3,468 research outputs found

    Personal relatedness and attachment in infants of mothers with borderline personality disorder

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    The principal aim of this study was to assess personal relatedness and attachment patterns in 12-month-old infants of mothers with borderline personality disorder (BPD). We also evaluated maternal intrusive insensitivity toward the infants in semistructured play. We videotaped 10 mother-infant dyads with borderline mothers and 22 dyads where the mothers were free from psychopathology, in three different settings: a modification of Winnicott's Set Situation in which infants faced an initially unresponsive ("still-face") stranger, who subsequently tried to engage the infant in a game of give and take; the Strange Situation of Ainsworth and Wittig; and a situation in which mothers were requested to teach their infants to play with miniature figures and a toy train. In relation to a set of a priori predictions, the results revealed significant group differences as follows: (a) compared with control infants, toward the stranger the infants of mothers with BPD showed lower levels of "availability for positive engagement," lower ratings of "behavior organization and mood state," and a lower proportion of interpersonally directed looks that were positive; (b) in the Strange Situation, a higher proportion (8 out of 10) of infants of borderline mothers were categorized as Disorganized; and (c) in play, mothers with BPD were rated as more "intrusively insensitive" toward their infants. The results are discussed in relation to hypotheses concerning the interpersonal relations of women with BPD, and possible implications for their infants' development

    Modular multilevel converters

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    The legacy of translocations among populations of the Ibizan Wall Lizard, Podarcis pityusensis (Squamata: Lacertidae)

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    The Ibizan wall lizard, Podarcis pityusensis, was the subject of several documented 25 translocations by the German herpetologist Martin Eisentraut, in 1930. He aimed to initiate 26 long-term experiments into the evolution of melanism and other morphological traits and 27 accordingly reported introductions into five islets that (he believed) contained no lizards. In 28 this study, we analysed the genetics and morphological characteristics of individuals we found 29 there. We found no lizards on two of the islets, namely Escull de Tramuntana or Galera, but 30 for the first time, detected a large population on a third, Es Vaixell. Analyses of microsatellite 31 DNA placed individuals from a fourth islet, Dau Gran, with those from the islet of Escull 32 Vermell. They are also morphologically close to individuals from Escull Vermell. This 33 suggests that selection pressures could have favoured the Escull Vermell phenotype following 34 introduction. Eisentraut founded the Es Vaixell population with non- melanic Ibizan 35 specimens, but the present day population of Es Vaixell was found to be fully melanic. Genetic 36 markers support a strong similarity between Es Vaixell and Na Gorra, and indicate that, in all 37 likelihood, the individuals introduced by Eisentraut have left no descendants. It is likely that 38 Es Vaixell already contained lizards prior to this introduction. For reasons which we discuss, 39 the translocations have revealed less than Eisentraut would have originally hoped for, although 40 they do provide some potential insights into lizard morphological evolution following 41 colonization

    The coherence of autism

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    There is a growing body of opinion that we should view autism as fractionable into different, largely independent sets of clinical features. The alternative view is that autism is a coherent syndrome in which principal features of the disorder stand in intimate developmental relationship with each other. Studies of congenitally blind children offer support for the latter position and suggest that a source of coherence in autism is restriction in certain forms of perceptually dependent social experience

    Morphological and genetic diversity of the Balearic lizard,Podarcis lilfordi(Gunther, 1874): Is it relevant to its conservation?

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    Aims: To characterize the genetic and morphological diversification of the endangered Balearic lizard Podarcis lilfordi and to assess the relevance of this diversity, and how it is described, to conservation measures. Location: This study covers all the populations of the Balearic lizard, Podarcis lilfordi, present in its range of distribution at coastal islets of Menorca, Mallorca and Cabrera Archipelago. Methods: We analysed genetic and morphological variation across the 43 known extant populations of the Balearic lizard, using mitochondrial and nuclear markers. We examined morphometric and scalation characters using, in some cases, phylogenetically independent contrasts. We also incorporated the study of dorsal coloration and dorsal colour pattern including the analysis of melanism in several populations. Results: We detected clear genetic divergence between Menorcan populations and populations from Mallorca and Cabrera, in both nuclear and mtDNA markers, but genetic divergence is relatively low among different insular populations within these groups. In contrast, morphological divergence was substantial both between Menorcan and remaining populations and within these groups. Morphological traits, such as dorsal coloration, body size and the number and size of scales, seemed to be linked with differences in climatic conditions between populations. In addition, some traits, as melanism, showed a strong phylogenetic signal. Main conclusions: The morphological and genetic diversity of the Balearic lizard is incongruent with the subspecies described in the classical taxonomic literature. Moreover, current populations differ not only in some genetic and morphological features, but also in several ecological and ethological characteristics, in many cases unique to one population. Based on our results, we propose abandoning the use of subspecies to describe the extraordinary morphological diversity of the Balearic lizard and its replacement with the concept of evolutionary significant units (ESUs). ESUs are particularly suitable to describe and recognize such diversity and, especially, to ensure the continuity of the evolutionary process

    Modular Multilevel Converters: Recent Achievements and Challenges

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    The modular multilevel converter (MMC) is currently one of the power converter topologies which has attracted more research and development worldwide. Its features, such as high quality of voltages and currents, high modularity and high voltage rating, have made the MMC a very good option for several applications including high-voltage dc (HVdc) transmission, static compensators (STATCOMs), and motor drives. However, its unique features such as the large number of submodules, floating capacitor voltages, and circulating currents require a dedicated control system able to manage the terminal variables, as well as the internal variables with high dynamical performance. In this paper, a review of the research and development achieved during the last years on MMCs is shown, focusing on the challenges and proposed solutions for this power converter still faces in terms of modeling, control, reliability, power topologies, and new applications

    The age-metallicity structure of the Milky Way disc using APOGEE

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    The measurement of the structure of stellar populations in the Milky Way disc places fundamental constraints on models of galaxy formation and evolution. Previously, the disc’s structure has been studied in terms of populations defined geometrically and/or chemically, but a decomposition based on stellar ages provides a more direct connection to the history of the disc, and stronger constraint on theory. Here, we use positions, abundances and ages for 31 244 red giant branch stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)-APOGEE survey, spanning 3 < Rgc < 15 kpc, to dissect the disc into mono-age and mono-[Fe/H] populations at low and high [α/Fe]. For each population, with age < 2 Gyr and [Fe/H] < 0.1 dex, we measure the structure and surface-mass density contribution. We find that low [α/Fe] mono-age populations are fit well by a broken exponential, which increases to a peak radius and decreases thereafter. We show that this profile becomes broader with age, interpreted here as a new signal of disc heating and radial migration. High [α/Fe] populations are well fit as single exponentials within the radial range considered, with an average scalelength of 1.9 ± 0.1 kpc. We find that the relative contribution of high to low [α/Fe] populations at R0 is f� = 18 per cent ± 5 per cent; high [α/Fe] contributes most of the mass at old ages, and low [α/Fe] at young ages. The low and high [α/Fe] populations overlap in age at intermediate [Fe/H], although both contribute mass at R0 across the full range of [Fe/H]. The mass-weighted scaleheight hZ distribution is a smoothly declining exponential function. High [α/Fe] populations are thicker than low [α/Fe], and the average hZ increases steadily with age, between 200 and 600 pc

    Synthetic Lethality of Chk1 Inhibition Combined with p53 and/or p21 Loss During a DNA Damage Response in Normal and Tumor Cells

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    Cell cycle checkpoints ensure genome integrity and are frequently compromised in human cancers. A therapeutic strategy being explored takes advantage of checkpoint defects in p53-deficient tumors in order to sensitize them to DNA-damaging agents by eliminating Chk1-mediated checkpoint responses. Using mouse models, we demonstrated that p21 is a key determinant of how cells respond to the combination of DNA damage and Chk1 inhibition (combination therapy) in normal cells as well as in tumors. Loss of p21 sensitized normal cells to the combination therapy much more than did p53 loss and the enhanced lethality was partially blocked by CDK inhibition. In addition, basal pools of p21 (p53 independent) provided p53 null cells with protection from the combination therapy. Our results uncover a novel p53-independent function for p21 in protecting cells from the lethal effects of DNA damage followed by Chk1 inhibition. As p21 levels are low in a significant fraction of colorectal tumors, they are predicted to be particularly sensitive to the combination therapy. Results reported in this study support this prediction

    Tightening slip knots in raw and degummed silk to increase toughness without losing strength

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    NMP is supported by the European Research Council (ERC StG Ideas 2011 BIHSNAM n. 279985 on “Bio-Inspired hierarchical super-nanomaterials”, ERC PoC 2013-1 REPLICA2 n. 619448 on “Large-area replication of biological anti-adhesive nanosurfaces”, ERC PoC 2013-2 KNOTOUGH n. 632277 on “Super-tough knotted fibres”), by the European Commission under the Graphene Flagship (WP10 “Nanocomposites”, n. 604391) and by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento (“Graphene Nanocomposites”, n. S116/2012-242637 and reg.delib. n. 2266)