6,799 research outputs found

    Modular sensor nodes for environmental data monitoring

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    A framework for modular wireless sensor networks (WSN) designed to capture and monitor micro-climates in a crop field. WSN is rapidly improving in automotive industry, agricultural, industrial and environmental monitoring and many other areas. Moulder architecture minimises the software upgrade down time and enables hardware reusability. Recent developments and advances in wireless technology as well as affordability give rise to this emerging field in the realm of Precision Agriculture (PA). Vineyard monitoring is an emerging application field in PA

    Exploring the interplay between Buddhism and career development : a study of highly skilled women workers in Sri Lanka

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    This article adopts a socio cultural lens to examine the role of Buddhism in highly skilled women workers’ careers in Sri Lanka. While Buddhism enabled women’s career development by giving them strength to cope with difficult situations in work, it also seemed to restrict their agency and constrain their career advancement. Based on our findings, we argue that being perceived as a good Buddhist woman worked as a powerful form of career capital for the respondents in our sample, who used their faith to combat gender disadvantage in their work settings

    DNA adducts in human urinary bladder and other tissues.

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    Tobacco smoking is associated with an increased risk of cancer in a number of organs, including bladder and lung. Tobacco smoke contains at least 50 known chemical carcinogens that exert their biological effects through their covalent binding to cellular DNA. Examining human DNA for the presence of altered nucleotides is a means of monitoring exposure to genotoxic chemicals. DNA isolated from 73 human bladder biopsies has been analyzed by 32P-postlabeling for the presence of aromatic/hydrophobic adducts. Butanol extraction of DNA digests resulted in up to a 3-fold greater recovery of adducts than nuclease P1 digestion. Among 16 nonsmokers, adduct levels were in the range 3.2-20.8/10(8) nucleotides (mean 9.7). Eight ex-smokers had values in the range 2.6-12.3 (mean 7.1). Thirteen smokers had adduct levels between 1.3 and 26.7 adducts/10(8) nucleotides (mean 9.5, not different from nonsmokers). Six cigar smokers had higher levels of adducts (mean 12.1, range 7.3-15.0), but pipe smokers did not (five samples, mean 8.6, range 2.9-12.7). A further 8 samples from nonsmokers and 17 from smokers were examined in more detail. Although most of the DNA binding appears not to be smoking related, the levels of one adduct were found to be on average 2-fold higher in smokers (p < 0.005, one-tailed t test). Studies on tissues of the respiratory tract demonstrate a correlation between DNA adduct levels and exposure to tobacco smoke. Evidence to date on the influence of smoking on adducts in peripheral blood cells is equivocal; some studies demonstrate a significant effect, whereas others do not.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Optimizing CIGB-300 intralesional delivery in locally advanced cervical cancer

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    Background:We conducted a phase 1 trial in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer by injecting 0.5 ml of the CK2-antagonist CIGB-300 in two different sites on tumours to assess tumour uptake, safety, pharmacodynamic activity and identify the recommended dose.Methods:Fourteen patients were treated with intralesional injections containing 35 or 70 mg of CIGB-300 in three alternate cycles of three consecutive days each before standard chemoradiotherapy. Tumour uptake was determined using 99 Tc-radiolabelled peptide. In situ B23/nucleophosmin was determined by immunohistochemistry.Results:Maximum tumour uptake for CIGB-300 70-mg dose was significantly higher than the one observed for 35 mg: 16.1±8.9 vs 31.3±12.9 mg (P=0.01). Both, AUC 24h and biological half-life were also significantly higher using 70 mg of CIGB-300 (P<0.001). Unincorporated CIGB-300 diffused rapidly to blood and was mainly distributed towards kidneys, and marginally in liver, lungs, heart and spleen. There was no DLT and moderate allergic-like reactions were the most common systemic side effect with strong correlation between unincorporated CIGB-300 and histamine levels in blood. CIGB-300, 70 mg, downregulated B23/nucleophosmin (P=0.03) in tumour specimens.Conclusion:Intralesional injections of 70 mg CIGB-300 in two sites (0.5 ml per injection) and this treatment plan are recommended to be evaluated in phase 2 studies.Fil: Sarduy, M. R.. Medical-surgical Research Center; CubaFil: García, I.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Coca, M. A.. Clinical Investigation Center; CubaFil: Perera, A.. Clinical Investigation Center; CubaFil: Torres, L. A.. Clinical Investigation Center; CubaFil: Valenzuela, C. M.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Baladrón, I.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Solares, M.. Hospital Materno Ramón Gonzålez Coro; CubaFil: Reyes, V.. Center For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology Havana; CubaFil: Hernåndez, I.. Isotope Center; CubaFil: Perera, Y.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Martínez, Y. M.. Medical-surgical Research Center; CubaFil: Molina, L.. Medical-surgical Research Center; CubaFil: Gonzålez, Y. M.. Medical-surgical Research Center; CubaFil: Ancízar, J. A.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Prats, A.. Clinical Investigation Center; CubaFil: Gonzålez, L.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Casacó, C. A.. Clinical Investigation Center; CubaFil: Acevedo, B. E.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: López Saura, P. A.. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; CubaFil: Alonso, Daniel Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; ArgentinaFil: Gómez, R.. Elea Laboratories; ArgentinaFil: Perea Rodríguez, S. E.. Center For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology Havana; Cuba. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología; Cub

    Machine learning to detect brain lesions in focal epilepsy

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    PURPOSE: Identifying areas of abnormality on MRI brain scans in individuals with focal epilepsy is funda- mental to the diagnosis and treatment of the condition. However, in about a third of patients with focal epilepsy, brain scans appear to be normal (MRI-negative) as human observers cannot detect any abnormality with cur- rent imaging technology. The objective of this paper is to provide a novel approach in presenting localization using machine learning in order to locate areas of abnormality on patients with focal epilepsy on a per-voxel basis by comparing them with healthy controls. As a proof-of-concept, the technique is first applied to patients with visible lesions providing a ground truth (MRI-positive), but future work will extend this to MRI-negative subjects. METHODS: Our data consists of multi-modal brain MR images from 62 healthy control subjects and 44 MRI- positive patients with focal epilepsy. We utilized a support vector machine (SVM) as our probabilistic classifier and train it with two classes of data. We generate probability maps applying our machine learning classifier on all voxels of a test subjects to visualize the predictions. Overlap scores are used to evaluate the classifier performance in MRI-positive patients. RESULTS: Our model reached 83% specificity, 91% sensitivity, and an Area Under the Curve (AUC) of 0.896 for the task of voxel-based classification of normal versus abnormal voxels. In addition, Dice scores of up to 0.66 were achieved for the overlap measure of lesion probability map and the ground truth labels annotated by a neurologist. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated a novel approach in presenting localization using machine learning tech- niques to localize focal epilepsy lesions from multi-modal MR images

    Detailed study of the microwave emission of the supernova remnant 3C 396

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    We have observed the supernova remnant 3C~396 in the microwave region using the Parkes 64-m telescope. Observations have been made at 8.4 GHz, 13.5 GHz, and 18.6 GHz and in polarisation at 21.5 GHz. We have used data from several other observatories, including previously unpublished observations performed by the Green Bank Telescope at 31.2 GHz, to investigate the nature of the microwave emission of 3C 396. Results show a spectral energy distribution dominated by a single component power law emission with α=(−0.364±0.017)\alpha=(-0.364 \pm 0.017). Data do not favour the presence of anomalous microwave emission coming from the source. Polarised emission at 21.5 GHz is consistent with synchrotron-dominated emission. We present microwave maps and correlate them with infrared (IR) maps in order to characterise the interplay between thermal dust and microwave emission. IR vs. microwave TT plots reveal poor correlation between mid-infrared and microwave emission from the core of the source. On the other hand, a correlation is detected in the tail emission of the outer shell of 3C 396, which could be ascribed to Galactic contamination.Comment: published in MNRA

    Dynamic criticality in glass-forming liquids

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    We propose that the dynamics of supercooled liquids and the formation of glasses can be understood from the existence of a zero temperature dynamical critical point. To support our proposal, we derive from simple physical assumptions a dynamic field theory for supercooled liquids, which we study using the renormalization group (RG). Its long time behaviour is dominated by a zero temperature critical point, which for dimensions d > 2 belongs to the directed percolation universality class. Molecular dynamics simulations confirm the existence of dynamic scaling behaviour consistent with the RG predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Experience in the application of IEC/TR 61000-3-6 to harmonic allocation in transmission systems

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    Technical report IEC/TR 61000-3-6 is widely used as a guide to harmonic management in HV and MV networks, assisting in coordination of harmonic levels between utility and customer. In 2001, Australia and New Zealand adopted the harmonic standard AS/NZS 61000.3.6, which closely follows the above IEC technical report. As a result, transmission utilities and connected loads are required by government regulations to abide by the harmonic allocations set by the standard. The technical report contains some useful general principles which can be applied to the harmonic management of power systems. However, unexpected difficulties can be found when attempts are made to apply them to large power systems. The formal procedure recommended by the standard for calculation of harmonic emission levels limits the voltage at the point of connection. There can be situations where the highest harmonic voltages are remote from the PCC. This can be accounted for by taking into account interactions between each injecting load and all other busbars in one single step. This leads to the development of a harmonic allocation constant , which will apply to the entire transmission network, as a measure of the ability of the network to absorb harmonics without violating a set planning limit. At present, the allocation procedure given in the standard implies consideration of only a single network operation scenario. However, substantial variations have been identified in the harmonic behaviour of transmission networks, including harmonic absorption capacity, with changes in generator commitment and switching configuration. The proposed approach accounts for variations by taking data from multiple network scenarios. For the specification of an easily-measurable harmonic current emission level - rather than a harmonic voltage level - for a particular customer, the network harmonic impedance is necessary. This quantity can vary substantially at the one busbar in a transmission network. The application of a standardised hth harmonic impedance is proposed which is based on the fundamental frequency fault level at the PCC. IEC/TR 61000-3-6 gives no guidance as to methods of treating harmonic resonances in transmission systems. Resonances will occur in any transmission system with sufficient line lengths, and will impose substantial constraints on harmonic allocation if computer calculations are accepted without modification. It is unclear if these resonances are of practical importance, and it is proposed that resonance amplifications be limited to allow useful allocations until their importance has been established by field results

    Heterogeneous slow dynamics in a two dimensional doped classical antiferromagnet

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    We introduce a lattice model for a classical doped two dimensional antiferromagnet which has no quenched disorder, yet displays slow dynamics similar to those observed in supercooled liquids. We calculate two-time spatial and spin correlations via Monte Carlo simulations and find that for sufficiently low temperatures, there is anomalous diffusion and stretched-exponential relaxation of spin correlations. The relaxation times associated with spin correlations and diffusion both diverge at low temperatures in a sub-Arrhenius fashion if the fit is done over a large temperature-window or an Arrhenius fashion if only low temperatures are considered. We find evidence of spatially heterogeneous dynamics, in which vacancies created by changes in occupation facilitate spin flips on neighbouring sites. We find violations of the Stokes-Einstein relation and Debye-Stokes-Einstein relation and show that the probability distributions of local spatial correlations indicate fast and slow populations of sites, and local spin correlations indicate a wide distribution of relaxation times, similar to observ ations in other glassy systems with and without quenched disorder.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, corrected erroneous figure, and improved quality of manuscript, updated reference
