11 research outputs found

    Monitoring and control system of automated trding systems

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    Разработан программный продукт, позволяющий собирать данные с механических торговых систем, а также осуществлять их удаленный контроль: автоматическое отключение торговой системы по достижению выделенного лимита капитала, включение торговой системы, составление отчета со статистическими данными. Программный комплекс позволяет собирать данные о сделках, совершенных механическими торговыми системами, помещать их в базу данных для дальнейшего анализа и формирования отчетности. Система обладает повышенным уровнем надежности, за счет древовидной архитектуры. При сбое или потери связи с приложениями верхнего уровня, приложения нижнего уровня способны взять на себя их функции. За счет древовидной архитектуры с повышенным уровнем надежности систему можно легко масштабировать. Для передачи данных выбран Ethernet канал.Produced a software program which allows to collect data from mechanical trading systems and to control them remotely, that is automatic switching — off of the trading system when it reaches the set limit of money, automatic switching — on of the trading system, preparation of report with statistic data. Programming Software allows to collect data about transactions made by mechanical trading systems, to put the data in database for the further analysis and for conducting reports. The system’s got a higher level of security due to a tree-structured architecture. In case of a disruption or a link dropped with the applications of a higher level, the applications of a low level are able to take their functions. Due to a tree-structured architecture with a higher level of security, it’s easy to scale the system. Ethernet channel is chosen for data transmission

    Simulation of stationary gas flows in the intake pipe of piston engine in the AVL FIRE software

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    В статье представлены результаты математического моделирования стационарных газовых потоков во впускном трубопроводе поршневого двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Математическое моделирование выполнялось с помощью программного обеспечения AVL FIRE, разработанного австрийской фирмой AVL Ltd. В статье представлены результаты моделирования в виде распределения векторов скорости во впускном канале и клапанной щели, а также их анализ. Производится сравнение полученных результатов с результатами других авторов. Установлено, что разработанная модель корректно описывает процессы, происходящие при течении газовых потоков в каналах поршневых двигателей, и она может быть использована для дальнейших исследований.The results of mathematical modeling of stationary gas flows in the intake pipe of an internal combustion engine are presented in the article. Mathematical modeling was performed using the AVL FIRE software, developed by the AVL Ltd Austrian firm. Distribution of velocity vectors in the intake pipe and the valve gap and their analysis are presented in this paper as the simulation results. The comparison of the obtained results with results of other authors is made in the article. The developed model describes correctly the processes occurring during the flow of gas streams in the pipes of piston engines, and it can be used for further research


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    Hepatic malformations are rare. We review the pathogenesis, morphology, classification, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of these malformations. We report a case of an accessory hepatic lobe masquerading as an abdominal tumor and detected with multilayer spiral CT and MRI. We discuss diagnostic signs as well as advantages and limitations of the two methods. The diagnosis was verified by pathology following an unconventional laparoscopic resection of the left hepatic lobe.Пороки развития печени - редкая врожденная патология. В работе приведена краткая информация о механизме возникновения таких аномалий и морфологических формах, о классификациях, клинической картине и возможностях их распознавания. Представлено собственное наблюдение одного из пороков развития печени, а именно наличие добавочной доли печени у пациентки, симулирующей новообразование брюшной полости. Для его идентификации были применены мультиспиральная компьютерная томография и магнитно-резонансная томография. Описана лучевая семиотика выявленной патологии. Отмечены достоинства и ограничения этих методов. Окончательный диагноз был поставлен на основании результатов лапароскопической атипичной резекции левой доли печени и последующего гистологического исследования операционного материала

    Some Aspects of Research and Description Methods of the Early Iron Age Pottery in the Kama Basin Region

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    In this article the basic methodological problems of Kama archaeology, related with the description and studying of pottery assemblages, are characterized. The algorithm and methods of the description of the ceramic items, allowing researchers to fix both individual elements of the pattern and motifs and ornamental compositions in their mutual combination, are offered. The basis of the typology of the features is based on geometric principles. The basis for the singling out of elementary particles – the elements of the pattern, geometric concepts are taken, that are reflected by terms: dot, line, segment. The motifs correspond to combinations of the simplest elements: individual geometric shapes (dot or line segment), can be arranged relative to each other in a certain order, make rows and lines. The form of the description of features in the form of a binary code allows using the data received in further analysis by methods of multivariate statistics

    Headdress of the 4th Century A.D. from Mokino Burial Ground

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    The paper considers the remains of the only known female headdress of the late stage of Glyadenovo culture discovered in burial 264 of Mokino burial mound in the vicinity of Perm. The structure of the organic remains of the headdress, design features, as well as the arrangement and fastening of its metal parts were studied, and its type and reconstruction options were determined. The headdress is reconstructed in the form of a ribbon base with a sewn-on fabric of the sincipital portion - a crown sewn from the bottom, decorated along the seam with bronze plaques fastened on a leather strap. Counterparts of the headdress are considered within the framework of clothing development in the late phase of the Iron Age and the Great Migration Period of Peoples from the Kama Region. The article features the results of an analysis of the composition of metal headdress parts analyzed in comparison with the similar article from Oshkinsky burial mound on the Vyatka river. The studied headdress is dated by the authors as the 4th century A.D

    Failure of Colorectal Anastomosis: Risk Factors, Prevention, Diagnosis, Therapeutic Tactics

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    Aim. To analyse and generalize available literature data on the problem of colorectal anastomotic leakage after rectal resection. Key findings. Over the last decade, there has been an increasing trend towards sphincter-preserving operations in modern colorectal surgery. The widespread use of suturing devices of various diameters allows the formation of ultra-low anastomoses (at the level of the pelvic floor). One of the menacing complications after rectal resection is anastomotic leakage, which frequency can reach 21%. The mortality from anastomotic leakage can reach 40%. The analysed literature sources discuss a variety of risk factors, both preoperative and intraoperative, affecting the healing of the inter-intestinal anastomosis. In almost all studies, the height of the tumour and the anastomosis from the anus, preoperative radiotherapy and male sex are independent risk factors for the development of colorectal anastomotic leakage. Concerning other factors, there are conflicting opinions. The timely use of preventive measures and early diagnosis of colorectal anastomotic leakage can reduce the number and severity of postoperative complications.Conclusion. Individual consideration of risk factors and their adequate assessment in terms of possible complications are decisive in the choice of the extent of surgical intervention, which will undoubtedly improve the immediate and long-term results of the surgical treatment of colorectal cancer


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    Hepatic malformations are rare. We review the pathogenesis, morphology, classification, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of these malformations. We report a case of an accessory hepatic lobe masquerading as an abdominal tumor and detected with multilayer spiral CT and MRI. We discuss diagnostic signs as well as advantages and limitations of the two methods. The diagnosis was verified by pathology following an unconventional laparoscopic resection of the left hepatic lobe.Пороки развития печени - редкая врожденная патология. В работе приведена краткая информация о механизме возникновения таких аномалий и морфологических формах, о классификациях, клинической картине и возможностях их распознавания. Представлено собственное наблюдение одного из пороков развития печени, а именно наличие добавочной доли печени у пациентки, симулирующей новообразование брюшной полости. Для его идентификации были применены мультиспиральная компьютерная томография и магнитно-резонансная томография. Описана лучевая семиотика выявленной патологии. Отмечены достоинства и ограничения этих методов. Окончательный диагноз был поставлен на основании результатов лапароскопической атипичной резекции левой доли печени и последующего гистологического исследования операционного материала