23 research outputs found

    Assessing Thermal Comfort Perception in the Context of Social Housing. Case Study in Northern Spain

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    The influence of people on building performance in terms of energy efficiency and environmental impact is becoming increasingly significant. It is essential to include users’ perspective, their comfort and satisfaction in decision making to ensure not only their well-being, but also the feasibility of interventions and the adequate performance of the building stock. Furthermore, understanding residents’ level of thermal satisfaction can enable more appropriate measures to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. Although there are several methods for studying thermal comfort, such as qualitative analyses based on surveys or perceived comfort indices such as PPD and PMV, thermal satisfaction is susceptible to the subjectivity of the responses. It may be necessary to contrast different indices or methods. This study aims to define an indicator that measures the level of thermal satisfaction of social housing occupants so that it can be contrasted with other methods of analysis of perceived comfort and can be replicated in different building contexts. A way to analyse users’ thermal satisfaction is proposed in a quantitative way, measured as the difference of the desired temperature and the perceived indoor temperature. The index is applied to a sample of 283 social housing dwellings in the Basque Country, Spain, with the data obtained via surveys that include questions on thermal comfort in winter and households’ characteristics. The thermal satisfaction has been analysed and the results have been contrasted with the perceived thermal comfort in winter and the household’s capacity to maintain the dwelling at the desired temperature. Moreover, it has been observed whether there may be energy vulnerabilities by contrasting the satisfaction result with the income and expenditure per person in the household. The obtained variable provides occupants’ opinion and perception to ensure the suitability of the solutions for improving the energy efficiency of the building and the thermal comfort. It is also possible to apply it to different building typologies and compare the results with other models of perceived thermal comfort


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    [ES] La COST Action 1103: “Operation and safety of tramways in interaction with public space”,desarrollada entre 2011 y 2015, tenía como objetivo alcanzar un mejor entendimiento de laseguridad del metro ligero en su relación con el espacio urbano.Durante la Acción se puso de manifiesto que los diferentes sistemas de metro ligero europeostienen filosofías totalmente distintas entre ellos. Algunas redes prestan más atención a laprotección del sistema, con un planteamiento cercano al del ferrocarril convencional. Otrastratan de conseguir sistemas mejor integrados con la ciudad, facilitando la coexistencia conpeatones y ciclistas en el centro urbano, pero garantizando en cualquier caso la capacidad yvelocidad del metro ligero en el área metropolitana.En cualquier caso, a pesar de las particularidades de cada red, los metros ligeros de todo elmundo se enfrentan a retos de seguridad similares, y las soluciones aplicadas en un lugarpueden ser útiles para otras redes de nueva implantación o existentes que se enfrenten a losmismos problemas.En esta ponencia se presentarán algunas de las medidas utilizadas por diferentes metrosligeros europeos para mejorar la seguridad de ciertos puntos diagnosticados previamentecomo puntos conflictivos (a través de los datos de accidentes de los operadores). El origende los datos utilizados es un cuestionario sobre dichos puntos conflictivos realizado durantela Acción, que fue respondido por 24 operadores de toda Europa e Israel.Los autores agradecen a la European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) la financiación de la COST Action 1103: “Operation and safety of tramways in interaction with public space”. Adicionalmente, los autores agradecen las aportaciones de las personas de las empresas operadoras de metro ligero que han cubierto los cuestionarios sobre puntos conflictivos y puntos de interacción. La redacción de esta ponencia no habría sido posible sin sus contribuciones.Novales, M.; Muñoz De Dios, A.; Carsi Perez, J.; Ortiz Etxeberria, O. (2016). ESTRATEGIAS PARA MEJORAR LA SEGURIDAD DEL METRO LIGERO A TRAVÉS DE SU INSERCIÓN URBANA. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 788-899. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.3738OCS78889

    Findings of the WMT 2020 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Basque, Italian and Russian as New Additional Languages

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    Machine translation of scientific abstracts and terminologies has the potential to support health professionals and biomedical researchers in some of their activities. In the fifth edition of the WMT Biomedical Task, we addressed a total of eight language pairs. Five language pairs were previously addressed in past editions of the shared task, namely, English/German, English/French, English/Spanish, English/Portuguese, and English/Chinese. Three additional languages pairs were also introduced this year: English/Russian, English/Italian, and English/Basque. The task addressed the evaluation of both scientific abstracts (all language pairs) and terminologies (English/Basque only). We received submissions from a total of 20 teams. For recurring language pairs, we observed an improvement in the translations in terms of automatic scores and qualitative evaluations, compared to previous years

    Proposal for Prioritizing the Retrofitting of Residential Buildings in Energy Poverty Circumstances

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    The energy poverty derived from socio-economic imbalances affects mostly households with fewer economic resources, being social housing complexes one of the most vulnerable sectors. The insufficient access to energy and the incapability to maintain dwellings at an adequate temperature can have negative impact on people’s health due to the prolonged exposure to poor hygrothermal conditions. Therefore, the prioritization of building retrofitting actions must be carried out regarding the actual state of the housing and the family economy. This paper proposes the definition of a prioritization map that gave a general knowledge of the energy vulnerability situation of the existing building stock. To this end, the dwelling’s energy performance is analysed, focusing on the correlation among its characteristics and the energy vulnerability of its inhabitants. In this way, dwellings with high energy poverty potential are identified in order to develop different energy retrofitting strategies. By applying this method to 14 case studies of social housing in Bilbao, Spain, it was obtained a prioritization map with six levels of vulnerability that can serve as a tool for public entities to design their future strategies. It has been proven that building compactness and year of construction are important factors with a great impact on the heating demand and final consumption in dwellings. Acknowledging the vulnerability context of the building stock eases the decision-making process and the definition of intervention guidelines, prioritizing those in a situation of greater vulnerability

    Evaluation of Thermal Comfort Perception in Social Housing Context

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    The influence of people on building performance is becoming increasingly significant. Including users’ perspective in decision-making and design processes could help to improve occupants’ well-being and the feasibility of interventions by providing more accurate information about heating preferences for energy models. Furthermore, understanding residents’ level of thermal satisfaction could enable more appropriate measures to be taken to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. This study aims to define an indicator that measures the level of thermal satisfaction of social housing occupants so that it can be contrasted with other methods of analysis of perceived comfort and can be replicated in different building contexts. A way to analyse occupants’ thermal satisfaction is proposed in a quantitative way, measured as the difference of the desired temperature and the perceived indoor temperature. The index was applied to a sample of 283 social housing dwellings in the Basque Country, Spain, with data obtained via surveys that include questions on thermal comfort in winter and households’ characteristics. Furthermore, the indicator was compared to other variables, such as household income and energy expenses, to observe behavioural trends and possible cases of energy vulnerability. The obtained variable provides occupants’ opinion and perception to ensure the suitability of the solutions for improving the energy efficiency of the building and the thermal comfort. It is also possible to apply it to different building typologies and compare the results with other models of perceived thermal comfort

    Tándem : didáctica de la educación física

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    Monográfico con el título: "Colectivo LGTNIQ+ y nuevas masculinidades"Se presenta un ejercicio de recopilación de experiencias encarnadas, memorias ligadas a cuerpos concretos y vivencias corporales que dialogan desde sus propios recuerdos de la infancia sobre la actividad física escolar. Dichas experiencias se han recopilado mediante cuatro grupos de discusión compuestos por personas del colectivo de disidencias de sexo/genéricas. El objetivo ha sido analizar la importancia de la actividad física escolar en el desarrollo de identidades y la reproducción de la norma heterosexual.Biblioteca del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional; Calle San Agustín, 5; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Prevalence ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals (65%CI) by sexual orientation for each mental EQ-5D dimension stratified by gender, considering different adjustment variables.

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    <p>The EQ-5D dimension (dependent variable) was dichotomized into: no problems vs moderate/extreme problems. <b>Model 1:</b> Crude prevalence ratio. <b>Model 2:</b> Adjusted by age and gender. <b>Model 3:</b> Adjusted by age and gender + sociodemographic variables (education level, country of birth, and married or in sentimental partnership). <b>Model 4:</b> Adjusted by age and gender + sociodemographic variables + number of chronic conditions. <b>Model 5:</b> Adjusted by age and gender + sociodemographic variables + number of chronic conditions + health-related behaviors (smoking status, alcohol consumption, and psychoactive drug consumption).</p