5 research outputs found
Physioland - A serious game for rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases
Current society has observed an increasing number of victims of neurological disease, with reduced mobility, leading to a necessity to perform physical therapy to optimize their quality of life. This action results in physiotherapeutic programs filled with repetitive exercises, often fastidious, that lead to the demotivation of patients and consequent poor adherence and withdrawal. As a result of the technological evolution, new tools such as serious games are emerging, so their use in the field of physical therapy can modify the way patients face their treatments, promoting their motivation. Thus, we have developed a serious game based on image processing techniques to motivate and monitor patients with neurological diseases in their physical therapy practice.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - "Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia" within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013 and also by FCT - "Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia" within the Project Scope: SFRH/BD/74852/2010
Riscos biomecânicos posturais em trabalhadores de uma serraria Biomechanical risks in sawmill worker postures
Os trabalhadores em serrarias estão sujeitos a riscos biomecânicos advindos das posturas adotadas durante suas atividades laborais. Este trabalho visou avaliar as posturas adotadas por esses trabalhadores por meio do método de avaliação rápida do corpo inteiro (REBA, rapid entire body assessment), buscando detectar e classificar os riscos biomecânicos. Participaram 15 trabalhadores do setor de produção de uma serraria em João Pessoa, PB, do sexo masculino, com idade média de 44±10,9), avaliando-se quatro posturas: flexão anterior do tronco com levantamento de carga, agachamento profundo, flexão ântero-lateral do tronco e corpo estendido para mover uma prensa. Sintomas musculoesqueléticos foram identificados no mapa corporal de Corlett. Um questionário semi-estruturado levantou os dados demográficos, ambientais e as funções executadas. Pelo REBA, a flexão anterior de tronco apresentou nÃvel de risco muito alto e as posturas de agachamento profundo, flexão ântero-lateral do tronco e movimento do corpo em extensão, nÃvel de risco alto. Uma alta proporção (73,3%) deles queixaram-se de dor ou desconforto na coluna e 26,8% na região dos ombros. Considerando os nÃveis de riscos apresentados, requerem-se intervenções ergonômicas preventivas no posto de trabalho para adoção de posturas que melhor propiciem a execução das atividades com menor risco à saúde do trabalhador.<br>Workers in sawmills are exposed to biomechanical risks due to the postures adopted during their activities. The purpose here was to assess postures adopted by these workers by using the rapid entire body assessment (REBA), in order to detect and classify possible biomechanical risks. Fifteen male workers from the production section of a sawmill in João Pessoa, PB (mean age 44±10.9 years old) were assessed as to the postures adopted at work. A semi-structured questionnaire collected demographic and environmental data as well as functions in the workplace. Musculoskeletal symptoms were identified using Corlett's body map. Four postures were evaluated: anterior trunk flexion with weight lifting, deep crouching, anterior trunk flexion with lateral inclination and extended body to move a press. The REBA method showed a very high risk level for the anterior trunk flexion; the other postures - deep crouching, anterior trunk flexion with lateral inclination, and extended body to move a press - were shown to bear a high risk level. Accordingly, 73.3% of the workers complained of back pain or discomfort and 26.8% of pain in the shoulder area. Considering the risk levels assessed, there is a need for ergonomic and preventive interventions in the workplace so that workers adopt postures that best suit their work activities with lesser risk to their health