2 research outputs found

    Actividad de acetilcolinesterasa y niveles totales de antioxidantes en perros con tumores de mama antes y despu茅s de la extirpaci贸n quir煤rgica

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate AChE activity in total blood and the FRAP levels in samples from dogs with mammary tumors before and after surgery, as well as the relationship between these variables with immunohistochemical markers of tumor (E-caderina, ki-67, COX-2). Materials and methods. In this study, 13 dogs with mammary tumors were divided into two groups (A and B). The group A was formed by dogs with tumors smaller than 3 cm of diameter, and the group B was formed by dogs with tumor of 3 cm of diameter or larger. The AChE activity and FRAP levels were evaluated before and after surgery and the immunohistochemistry were performed at the tumors. Results. The AChE activity was significantly increased (p<0.05) in dogs with mammary cancer compared to control animals, and neither surgery or tumor size affected the AChE activity (p>0.05). FRAP levels before surgery were significantly lower (p<0.05) compared to control animals. Also, FRAP levels increased significantly after surgery in animals of the group A compared to data before surgery, a fact not observed in dogs from the group B. E-cadherin showed low significant positive correlation with FRAP levels (r=0.37, P-value=0.05); COX-2 showed a moderate significant positive correlation to FRAP (r=0.55, P-value<0.05); and COX-2 showed a low significant positive correlation to AChE (r=0.32, P-value=0.01). Conclusions. AChE and antioxidant levels are modified in dogs with mammary cancer. These variables are involved in various physiological functions, and thus, they might be related to disease pathogenesis.Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la actividad de la AChE en sangre total y los niveles de FRAP en muestras de perros con tumores mamarios antes y despu茅s de la cirug铆a, as铆 como la relaci贸n entre estas variables con marcadores inmunohistoqu铆micos de tumores (E-caderina, ki-67 , COX - 2). Materiales y m茅todos. En este estudio, 13 perros con tumores mamarios se dividieron en dos grupos (A y B). El grupo A estaba formado por perros con tumores menores de 3 cm de di谩metro y el grupo B estaba formado por perros con tumor de 3 cm de di谩metro o m谩s. La actividad de AChE y los niveles de FRAP se evaluaron antes y despu茅s de la cirug铆a y la inmunohistoqu铆mica se realiz贸 en los tumores. Resultados. La actividad de la AChE aument贸 significativamente (p <0,05) en perros con c谩ncer mamario en comparaci贸n con los animales control, y ni la cirug铆a ni el tama帽o tumoral afectaron la actividad de la AChE (p> 0,05). Los niveles de FRAP antes de la cirug铆a fueron significativamente m谩s bajos (p <0,05) en comparaci贸n con los animales control. Adem谩s, los niveles de FRAP aumentaron significativamente despu茅s de la cirug铆a en animales del grupo A en comparaci贸n con los datos antes de la cirug铆a, hecho que no se observ贸 en perros del grupo B. La E-cadherina mostr贸 correlaci贸n positiva baja con los niveles de FRAP (r = 0,37, valor P = 0,05); COX-2 mostr贸 una moderada correlaci贸n positiva significativa con FRAP (r = 0,55, P-valor <0,05); Y la COX-2 mostr贸 una correlaci贸n positiva de baja significaci贸n con la AChE (r = 0.32, P-valor = 0.01). Conclusiones. AChE y los niveles de antioxidantes se modifican en perros con c谩ncer de mama. Estas variables est谩n implicadas en diversas funciones fisiol贸gicas, y por lo tanto, pueden estar relacionadas con la patog茅nesis de la enfermedad

    Acetylcholinesterase activity and total antioxidant levels in dogs with mammary tumors before and after surgical removal

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate AChE activity in total blood and the FRAP levels in samples from dogs with mammary tumors before and after surgery, as well as the relationship between these variables with immunohistochemical markers of tumor (E-caderina, ki-67, COX-2). Materials and methods. In this study, 13 dogs with mammary tumors were divided into two groups (A and B). The group A was formed by dogs with tumors smaller than 3 cm of diameter, and the group B was formed by dogs with tumor of 3 cm of diameter or larger. The AChE activity and FRAP levels were evaluated before and after surgery and the immunohistochemistry were performed at the tumors. Results. The AChE activity was significantly increased (p0.05). FRAP levels before surgery were significantly lower (p0.05). Los niveles de FRAP antes de la cirug铆a fueron significativamente m谩s bajos (p<0.05) en comparaci贸n con los animales control. Adem谩s, los niveles de FRAP aumentaron significativamente despu茅s de la cirug铆a en animales del grupo A en comparaci贸n con los datos antes de la cirug铆a, hecho que no se observ贸 en perros del grupo B. La E-cadherina mostr贸 correlaci贸n positiva baja con los niveles de FRAP (r = 0.37, valor p=0.05); COX-2 mostr贸 una moderada correlaci贸n positiva significativa con FRAP (r = 0.55, p-valor<0.05); Y la COX-2 mostr贸 una correlaci贸n positiva de baja significaci贸n con la AChE (r = 0.32, p-valor = 0.01). Conclusiones. AChE y los niveles de antioxidantes se modifican en perros con c谩ncer de mama. Estas variables est谩n implicadas en diversas funciones fisiol贸gicas, y por lo tanto, pueden estar relacionadas con la patog茅nesis de la enfermedad