studying the effect of gene expression noise on patterning time and boundary position. This provides insight into the time scale, gene expression trajectories and directionality of stochastic switching events between cell states. Taking gene expression noise into account predicts that the final boundary position of a morphogen-induced toggle switch, although robust to changes in the details of the noise, is distinct from that of the deterministic system. Moreover, stochastic switching introduces differences in patterning time along the morphogen gradient that result in a patterning wave propagating away from the morphogen source. The velocity of this wave is influenced by noise; the wave sharpens and slows as it advances and may never reach steady state in a biologically relevant time. This could explain experimentally observed dynamics of pattern formation. Together the analysis reveals the importance of dynamical transients for understanding morphogen-driven transcriptional networks and indicates that gene expression noise can qualitatively alter developmental patterning

    Networks in the Digital Television Age: New Context, New Roles. The Case of the Spanish Industry

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    After years of stable oligopoly, the main television broadcasters in Spain began to note changes in the market in the middle of the last decade. The emergence of new networks, the re-launch of digital terrestrial television (DTT), the boom in specialized channels and the proliferation of platforms such as online and mobile TV, which allow the broadcast of audiovisual contents, forced broadcast managers to change their strategy in relation to business models and production companies. The analysis in this article centres on two main points: on one hand, the transformation effected in the television industry by the advent of digitalization; and on the other hand, the role of networks in the new media environment. In April 2010, the Spanish broadcast system completed its transition from analogue to digital broadcasting and a new digital age dawned, marked by disruptive technologies and multimedia policies

    El productor ejecutivo de programas de entretenimiento. Jerarquías en la producción audiovisual

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    El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar el perfil profesional del productor ejecutivo en la industria audiovisual, como máximo responsable creativo y económico de los proyectos de entretenimiento. Para ello, en primer lugar, se confrontan las visiones que sobre esta figura predominan en el sector televisivo anglosajón y en el español y, a continuación, se destacan sus cualidades y aptitudes. Para concluir, se estudian las jerarquías de producción establecidas en las cadenas y productoras de contenidos, así como las funciones de los distintos profesionales que las integran. Como resultado, se obtiene el proceso seguido en la toma de decisiones de toda producción audiovisual. ---------------The analysis in this article centres on the professional profile of the executive producer in the audiovisual industry, who is the major creative and financial responsible for the entertainment projects. Firstly, the predominant views about this professional in the Anglo-saxon and in the Spanish television are compared and, secondly, its qualities and its flairs are highlighted. Finally, we study the production hierarchies established in networks and production companies, and the professional categories involved with its functions. As a result, we obtain the followed roadmap in the process of making decisions in every audiovisual production