13,083 research outputs found

    Quantum phase transitions in a two-dimensional quantum XYX model: Ground-state fidelity and entanglement

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    A systematic analysis is performed for quantum phase transitions in a two-dimensional anisotropic spin 1/2 anti-ferromagnetic XYX model in an external magnetic field. With the help of an innovative tensor network algorithm, we compute the fidelity per lattice site to demonstrate that the field-induced quantum phase transition is unambiguously characterized by a pinch point on the fidelity surface, marking a continuous phase transition. We also compute an entanglement estimator, defined as a ratio between the one-tangle and the sum of squared concurrences, to identify both the factorizing field and the critical point, resulting in a quantitative agreement with quantum Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, the local order parameter is "derived" from the tensor network representation of the system's ground state wave functions.Comment: 4+ pages, 3 figure

    Cosmological Effects of Nonlinear Electrodynamics

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    It will be shown that a given realization of nonlinear electrodynamics, used as source of Einstein's equations, generates a cosmological model with interesting features, namely a phase of current cosmic acceleration, and the absence of an initial singularity, thus pointing to a way to solve two important problems in cosmology

    Framework for classifying logical operators in stabilizer codes

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    Entanglement, as studied in quantum information science, and non-local quantum correlations, as studied in condensed matter physics, are fundamentally akin to each other. However, their relationship is often hard to quantify due to the lack of a general approach to study both on the same footing. In particular, while entanglement and non-local correlations are properties of states, both arise from symmetries of global operators that commute with the system Hamiltonian. Here, we introduce a framework for completely classifying the local and non-local properties of all such global operators, given the Hamiltonian and a bi-partitioning of the system. This framework is limited to descriptions based on stabilizer quantum codes, but may be generalized. We illustrate the use of this framework to study entanglement and non-local correlations by analyzing global symmetries in topological order, distribution of entanglement and entanglement entropy.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Ground state fidelity from tensor network representations

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    For any D-dimensional quantum lattice system, the fidelity between two ground state many-body wave functions is mapped onto the partition function of a D-dimensional classical statistical vertex lattice model with the same lattice geometry. The fidelity per lattice site, analogous to the free energy per site, is well-defined in the thermodynamic limit and can be used to characterize the phase diagram of the model. We explain how to compute the fidelity per site in the context of tensor network algorithms, and demonstrate the approach by analyzing the two-dimensional quantum Ising model with transverse and parallel magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Published version in Physical Review Letter

    A non-separability measure for spatially disjoint vectorial fields

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    Vectorial forms of structured light that are non-separable in their spatial and polarisation degrees of freedom have become topical of late, with an extensive toolkit for their creation and control. In contrast, the toolkit for quantifying their non-separability, the inhomogeneity of the polarisation structure, is less developed and in some cases fails altogether. To overcome this, here we introduce a new measure for vectorial light, which we demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally. We consider the general case where the local polarisation homogeneity can vary spatially across the field, from scalar to vector, a condition that can arise naturally if the composite scalar fields are path separable during propagation, leading to spatially disjoint vectorial light. We show how the new measure correctly accounts for the local path-like separability of the individual scalar beams, which can have varying degrees of disjointness, even though the global vectorial field remains intact. Our work attempts to address a pressing issue in the analysis of such complex light fields, and raises important questions on spatial coherence in the context of vectorially polarised light

    Entanglement Entropy of Fermi Liquids via Multi-dimensional Bosonization

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    The logarithmic violations of the area law, i.e. an "area law" with logarithmic correction of the form SLd1logLS \sim L^{d-1} \log L, for entanglement entropy are found in both 1D gapless system and for high dimensional free fermions. The purpose of this work is to show that both violations are of the same origin, and in the presence of Fermi liquid interactions such behavior persists for 2D fermion systems. In this paper we first consider the entanglement entropy of a toy model, namely a set of decoupled 1D chains of free spinless fermions, to relate both violations in an intuitive way. We then use multi-dimensional bosonization to re-derive the formula by Gioev and Klich [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 100503 (2006)] for free fermions through a low-energy effective Hamiltonian, and explicitly show the logarithmic corrections to the area law in both cases share the same origin: the discontinuity at the Fermi surface (points). In the presence of Fermi liquid (forward scattering) interactions, the bosonized theory remains quadratic in terms of the original local degrees of freedom, and after regularizing the theory with a mass term we are able to calculate the entanglement entropy perturbatively up to second order in powers of the coupling parameter for a special geometry via the replica trick. We show that these interactions do not change the leading scaling behavior for the entanglement entropy of a Fermi liquid. At higher orders, we argue that this should remain true through a scaling analysis.Comment: 18 pages, accepted version with major updat

    Evangelical Visitor- October 2, 1911. Vol. XXV. No. 20.

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    Evangelical Visitor published in Harrisburg, Pa., for the exposition of true, practical piety and devoted to the spread of evangelical truths and the unity of the church. Published in the interest of the church of the Brethren in Christ on October 2, 1911. Vol. XXV. No. 20

    Universal construction of order parameters for translation-invariant quantum lattice systems with symmetry-breaking order

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    For any translation-invariant quantum lattice system with a symmetry group G, we propose a practical and universal construction of order parameters which identify quantum phase transitions with symmetry-breaking order. They are defined in terms of the fidelity between a ground state and its symmetry-transformed counterpart, and are computed through tensor network representations of the ground-state wave function. To illustrate our scheme, we consider three quantum systems on an infinite lattice in one spatial dimension, namely, the quantum Ising model in a transverse magnetic field, the quantum spin-1/2 XYX model in an external magnetic field, and the quantum spin-1 XXZ model with single-ion anisotropy. All these models have symmetry group Z(2) and exhibit broken-symmetry phases. We also discuss the role of the order parameters in identifying factorized states