33,614 research outputs found

    Electron storage in electroactive biofilms

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    Microbial electrochemical technologies (METs) are promising for sustainable applications. Recently, electron storage during intermittent operation of electroactive biofilms (EABs) has been shown to play an important role in power output and electron efficiencies. Insights into electron storage mechanisms, and the conditions under which these occur, are essential to improve microbial electrochemical conversions and to optimize biotechnological processes. Here, we discuss the two main mechanisms for electron storage in EABs: storage in the form of reduced redox active components in the electron transport chain and in the form of polymers. We review electron storage in EABs and in other microorganisms and will discuss how the mechanisms of electron storage can be influenced.This work is part of the research program Vidi (with project number 17516), which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The research was performed in cooperation with Wetsus, the European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology. Wetsus is cofunded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the European Union Regional Development Fund, the Province of Fryslân, and the Northern Netherlands Provinces. The authors would like to thank the participants of the research theme ‘Resource Recovery’ for the fruitful discussions and their financial support. The authors also acknowledge the financial support given by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coherent states, constraint classes, and area operators in the new spin-foam models

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    Recently, two new spin-foam models have appeared in the literature, both motivated by a desire to modify the Barrett-Crane model in such a way that the imposition of certain second class constraints, called cross-simplicity constraints, are weakened. We refer to these two models as the FKLS model, and the flipped model. Both of these models are based on a reformulation of the cross-simplicity constraints. This paper has two main parts. First, we clarify the structure of the reformulated cross-simplicity constraints and the nature of their quantum imposition in the new models. In particular we show that in the FKLS model, quantum cross-simplicity implies no restriction on states. The deeper reason for this is that, with the symplectic structure relevant for FKLS, the reformulated cross-simplicity constraints, in a certain relevant sense, are now \emph{first class}, and this causes the coherent state method of imposing the constraints, key in the FKLS model, to fail to give any restriction on states. Nevertheless, the cross-simplicity can still be seen as implemented via suppression of intertwiner degrees of freedom in the dynamical propagation. In the second part of the paper, we investigate area spectra in the models. The results of these two investigations will highlight how, in the flipped model, the Hilbert space of states, as well as the spectra of area operators exactly match those of loop quantum gravity, whereas in the FKLS (and Barrett-Crane) models, the boundary Hilbert spaces and area spectra are different.Comment: 21 pages; statements about gamma limits made more precise, and minor phrasing change

    Ellerman bombs and UV bursts: transient events in chromospheric current sheets

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    Ellerman bombs (EBs) and UV bursts are both brightenings related to flux emergence regions and specifically to magnetic flux of opposite polarity that meet in the photosphere. These two reconnection-related phenomena, nominally formed far apart, occasionally occur in the same location and at the same time, thus challenging our understanding of reconnection and heating of the lower solar atmosphere. We consider the formation of an active region, including long fibrils and hot and dense coronal plasma. The emergence of a untwisted magnetic flux sheet, injected 2.52.5~Mm below the photosphere, is studied as it pierces the photosphere and interacts with the preexisting ambient field. Specifically, we aim to study whether EBs and UV bursts are generated as a result of such flux emergence and examine their physical relationship. The Bifrost radiative magnetohydrodynamics code was used to model flux emerging into a model atmosphere that contained a fairly strong ambient field, constraining the emerging field to a limited volume wherein multiple reconnection events occur as the field breaks through the photosphere and expands into the outer atmosphere. Synthetic spectra of the different reconnection events were computed using the 1.51.5D RH code and the fully 3D MULTI3D code. The formation of UV bursts and EBs at intensities and with line profiles that are highly reminiscent of observed spectra are understood to be a result of the reconnection of emerging flux with itself in a long-lasting current sheet that extends over several scale heights through the chromosphere. Synthetic diagnostics suggest that there are no compelling reasons to assume that UV bursts occur in the photosphere. Instead, EBs and UV bursts are occasionally formed at opposite ends of a long current sheet that resides in an extended bubble of cool gas.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A&

    High-pressure study of the non-Fermi liquid material U_2Pt_2In

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    The effect of hydrostatic pressure (p<= 1.8 GPa) on the non-Fermi liquid state of U_2Pt_2In is investigated by electrical resistivity measurements in the temperature interval 0.3-300 K. The experiments were carried out on single-crystals with the current along (I||c) and perpendicular (I||a) to the tetragonal axis. The pressure effect is strongly current-direction dependent. For I||a we observe a rapid recovery of the Fermi-liquid T^2-term with pressure. The low-temperature resistivity can be analysed satisfactorily within the magnetotransport theory of Rosch, which provides strong evidence for the location of U_2Pt_2In at an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point. For I||c the resistivity increases under pressure, indicating the enhancement of an additional scattering mechanism. In addition, we have measured the pressure dependence of the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature (T_N= 37.6 K) of the related compound U_2Pd_2In. A simple Doniach-type diagram for U_2Pt_2In and U_2Pd_2In under pressure is presented.Comment: 21 pages (including 5 figures); pdf forma
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