5,148 research outputs found

    Allergen sensitization associates with worse lung function parameters

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    To assess the association between the number of allergen sensitizations and lung function variables in individuals with airway symptoms. Methods. Retrospective study with all individuals who performed lung function and skin-prick tests at CUF-Porto (01/2011-06/2016). Six allergen groups were considered. % predicted Pre-Bronchodilator test (BD) and % change after BD were analysed for spirometry and plethysmography parameters. Results. A total of 1293 individuals were included, 54% (n = 698) adults and 69% (n = 891) with sensitization to ≥ 1 allergen group. % FEV1 was significantly higher and % change in FEV1 significantly lower in non-sensitized individuals. % sRaw was higher in polysensitized (vs non-sensitized). Conclusions. The presence of allergen sensitizations was significantly associated with worse key lung function parameters.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Isolation of Besnoitia besnoiti from infected cattle in Portugal

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    Abstract Besnoitia besnoiti, an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite belonging to the phylum apicomplexa, is the causative agent of bovine besnoitiosis. Besnoitiosis is responsible for significant losses in the cattle industry of Africa and Mediterranean countries due to the high morbidity rate, abortion and infertility in males. The acute stage of disease is associated with the proliferative forms (tachyzoites) and is characterized by fever, whimpery, general weakness and swelling of the superficial lymph nodes. During the following chronic stage, a huge number of cysts are formed mainly in the subcutaneous tissues. This process is non-reversible, and chronic besnoitiosis is characterized by hyper-sclerodermia, hyperkeratosis, alopecia and, in bulls, atrophy, sclerosis and focal necrosis that cause irreversible lesions in the testis. In this paper we report on the identification of large cysts in the skin of a cow and a bull in Portugal, which presented loss of hair and enlargement and pachydermis all over the body. The observation of a two-layered cyst wall within the host cell, the encapsulation of the host cell by a large outer cyst wall, and the subcutaneous localization of the cysts within the host, were characteristic for B. besnoiti. The parasites were isolated from the infected animals and successfully propagated in Vero cells without prior passages in laboratory animals. Morphological characterization of B. besnoiti tachyzoites and the amplification of the 149 bp segment from the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), aided with specific primers, confirmed the identification of B. besnoiti. Keywords: Besnoitia besnoiti; Bovine besnoitiosis; Portugal; Cyst; In vitro cell cultur

    Lettuce and lemon balm intercropping: crops productivity, yield and phytochemical quality of lemon balm’s essential oil / Consórcio entre alface e melissa: produtividade das culturas, teor e qualidade fitoquímica do óleo essencial de melissa

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    Intercropping is a recommended to conserve the agroecosystem balance, but identifying which species in the intercropping benefit each other is a challenge. The aim of this study was to evaluate the viability and effect of spacing between plants in the intercropping of lettuce with lemon balm on the yield and phytochemical quality of lemon balm essential oil. Lettuce was harvested at 41 days after transplanting (DAT) and fresh and lemon balm was harvested at 69 DAT. Equivalent Area Index (EAI) was used to evaluate the intercropping between lemon balm and lettuce, which has proven feasible, since the EAI were higher than 1.0. The yield of the two species intercropped was not significantly different from that obtained in the monocropping and there was no reduction in the essential oil content. There was also an increase in the major constituents of the lemon balm essential oil

    Estudo do efeito da temperatura de armazenamento na qualidade de frutos de pimenta-de-cheiro verde embalados com filme plástico.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito da temperatura de armazenamento em relação às características de qualidade de frutos de pimenta-de-cheiro verde, visando uma melhor conservação pós-colheita. Os frutos frescos verdes de quatro acessos de pimenta-de-cheiro do banco ativo de germoplasma Capsicum da Embrapa Hortaliças (CNPH 4174, CNPH 4098, CNPH 4595 e CNPH 4628) foram acondicionados em bandejas de isopor com filme plástico e armazenados em temperatura ambiente (25 °C) e refrigerado (8 °C) por 14 e 17 dias, respectivamente

    Reproductive parameters and the use of MOET in transgenic founder goat carrying the human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (hG-CSF) gene.

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    Abstract: This study aimed to monitor estrous cycle parameters of a human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (hG-CSF)-transgenic founder female goat and to perform superovulation and embryo recovery (surgical or transcervical method) for further transfer to recipients to quickly obtain offspring. Two experiments were performed using a transgenic (TF) and a non-transgenic (NTF) female. In experiment 1, three estrous cycles were monitored for the following parameters: estrus behavior, progesterone concentration and ovarian activity. In experiment 2, two superovulation/embryo recovery sessions were performed and the recovered embryos were transferred to previously prepared recipients. Data were compared by either t test or Fisher's exact test. The mean interval between natural estrus was 20.7 ± 0.6 and 19.7 ± 0.6 (P > 0.05) days for the TF and NTF, respectively. Progesterone concentrations and ovarian activity were normal and similar between goats. The ovulation rate was similar between TF and NTF (12.0 ± 1.4 vs. 18.0 ± 4.2 CL; P > 0.05). No significant differences in embryo recovery rate (P > 0.05) were observed between the surgical and transcervical methods for TF (69.2 vs. 72.7%) or NTF (100.0 vs. 86.7%). Sixteen embryos from the TF were transferred to recipients, and eight kids were born. Among these kids, the transgene was identified in three (two males and one female), resulting in a transgenesis rate of 37.5%. In summary, the TF is a true founder, since she proved fertility and capacity of transmitting the hG-CSF transgene to progeny, suggesting that the analyzed reproductive traits were not compromised by the presence of the transgene