548 research outputs found

    Domestic Relations: Recognition of Wife\u27s Interest in Professional Degree Earned by Husband during Marriage

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    Hubbard v. Hubbard, 603 P.2d 747 (Okla. 1979). A professional education is a valuable asset, often acquired through the joint efforts of both partners to a marriage. A number of state courts have recently addressed the issue whether a professional degree constitutes an asset which may be divided upon dissolution of a marriage. Although courts have been reluctant to hold a professional degree is divisible property, the trend is toward recognition of the working spouse\u27s contribution to the education of the student spouse, particularly when the marital break-up occurs before any substantial tangible assets are acquired by the. couple. In such a case, the court may consider basing an award to the working spouse not upon the marital assets at the time the marriage is dissolved, but upon either the enhanced future earning potential of the non-working student spouse or upon reimbursement for the contribution to the student spouse\u27s education. The Oklahoma Supreme Court recently addressed such an issue in Hubbard v. Hubbard. The Hubbard court was confronted with the problem of devising an equitable solution for the wife who supported her husband through medical school only to be faced with a divorce proceeding upon completion of his training

    Estrés y calidad de vida del personal de enfermería de un hospital local, Chiclayo 2020

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la relación existe entre el estrés y calidad de vida del personal de enfermería del hospital Las Mercedes, Chiclayo 2020; el tipo de estudio correspondió al enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental y alcance correlacional; la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y el instrumento el cuestionario; la población estuvo representada por 50 profesionales de enfermería que laboraban en el servicio de la unidad de cuidados intensivos y emergencias, la muestra fue censal, debido a que la población fue reducida y se decidió encuestarlo en su totalidad. En los resultados se encontró que el 54% de los profesionales presentó un alto nivel de estrés, porque la mayoría manifestó cansancio, fatiga, falta de energía y miedo; la calidad de vida prevaleció en un nivel regular con el 46%, ya que algunos de los profesionales no se sienten motivados para cumplir con las actividades asignadas, considerando que la institución no reconoce el esfuerzo laboral, no fomenta el apoyo mutuo y sobre todo no tiene interés en mejorar la calidad de vida en el trabajo. Se concluyó que el estrés se relacionó significativamente con la calidad de vida del personal de enfermería del hospital Las Mercedes, evidenciando un coeficiente de -0,455 y además un p valor menor a 0,05, refiriendo que los profesionales que manifiestan algunos síntomas de estrés como cansancio, fatiga, desmotivación, dolores de cabeza, tienden a disminuir su calidad de vida en el trabajo; además, esto permitió aceptar la hipótesis alterna y rechazar la hipótesis nula.TesisCiencias de la vida y cuidado de la salud human

    ACCase cross-resistance in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) sub-populations from Oregon, US

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    ACCase-resistant Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) is one of the most troublesome weeds in US wheat production systems. This study had the objective of determining the resistance pattern of three subpopulations selected from a winter wheat field with history of ACCase-inhibitor herbicides applications in Oregon. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to test four ACCase-inhibitor herbicides for the control of the three sub-populations: Pinoxaden, clethodim, sethoxydim and clodinafop. All three sub-populations were cross-resistant to the commercial dose of at least two herbicides. One sub-population was cross-resistant to all herbicides tested. This resistance pattern highlights the need of studying different ACCase herbicides for crossresistance, as well as herbicides with different modes of action for multiple-resistance to control these subpopulations.Keywords: Acetyl-coA carboxylase, aryloxyphenoxypropionate, cyclohexanodione, herbicide resistanceACCase-Kreuzresistenz bei Subpopulationen des Italienischen Weidelgrases (Lolium multiflorum) in Oregon, USAACCase-resistentes Italienisches Weidelgras (Lolium multiflorum) ist eines der problematischsten Ungräser in nordamerikanischen Weizenanbausystemen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Bestimmung des Resistenzmusters dreier Subpopulationen, die aus einem Winterweizenfeld mit einer ausgeprägten Historie von Herbizidapplikationen mit ACCase-Inhibitoren stammten. Ein Gewächshausversuch wurde durchgeführt um die Bekämpfung der drei Subpopulationen mit vier ACCase-Inhibitoren zu untersuchen: Pinoxaden, Clethodim, Sethoxydim und Clodinafop. Alle drei Subpopulationen zeigten bei einer Applikation mit der empfohlenen Aufwandmenge Kreuzresistenzen gegen mindestens zwei der getesteten Wirkstoffe. Eine Subpopulation erwies sich als kreuzresistent gegen alle vier getesteten Wirkstoffe. Die beobachteten Resistenzmuster unterstreichen die dringende Notwendigkeit der Erforschung verschiedener ACCase-Inhibitoren bezüglich ihrer Kreuzungsresistenzmuster, sowie die Untersuchung von Herbiziden mit unterschiedlichen Wirkungsweisen auf vorhandene multiple Resistenzen mit dem Ziel der Bekämpfung dieser Subpopulationen. Stichwörter: Acetyl-coA-carboxylase, Aryloxyphenoxypropionate, Cyclohexanodione, Herbizidresisten

    Transient large heat advection in fractured rock: a zero-thickness interface formulation

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    Two of the main mechanisms of heat transport in engineering problems are diffusion and advection. In a FEM context it is well known that if advection dominates over diffusion (Péclet number Pe > 1), traditional Galerkin formulations may lead to oscillatory results [1], although in many practical engineering situations, such as the case of geological materials, fluid velocities generally remain small due to the low permeability of the pore system and this problem may be ignored [2]. However, in the presence of preference paths of fluid circulation this situation may change. The existence of open fractures or cracks may produce high fluid velocities through them in comparison with those found in the surrounding porous medium. This situation can lead to exceeding the limit condition Pe > 1. In a FEM context, these preferential paths or cracks are sometimes modelled by using double-nodded zero-thickness interface elements. Thus, the paper discusses these concepts and presents a zero-thickness interface FE formulation for large advection, which consists of an implicit extension of Taylor´s explicit formulation for the transient problem based on characteristics [1], which has been developed for traditional continuum elements in its explicit form. Some verification examples are also presented, showing that even in the extreme case of pure advection (Pe → ∞), the formulation exhibits a good performance to represent the heat transport by the fluid along the mesh

    Estrategias de cultura organizacional para mejorar la calidad educativa en el Instituto de Educación Superior Pedagógico Privado América de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2014

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    La presente tesis se realizó con el propósito de establecer estrategias de cultura organizacional para mejorar la calidad educativa en el Instituto de Educación Superior Pedagógico Privado América de la Ciudad de Trujillo -2014. El diseño de la Investigación es descriptiva ya que desarrolla un diagnóstico de cultura para que a partir de esa realidad propinen estrategias para mejorarla; se consideró como muestra a toda la población que asciende a 25 estudiantes del Instituto Superior Pedagógico Privado América de la Ciudad de Trujillo. Los resultados de la investigación nos han permitido diagnosticar como los alumnos perciben a la institución, siendo los resultados más importantes: la falta de conocimiento de los elementos básicos de la cultura organizacional, como es la visión, misión y valores corporativos, la carencia de una cultura organizacional de calidad, la carencia de materiales y tecnología avanzada que garantice la calidad educativa, la falta de responsabilidad social por parte de la institución y la falta de conocimiento sobre los estándares de calidad para la acreditación del Instituto. A partir de estos resultados se propuso estrategias de cultura organizacional que permitan mejorar la calidad educativa del ISPPA. De esta manera se concluyó que los estándares de calidad que conducen a la acreditación del IESP son determinados por la CONEACE y se han clasificado en cuatro dimensiones: Gestión institucional, procesos académicos, servicios de apoyo y resultados e impacto, los que fueron evaluados a través de la encuesta y nos permitió conocer las deficiencias en el cumplimiento de los mencionados estándares. Por lo cual el establecer estrategias de cultura organizacional permitirá mejorar la calidad educativa de la Institución.This thesis was carried out with the purpose of establishing organizational culture strategies to improve the quality of education at the Institute of American Private Higher Education Pedagogical City Trujillo -2014. The design of the research is descriptive because it develops a diagnosis of culture so that from that reality propinen strategies to improve; was considered as showing the entire population amounting to 25 students of American Private Higher Pedagogical Institute of the City of Trujillo. The results of the research have allowed us to diagnose how students perceive the institution, the most important results: the lack of knowledge of the basic elements of organizational culture, as is the vision, mission and corporate values, the lack of a organizational culture of quality, lack of materials and advanced technology to ensure the quality of education, lack of social responsibility on the part of the institution and lack of knowledge about quality standards for the accreditation of the Institute. From these results organizational culture strategies to improve the educational quality of ISPPA was proposed. Thus, it was concluded that the quality standards that lead to accreditation of IESP are determined by the CONEACE and have been classified into four dimensions: institutional management, academic, support services, results, and impact, which were assessed through Survey and allowed us to identify the deficiencies in compliance with the standards mentioned. Therefore establishing organizational culture strategies will improve the educational quality of the institution.Tesi

    Testing the Effects of Two Field-to-Fork Programs on the Nutritional Outcomes of Elementary School Students from Diverse and Lower-income Communities

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    The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to evaluate the effects of two farm-to-school programs, specifically the Field-to-Fork Multi-visit Program (N  =  264) and the Field-to-Fork After-school Club (N  =  56), on nutritional outcomes of elementary school students (third to fifth grade) from urban, diverse, and lower-income communities. Data were collected via self-report surveys measuring: (a) knowledge of recommendations for daily fruit and vegetable intake; (b) fruit and vegetable consumption; (c) knowledge of cooking a healthy recipe using vegetables; and (d) desire for farm fresh foods at school. Statistical analyses included McNemar’s and Wilcoxon signed rank tests. The proportion of students knowing how to cook a vegetable rich recipe increased with both programs (Multi-visit Program p \u3c .001; After-school Club p  =  .002). Vegetable consumption increased with the After-school Club (p  =  .002). Farm-to-school programming can increase knowledge of cooking vegetable rich recipes and vegetable intake among elementary school students from diverse, urban, and lower-income communities

    A comparative analysis of costs of single and dual rapid HIV and syphilis diagnostics: results from a randomised controlled trial in Colombia.

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    BACKGROUND: HIV and congenital syphilis are major public health burdens contributing to substantial perinatal morbidity and mortality globally. Although studies have reported on the costs and cost-effectiveness of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for syphilis screening within antenatal care in a number of resource-constrained settings, empirical evidence on country-specific cost and estimates of single RDTs compared with dual RDTs for HIV and syphilis are limited. METHODS: A cluster randomised controlled study design was used to compare the incremental costs of two testing algorithms: (1) single RDTs for HIV and syphilis and (2) dual RDTs for HIV and syphilis, in 12 health facilities in Bogota and Cali, Colombia. The costs of single HIV and syphilis RDTs and dual HIV and syphilis RDTs were collected from each of the health facilities. The economic costs per woman tested for HIV and syphilis and costs per woman treated for syphilis defined as the total costs required to test and treat one woman for syphilis were estimated. RESULTS: A total of 2214 women were tested in the study facilities. Cost per pregnant woman tested and cost per woman treated for syphilis were US10.26andUS10.26 and US607.99, respectively in the single RDT arm. For the dual RDTs, the cost per pregnant woman tested for HIV and syphilis and cost per woman treated for syphilis were US15.89andUS15.89 and US1859.26, respectively. Overall costs per woman tested for HIV and syphilis and cost per woman treated for syphilis were lower in Cali compared with Bogota across both intervention arms. Staff costs accounted for the largest proportion of costs while treatment costs comprised <1% of the preventive programme. CONCLUSIONS: Findings show lower average costs for single RDTs compared with dual RDTs with costs sensitive to personnel costs and the scale of output at the health facilities. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT02454816; results
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