11 research outputs found

    A mortandade de abelhas no município de Japaratuba, Sergipe. Causas e consequências: um estudo de caso.

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    A apicultura, criação racional de abelhas Apis melífera L., é uma atividade sustentável crescente, no Brasil e no mundo, impulsionando o agronegócio e as relações de interação e integração do homem com o meio ambiente, especialmente com o campo, seja através dos produtos fornecidos pela produtividade da atividade apícola. No município de Japaratuba, em Sergipe, a atividade contribui para o sustento de praticantes da agricultura familiar, que, junto ao associativismo, garantem uma parte da renda familiar, através da venda direta ou indireta dos produtos da colmeia. Entretanto, o uso indiscriminado de agrotóxicos proibidos por normativa federal do Ministério da Agricultura, pelas usinas de cana, afetou a produtividade apícola municipal. Este estudo de caso objetiva analisar e descrever o caso de mortandade de abelhas no município de Japaratuba, Sergipe, com base no laudo pericial toxicológico e decisão judicial liminar

    Longevity and reproduction period of africanized queen bees in the Northeast region of Brazil

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    This study aimed to evaluate the longevity and reproductive period of Africanized queen bees under the climatic conditions of the Zona da Mata region in the state of Pernambuco, Northeast of Brazil. Longevity and reproduction data of 41 Apis mellifera L. queen bees naturally fertilized were collected every 15 days from February 2014 to December 2015, and correlated with climatological data—precipitation, temperature, and relative humidity—from this period.  The mean longevity of the queen bees was 6.4±2.9 months. The months with the lowest number of death of queens were those with the highest precipitation—May to August—in the study region, presenting a strong negative correlation (r = -0.65 and p = 0.02) between the time of queen death and precipitation index. The peak of the reproductive season in this region was September to December. All queen bees laid eggs during all months of the year. The oviposition intensity of the queens and the number of brood combs increased as the temperature increased and the humidity and precipitation index decreased. A colony of Africanized bees replaces their queen at least once a year in the Zona da Mata region. Therefore, it is recommended a constant inspection of the colonies regarding the presence of the queen bee, and the introduction of a new queen when it is absent, if possible with a selected one to be naturally fertilized and, thus, provide a good population for the colony in the peak of the reproductive season in this region—September to December

    Sombreamento de colmeias de abelhas africanizadas no Semiárido Brasileiro

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    No Nordeste do Brasil a apicultura tem um enorme potencial de crescimento, no entanto, na maior parte desta região, o clima é considerado semiárido com altos índices de radiação solar, temperaturas elevadas e pouca intensidade pluviométrica. Este tipo de ambiente tem causado muitas perdas na produção apícola e gerado enormes dificuldades de crescimento no setor. Anualmente os apicultores perdem grande parte de suas colônias de abelhas por causa do abandono das colmeias (enxameação migratória), provocando o desestímulo dos criadores e a desistência da atividade apícola. Este trabalho aborda através de informações da literatura que, apesar da influência negativa das condições ambientais adversas no Semiárido Brasileiro, o sombreamento das colmeias é potencialmente eficiente para amenizar as condições ambientais hostis dessa região. Enxames instalados em colmeias protegidas da radiação direta do sol realizam a termorregulação interna do ninho mais facilmente, o que refletiria num menor gasto energético das abelhas e, portanto, maior rendimento da colônia. Como consequência, torna mais produtivo e rentável o processo de criação racional de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L.) em regiões áridas e semiáridas. O sombreamento das colmeias pode ser considerado uma técnica simples, eficiente e de baixo custo para os apicultores, representando assim uma alternativa economicamente viável e com ótima relação custo-benefício

    Influence of body fluid from pin-killed honey bee pupae on hygienic behavior

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    Hygienic behavior in honey bees can be tested by piercing the brood with a pin; however, there is concern that variability in the quantity of fluids that leaks from the pupae could influence test results. Colonies of Apis mellifera carnica were tested to evaluate this possibility. We made four repetitions of four treatments and one control in each of three colonies. The order of degree of hygienic behavior was: pin-killed capped worker brood with a drop of body fluid injected underneath the cell capping > pin-killed capped worker brood > undamaged capped brood with a drop of body fluid injected underneath the cell capping > control or a drop of pupal body fluid placed on the cell cappings. All of the differences were significant (Tukey test, P < 0.05) except the body fluid on the cell cap, which gave the same results as the control. The addition, inside worker brood cells, of pupal body fluid had a significant effect on honey bee hygienic behavior, both in normal brood and in pin-killed brood. © Inra/DIB/AGIB/Elsevier, Pari

    Influence of body fluid from pin-killed honey bee pupae on hygienic behavior

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    Hygienic behavior in honey bees can be tested by piercing the brood with a pin; however, there is concern that variability in the quantity of fluids that leaks from the pupae could influence test results. Colonies of Apis mellifera carnica were tested to evaluate this possibility. We made four repetitions of four treatments and one control in each of three colonies. The order of degree of hygienic behavior was: pin-killed capped worker brood with a drop of body fluid injected underneath the cell capping > pin-killed capped worker brood > undamaged capped brood with a drop of body fluid injected underneath the cell capping > control or a drop of pupal body fluid placed on the cell cappings. All of the differences were significant (Tukey test, P < 0.05) except the body fluid on the cell cap, which gave the same results as the control. The addition, inside worker brood cells, of pupal body fluid had a significant effect on honey bee hygienic behavior, both in normal brood and in pin-killed brood. © Inra/DIB/AGIB/Elsevier, Pari

    Is the number of antennal plate organs (sensilla placodea) greater in hygienic than in non-hygienic Africanized honey bees?

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    Hygienic behavior is a desirable trait in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), as hygienic bees quickly remove diseased brood, intermpting the infectious cycle. Hygienic lines of honey bees appear to be more sensitive to the odors of dead and diseased honey bee brood, and Africanized honey bees are generally more hygienic than are European honey bees. We compared the number of sensilla placodea, antennal sensory structures involved in the perception of odor, in 10 bees from each of six hygienic and four non-hygienic colonies of Africanized honey bees. The sensilla placodea of three of the terminal segments (flagellomeres) of the right antenna of each bee were counted with a scanning electron microscope. There were no significant differences in the mean numbers of sensilla placodea between the hygienic and non-hygienic bees, though the variance was higher in the hygienic group. Flagellomere 4 had significantly more sensilla placodea than flagellomeres 6 and 8. However, there was no significant difference between the other two flagellomeres. As hygienic bees are capable of identifying dead, injured, or infested brood inside a capped brood cell, sensilla placodea probably have an important role in enabling worker bees to sense sick brood. However, we did not find greater numbers of this sensory structure in the antennae of hygienic, compared to non-hygienic Africanized honey bees

    Sombreamento de colmeias de abelhas africanizadas no Semiárido Brasileiro

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    In Northeast Brazil, beekeeping has an enormous growth potential, however, in most of this region, the climate is considered semi-arid with high levels of solar radiation, high temperatures and low rainfall intensity. This type of environment has caused many losses in honey production and generated enormous growth difficulties in the sector. Every year beekeepers lose many of their bee colonies because of the abandonment of hives (absconding behaviors), causing discouragement for beekeepers and thus the withdrawal of the practice of beekeeping. This study attempts to show through literature information that despite the negative influence of adverse environmental conditions in the Brazilian semiarid region, the shading of the hives is potentially effective to soften the harsh environmental conditions of the region. Swarms installed in beehives protected from direct sunlight perform the internal thermoregulation of the nest more easily, which would reflect a lower energetic cost of the bees and, therefore, higher yield of the colony. As result, it becomes the more productive and profitable process of rational creation of Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in arid and semiarid regions. Shading can be considered a simple, efficient, and low cost technique for beekeepers, representing an economically viable alternative and cost-effective.No Nordeste do Brasil a apicultura tem um enorme potencial de crescimento, no entanto, na maior parte desta região, o clima é considerado semiárido com altos índices de radiação solar, temperaturas elevadas e pouca intensidade pluviométrica. Este tipo de ambiente tem causado muitas perdas na produção apícola e gerado enormes dificuldades de crescimento no setor. Anualmente os apicultores perdem grande parte de suas colônias de abelhas por causa do abandono das colmeias (enxameação migratória), provocando o desestímulo dos criadores e a desistência da atividade apícola. Este trabalho aborda através de informações da literatura que, apesar da influência negativa das condições ambientais adversas no Semiárido Brasileiro, o sombreamento das colmeias é potencialmente eficiente para amenizar as condições ambientais hostis dessa região. Enxames instalados em colmeias protegidas da radiação direta do sol realizam a termorregulação interna do ninho mais facilmente, o que refletiria num menor gasto energético das abelhas e, portanto, maior rendimento da colônia. Como consequência, torna mais produtivo e rentável o processo de criação racional de abelhas africanizadas (Apis mellifera L.) em regiões áridas e semiáridas. O sombreamento das colmeias pode ser considerado uma técnica simples, eficiente e de baixo custo para os apicultores, representando assim uma alternativa economicamente viável e com ótima relação custo-benefício