758 research outputs found

    Quantum Mechanical Carrier of the Imprints of Gravitation

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    We exhibit a purely quantum mechanical carrier of the imprints of gravitation by identifying for a relativistic system a property which (i) is independent of its mass and (ii) expresses the Poincare invariance of spacetime in the absence of gravitation. This carrier consists of the phase and amplitude correlations of waves in oppositely accelerating frames. These correlations are expressed as a Klein-Gordon-equation-determined vector field whose components are the ``Planckian power'' and the ``r.m.s. thermal fluctuation'' spectra. The imprints themselves are deviations away from this vector field.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex. Html version of this and related papers on accelerated frames available at http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~gerlac

    Near-band-edge slow luminescence in nominally undoped bulk ZnO

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    We report the observation of slow emission bands overlapped with the near-band-edge steady-state luminescence of nominally undoped ZnO crystals. At low temperatures the time-resolved spectra are dominated by the emission of several high-energy bound exciton lines and the two-electron satellite spectral region. Furthermore, two donor-acceptor pair transitions at 3.22 and 3.238 eV are clearly identified in temperature-dependent time-resolved spectroscopy. These donor-acceptor pairs involve a common shallow donor at 67 meV and deep acceptor levels at 250 and 232 meV.FCT/FEDER - POCTI/CTM/45236/0

    The PT-symmetric brachistochrone problem, Lorentz boosts and non-unitary operator equivalence classes

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    The PT-symmetric (PTS) quantum brachistochrone problem is reanalyzed as quantum system consisting of a non-Hermitian PTS component and a purely Hermitian component simultaneously. Interpreting this specific setup as subsystem of a larger Hermitian system, we find non-unitary operator equivalence classes (conjugacy classes) as natural ingredient which contain at least one Dirac-Hermitian representative. With the help of a geometric analysis the compatibility of the vanishing passage time solution of a PTS brachistochrone with the Anandan-Aharonov lower bound for passage times of Hermitian brachistochrones is demonstrated.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, strongly extended versio

    Cyclotron motion in graphene

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    We investigate cyclotron motion in graphene monolayers considering both the full quantum dynamics and its semiclassical limit reached at high carrier energies. Effects of zitterbewegung due to the two dispersion branches of the spectrum dominate the irregular quantum motion at low energies and are obtained as a systematic correction to the semiclassical case. Recent experiments are shown to operate in the semiclassical regime.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure include

    Searching for sterile neutrinos in ice

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    Oscillation interpretation of the results from the LSND, MiniBooNE and some other experiments requires existence of sterile neutrino with mass 1\sim 1 eV and mixing with the active neutrinos Uμ02(0.020.04)|U_{\mu 0}|^2 \sim (0.02 - 0.04). It has been realized some time ago that existence of such a neutrino affects significantly the fluxes of atmospheric neutrinos in the TeV range which can be tested by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. In view of the first IceCube data release we have revisited the oscillations of high energy atmospheric neutrinos in the presence of one sterile neutrino. Properties of the oscillation probabilities are studied in details for various mixing schemes both analytically and numerically. The energy spectra and angular distributions of the νμ\nu_\mu-events have been computed for the simplest νs\nu_s-mass, and νsνμ\nu_s - \nu_\mu mixing schemes and confronted with the IceCube data. An illustrative statistical analysis of the present data shows that in the νs\nu_s-mass mixing case the sterile neutrinos with parameters required by LSND/MiniBooNE can be excluded at about 3σ3\sigma level. The νsνμ\nu_s- \nu_\mu mixing scheme, however, can not be ruled out with currently available IceCube data.Comment: 41 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in JHEP. Minor changes from the previous versio

    A new cell primo-culture method for freshwater benthic diatom communities

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    A new cell primo-culture method was developed for the benthic diatom community isolated from biofilm sampled in rivers. The approach comprised three steps: (1) scraping biofilm from river pebbles, (2) diatom isolation from biofilm, and (3) diatom community culture. With a view to designing a method able to stimulate the growth of diatoms, to limit the development of other microorganisms, and to maintain in culture a community similar to the original natural one, different factors were tested in step 3: cell culture medium (Chu No 10 vs Freshwater “WC” medium modified), cell culture vessel, and time of culture. The results showed that using Chu No 10 medium in an Erlenmeyer flask for cell culture was the optimal method, producing enough biomass for ecotoxicological tests as well as minimising development of other microorganisms. After 96 h of culture, communities differed from the original communities sampled in the two rivers studied. Species tolerant of eutrophic or saprobic conditions were favoured during culture. This method of diatom community culture affords the opportunity to assess, in vitro, the effects of different chemicals or effluents (water samples andindustrial effluents) on diatom communities, as well as on diatom cells, from a wide range of perspectives

    On the Thermal Symmetry of the Markovian Master Equation

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    The quantum Markovian master equation of the reduced dynamics of a harmonic oscillator coupled to a thermal reservoir is shown to possess thermal symmetry. This symmetry is revealed by a Bogoliubov transformation that can be represented by a hyperbolic rotation acting on the Liouville space of the reduced dynamics. The Liouville space is obtained as an extension of the Hilbert space through the introduction of tilde variables used in the thermofield dynamics formalism. The angle of rotation depends on the temperature of the reservoir, as well as the value of Planck's constant. This symmetry relates the thermal states of the system at any two temperatures. This includes absolute zero, at which purely quantum effects are revealed. The Caldeira-Leggett equation and the classical Fokker-Planck equation also possess thermal symmetry. We compare the thermal symmetry obtained from the Bogoliubov transformation in related fields and discuss the effects of the symmetry on the shape of a Gaussian wave packet.Comment: Eqs.(64a), (65a)-(68) are correcte

    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-like correlation on a coherent-state basis and inseparability of two-mode Gaussian states

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    The strange property of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlation between two remote physical systems is a primitive object on the study of quantum entanglement. In order to understand the entanglement in canonical continuous-variable systems, a pair of the EPR-like uncertainties is an essential tool. Here, we consider a normalized pair of the EPR-like uncertainties and introduce a state-overlap to a classically correlated mixture of coherent states. The separable condition associated with this state-overlap determines the strength of the EPR-like correlation on a coherent-state basis in order that the state is entangled. We show that the coherent-state-based condition is capable of detecting the class of two-mode Gaussian entangled states. We also present an experimental measurement scheme for estimation of the state-overlap by a heterodyne measurement and a photon detection with a feedforward operation.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. A part of the materials in Sec. VI B of previous versions was moved into another paper: Journal of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 2012, 854693 (2012). http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jamop/2012/854693

    Period-doubling bifurcation in strongly anisotropic Bianchi I quantum cosmology

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    We solve the Wheeler-DeWitt equation for the minisuperspace of a cosmological model of Bianchi type I with a minimally coupled massive scalar field ϕ\phi as source by generalizing the calculation of Lukash and Schmidt [1]. Contrarily to other approaches we allow strong anisotropy. Combining analytical and numerical methods, we apply an adiabatic approximation for ϕ\phi, and as new feature we find a period-doubling bifurcation. This bifurcation takes place near the cosmological quantum boundary, i.e., the boundary of the quasiclassical region with oscillating ψ\psi-function where the WKB-approximation is good. The numerical calculations suggest that such a notion of a ``cosmological quantum boundary'' is well-defined, because sharply beyond that boundary, the WKB-approximation is no more applicable at all. This result confirms the adequateness of the introduction of a cosmological quantum boundary in quantum cosmology.Comment: Latest update of the paper at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~mbach/publics.html#

    Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in the Anderson lattice

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    We study the interplay between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in a generalized infinite-UU Anderson lattice, where both superconductivity and antiferromagnetic order are introduced phenomenologically in mean field theory. In a certain regime, a quantum phase transition is found which is characterized by an abrupt expulsion of magnetic order by d-wave superconductivity, as externally applied pressure increases. This transition takes place when the d-wave superconducting critical temperature, TcT_c, intercepts the magnetic critical temperature, TmT_m, under increasing pressure. Calculations of the quasiparticle bands and density of states in the ordered phases are presented. We calculate the optical conductivity σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) in the clean limit. It is shown that when the temperature drops below TmT_m a double peak structure develops in σ(ω)\sigma(\omega).Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure