17 research outputs found

    Floristic Composition And Similaritie Between Areas Of Montane Atlantic Rainforest, São Paulo, Brazil [composição E Similaridade Florística Entre Duas áreas De Floresta Atlântica Montana, São Paulo, Brasil]

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    The study was conducted in two areas of Montana Atlantic Rainforest at Núcleo Santa Virgínia, Serra do Mar State Park, Brazil. The aim was to investigate structural and floristic composition of each area and the differences between them, knowing that one has not been disturbed recently and the other was subjected to selective logging until 1970, as reported by local people. We installed two 1 ha (PLOT K and PLOT N), approximately 4 km away from each other, and within this plots all individuals with DBH ≥ 4.8 cm were recorded. Considering the two plots we sampled 3,503 individuals (2,269 trees - 64.7%; 860 palms - 24.5%; and 159 ferns - 4.5%), distributed in 265 species and 51 families. The rest (215 individuals) was dead. Among the most abundant families (Arecaceae, Myrtaceae, Lauraceae, Cyatheaceae) Monimiaceae is the only one classified as typical of the Montane Ombrophylus Dense Atlantic Forest. Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae) is the dominant species in PLOT K (old), where we recorded 1,852 individuals, 189 species and 43 families, with Myrtaceae (48), Lauraceae (26) and Monimiaceae (13) presenting the higher number of species. It is important to mention that clumps of a native bamboo (Merostachys neesii Ruprecht, Poaceae) are present in 93 of the 100 subparcels of PLOT K, summing up 3,813 culms. In contrast, in PLOT N (secondary) where palm heart (Euterpe edulis) is also the dominant species but bamboos are not so conspicuous, we recorded 1436 individuals, 149 species and 40 families, with Myrtaceae (27), Lauraceae (15) and Fabaceae (eight) being the ones with higher number of species. In the plot of secondary forest (N) Shannon's diversity index (H' = 4.05) and the eveness index (J '= 0.8) are higher than those recorded in the old plot of forest (K) where H' = 3,72 nats.ind -1 and J' = 0.7. Plots K and N have a low similarity (Jaccard index C J = 0,3), with only 94 species (34,47%) in common, and 102 (38,5%) occurring exclusively in PLOT K. However, the maximum estimate of species expected at the point of rarefaction of PLOT N (IC 95% - 158.54) overlaps with the minimum estimate of species at the same point of PLOT K (95% - 157.12), showing that the number of species of both areas would be equivalent in the number of 1,420 individuals. Although the largest tree sampled was found in PLOT K, where forest stratification is more evident, there is no significant difference between the sums of basal area of living individuals. Considering the disturbance history of the region, the results suggest that forest structure recovery may occur within 25 years but, as shown by the total number of species and by the diversity parameters determined, species richness does not recover within this time frame.112139152Aguirre, G.H., (2008) Caracterização Da Vegetação Arbustivo-arbórea De Fragmentos De Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana, , Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasAlves, L.F., Metzger, J.P., A regeneração florestal em áreas de floresta secundária na Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande, Cotia, SP (2006) Biota Neotrop, 6 (2). , http://www.biotaneotropica.org.br/v6n2/pt/abstract?article+bn00406022006, ultimo acesso em 27/11/2010An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II (2003) Bot. J. Linn. 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    Desempenho e qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras semipesadas alimentadas com dietas contendo óleos de soja e canola Performance and eggs quality in laying hens fed diets with soybean and canola oils

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    Objetivou-se analisar a influência da adição de níveis crescentes de óleo de soja e canola sobre os índices de desempenho e qualidade interna e externa dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais semipesadas da linhagem Bovans Goldline durante cinco períodos de 28 dias. Foram utilizadas 280 aves com 18 semanas de idade, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com sete tratamentos em um esquema fatorial 2 × 3 + 1 (dois tipos de óleo e três níveis de óleo mais um testemunha adicional) com cinco repetições e oito aves por unidade experimental. Os níveis de óleo de soja e de canola não alteraram o consumo de ração, os pesos dos ovos, de albúmen, de gema e de casca, as porcentagens de albúmen, de gema e de casca e a gravidade específica dos ovos. Houve influência significativa da interação tipo × nível de óleo sobre a produção de ovos e a conversão por massa e por dúzia de ovos. Com o aumento do nível de óleo de soja, os resultados obtidos para estas variáveis melhoraram, entretanto, a conversão por massa de ovo piorou com o aumento dos níveis de óleo de canola. A adição de óleo de soja promoveu desempenho melhor que o obtido com óleo de canola.<br>The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of soybean and canola oil added in crescent levels on production performance indexes and internal and external egg quality of brown commercial layers of the strain Bovans Goldline during five periods of 28 days. Two hundred and eighty hens with 18 weeks old were distributed in a completely randomized design, with seven diets in a 2 × 3 + 1 factorial arrangement (oil type and oil level, and an additional control), with 5 replicates of 8 hens per experimental unit. The soybean and canola oil levels did not affect the feed consumption; egg, albumen, yolk and shell weights; albumen, yolk and shell percentages, neither the specific gravity. There was an interaction between type and oils levels on egg production and mass conversion and per egg dozen. Better results for those characteristics were obtained as soybean oil increased. However, the egg mass conversion was negatively influenced by increase of canola oil. The addition of soybean oil promoted better performance as compared to canola oil