4,575 research outputs found

    Avaliação dos testes biofísicos na predição da vitalidade fetal em gestantes acima de 41 semanas.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Tocoginecologia, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 200

    Strategies for the bioremediation of azo dyes containing wastewaters

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    Publicado em "Book of abstracts of the 2nd Meeting of the Institute for Biotechnololgy and Bioengineering"Azo dyes are an important class of wastewater pollutants resulted especially from textile industry. Biological treatment based on the anaerobic azo bound reductive cleavage, followed by a second step for the transformation of the resulted aromatic amines, seems promising. In our studies, the surface chemistry of a commercial activated carbon (AC) was selectively modified by chemical oxidation and thermal treatments and tested as a natural redox mediator on chemical and biological anaerobic azo dye reduction [1]. Batch experiments with 0.1 g L−1AC demonstrated an increase of the first-order rates, up to 9-fold, as compared with assays without AC. Thermal treated samples gave better results due to their positively charged surface, favouring electrostatic attraction between the carbon and the anionic dyes tested. The low amount of AC used and the positive results demonstrated, constitutes a significant breakthrough in the field of redox mediated processes which will certainly open new perspectives for wastewater treatment processes. In order to investigate the fate of aromatic amines, two UASB reactors were operated under denitrifying conditions: R1 contained nitrate and R2 a nitrate and nitrite mixture as terminal electron acceptors [2]. The R1 results demonstrated that aniline could be degraded under denitrifying conditions while sulfanilic acid remains. The presence of nitrite in the influent of R2, caused a chemical reaction that led to immediate disappearance of both aromatic amines and the formation of an intense yellow solution. Based on the HPLC-MS analysis, the structures of possible products were proposed. Denitrification activity tests suggest some detoxification

    Carbon nanotubes as novel redox mediators for dyed wastewaters biodegradation

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    Due to their large-scale production and extensive application, dyes have turned serious pollutants as when improperly handled and disposed, they may create serious public health and environmental problems. One of the problems that textile industry is facing is related with the incomplete exhaustion of dyes onto textile fibre from an aqueous dyeing process and the need to implement innovative and sustainable effluent treatment methods to remove colour. Biological treatment systems were shown to be promising technologies. The main limiting factor of the reductive transformations by anaerobic sludge is the electron transfer, a slow process. This limitation can be overcome by making use of redox mediators, compounds that accelerate the electron transfer from a primary electron donor to a terminal electron acceptor, to speed up the process. Activated carbon (AC) has been shown as a feasible redox mediator. Samples of microporous thermal treated AC (ACH2) and mesoporous carbons: Xerogels (XA, XB) and Carbon nanotubes (CNT) were tested on azo dye and textile wastewater biodegradation. ~80 % Mordant Yellow 10 (MY10) and 70 % of Reactive Red 120 (RR120) colour removal was obtained with all the carbon materials. Acid Orange 10 (AO10) is not biodegraded in the absence of Carbon Materials, but with XB a 98 % of colour removal at 4.48 ± 0.74 d-1 of reduction rate was achieved. For MY10 and RR120, rates increased in the order: control < ACH2 < XA < XB < CNT. HPLC analysis confirmed the reduction of dyes with the corresponding aromatic amines formation. Biological treatments of real wastewater lead to 65 % of colour removal with rate improvement in the presence of CNT

    Representing and coding the knowledge embedded in texts of Health Science Web published articles

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    Despite the fact that electronic publishing is a common activity to scholars electronic journals are still based in the print model and do not take full advantage of the facilities offered by the Semantic Web environment. This is a report of the results of a research project with the aim of investigating the possibilities of electronic publishing journal articles both as text for human reading and in machine readable format recording the new knowledge contained in the article. This knowledge is identified with the scientific methodology elements such as problem, methodology, hypothesis, results, and conclusions. A model integrating all those elements is proposed which makes explicit and records the knowledge embedded in the text of scientific articles as an ontology. Knowledge thus represented enables its processing by intelligent software agents The proposed model aims to take advantage of these facilities enabling semantic retrieval and validation of the knowledge contained in articles. To validate and enhance the model a set of electronic journal articles were analyzed

    Dyes-environmental impact and remediation

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    Dyes are an important class of synthetic organic compounds used in many industries, especially textiles. Consequently, they have become common industrial environmental pollutants during their synthesis and later during fibre dyeing. Textile industries are facing a challenge in the field of quality and productivity due to the globalization of the world market. As the highly competitive atmosphere and the ecological parameters become more stringent, the prime concern of the textile processors is to be aware of the quality of their products and also the environmental friendliness of the manufacturing processes. This in turn makes it essential for innovations and changes in these processes, and investigations of appropriate and environmentally friendly treatment technologies or their residues. The large-scale production and extensive application of synthetic dyes can cause considerable environmental pollution, making it a serious public concern. Legislation on the limits of colour discharge has become increasingly rigid. There is a considerable urgent need to develop treatment methods that are effective in eliminating dyes from their waste. Physicochemical and biological methods have been studied and applied, although each has its advantages and disadvantages, with the choice being based on the wastewater characteristics, available technology and economic factors. Some industrial-scale wastewater treatment systems are now available; however, these are neither fully effective for complete colour removal nor do they address water recycling. This chapter outlines the background of dye chemistry, the application areas and the impact of dyeing effluents in the environment. The processes/techniques being implemented and developed for wastewaters remediation are revisited

    Developmental, relational and situational characteristics of maritally abusive men

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    Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des Arts et Sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître des Sciences (M. Sc.) en Criminologie, Option Stage en InterventionLa violence conjugale, non-sexuelle ou sexuelle, est un phénomène répandu qui touche toutes les couches de la société. Ce n’est que depuis les années 1980 que les infractions sexuelles par un conjoint sont passibles d’une poursuite au niveau criminel, néanmoins peu de cas sont rapportés en raison de la relation intime entre la victime et l’agresseur. De nombreuses recherches ont été faites au sujet des victimes de violence conjugale, ce qui nous permet d’établir l’ampleur de cette problématique encore très présente dans notre société. La littérature indique que la violence sexuelle dans un contexte conjugal s’avère être de nature répétitive et en cooccurrence avec des autres formes de violence. Afin d’approfondir notre répertoire de connaissances sur les caractéristiques de l’agresseur sexuel en contexte conjugal, un stage à l’Agence communautaire Maisonneuve a été préconisé, car il s’agit d’un milieu ouvert en délinquance adulte qui offre ses services à des hommes judiciarisés soumis à des mesures telles que l’ordonnance de probation, la libération conditionnelle ou l’emprisonnement avec sursis, par les Services Correctionnels du Québec. En outre, une analyse critique des caractéristiques des violeurs conjugaux a été effectuée par le biais d’une recension systématique des écrits. Les objectifs de notre rapport de stage sont de déterminer dans quel contexte la violence sexuelle s’ajoute dans les cas de violence conjugale, tout en examinant les théories et les typologies que l’ont trouve dans la littérature scientifique. Ces connaissances sont nécessaires afin de cibler les facteurs de risque ainsi que les moyens d’intervention les plus efficaces pour ce type de clientèle. Nos résultats démontrent que la violence sexuelle et la violence physique sont intimement liées, car l’acte de l’agression sexuelle s’inscrit dans un contexte de dominance et de contrôle. Les conjoints agresseurs ont recours au sexe de façon utilitaire, pour établir leur rôle masculin, et ce, en lien avec leurs perceptions religieuses, culturelles et sociales. Pour ce qui est du traitement, la recherche scientifique ainsi que les programmes proposés par les Services Correctionnels du Québec recommandent les thérapies qui utilisent les approches psychoéducationnels et cognitivo-comportamentales, avec une modalité de groupe.Domestic violence in all its forms is a widespread phenomenon that affects all layers of society. Only as early as the 1980's that sexual offenses perpetrated by a spouse became liable to prosecution on a criminal level, however such offenses remain underreported given the nature of the victim-aggressor relationship. The majority of research available on marital rape is based on victims’ reports of domestic violence. Current scientific literature reveals that sexual violence in a domestic context has a repetitive nature and often co-occurs with other forms of violence. Moreover, research indicates that proximity between the victim and the perpetrator increases the likelihood of sexual offense’s severity. In order to expand our knowledge on the characteristics of marital rapists themselves, an 80- day internship was put forth at the Maisonneuve Community Agency, a provincial community surveillance facility that provides services to adult male offenders subjected to measures of probation, parole or house arrest, referred by the Correctional Services of Quebec. In addition, a critical analysis of the characteristics of marital rapists was conducted through a systematic literature review. The main goals are to determine the context in which sexual violence occurs in a marriage, we also present the theories and typologies present in the scientific literature. Subsequently, we explore the risk factors and the most effective means of intervention for this type of offender. Our results demonstrated that marital rape is likely to occur in relationships that are violent in other ways, as it subscribes to a context of dominance and control. Marital rapists are likely to use sex is utilitarian ways, in accordance to their cultural, religious or psychopathological perceptions. In terms of treatment, both scientific research and court- mandated programs by the Correctional Services of Quebec recommend therapies that ascribe to psychoeducational and cognitive-behavioral approaches, preferably in a group setting

    Anaerobic biotransformation of nitroanilines enhanced by the presence of low amounts of carbon materials

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    Three microporous activated carbons -original (AC0), chemical oxidized with HNO3 (ACHNO3) and thermal treated (ACH2)-, and three mesoporous carbons - xerogels (CXA and CXB) and nanotubes (CNT)-, were tested on the biological reduction of o-, m- and p-nitroaniline (NoA) at a concentration above the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) for a methanogenic consortium degrading a mixture of volatile fatty acids (VFA) containing acetate, propionate and butyrate. NoAs were only partially reduced in the absence of carbon materials (CM). Rates were dependent on the nitro group position, increasing in the order metha>para>ortho. CM lead to NoAs almost total reduction and at higher rates. With AC0 and ACH2, rates increased 3-fold, 4-fold and 8 fold for o-, m- and p-NoA, respectively

    Improvement of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor performance for azo dye reduction by the presence of low amounts of activated carbon

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    Activated carbon (AC) was investigated as redox mediator of the azo dye Acid Orange 10 (AO10) anaerobic biodegradation in a laboratory scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB). During reactor operation, the effect of AC concentration and the hydraulic retention time (HRT) were investigated and better results were obtained with 0.15 g of AC per g of Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) and 10 h, respectively. In the mediated reactor, with an HRT of 10 h, high colour and COD removal was obtained, ~70% and ~85%, respectively. In the control, thought similar COD removal, AO10 decolourisation was only 20%, evidencing the ability of AC to accelerate the reduction reactions in continuous reactors

    UV/Tio2 photocatalytic reactor for real textile wastewaters treatment

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    Textile dye wastewaters are characterized by strong colour, salts and other additives, high pH, temperature, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biodegradable materials. Being aesthetically and environmentally unacceptable, these wastewaters need to be treated before their discharge. Anaerobic bioprocesses have been proposed as being environmentally friendly and relatively cheap; however, when applied to real effluent with a complex composition, they can fail. In this study, a photoreactor combining UV light and TiO2, immobilized in cellulosic fabric, was applied for the treatment of two industrial textile wastewaters. High colour and COD removal, and detoxification, were achieved for both wastewaters, at controlled pH of 5.5. Effluents showed very poor biodegradability due to their complex composition; thus, the proposed process is an efficient alternative