5 research outputs found

    Análise quantitativa dos seios maxilares por meio da tomografia computadorizada

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the precision and accuracy of linear measurements of maxillary sinus made in tomographic films, by comparing with 3D reconstructed images. Linear measurements of both maxillary sinus in computed tomography CT of 17 patients, with or without lesion by two calibrated examiners independently, on two occasions, with a single manual caliper. A third examiner has done the same measurements electronically in 3D-CT reconstruction. The statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA (analyses of variance). Intra-observer percentage error was little in both cases, with and without lesion; it ranged from 1.14% to 1.82%. The inter-observer error was a little higher reaching a 2.08% value. The accuracy presented a higher value. The perceptual accuracy error was higher in samples, which had lesion compared to that which had not. CT had provided adequate precision and accuracy for maxillary sinus analyses. The precision in cases with lesion was considered inferior when compared to that without lesion, but it can't affect the method efficacy.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a precisão e acurácia de medidas lineares da região de seio maxilar realizadas em filmes tomográficos, por meio de comparação com a reconstrução da imagem em 3D. Medidas lineares de ambos os seios maxilares foram realizadas em tomografias computadorizadas (2D-TC) de 17 pacientes, normais e com lesão, por dois examinadores, calibrados, separadamente, duas vezes cada um, utilizando um compasso. Um terceiro observador realizou as mesmas medidas eletronicamente na reconstrução 3D-TC. ANOVA (análise de variância) foi utilizado para análise estatística. A porcentagem de erro intra-examinadores foi pequena em ambos os casos, com ou sem lesão, variando de 1,14% a 1,82%. O erro inter-examinadores foi maior alcançando o valor de 2,08% .O erro percentual de acurácia nas amostras com lesão foram maiores comparando-as às que não tinham lesão. A tomografia computadorizada em 2D-TC (Em filmes e estação de trabalho independente) proporcionou precisão e acurácia adequadas para análise dos seios maxilares. "O erro foi maior no caso de seios maxilares com lesão,comparando aos lados sem lesão, tanto inter quanto intra-examinadores, sem alterar, porém, a eficácia do método.

    Quantitative analyses of maxillary sinus using computed tomography

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the precision and accuracy of linear measurements of maxillary sinus made in tomographic films, by comparing with 3D reconstructed images. Linear measurements of both maxillary sinus in computed tomography CT of 17 patients, with or without lesion by two calibrated examiners independently, on two occasions, with a single manual caliper. A third examiner has done the same measurements electronically in 3D-CT reconstruction. The statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA (analyses of variance). Intra-observer percentage error was little in both cases, with and without lesion; it ranged from 1.14% to 1.82%. The inter-observer error was a little higher reaching a 2.08% value. The accuracy presented a higher value. The perceptual accuracy error was higher in samples, which had lesion compared to that which had not. CT had provided adequate precision and accuracy for maxillary sinus analyses. The precision in cases with lesion was considered inferior when compared to that without lesion, but it can't affect the method efficacy

    CT interpretation of craniofacial anomalies: a comparative analysis by undergraduate dental students

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of computed tomography (CT) image interpretation made in axial slices (2D-CT) and 3D reconstructed images (3D-CT) of patients with craniofacial anomalies. The analyses were made by undergraduate dental students, and compared with the diagnoses considered upon surgical intervention. Computed tomography of 43 patients were analyzed independently by three calibrated examiners (undergraduate students) with, respectively, one, two, and three semesters of experience in craniofacial CT training and interpretation. The analysis of 2D-CT and 3D-CT images were performed at distinct times using an independent workstation associated with a specific computer graphics software for volumetric images. The analysis of inter-examiner agreement and of the agreement between observers and the gold standard was performed using the Kappa test. The accuracy evaluation presented a progressively higher value for examiners with progressively broader experience in 2D-CT and 3D-CT image interpretation. 3D-CT analyses allowed a higher inter-examiner agreement (1 - 0.896) than 2D-CT analyses (1 - 0.614). 3D-CT was considered more precise and accurate than 2D-CT for all students' evaluations. The reproducibility and accuracy varied according to the experience in CT interpretation, and the most experienced student achieved results closer to the gold standard