17 research outputs found

    Genero ikuspegitik hezkidetzaren erabileraren erronkak

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    [EU] Gaur egun hezkidetza terminoa gero eta gehiago erabiltzen da, eta legeek generoen arteko parekidetasuna babesten dute. Ondorioz, egungo irakasleriaren betebehar bat hezkidetzan heztea da. Emakume eta gizonen arteko berdintasuna lantzea gizartearen erronka da, baita hezkuntzarena ere. Horren ondorioz, lanaren xedea eskolan hezkidetzaren erabilera zein den ikertzea izan da, geroago, esku hartze baten proposamena egiteko. Gainera, irakasleek hezkidetza gaian dituzten ahultasun eta indarguneak identifikatzeko erabilgarria da, ondoren euren kabuz hobekuntzei buruzko gogoeta egiteko. Hori lortzeko, aurretik aztertutako gai batzuk aukeratu dira eta inkestaren bidez horien inguruko erantzunak jaso dira. Geroago, emaitza horietatik ondorio batzuk ateratzeko eta ikasleei bideratutako proposamen bat egiteko.[EN] The term of coeducation is used often, and laws protect gender equality. For this reason, one of the duties of teachers is to educate in coeducation. Offering equality between women and men is a social and educational challenge. Consequently, the object of the work has been to study the use of coeducation in the school and offer a proposal of intervention. It shall also be useful to identify the weaknesses and positive aspects which teachers have in the matter of coeducation, and to reflect on improvements. For this, a number of previously studied topics and fields have been selected and answers have been received about them by a poll. Later, to draw conclusions from these results and make a proposal to the students.[ES] Cada vez se utiliza más el término coeducación, y las leyes protegen la igualdad de género. Por ello, una obligación del profesorado es educar en coeducación. Trabajar la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres es un reto social y educativo. En consecuencia, el objetivo del trabajo ha sido investigar cuál es el uso de la coeducación en la escuela, para ofrecer una propuesta de intervención. Además, servirá para identificar las debilidades y fortalezas del profesorado en materia de coeducación, para reflexionar sobre las mejoras. Para ello, se han seleccionado una serie de temas previamente analizados y se han obtenido respuestas a través de una encuesta, para extraer algunas conclusiones de estos resultados y elaborar una propuesta orientada al alumnado

    Genero desadostasuna Haur Hezkuntzan. Irakasleon erronka berria

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    En el momento en que nacemos, estamos clasificados como hombres o mujeres. Los médicos definen nuestro género basándose en nuestros genitales. A partir de entonces, los adultos nos tratan de una manera particular según nuestro género, no nos dan la opción de elegir. Sin embargo, la identidad de género se desarrolla a lo largo de la vida y no siempre coincide con el sexo asignado. La educación de la primera infancia es muy importante en este proceso porque es cuando los y las niñas comienzan a identificar su género. Es por eso que las actitudes de las familias y docentes son tan importantes. Dado que hoy en día este es un tema bastante desconocido, en este trabajo analizaremos los conocimientos que las y los maestros tienen sobre la diversidad de género y sexo. Para ello, utilizaremos entrevistas y cuestionarios hechos al profesorado y un trabajo de observación en el aula. Por último, debido al escaso conocimiento sobre este tema en los entornos educativos, también se ofrecerá una lista de recursos para los y las docentes de la primera infancia y las familias; By the time we are born, we are classified as male or female. Doctors define our gender based on our genitals. From then on, adults treat us in a particular way according to our gender, they don’t give us the option to choose. However, gender identity develops throughout life and it doesn’t always match with the assigned sex. The early childhood education is very important in this process because this is when children begin to identify their gender. That’s why parents’ and teachers’ attitudes are so important. Given that nowadays this is a rather unknown topic, in this work we will analyze the knowledge teachers has on gender and sex diversity. To do this we will use interviews and questionnaires done to teachers and an observation work in the classroom. Finally, due to the little knowledge on this topic in educational environments too, a list of resources will be offered to early childhood teachers and parents.; Au moment où nous sommes nés, nous sommes classés comme hommes ou femmes. Les médecins définissent notre sexe en fonction de nos organes génitaux. Dès lors, les adultes nous traitent d’une manière particulière selon notre sexe, ils ne nous donnent pas la possibilité de choisir. Cependant, l’identité de genre se développe tout au long de la vie et elle ne correspond pas toujours au sexe assigné. L’éducation de la petite enfance est très importante dans ce processus parce que c’est quand les enfants commencent à identifier leur genre. C’est pourquoi les attitudes des parents et des enseignants sont si importantes. Étant donné que, de nos jours, ce sujet est plutôt inconnu, nous analyserons les connaissances que les enseignants ont sur la diversité des genres et des sexes. Pour ce faire, nous utiliserons des entretiens et des questionnaires aux enseignants et un travail d’observation en classe. Enfin, en raison du peu de connaissances sur ce sujet dans les milieux éducatifs, une liste de ressources sera offerte aux enseignants et aux parents de la petite enfance

    A comparative study of the field strength prediction methods in the MW band

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    [EN] The recently developed digital radio systems for the MW band require accurate field strength prediction algorithms for coverage estimation. This paper presents a comparison of the estimation accuracy provided by the most relevant field strength prediction methods employed for ground-wave propagation at this band. Moreover, a field strength prediction method recently developed by the authors, has been also considered in the analysis. Empirical values from measurement campaigns carried out in three different broadcasting networks have been used to analyse the accuracy of the prediction methods. The comparison between the predicted and the measured values allows an objective evaluation of the estimation accuracy of each method under different reception conditions. The proposed method provides the most accurate results on field strength predictions, and consequently, it is a suitable method for the coverage estimation of the new digital radio systems

    A Measurement-based Multipath Channel Model for Signal Propagation in Presence of Wind Farms in the UHF Band

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    [EN] Scattering signals on wind turbines may lead to degradation problems on the communication systems provided in the UHF band, such as terrestrial television broadcasting, broadband wireless systems or public safety services. To date, despite the continuous requests from the International Telecommunication Union for studies on this field, no channel model has been developed to characterize signal propagation under these particular conditions. In response to this necessity, this paper presents a complete Tapped Delay Line (TDL) channel model to characterize multipath propagation in presence of a wind farm, including novel scattering modeling and Doppler spectra characterization. As proved later, this channel model, which is based on both theoretical development and empirical data obtained in the surroundings of a real wind farm, is adaptable to the particular features of any case under study: wind turbine dimensions, working frequency, and relative location of the wind farm, transmitter and receivers.This work was supported in part by the European Union FP7 (grant agreement n 296164), by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project TEC2012-32370), and by the Basque Government (SAIOTEK program)

    Role of age and comorbidities in mortality of patients with infective endocarditis

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    [Purpose]: The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of patients with IE in three groups of age and to assess the ability of age and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) to predict mortality. [Methods]: Prospective cohort study of all patients with IE included in the GAMES Spanish database between 2008 and 2015.Patients were stratified into three age groups:<65 years,65 to 80 years,and ≥ 80 years.The area under the receiver-operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was calculated to quantify the diagnostic accuracy of the CCI to predict mortality risk. [Results]: A total of 3120 patients with IE (1327 < 65 years;1291 65-80 years;502 ≥ 80 years) were enrolled.Fever and heart failure were the most common presentations of IE, with no differences among age groups.Patients ≥80 years who underwent surgery were significantly lower compared with other age groups (14.3%,65 years; 20.5%,65-79 years; 31.3%,≥80 years). In-hospital mortality was lower in the <65-year group (20.3%,<65 years;30.1%,65-79 years;34.7%,≥80 years;p < 0.001) as well as 1-year mortality (3.2%, <65 years; 5.5%, 65-80 years;7.6%,≥80 years; p = 0.003).Independent predictors of mortality were age ≥ 80 years (hazard ratio [HR]:2.78;95% confidence interval [CI]:2.32–3.34), CCI ≥ 3 (HR:1.62; 95% CI:1.39–1.88),and non-performed surgery (HR:1.64;95% CI:11.16–1.58).When the three age groups were compared,the AUROC curve for CCI was significantly larger for patients aged <65 years(p < 0.001) for both in-hospital and 1-year mortality. [Conclusion]: There were no differences in the clinical presentation of IE between the groups. Age ≥ 80 years, high comorbidity (measured by CCI),and non-performance of surgery were independent predictors of mortality in patients with IE.CCI could help to identify those patients with IE and surgical indication who present a lower risk of in-hospital and 1-year mortality after surgery, especially in the <65-year group

    Measurement Methodology for Determining the Optimal Frequency Domain Configuration to Accurately Record WiFi Exposure Levels

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    [EN] Radiofrequency fields are usually measured in order to be compared with electromagnetic exposure limits defined by international standardization organizations with the aim of preserving the human health. However, in the case of WiFi technology, accurate measurement of the radiation coming from user terminals and access points is a great challenge due to the nature of these emissions, which are noncontinuous signals transmitted in the form of pulses of short duration. Most of the methodologies defined up to now for determining WiFi exposure levels use or take as reference exposimeters, broadband probes, and spectrum analyzers without taking into account that WiFi signals are not continuously transmitted. This leads to an overestimation of the radiation level that cannot be considered negligible when data of the actual exposure are needed. To avoid this, other procedures apply empirical weighting factors that account for the actual duration of burst transmissions. However, this implies the implementation of additional measurements for calculating the weighting factors, and thus, increases the complexity of the work. According to this, it was still necessary to define the frequency domain measurement setup that is optimal for obtaining realistic WiFi signal values, without requiring the performance of additional recordings. Thus, the definition of an appropriate methodology to achieve this goal was established as the main objective of this paper. The set of tasks carried out to identify such a configuration, as well as the limitations obtained for other measurement settings, are deeply explained in this paper.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government under Grant IT-683-13 and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Project 5G-NewBROs under Grant TEC2015-66153-P

    RF Energy Absorption in Human Bodies Due to Wearable Antennas in the 2.4 GHz Frequency Band

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    Human exposure to electromagnetic fields produced by two wearable antennas operating in the 2.4 GHz frequency band was assessed by computational tools. Both antennas were designed to be attached to the skin, but they were intended for different applications. The first antenna was designed for off-body applications, i.e. to communicate with a device placed outside the body, while the second antenna model was optimized to communicate with a device located inside the body. The power absorption in human tissues was determined at several locations of adult male and female body models. The maximum specific absorption rate (SAR) value obtained with the off-body antenna was found on the torso of the woman model and was equal to 0.037 W/kg at 2.45 GHz. SAR levels increased significantly for the antenna transmitting inside the body. In this case, SAR values ranged between 0.23 and 0.45 W/kg at the same body location. The power absorbed in different body tissues and total power absorbed in the body were also calculated; the maximum total power absorbed was equal to 5.2 mW for an antenna input power equal to 10 mW.Grant sponsor: Basque Government; grant number: IT1234‐19; University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU; grant number: GrantDokberri 2018‐II (DOCREC18/36); the Spanish Government; grant number: RTI2018–099162‐B‐I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Measurements and Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variability of WiFi Exposure Levels in the 2.4 GHz Frequency Band

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    [EN] This paper presents an evaluation of the WiFi exposure levels inside the university in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. The selected environment is the typical scenario where WiFi exposure concerns have increased in the last years, since a Wireless Local Area Network is deployed close to the users. Measurements of 1 h and 24 h duration were performed to assess the temporal and spatial variability of the signal. Two instruments were employed, a spectrum analyzer appropriate configured for recording accurate and realistic samples and an exposimeter. A detailed description of the equipment, the measurement procedure and data analysis is provided in order to allow the reproducibility of these types of measurements. Finally, a comparison of the WiFi levels obtained by other authors is presented, concluding that all these methods are useful for determining WiFi exposure distribution, but if more accurate results are required, professional equipment appropriately configured should be used.This work has been financially supported by the Basque Government (IT1234-19), by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU under Grant Dokberri 2018-II (DOCREC18/36), and by the Spanish Government under the grant RTI2018-099162-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Conformational and structural characterization of carbohydrates and their interactions studied by NMR

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    26 p.-9 fig.-1 tab.Carbohydrates, either free or as glycans conjugated with other biomolecules, participate in a plethora of essential biological processes. Their apparent simplicity in terms of chemical functionality hides an extraordinary diversity and structural complexi ty. Deeply deciphering at the atomic level their structures is essential to understand their biological function and activities, but it is still a challenging task in need of complemen tary approaches and no generalized procedures are available to address the study of such complex, natural glycans. The versatility of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) often makes it the preferred choice to study glycans and carbohydrates in solution media. The most basic NMR parameters, namely chemical shifts, coupling constants, and nuclear Overhauser effects, allow defining short or repetitive chain sequences and charac terize their structures and local geometries either in the free state or when interacting with other biomolecules, rendering additional information on the molecular recognition pro cesses. The increased accessibility to carbohydrate molecules extensively or selectively labeled with 13C is boosting the resolution and detail which analyzed glycan structures can reach. In turn, structural information derived from NMR complemented with molecular modeling and theoretical calculations can also provide dynamic information on the con formational flexibility of carbohydrate structures. Furthermore, using partially oriented media or paramagnetic perturbations, it has been possible to introduce additional long range observables rendering structural information on longer and branched glycan chains. In this review, we provide examples of these studies and an overview of the recent and most relevant NMR applications in the glycobiology field.This study was funded by the grants from Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-1052376B-I00, CTQ2016-76263-P, RTI2018-094751-B-C22), Spanish Regional Government of Madrid (S2017/BMD-3673) and CIBERES an initiative from the Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III.Peer reviewe

    Haurdunaldian amak izandako bizi-ohiturak, ingurumen-esposizioak, osasun-sistemaren ekimenak eta haurraren garapen neuropsikologikoa: INMA (Haurtzaroa eta Ingurumena-Infancia y Medio Ambiente) proiektuan argitaratutako lanen errebisioa.

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    In the health field in general and in public health in particular, the environment has become important over the last two centuries. In 1974 Marc Lalonde developed a health model, remarking the role that lifestyles and the environment play on health. The main objective of this work is to highlight the most relevant results of the INMA project in relation to how these factors impact the neuropsychological development of children. Among others, maternal lifestyles, overweight and obesity and tobacco habits showed a negative association with child neurodevelopment. Considering maternal diet during pregnancy we observed that fish consumption could be both beneficial and harmful for children neurodevelopment. Regarding the health guidelines, our results showed that folic acid had beneficial effects in children´s neuropsychological development. Although extremely high doses of folic acid have been related to cognitive and psychomotor problems during childhood. Our study showed that breastfeeding is a protective factor against behavioral problems such as autism. Exposure to different particles that are in the environment had showed to have a negative effect in children neurodevelopment. The closeness to green spaces was related to an improvement of attention in children. This work concludes that mothers´ lifestyles and sanitary patterns women follow during pregnancy, as well as their environmental exposure could be related to the future neuropsychological development of their children.; Osasunaren esparruan oro har, eta zehazki Osasun Publikoarenean, azken bi mendeetan ingurumenak osasunean duen eragina aztertzeak interesa piztu du. Marc Lalondek, 1974. urtean osasun-eredua garatu zuen, eta azpimarratu zuen bizi-ohiturek eta inguruko faktoreek osasunean zuten eragina. Artikulu honen helburu orokorra da faktore hauek haurraren garapen neuropsikologikoan nola eragiten duten aztertzea helburutzat duten INMA proiektuko hainbat lanen emaitza esanguratsuenak azpimarratzea. Hala nola, emakumeen bizi-estiloekin erlazionatutako gainpisu/obesitateak eta erretze-ohiturak asoziazio negatiboa erakutsi zuten haurraren garapen neuropsikologikoarekin. Elikadura-ohiturei dagokienez, ikusi zen arraina osasunerako onuragarriak zein kaltegarriak diren substantzien garraio dela. Emakume haurdunek jarraitzen zituzten ekimenei dagokienez, gure proiektuko emaitzek erakutsi zuten azido folikoaren dosi altuegi zein baxuegiek haurren garapen neuropsikologikoan eragin positiboak zituztela. Edoskitze naturalak autismoa bezalako jokabide-arazoentzat eragin babesgarria zuela erakutsi zuten gure ikerketek. Ingurumen faktoreek haurraren garapenean eta osasunean kalteak dakartzatela ikusi da. Berdeguneek duten eragina, ordea, onuragarria dela ikusi da. Lan honek haurdunaldian emakumeak jarraitzen dituen bizi-ohiturak eta osasun-sistemaren aholkuak zein emakumeak dituen ingurumen-esposizioak haurraren garapen neuropsikologikoan duen eragina erakutsi du